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Nenad Bach - Editor in Chief

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Ivan Dobra

Articles by this Author
» Search for CROATAN 'Lost Colony' continues centuries after group disappeared
By Ivan Dobra | Published 09/25/2007 | History | Unrated
Croatian or/and  Croatan lost colony?
» NAMO JE ...Posvećeno dragin vatrogascima, poginulin prilikon gašenja požara
By Ivan Dobra | Published 09/6/2007 | Poetry | Unrated
Namo je svon cviću nestalo boja, namo je i dite postalo ratnik, namo je umrla i radost moja!
» New York: Nova zbirka pjesama Ivana Dobre Žirjanina "MOLITVA ŽIRAJSKI OLTARO“
By Ivan Dobra | Published 11/10/2006 | Poetry , Events , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Croatian Constellation

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  1. Dr. Andrija Puharich: parapsychologist, medical researcher, and inventor
  2. (E) Croatian Book Club-Mike Celizic
  3. Europe 2007: Zagreb the Continent's new star
  4. Nenad Bach singing without his hat in 1978 in Croatia's capital Zagreb
  5. (E) 100 Years Old Hotel Therapia reopens in Crikvenica
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