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(E) Find the time to stop and read a poem
Time for a PoemTHE POSTERS featuring poems that have recently appeared all around the capital on billboards and public transportation are part of a project entitled Time for a Poem. The project will run until August 18.The project's aim is to bring contemporary poetry as close to the public as possible. Poets from Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and Slovakia created poems with a general theme - meetings.Time for a Poem is more than just the mere
(E) Jazzcubes Poetry - Zagreb Redefined16.
Jazzcubes Poetry Zagreb Redefined16. Took the grade school ruler, set it to the coat- of-arms, stretched out the flag across those days when the geography disappeared, the homemade soup dropped out of the open can, the weather reports danced to the beat of a see through glazed postcard.  
(H,E) Bozena Marcelic - Famous Poets . com
Famous PoetsPostovani prijatelji,Drago mi je da Vam se mogu obratiti ovom predivnom elektronskom postom i izvjestiti Vas o jednoj interesantnoj pozivnici. Naime prije 10 mjeseci sam poslal mojih 5 pjesama /na Engleskom jeziku/ na natjecaj za ulazak u Antologiju poznatih americkih pjesnika. Komisija je odabrala moje 2 pjesme /Miris mora i Cekanje/ za tu knjigu.Sada nakon 10 mjeseci dobila sam poziv za svecanu promociju knjige " Na krili
(E) Jazzcubes Poetry - Zagreb Redefined11.
Jazzcubes Poetry Zagreb Redefined11. The Distance Between. Kuma Vikica's living room had a postcard deep into yesterday. Medicine was free, neighbors friendlier, the sky cleaner, every chair sat on, every tear drop a song, never noticing the field dirt on the shoes, the distance between the knee and the ankles closer with each foot to the kitchen. &
(E) Jazzcubes Poetry - Sunrise325 LakeShore Jazz
Jazzcubes Poetry Sunrise325. LakeShore Jazz. "Chasing." Barb wire keeping house in Chet Baker's horn, emotional heroin renting the rim in Bird's sax, Monk's dimes sweating beads on the stage ivory, an ashtray chasing Sonny Rollin's Blue Note, Miles was always s
(H) Poezija - Kresimir Butkovic
Poezija - KresimirButkovic - ZA KAJ BI CA& Zakaj bi Ca smetal Kaj,i zac bi Kaj Ca smetal,kaj to nis reci za nas zavicaj,i zac bi se jedan drugom nametal?Zakaj ne bi morje doslo k nama,i nasi bregi bili deli morskih zrna,zakaj Sever ne bi bil prama ,a Jug topli plava nam krma?I zac nisu judi ka u po ju cvi t,da bi ih bilo brez razlike svuda,i da u Zagrebu bude Split,i da Sava Splitom vrluda?Zakaj bi Ca smetal Ka
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