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Vukovar Water Tower Restoration Project Fundraising Report
On September 30, 2016, the Canadian-Croatian Chamber of Commerce and the Sounds of Croatia Radio Program in Toronto launched the Vukovar Water Tower Restoration Project Fundraising Campaign. Through the fundraising efforts of the Chamber and the Sounds of Croatia and, thanks to the overwhelming support of the Croatian-Canadian community living primarily in Toronto and surrounding areas in Ontario, we were honoured to present the City of
Surf'n'Fries Croatian franchise products in Moscow announcing at least 100 outlets in Russia
The most successful franchise from Croatia, that was launched in 2009 by Andrija Čolak (on the photo) and Denis Polić from the city of Rijeka, is now set to expand its business into Dubai, China, Russia, the United States etc. Their master franchisor has big expectations and announces at least 100 Surf'n'Fries outlets in Russia. This Croatian franchise is now ready to conquer some of the biggest world markets. Х
Ivan Rakitić's launches Scorrers app to connect fans and celebrities
Loyal fans will know how annoying it is to apply for every competition and giveaway going, only to be pipped at the post by someone more web-savvy or quicker off the mark. Now entrepreneurial FC Barcelona footballer Ivan Rakitić (left) has gone to extreme lengths to stop his fans missing out - creating a new mobile app and business that he says will shake up the celebrity giveaway market. His start-up, Scorrers, aims to connect sports
Mara Vitols Hrgetic of Venezuela and Don Markusic of Australia describing their bussiness work in Croatia
Mara Vitols Hrgetić of Venezuela (on the photo, of Latvian parents) and Don Markušić from Australia, were guests of Marijan Ožanić in his monthly interview dedicated to entrepreneurship in Croatia. An example of Mara Vitols Hrgetić is quite interesting since she is a Lathuian born in Venezuela, married to a Croatian (also born in Venezuela) Josip Hrgetić, who started the FORUM Centre in Zagreb, aiming, among others, to eco
6 Croatian Tech Firms Make 2016 Deloitte Fast 50
The highest-ranked Croatian firm on this year’s Deloitte Technology Fast 50 was Osijek-based software developers Gauss in 19th place. Next on the list was electric car and parts manufacturer Rimac automobili in 20th spot, followed by software design and development firm Axilis (22nd), Zadar-based digital marketing company Telum (23rd), mobile phone manufacturers and tech firm Hangar 18 (28th) and software development outsourcing firm
FORUM G2-2 synergy initiative between Croatian diaspora and homeland
Josip Hrgetić and his wife Mara Vitols are the founders of the FORM Centre in Zagreb, which organized an important very successful G2-2 Meeting between Croatian diaspora and homeland in October 2016. Among distinguished guests were Mark Begich, representative of Alaska at the US Senat, Ivan Hrvoić, Croatian scientist and enterpreneur in Canada, and many other. The Meeting discussed various possibilities of improving
MEETING G2.2 10-12 October 2016 in Zagreb invitation to Croatia and its diaspora for new business opportunities
The aim is to connect Croatians abroad with people and business opportunities in Croatia via practical online and offline knowledge-sharing, matchmaking and networking forums. The vision is to secure a future where possibilities, opportunities and dreams of doing business with or in the homeland will drive a new era of Croatian economic development, growth and productivity. On the photo Josip Hrgetić, director of the Forum Center in Zagr
Croatian American Community Announces "40 Under 40" Program for USA
On August 1, 2016, the National Federation of Croatian Americans Cultural Foundation (NFCA) announced a nationwide search for nominations for Croatian Americans who are rising stars and notable within their profession. The NFCA Cultural Foundation collaborating with the Croatian Fraternal Union (CFU) and Association of Croatian American Professionals (ACAP), will work together, to find, nominate and then select "40 Under 40" winners who wil
Air-Pannonia Croatian aircraft company directed by Miroslav and Jasna Vlasic
The Air Pannonia company is a result of the long-standing experience in aviation. The Osijek airport LDOS in Croatia is the base airport for training. The Vlašić family has spent their entire lives in aviation industry, and they founded their first company, Air Tractor d.o.o. in 1993. They own the EASA ATO certificate. Aside from ATO, they also have certificate for the pilots’ English language proficiency,
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