2004. Jubilarna godina 1700-te obljetnice mučeništva Sv. Duje -patrona Splita dovela je nove talijanske goste. U organizaciji Mate Barića od 30.4.-2.5. u Split je opet došao zbor s pretežno duhovnim repertoarom "Santa Cecilia" iz Ca di Davide, predgrađa Verone, s maestrom Giuseppeom Manziniem. Prvi koncert svjetovnih pjesama su, na sveopće zadovoljstvo, zajedno sa "Starim pučkim pjevačima" iz Stobreča i Kamena održali 30.-tog u školi u Stobreču. Kiša je omela veći posjet. I oni su se, na veselje publike, iskazali s jednom dalmatinskom pismom '' Lipo ti je živit u Morkanu''. Kao prvi stranci 1.5. su na Međunarodni praznik rada na Marjanu, uz druge brojne izvođače sudjelovali na uspješnom koncertu kojem su nazočili i gradonačelnik g. Buličić i župan g. Peronja. I ovaj put kiša je omela veći posjet publike. Uživo, za radio Split ekskluzivan intervju dali smo predsjednik zbora g. Massimo i ja, kasnije sam doznao zapaženo i cijenjeno. U sklopu proslave Sv. Duje, navečer, uz nazočnost nekoliko biskupa održali su koncert u prepunoj katedrali Sv. Duje, što je bio i glavni cilj dolaska. Radi zdravstvenih tegoba i čestih nastupa nisu dali onu kvalitetu kojim se diče. Svejedno, koncert je uspio dobro, a iskazali su se jednom našom crkvenom pjesmom "Zdravo Marijo" od Krešimira Magdića. 2.5. su išli u obilazak Trogira. Tu su u katedrali zajedno sa lokalnim crkvenim zborom pratili misu. 2005. Za Sv. Duju 2005. svoj dolazak u Split i pivanje s našim klapama u kazalištu najavio je zbor "Tre torri" iz Tregnaga kod Verone. Iako su imali želju za dolaskom, jer znaju da je to jubilarna godina, 1700 godina osnivanja grada Splita, ranije dogovorene obaveze (odlazak u svibnju u Njemačku) u tome su ih spriječile. Predsjednik veronskog festivala Lino Passetto mi je čvrsto obećao da će ih 2006.g. osobno dovesti. A on je čovjek od riječi. E, ali ovaj zbor nije nastupio ni 2006. jer su radije pristali na nastup u Njemačkoj gdje su im sve troškove platili, a kod nas gdje bi si sve morali sami platiti uz eventualno ponuđenu večeru poslije nastupa - jer općina i Split nemaju novaca. A kultura je uvijek ona koja prva strada. Zvuči poznato?
Evo, ovaj je moj tekst posvećen našim klapama koje su uz nemale financijske i ine nedaće željele imati legitimitet i međunarodnu afirmaciju jer to i zaslužuju. Posebno još jednom ističem klapu "Sinj" koja je imala odvažnosti i "nosa" da s povjerenjem u mene prva krene u sve to. S njima sam u ožujku 1998.g. bio na Međunarodnom festivalu u Rimu-Vatikanu, a u listopadu-studenom iste godine i u Pragu, gdje su također odlično prošli. Oni su rizik prvog kontakta hrabro podnijeli i tako drugima trasirali put na sigurno. Posebno priznanje zaslužuje maestro Ljubo Stipišić koji je zajedno sa Draženom Mladinom organizirao snimanje CD-a posvećenog pobjednicima Verone 1997.-1999. godine (devet klapa). Sve je rađeno na hrvatskom talijanskom i engleskom jeziku, krasan libreto. Na naš ponos! Po veronskim i talijanskim zborovima već ih je prodano stotinjak, a to je još jedna naša afirmacija u vidu kulturne razmjene. Sudjelovanje naših klapa na Veronskom festivalu bilo je i medijski pokriveno. Cijenim članak Jakše Fiamenga i Miljenka Grgića objavljene u "Slobodnoj Dalmaciji". Završetak Festivala se održava u Veronskoj Areni gdje svih 25 - 40 zborova iz svih 8 - 10 naroda, sa 1500 - 2000 učesnika zajednički, udruženim glasovima pjevaju "Va Pensiero" iz Verdievog "Nabucca", a pod dirigentskom palicom maestra Crocia. Uz obavezne "Ola", to je krasna ideja jer zajedničkim glasovima i sa svom pridruženom simbolikom zajedno pjeva cijela Europa i šire. Osim na Veronskom festivalu naše klape sudjelovale su i na brojnim drugim festivalima. 30.10.-2.11.2000.g. tri su naše klape bile i na međunarodnom festivalu u Pragu: ženska klape "Dalmatinke" iz Splita koja je osvojila zlato, ženska klapa "Blajke" iz Blata na Korčuli koja je osvojila srebro i muška klapa "Lucius" iz Tučepa koja je osvojila srebro, a da su htjeli naučiti obavezni češki "Veno" od Smetane, dobili bi i oni zlato. O tome su izvještavali Fiamengo i Brešan. 2001.g. krajem rujna, u mojoj organizaciji, tri su naše klape išle na međunarodni festival u Barceloni u Španjolskoj: muška klapa "Vokalisti Salone" ženska klapa "Dalmatinke" iz Splita i ženska klapa "Blajke" iz Blata na Korčuli. Sve klape su imale zapaženi uspjeh o čemu je izvještavao Jakša Fiamengo. 2002. godine od 29.5.-1.6. u Camerinu pokraj Ancone u Italiji održan je još jedan međunarodni festival. U vrlo jakoj konkurenciji od 28 zborova iz 14 zemalja (Brazilci, Portugalci, Bugari, Bosanci…), a u mojoj organizaciji sudjelovale su i tri naše klape iz Blata na Korčuli: muška klapa "Kumpanji", ženska klapa "Blajke" i mješovita klapa "Petar Milat". U jakoj kategoriji polifoničarki zapažen nastup imao je "Splitski ženski zbor" iz Splita. O tome je izvještavao Siniša Vuković. U listopadu 1997. pomogao sam oko dolaska "Mandolinskog kvarteta Split", a 1999. njih i orkestar "Sanktus Dominio" doveo sam na međunarodni festival u Ali (Trento, Italija) gdje su izvrsno prošli 2001. su opet bili i izvrsno su prošli. 2003. je mandolinski kvartet "Split" sa "vođom" Ivanom Kenk osvojio prvo mjesto. Prilikom dogovaranja dolazaka bilo je puno lijepih i zanimljivih zgoda. Jednu sam "bazu" ispričao i na konferansi u talijanskoj crkvi prigodom jednog subotnjeg koncerta klape "Luka" iz Ploča. Rekao sam: Znate, malo sam bio u tjeskobi kada sam s prvim tenorom klape, a koji je šef policije u Pločama, telefonski dogovarao veronsku turneju. Znate, policija, zatvor i tome slično. Pa, da se umirim, kažem mu na telefon onu staru "tko piva zlo ne misli", a on mi u istom dahu dovrši rečenicu "uvik je tako bilo".Taj mi se njegov dodatak, kao i publici u crkvi, jako svidio. Proglašenje pobjednika Festivala je subotom u kazalištu. Službeni govori Predsjednika festivala Lina Pasetta i pročelnika za kulturu općine Verona sa talijanskog se prevode na engleski, njemački i francuski jezik. Prije osam godina uspio sam uvrstiti i naš hrvatski jezik kao peti službeni jezik Festivala. Bez prevoditelja sam sedam godina govorio u kazalištu i hrvatski, a od 2004.g. organizator ima i službenog prevoditelja za hrvatski jezik. I tako, 2004.g. po prvi put, ceremoniju nagrađivanja sam pratio iz publike. Na moje veliko iznenađenje tada me je na pozornicu pozvao predsjednik festivala g. Lino Pasetta da mi uruči Plaketu za 10-godišnji rad i suradnju. Dodjelu je obrazložio time (da ga i prisutni Hrvati čuju) kako sam postigao da Talijani upoznaju jedan krasan narod s izvanrednim pjesmama. Posebno je istaknuo naša 3 člana u svom žiriju: Sunka, Pogrmilovića i Kraljevića koji su bili vrlo kompetentni i koji su sposobni surađivati s ostalim članovima žirija. Mislim da je ovo vrijedno i značajno.
Svake godine, po 2 predstavnika pojedinog zbora idu na prijem u općinu kod gradonačelnika Verone. Kao organizator pozvan sam i ja. Uz razmjenu prigodnih darova, tu se svaki zbor fotografira, a poslije se svi zajedno fotografiraju okupljeni pred vijećnicom.
2004. The jubilant year of 1700th anniversary of martyrdom of St Duje - the Split patron, brought new Italian guests. In the organisation of Mate Baric, from April 30 - May 2 another choir with mostly spiritual repertoire, "Santa Cecilia" from Ca di Davide - outskirts of Verona with maestro Giuseppe Manzini, came to Split. They held the first concert with profane songs together with "Stari pucki pjevaci" from Stobrec and Kamen, with a great pleasure of everyone, on April 30, at the Stobreč School. The rain impeded a bigger attendance. They, as well, distinguished themselves with one Dalmatian song, "Lipo ti je živit na Morkanu", to a great joy of the audience. They participated in a very successful concert in occasion of May 1, the International Labor Day, on the hill of Marjan, as the first foreigners, together with many other performers. The Mayor, Mr. Bulicic and the district prefect, Mr. Peronja attended the concert too. This time the rain impeded a bigger turnout of the audience. The president of the choir, Mr. Massimo and I gave an exclusive live interview on Radio Split, as I learned later, noted and appreciated. As a part of the celebration of St. Duje, they held an evening concert in the full cathedral of St. Duje, which was the main objective of their arrival, and a few bishops attended it as well. Due to some health problems and many performances in a small amount of time, they didn't manage to give as much quality as they are usually proud of, but all the same, the concert obtained a good success, and they won credit with one of our church songs, Ave Maria by Krešimir Magdić. May 2nd they visited Trogir and accompanied the mass at the cathedral together with the local church choir. 2005. The choir "Tre Torri" from Tregnago near Verona announced the arrival to Split and singing with our klapas at the theatre for the St. Duje in 2005. Even though they really wished to come, and they knew it was a jubilant year, 1700 years of Split foundation, an earlier agreed upon engagement impeded them from coming (going to Germany in May). The president of Verona festival, Lino Pasetto strongly promised me he would personally bring them in 2006. And he is a man of his word. But this choir didn't come even in 2006, they rather agreed on a performance in Germany, where all their expenses were paid for, while they would have to cover all the expenses themselves if they would come to Split, they would possibly be given dinner before the concert - because the borough and Split doesn't have money. Unfortunately, the cultural things are the first to suffer. Does that sound familiar? There, this text of mine is dedicated to our klapas which whished to have some legitimacy and international affirmation, with not little financial and other difficulties, and they deserve it. I especially accentuate, ones more, klapa "Sinj" which had the courage and "nose" to be the first to start with all that with the trust in myself. I went to the International festival in Rome - Vatican with them in March of 1998, and in October - November of the same year to Prague, where they got off excellently as well. They bravely endured the risk of the first contact and doing so laid out a safe way for the others. Maestro Ljubo Stipišić, who organised recording of a CD dedicated to the winners of Verona festival from 1997 - 1999 (nine klapas) with Dražen Mladin, deserves a special acknowledgement. It was produced in Croatian, Italian and English language, a gorgeous libretto. We can be proud of it! About a hundred of them have been sold to Verona and Italian choirs already, and that's another confirmation for us in aspect of cultural exchange. The media covered involvement of our klapas at the Verona festival. I highly appreciate the newspaper article by Jaksa Fiamengo and Miljenko Grgić published in "Slobodna Dalmacija". The finish of the Festival takes place at the Verona Amphitheatre where all the 25 - 40 choirs from all the 8 - 10 nations, with 1500 - 2000 participants together, with associated voices sing "Va Pensiero" from Verdi's "Nabuco", and under baton of maestro Croce. With the inevitable "Ola" it is a fabulous idea, because with the united voices and all the associated symbolism the whole Europe and wider sings together. Besides the Verona festival, our klapas participated on many other festivals. From October 30 until November 02 2000, three of our klapas were on the International festival in Prague: female klapa "Dalmatinke" from Split which won the gold, female klapa "Blajke" from Blato on the island of Korcula which won the silver price, and male klapa "Lucius" from Tučepi that won the silver price, but if they have learned the obligated Czech "Veno" from Smetana, they would have gotten the gold as well. Fiamengo and Brešan reported about that. At the end of September 2001, I organised for three our klapas to go to the international festival in Barcelona, Spain: male klapa "Vokalisti Salone" from Solin, female klapa "Dalmatinke" from Split and female klapa "Blajke" from Blato, island of Korčula. All the three klapas had a noted success, which was reported by Jakša Fiamengo. In 2002 from May 29 to June 1, in Camerino near Ancona, Italy, took place another international festival. The competition was very strong, 28 choirs from 14 countries (Brazil, Portugal, Bulgaria, Bosnia…), and in my organisation participated three of ours klapas from Blato on island of Korčula: male klapa "Kumpanji", female klapa "Blajke" and mixed klapa "Petar Milat". In a very strong category of polyphony, "Splitski zenski zbor" from Split had a noted performance. Siniša Vuković covered it in the media. In October of 1997 I helped "Mandolinski kvartet Split" to come and in 1999, I brought them and the orchestra "Sanktus Dominio" to the international festival in Ala (Trento, Italy), where they had an excellent success, in 2001, they had a great success again. In 2003, "Mandolinski kvartet Split" with their "leader" Ivan Kenk won the first place. While arranging their comings there were many nice and interesting occasions. I told about one of those gimmicks at a conference in an Italian church in occasion of a Saturday concert of klapa "Luka" from Ploce. I said: "You know, I was a little anxious when I was arranging Verona tour with the first tenor of the klapa, which is the chief of Police in Ploce. You know - prison and so… So to calm myself I said to him: "who sings means no harm" (an old Croatian proverb), and he replies in the same breath: "it was always like that". I really liked that addition of his and the audience at the church liked it too. The proclamation of the winner of the festival takes place on Saturdays at the theatre. The official speeches of the President of festival and the manager for the cultural questions of Verona commune are translated from Italian to English, German and French. Eight years ago, I succeeded in including Croatian as a fifth official language of the festival. Without a translator, I translated to Croatian at the theatre for seven years, and from 2004, the organizer has an official translator for Croatian. Therefore, in 2004 for the first time I watched the awarding ceremony from the audience. To my big surprise the president of the festival, Mr. Lino Pasetto then called me to the stage to hand me a Plaque for ten years of work and collaboration. He explained the reward (so the present Croatians could hear) that I accomplished for the Italians get to know a great nation with extraordinary songs. He especially underlined three members in his jury: Sunko, Pogrmilovic and Kraljevic, which were very competent and capable to cooperate with other members of the jury. I believe this was valuable and significant. Every year two representatives of different choirs go to a reception to the commune with the mayor of Verona. As the organizer, I was invited too. With an exchange of the apposite gifts, every choir takes a picture here, and later all together take a picture grouped in front of the Town Hall.