![]() | Dalmatian klapa singing is a part of Croatian identity and being such is dear to us all. Our klapas know nothing about Italian people's choirs, and Italians even less about our klapas. That was unallowable hole and Josip Ganza was intrigued by and felt the urge to fill in. |
Vijećnica općine Verona, svečani prijem i razmjena poklona. Na fotografiji u prvom redu s lijeva: službeni prevoditelj za hrvatski jezik Srđan Babić, veronski Pročelnik za kulturu, Jurica Bošković, Josip Ganza. | Town Hall Verona, formal reception and exchanging gifts. On the photograph in the first row from the left: official translator for Croatian language Srđan Babić, Verona Manager for culture, Jurica Bošković and Josip Ganza. |
PRODOR NAŠEG KLAPSKOG PJEVANJA U ITALIJU I EUROPU JOSIP GANZA Naše dalmatinsko klapsko pjevanje je dio našeg identiteta i kao takvo nam je svima (komu više komu manje) drago i blisko. Strani turisti koji dođu kod nas i čuju to pjevanje uglavnom su ugodno iznenađeni, što znači da "ulazi u uho" i širem europskom puku. Već petnaest godina sam u pečalbi u sjevernoj Italiji, a kako mi je drago pivat, počeo sam se uključivati u talijansko zborno pjevanje njihovih "narodnih" zborova. Pivanje je slično, u četiri glasa, s tim što Talijani pjevaju o ljubavi i planinama, a naši o ljubavi i moru (jer su, asti Gospe, blizu mora) i drugim sličnim istovrsnim temama. Ubrzo sam uočio da naše klape ništa ne znaju o talijanskim narodnim zborovima, Talijani još manje o našim klapama. To je za mene bila nedozvoljena ¨buža¨ koja me zaintrigirala i koju sam se osjetio ponukanim popuniti. Uporno, već dvanaest godina, isključivo kao amater-volonter, ostvarujem svoju zamisao, a zacrtani cilj mi je bio kulturno upoznavanje zbornog pjevanja između Italije i Hrvatske. U početku sam u Italiji nailazio na priličnu nezainteresiranost i otpor, premda su me svugdje lijepo i s respektom primali. Problem je bio u tome što je jedna ovakva novost u talijanskoj ¨uhodanosti¨ bila teško prihvatljiva. U početku im je naša dalmatinska pisma djelovala dosadno i pospano, jer su njihove življe i brže. Mnogim maestrima talijanskih zborova davao sam na slušanje po više kazeta naših klapa i poslije ih pitao za mišljenje. Reakcije su bile razne, od indiferentnih i nepovoljnih do oduševljenih. Naravno, presudni su bili obrazovanje, ali nadasve karakter pojedinog maestra u smislu njegove "otvorenosti" ili "ušančenosti" u uhodanost, kao i vrijeme koje je uz sve svoje obaveze mogao posvetiti tome. Maestri su ovdje radni ljudi, a zborove vode u svoje slobodno vrijeme – nema profesionalaca. Naravno, trebalo je pogoditi i pravu mjeru informacija koje sam im davao, jer mlitavost ne daje rezultate, a prejako navaljivanje odbija ljude. To je bio dugotrajan i uporan rad. Neaktivnost od dva-tri mjeseca mogla je upropastiti sav prethodni angažman, a pogreške ostaviti dugotrajne posljedice. Već prije jedanaest godina kontaktirao sam sa Mihovilom Popovcem tadašnjim organizacionim direktorom Omiškog festivala, a radi nabavke partitura dalmatinskih pisama za neke talijanske maestre. Naša suradnja je pošla u dobrom smjeru i premda sam slijedeće godine bio i djelomično gost Omiškog festivala, suradnja je prekinuta radi nesuglasica. Okrenuo sam se drugoj strani, samim izvođačima. Na "Omišu" sam razgovarao sa Mojmirom Čačijom, maestrom klape "Sinj" pobjednikom festivala te godine i upoznao ga se održavanjem Međunarodnog festivala klapa u Veroni u Italiji. Predložio sam mu nastup na tom festivalu. To je bio odlučujući moment. Uz njegovu i odvažnu suradnju njegove supruge Ive okrenuli smo novu međunarodnu stranicu našeg klapskog pivanja. Da se malo vratim festivalu u Veroni. Festival ima međunarodni karakter i ima međunarodni žiri od sedam članova. Četiri člana su Talijani, po jedan iz Njemačke, Češke i Belgije (nije obavezno tako), a prema pravilniku Centrale Europskih festivala koja sa nalazi u Njemačkoj. Osim predsjednika žirija Talijana Crocia, koji se ne mijenja, ostali članovi su promjenjivi. Direktor Veronskog festivala g. Lino Pasetto kojeg poznajem već dvanaest godina je krasan i plemenit čovjek, nadasve human i kulturan. U suradnji i dogovoru sa mnom odobrio je da Talijani već drugu godinu za redom velikodušno prepuštaju jedno mjesto od "svoje" kvote četiri člana žirija našem predstavniku. Veroneži su sa svoje strane "prevarili" Centralu festivala u Njemačkoj i našeg člana žirija podveli pod svoju kvotu, tako da je naš pod kvotom "Talijan", ali uz puno priznanje da je Hrvat. Dakle, 1999.g. član Međunarodnog žirija bio je Splićanin maestro Vlado Sunko, a 2000. kao i 2002.g. Bojan Pogrmilović iz Zagreba. Obojica su bila primljena jako dobro i kao punopravni članovi. Osvjetlali su nam obraz, a za našu zemlju je važno da su se izmijenile dvije vrlo stručne osobe što pokazuje našu kulturnu širinu. Takvoj suradnji sam se nadao i 2003.g., kad sam nastojao ubaciti maestra Kraljevića u žiri. Na sveopće veliko zadovoljstvo to mi je uspjelo tek 2004.g. Prvi dio mog projekta upoznavanja i obostrane razmjene Hrvatske i Italije bila je pomoć oko organizacije dolaska i sudjelovanja naših klapa na Međunarodnom festivalu u Veroni. Eto, prvi pravi plodovi moga rada počeli su prije devet godina. 1997. U travnju 1997.g. na Međunarodni festival zborova u Veronu su došle muška klapa "Sinj" iz Sinja i ženska klapa "Baklje" iz Rijeke. Učestvovali su i predstavnici desetak zemalja Europe i SAD s oko tridesetak zborova. Natjecalo se u četiri kategorije: polifonija bez obaveznog dijela, polifonija s obaveznim dijelom, narodna i jazz. "Sinj" je zasjao u punom sjaju, a efekt su pojačale i alkarske nošnje u kojima su nastupili i koje su svi oduševljeno fotografirali. Dobili su zlatni pehar i prvo mjesto, te još specijalnu nagradu s peharom za folklor. U ženskoj konkurenciji "Baklje" su dobile zlatni pehar i prvo mjesto. Za vrijeme trajanja festivala održavaju se i koncerti petkom i subotom navečer u kazalištima i crkvama u Veroni i okolici. Kao gosti domaćih veronskih klapa, besplatno, sudjelovali su i naši i ti su koncerti bili jako posjećeni. Ti su koncerti već devetu godinu pravi trijumf i puna afirmacija naše pisme. Narod već zna da je kvaliteta izvođenja visoka, a pomalo je i navikao na naš melos, pa je oduševljenje veliko, a pljesci gromoglasni i dugotrajni (neću govoriti o delirijumu publike da se ne kaže da pretjerujem). Na tim koncertima obavezno nastupa domaćin Italija i još jedan do dva zbora gostiju od ostalih naroda sa festivala. Najprestižniji veronski zborovi već imaju "privilegij" da na gostovanje kod sebe dobiju naše klape umjesto Nizozemaca ili Nijemaca, a za ostale termine naših, veronski zborovi vode "bitke" tko će ih dobiti. Pa kud ćete većeg zadovoljstva. Da vam srce raste! 1998. U Veroni su bile: muška klapa "Cambi" iz Kaštel Kambelovca s maestrom Rajmirom Kraljevićem, ženska klapa "Cesarice" sa maestrom Bojanom Pogrmilovićem iz Zagreba, ženska klapa "Luka" iz Rijeke sa maestrom Ninom Načinovićem dječja klapa "Bepo" iz Omiša sa maestricom Terezom Čečuk sada Kosanović. Sve tri odrasle klape su osvojile zlatne pehare i prva mjesta, a klapa "Cambi" i specijalni pehar koji se dodjeljuje za folklornu interpretaciju. U dječjoj konkurenciji klapa "Bepo" koja je bila "stara" tek godinu dana osvojila je srebrni pehar. 1999. Ova godina je donijela nove uspjehe i tri zlatna pehara i prva mjesta. Sudjelovale su muška klapa "Kumpanji" iz Blata na Korčuli sa maestrom Janesom Vlašićem, muška klapa "Kamen" iz Kamena (Split) sa maestrom Vinkom Lesićem i ženska klapa "Viole" iz Svetog Filipa i Jakova kojima je pomoćni maestro bio Bojan Pogrmilović, a predsjednik i osnivač klape Mirko Đinđić. 2000. Travanj 2000.g. nam je opet donio pobjednike i četiri zlatna pehara. Ovog puta je jedna domaća veronska klapa dijelila prvo mjesto s našom najboljom muškom klapom, dok su svi drugi – Talijani, Nijemci i Švicarci ostali iza naših. Pehare su kući ponijeli: muška klapa "Luka" iz Ploča sa maestrom Ivicom Kalebom muška klapa "Vokalisti Saloneť" iz Solina sa maestrom Vladanom Vuletinom, ženska klapa "Dalmatinke" iz Splita sa maestrom Vinkom Lesićem i ženska klapa "Blajke" iz Blata na Korčuli sa maestrom Janesom Vlašićem. "Vokalisti Salone" i klapa "Luka" su kao posebnu privilegiju i dodatak izvan konkurencije i službenog vremena zapjevali i po jedan-dva komada iz "polifonije" tako da ih međunarodni žiri "odvagne". I jedni i drugi su mislili možda ući i u tu kategoriju, no za sada im bolje "leži" narodna dalmatinska pisma. A u budućnosti - nikad se ne zna! 2001. Ova je godina bila posebno napučena. Sudjelovalo je čak 6 naših klapa. To su klapa "Adrion" iz Makarske sa maestrom Franom Kaštelanom, klapa "Vinčace" iz Novog Vinodolskog sa maestrom Kobol Pavom (jedini koje nisam ja organizirao, ali su i oni imali moju pomoć) klapa "Vela Luka" (bila je malo brojnija jer je u sastavu imala pjevače iz 2 Velalučke klape) sa maestrom Janesom Vlašićem, ženska klapa "Teha" sa Cresa sa maestricom Mirjanom Flego - Mikičić ženska klapa "Lanterne" iz Vela Luke sa maestrom J. Vlašićem. Ovih pet klapa su pokupile pet zlatnih pehara i jednu specijalnu. Posebna zanimljivost je bila pojava "Starih pučkih pjevača" iz Kamena sa maestrom Sinišom Vukovićem koja je festivalu predstavila aspekt prethodnika klapskog pjevanja, te su oni osvojili prestižni i nimalo laki srebrni pehar. 2002. Ova je godina donila tri naše klape s krajnjeg juga Dalmacije. To su: "Subrenum" iz Mlina niže Dubrovnika sa maestrom Ivanom Vlašićem i Dvije ženske klape s godinu-dvi života klapa "Fa Linđo" iz Dubrovnika sa maestrom Vedranom Ivankovićem i klapa "Revelin" iz Korčule sa maestrom Velebitom Veršićem. Opet su pala tri zlatna pehara. 2003. I 2003. g. nije mogla proći bez naših klapa u Veroni. Klapa "Kadena" iz Zadra je ovaj put pobrala samo srebrno, ali ipak dobro odličje. Jedna se bitna novost dogodila ove godine. Došla su čak 3 zbora polifoničara za što sam se ja već zalagao, ali je tek Pogrmilović uspio da ih dovede pošto se više kreće u tim krugovima. Riječani i Zabočani su osvojili srebrna odličja u jakoj konkurenciji. Zagrebački zbor "Goran Filipović" ne samo da je osvojio zlato i specijalnu nagradu najboljeg izvođača obavezne skladbe nego je osvojio i nevjerojatnih 97 od ukupno 100 bodova, te je time bio ne samo apsolutni pobjednik ovog, nego i svih dosadašnjih 14 Festivala. Ističem to zbog toga što Talijani poslije 7 godina vrlo uspješnih pohoda naših klapa u kategoriji narodne pisme, sada imaju i jake naše predstavnike i u "jačoj" polifoničnoj kategoriji. To je još jedan dokaz naše širine i bogatstva u vokalnoj glazbi. Poslije završnice Festivala, kada se u Areni pjeva uobičajena "Va' Pensiero" još se pjeva i po grupama. Već na kraju je naišao i moj talijanski maestro Dante Savoja za kojeg sam ih zamolio da ponove "Ćaće moj" od Matetića Ronjgova. Iako su bili već poprilično iscrpljeni uslišali su molbu, a g. Savoia je bio osupnut savršenošću i snagom izvođenja. 2004. Naravno ni 2004.g. nije mogla bez nas. Odlična ženska klapa "Filip Dević" sa maestrom Duškom Tambačom je osvojila zlatni pehar. Osim uobičajenog koncerta u Veroni, zajedno s domaćim zborom "Cittŕ di Ala" održali su koncert u kazalištu mjesta Ala u kojem i ja stanujem.To ističem jer smo time odlučnije krenuli u osvajanje provincije Trento koja je inače malo "tvrd orah" za to. To "osvajanje" su "Devićke" izvrsno obavile. Financijsku potporu pružila je općina, a svoje oduševljenje iskazala je i predsjednica općine. U kategoriji polifoničara nastupili su "Carolsadien" iz Karlovca i osvojili su srebrni pehar. Zbor Pavla Markovca iz Zagreba osvojio je zlatno odličje. Zbor "Izvor" sa maestricom Ivanom Surinom, vrlo simpatični predstavnici Zagreba otvorili su sudjelovanje u nama novoj, jazz kategoriji . Osvojili su zlatni pehar. 2005. Na XVI Festival u travnju 2005.g. prijavljeni su jedni polifoničari iz Varaždina, naša muška klapa "Volat" sa maestricom Vesnom Vladislavić iz Pučišća na Braču i ženska klapa "Putalj" sa maestrom Rajmirom Kraljevićem iz Kaštel Sućurca. Kao što sam i najavio, bili su polifoničari, ali ne iz Varaždina nego iz Rijeke "Coro licei di Rijeka" sa maestricom Ljerkom Zic. To su bili učenici muzičke škole i polučili su srebrno odličje. U mojoj organizaciji su došli muška klapa "Volat" iz Pučišća na Braču sa maestricom Vesnom Vladislavić i ženska klapa "Putalj" iz Kaštel Sućurca sa maestrom Rajmirom Kraljevićem. Obje su zasluženo dobile zlatne pehare. Ove godine po treći put u žiriju, nenadano je bio i naš Bojan Pogrmilović kojeg su kooptirali kada je jedan Talijan morao otkazati. Moram istaknuti, što sam bio zaboravio, da je 2003. i 2004. g. koncert otvorenja za sve učesnike Festivala održao zbor "AGC Verona" koji se sastoji od maestara i najboljih pjevača skoro svih veronskih zborova sa oko 70 ljudi, a maestro tog zbora bio je Bojan Pogrmilović. E pa kud ćete veće časti. Ovim zborom su dirigirali razni maestri i zadržali se pola do godinu dana, a Pogrmilović je vodstvo zadržao 2 godine s jednim koncertom za Božić u trećoj godini. To se nikada prije nije dogodilo. Tajna je u tome što je uz veliku stručnost Pogrmilović uspio objediniti razne stilove svih maestara i Talijani su njime bili jako zadovoljni. Pogrmilović je u Trentinu (Italija) u jesen 2004. Veronskim meaestrima održao seminar za pjevanje. Dodajem, prije nekoliko godina, (mislim 2002) sa svojim cijenjenim i zapaženim zborom"INA" iz Zagreba održao je koncert otvorenja, Aprilskog festivala. Sada su u pregovorima maestro Vlado Sunko i Lino Pasetto direktor Veronskog festivala da Sunko sa svojim "Brodosplitom" održi koncert otvorenja Festivala u Veroni 2008.g. Klapa "Putalj" je preko mene dogovorila međunarodnu razmjenu sa jednim zborom iz Italije (Marche) čiji me je maestro telefonski kontaktirao. One u Italiji nastupaju 28.-30.9.2007., a talijanski će im polifoničari uzvratiti posjet u Kaštelima 2008.g. Sve ovo se odvija u režiji maestra Rajmira Kraljevića s kojim sve ove godine odlično surađujem i koga ću opet dogodine, po drugi put, nastojati ubaciti u žiri u Veroni. 2006. Opet naši. Ženska klapa "Orsulice" iz Vodica sa maestrom Antom Barbačom zastupale su narodne dobivši zlatni pehar. U polifoniji su bili "Postirski sklad" iz Postira na Braču sa maestricom Vesnom Vladislavić. Kao iznenađenje uvrstili su i jednu tal. narodnu od De Marzia "Signore delle cime", ali kako ta pjesma mora biti savršena, što im baš nije uspjelo, zadržali su se na srebrnom peharu. Druga talijanska isto od De Marzia "Benia Calastoria" im je na koncertima kada su bili opušteniji daleko bolje uspjela. Drugi polifoničari su bili "SPD Kolo", mješoviti iz Šibenika sa maestricom Mirom Gruić. Snažnom izvedbom zaradili su zlatni pehar. Svi "zlatni" na proglašenju pivaju 2 pisme, a "Kolo" je na strance ostale učesnike pri tom ostavilo snažan utisak. Okušali smo se, po drugi put, i u jazzu. Nastupio je"Ansambl Elektrodalmacija" iz Splita pod dirigentskom palicom Rajmira Kraljevića. Očekivano sigurno zlatno odličje im je izmaklo radi izuzetno kvalitetne konkurencije i nekog vlastitog "krivog računa", pa su se morali zadovoljiti srebrnim odličjem. 2007. Kao prvo, nakon što sam se 3 godine borio za njega, u žiri nam se , po drugi put, vratio Vlado Sunko. I opet zadovoljstvo i slaganje s ostalim članovima žirija savršeno, a nivo visok. Iako uvršten u program, zbor "Kralj Slavac" iz Omiša nije došao, što je ostavilo loš dojam. Srećom, nisu išli preko mene. Svoj "kolač" slave imali smo i ovaj put. Ženska klapa "Volosko" iz Opatije s maestrom Darkom Majstorovićem je dobila srebrni pehar. Muška klapa "Braciera" iz Bola na Braču s maestrom Juricom Boškovićem je zaslužila zlatni pehar. Odličje je to vrjednije jer su tri nova člana u klapi samo 3 mjeseca. Pravo iznenađenje je bila ženska klapa "Dišpet" iz Zagreba pod ravnanjem Jurice Boškovića koja je zlatni pehar zaradila s nevjerojatnih 95 bodova od 100 mogućih i time nadmašila sve dosadašnje klape. Bravo klapo! Bravo Jurice! Moram napomenuti da su ove dvije klape trebale doći 2006.g., ali su u dogovoru s predsjednicom općine i uz sufinanciranje čekale dodatni nastup u kazalištu u Ali (TN). No taj je nastup i uz čvrsto obećanje gradonačelnice Guliane propao zbog "rezanja" budžeta (a prvo strada kultura - zvuči vam poznato?). Nivo i kvalitete Festivala je u zadnje 2 - 3 godine jako porastao. Kvaliteta brojnih američkih zborova je na jako visokom nivou jer su mnogi od njih u vrhunskim muzičkim školama. Prošle je godine bilo vrlo dirljivo kada je kao najbolji maestro Festivala nagrađen maestro crnac koji je dirigirao zboru kojeg su činili bijelci i još ga je pozvao predsjednik Festivala da cijelom kazalištu sa 1500 sudionika dirigira dvije općepoznate skladbe. A on, skroman, jedva je na to, uz veliki uspjeh pristao. O financijskim problemima pri realizaciji gostovanja mogao bih puno pisati, ali o tom drugom prigodom. Naime, kao i drugi u inozemstvu, veronski se festival samofinancira. Uglavnom, našima sam uspio dogovoriti troškove koji su tri-četiri puta manji nego za ostale Europljane, a i znatno su jeftinije od cijena u Hrvatskoj. Drugi dio mog projekta kulturne razmjene obuhvaća predstavljanje talijanskih zborova našoj publici. 2000. 2000-te godine za Sv. Duju u Splitskom kazalištu zajedno s našim klapama trebao je nastupiti zbor "Coro Scaligero delle Alpi" s maestrom Pierom Zamboniem . Radi kašnjenja fax-a potvrde kojeg je ipak poslala gđa. Vesna Podlipec zamjenica gradonačelnika Splita i predsjednica Odbora za proslavu Sv Duje ovaj već postignuti dogovor je pao u vodu. Poziv i dogovor je važio za slijedeću godinu. Talijani su trebali osim dvi svoje pjesme zapivati i našu dalmatinsku pismu "Sutra će te ponit", na našem jeziku. U gradu su trebali održati i još dva kompletna koncerta. ("Zvizde mi kažu" je već prije 12 godina javno izvedena u Milanu, a u Veroni i Bieli već više zborova uče po neku našu pismu u originalu). Tako su sezonu otvorenja gostovanja Talijana kod nas imali za Sv. Roka 16.8.2000.g. u Sv. Filip i Jakovu kod Biograda zbor "Vestenanova" kod Verone. Eto tako je radi birokracije Splitu "utekao" primat ( a ja sam ka za pegulu baš iz Splita i to sam žarko želia svom gradu). 2001. Sa zborom "Corom Scaligero delle alpi" iz Verone već je bilo dogovoreno gostovanje za Sv. Duju. Ovog puta s novim dogradonačelnikom Veljkom Radojkovićem. U zadnji tren je iskrslo njihovo gostovanje u Puli. Radi "arenskih" gradova prijatelja (naime Verona, Pula i jedan francuski grad su radi svojih arena povezani), a gradski oci su stajali iza toga, pa su morali odustati od Splita. Pri tome se i "terenski" organizator susreta Mate Barić, nadasve sposoban i entuzijastičan volonter malo naljutija, iako sam odmah ponudio u zamjenu drugu veronsku klapu "Monti Lessini" sa maestrom Danteom Savoiom. Sad je trebalo spašavati što se može (pri tom su se telefoni "usijali") pa sam izmislio alternativni program za 1. maj. Ukratko: u subotu, u podne, sa Starim pučkim pjevačima održali su koncert na Pjaci u Splitu. Publiku su posebno oduševili kad su na kraju prvo sami, a posli zajedno s domaćinima zapivali našu dalmatinsku pismu "U poju se mala" s točnim izgovorom što Talijanima nije lako. Istu večer su u crkvi u Vela Luci na Korčuli održali još jedan koncert sa domaćim klapama "Vela Luka" i "Lanterna". Koncertu je prisustvovao i gradonačelnik. Kad je došla na red "U poju se mala" u prepunoj crkvi ljudi su ustali na noge od oduševljenja. U nedjelju ujutro su otpjevali i misu sa domaćim crkvenim zborom, a ispred crkve su i paru koji se vjenčavao podarili prigodnu pismu. Iste je večeri održan još jedan koncert, u crkvi u Blatu sa domaćim klapama "Kumpanji" i "Blajke". Malo hladan doček u prepunoj crkvi brzo se "otopio" pa je publika i tu na kraju ustala na noge od oduševljenja. Pozdravio ih je i gradonačelnik, a večera i veselica je potrajala do dugo u noć. Ovaj zbor nikada do tada nije doživio da mu se publika ustane od oduševljenja, pa to posebno cijene. To im se ponovilo iste godine u studenom u Njemačkoj. U ponedjeljak "Monti Lessini" su osvanuli na Braču gdje ih je dočekao autobus za obilazak otoka. Na pastirski stanovima pod Vidovom gorom su bili počašćeni sa tri pečena janjca i vitalcem, naravno uz sve ostalo što ide – pršut, sir, mlada kapula i potoci vina. U 15,30 je u Sutivanu održan koncert sa domaćom klapom "Kadulje" u Kavanjinovim dvorima. Poslije koncerta seljani su ih počastili domaćim kolačima i vinom. 2002. Kao gosti domaće klape "Subrenum" u Dubrovnik i Mline 20.-24. rujna došla je još jedna talijanska klapa "El Castel" iz Sanguinetta kod Verone sa maestrom Morettiem. U petak 20.9. popodne su u prolazu održali koncert na Pjaci u Splitu. Tu su se u organizaciji Mate Barića i u suradnji s njegovom klapom "Stari pučki pjevači" Kamen predstavili publici Splita, sada kao već drugi talijanski zbor. Uz svoje narodne, otpjevali su u originalu i našu dalmatinsku pismu "Ribar plete mrižu svoju". U Dubrovniku su koncert trebali održati u Dominikanskom samostanu, ali je radi gromoglasne muzike iz luke premješten pokraj Fontane na Stradunu. Održan je i koncert u hotelu u Mlinima (radi kiše nije bio na bazenu). Posebno dirljiv bio je koncert poslije mise u Mlinima kada im je jedan mještanin iz publike "dodao" svoj glas, a uz "Ribara" drugi zaplakao od navale emocija što je posebno ganulo talijanskog maestra Morettia. | BREAK-OUT OF OUR CROATIAN FOLKLORE (KLAPA) SINGING TO ITALY AND EUROPE JOSIP GANZA Our Dalmatian folklore singing ("klapa") is part of our identity and being such is dear and near to us all (to whom more to whom less). The foreign tourists who come and have the opportunity to hear this singing are mostly pleasantly surprised, which means it "enters the ear" even to all European people. Already for fifteen years I go around Northern Italy, and being as I like singing, I started involving in Italian chorus singing of their people's choirs. The singing is similar, four vocals, but the Italians sing about love and mountains, and Croatians (Dalmatians) about love and sea (because, for the love of God, they live near the sea) and other similar themes. Soon I noticed that our "klapas" (folklore groups) know nothing about Italian people's choirs, Italians even less about our klapas. That was unallowable hole in my opinion that I was intrigued by and felt the urge to fill in. Persistently, for twelve years now, exclusively as an amateur volunteer, I'm getting to realise my idea, and my goal was the cultural familiarising of choir singing between Italy and Croatia. When I first started, I encountered quite big indifference and resistance, even though people admitted me with respect everywhere. The problem was that such a novelty within the Italian smooth going routine was hard to accept. Initially our Dalmatian song sounded boring and sleepy because theirs are more lively and faster. I gave a few audio tapes of our "klapas" to many maestros and asked them for an opinion. The reactions were different, from indifferent and untowardly to enthusiastic. Of course, the crucial were education, but most of all the personality of each maestro in sense of his being open minded, and of course, the time he could spare with all the obligations to listen to the tapes. Maestros here are working people, they lead the choirs in their free time - there are no professionals. Sorely, I had to guess the right measure of information to give them, because flatness brings no results, and pushing to hard putts people off. That was a long-lasting and determined work. Inactivity of two or three months could ruin all the past engagement, and the mistakes could leave long consequences. Eleven years ago, I contacted Mihovil Popovac, the leading director of Omis festival at the time, about getting the lyrics of Dalmatian songs for some of Italian maestros. Our collaboration started well and even though I was partly a guest at the Omis festival, our cooperation ended because of dissidences. I turned to the other side, the performers themselves. At the Omis festival, I spoke with Mojmir Cacija, maestro of klapa "Sinj", the winner of the festival that year and told him about the International folklore festival that takes place in Verona in Italy. I suggested him to perform at the festival. That was the crucial moment. With his and his wife Iva's bold collaboration, we turned a new international page of our klapa singing. Let me come back to the Verona festival for a little bit. The festival has an international character and an international jury of seven members. Four members are Italian, one each from Germany, Czech Republic and Belgium (not necessarily so) and according the regulations of the European Central of festivals in Germany. Beside the president of the jury, Italian Croce who is permanent, other members can change. The director of Verona festival, Mr. Lino Pasetto, whom I know for twelve years already, is a wonderful and noble man, above all humane and sophisticated. With my collaboration and with mutual arrangement he approved that the Italians generously give over one of their four places in the jury to our representative. They kind of "cheated" the Central of festivals in Germany putting our representative on the list of Italian jury members but with full acknowledgement of being Croatian. Therefore, in 1999, one of the members of the international jury was maestro Vlado Sunko from Split, and in 2000 and 2002, Mr. Bojan Pogrmilović from Zagreb. Both of them were accepted well, as if being full members. They did us credit and it is important for our country that there were two very competent people, which shows our cultural wideness. I was hoping for such cooperation in 2003 also, when I tried to get maestro Kraljević in. It was a great pleasure for everyone when it happened in 2004. The first part of my project of presenting and mutual exchange between Croatia and Italy was help with organizing the arrival and participating of our klapas to the International festival at Verona. There, the first real fruits of my work started nine years ago. 1997. In April 1997, the following came to the International festival in Verona: male klapa "Sinj" from Sinj and female klapa "Baklje", from Rijeka. About ten representatives from Europe and USA, and about ten choirs participated. There were four categories of competition: polyphony without mandatory part, polyphony with mandatory part, popular folk songs and jazz. "Sinj" shined up in full brilliance and the effect was stronger because of "Alka" costumes they performed in, which everybody photographed lustily. They gained the golden cup and the first place, plus a special reward with a cup for folklore. In female competition, "Baklje" won a gold cup and the first place. During the festival, on Fridays and Saturdays are being held concerts in the theatres and churches in Verona and surroundings. Our representatives participated too, as guests of Verona klapas, free of charge, and many people attended those concerts. These concerts are a real triumph for the ninth year already and full of affirmations for our song. The people already knows that the quality of performing is high and are used to our melos little by little so they are very delighted and the applauses are huge and long lasting. On those concerts the hosts, Italians, perform for sore, plus one or two choirs among the other nations from the festival. Verona choirs with most prestige have bean "privileged" to have our performers as their guests instead of others and there are real battles between other Verona choirs for the other free terms of our performers. A bigger satisfaction does not exist! Makes your hart grow! 1998. The following performed in Verona: male klapa "Cambi" from Kastel Kambelovac with maestro Rajmir Kraljević, female klapa "Cesarice" from Zagreb with maestro Bojan Pogrmilović, female klapa "Luka" from Rijeka with maestro Nino Načinović and children's klapa "Bepo" from Omiš with maestro Mrs. Tereza Čečuk, now Kosanović. All three adult klapas won gold cups and first places, and klapa "Cambi" got also a special cup for folklore interpretation. In children's competition klapa "Bepo", which existed only for a year, won a silver cup. 1999. This year brought new successes and three gold cups and first places. The participants were male klapa "Kumpanji" from Blato on Island of Korčula with maestro Janes Vlašić, male klapa "Kamen" from Kamen near Split with maestro Vinko Lesic and female klapa "Viole" from St. Filip and Jakov with assistant maestro Bojan Pogrmilović, and president and founder, Mirko Đinđić. 2000. The April of 2000 brought winners again and four gold cups. This time one of Verona klapas shared the first place with our best male klapa, while all the others – Italians, Germans and Swiss were behind ours. These took the cups home: male klapa "Luka" from Ploče with maestro Ivica Kaleb, male klapa "Vokalisti Salone" from Solin with maestro Vladan Vuletin, female klapa "Dalmatinke" from Split with maestro Vinko Lešić and female klapa "Blajke" from Blato on Korčula with maestro Janes Vlašić. "Vokalisti Salone" and klapa "Luka", as a special permission and bonus out of the competition performed each one or two songs from "polyphony" so the jury "weighs" them. Bought considered entering that category but for now they are better off with Dalmatian national songs. However, in future - one never knows! 2001. This year was especially crowded. Even six of our klapas took part. These were: klapa "Adrion" from Makarska with maestro Frane Kaštelan, klapa "Vincace" from Novi Vinodolski with maestro Kobol Pave (which only I didn't organize, but helped a little), klapa "Vela Luka" (it was in a bigger number than usually because they included some singers from another klapa from Vela Luka) with maestro Janes Vlašić, female klapa "Teha" from Cres with maestro Mrs. Mirjana Flego ' Mikičić and female klapa "Lanterne" from Vela Luka with maestro Janes Vlašić. These five klapas got five gold cups and one special. A particular curiosity was the apparition of "Stari pučki pjevači" from Kamen with maestro Siniša Vuković that presented an aspect of predecessor to the festival and they won a prestigious and not at all easy silver cup. 2002. This year brought three klapas from very south of Dalmatia. These were: "Subrenum" from Mlin, south from Dubrovnik with maestro Vedran Vlašić and two female klapas that existed only for year or two, klapa "Fa Linđo" from Dubrovnik with maestro Vedran Ivanković and klapa "Revelin" from Korčula, with maestro Velebit Veršić. Once again three gold cups. 2003. Year 2003 also could not pass without our klapas in Verona. Klapa "Kadena" from Zadar this time took only silver, but still a good price. There was an important novelty this year. No less than three choirs of polyphonists came, I interceded about that before, but only Pogrmilović succeeded to bring them, because he moves in those circles. The choirs from Rijeka and Zabok won silver medals in a very strong competition. Choir "Goran Filipović" from Zagreb not only won the gold and a special price for the best performer of a mandatory composition but they won the incredible 97 points out of 100 and with this score, they were the absolute winners of this one and all the previous fourteen festivals. I point this out because the Italians now have, after seven years of very successful campaign of our klapas in the category of folk songs, strong representatives in the "stronger" category of polyphony. That is another proof of our wideness and richness in vocal music. After the finals of the festival, when in Arena is sung the usual "Va Pensiero", also singing in groups takes place. Almost at the end, my Italian maestro, Dante Savoia came and I asked them to repeat "Cace moj" from Matetic Ronjgov. Even though they were exhausted, they did that, and Mr. Savoia remained astonished by the perfection and strength of the performance. 2004. Of course, not even year 2004 could be without us. The excellent female klapa "Filip Devic"with maestro Duško Tambača won a gold cup. Beside the customary concert in Verona, together with a domestic choir "Citŕ di Ala" they kept a concert in Ala theatre, where I live too. I underline this because with that we started conquering the province of Trento, which is somewhat hard for that more decidedly. Moreover, the "Filip Devic" did that conquering excellently. The county provided financial support and the county president has shown thrill. In the polyphony category performed "Carolsadien" from Karlovac and won the silver cup. Pavao Markovac's choir from Zagreb won gold award. choir "Izvor" with maestro Mrs. Ivana Surina, very likeable representatives of Zagreb, opened the participation in a new category for us, jazz. They won a gold cup. 2005. For the fifteenth Festival in April 2005, there were registered polyphony choir from Varazdin, our male klapa "Volat" with maestro Mrs. Vesna Vladislavić from Pučišća on the island of Brač and female klapa "Putalj" with maestro Rajmir Kraljević from Kaštel Sućurac. As I announced, there were polyphony choirs, only not from Varazdin but from Rijeka, "Coro licei di Rijeka" with maestro Mrs. Ljerka Zic. These were the pupils from music school and they got a silver price. With my help came male klapa "Volat" from Pucisca on island of Brac with maestro Mrs. Vesna Vladislavić and female klapa "Putalj" from Kastel Sucurac with maestro Rajmir Kraljevic. Both were given a deserved gold cups. This year, the third year in the jury already, was unexpectedly our Bojan Pogrmilovic, which they called when one of Italians had to cancel. I have to accent something I forgot, in 2003 and 2004, the opening concert for all the participants of the festival was kept by the choir "AGC Verona" that comprises maestros and the best singers of almost all the Verona choirs with about seventy people, and the maestro of this choir was Bojan Pogrmilović. There is no bigger honour. Many maestros directed this choir and stayed such for half of year or a year, while Pogrmilovic kept the place for two years with one Christmas concert in the third year. That never happened before. The secret is in his great expertise, Pogrmilovic managed to unite different styles of all the maestros and the Italians were very satisfied with him. In fall, 2004 Pogrmilović kept a singing seminar to Verona maestros in Trentino. I would like to add that, a few years ago (I think in 2002) he held the opening concert of the April festival with his highly respected choir "INA" from Zagreb. Maestro Vlado Sunko and Lino Pasetto, the director of Verona festival are negotiating that Sunko with his "Brodosplit" holds the opening concert for the Festival in Verona in 2008. Klapa "Putalj" arranged with my help, an international exchange with an Italian choir "Marche" whose maestro contacted me by telephone. "Putalj" performed in Italy from 28-30.09.2007, and the Italian polyphony choir is returning their visit in Kastela in 2008. All this conducts with direction of maestro Rajmir Kraljevic with whom I've been cooperating excellently all these years, and whom I'll try to get in jury again next year, for the second time. 2006. Our representatives perform again. Female klapa "Orsulice" from Vodice with maestro Ante Barbaca represented folk singing obtaining golden cup. In polyphony category, there was "Postirski Sklad" from Postira on the island of Brac with maestro Mrs. Vesna Vladislavić. They have put in an Italian folk song from De Marzio, "Signore delle cime" as a surprise, but being as it has to be perfect, which they didn't really succeed in, they remained with a silver cup. They performed much better with another Italian song from De Marzio, "Benia Castoria", on the concerts when they were more relaxed. Other polyphonists were "SPD Kolo", the mixed group from Sibenik with maestro Mrs. Mira Gruić. They earned a golden cup with a strong performance. All the gold ones sing two songs at the award announce, and "Kolo" left a strong impression on other foreigners that performed. We attempted in jazz again, for the second time. "Ansambl Elektrodalmacija" from Split performed under Rajmir Kraljevic's baton. The certainly expected golden price slipped away because of a remarkably good performance of other competitors and their own wrong reckoning, so they had to satisfy with a silver price. 2007. To begin with, after I fought for him for three years, Vlado Sunko returned to the jury for the second time. One more time satisfaction and getting along with other members of the jury were perfect, and the level very high. Even though it was listed in the program, the choir "Kralj Slavac" from Omiš did not show up, which left a bad impression. Luckily, it was not I who arranged their coming. We had our peace of glory this time too. Female klapa "Volosko" from Opatija with maestro Darko Majstorovic obtained a silver cup. Male klapa "Braciera" from Bol, island of Brac, with maestro Jurica Boskovic earned a gold cup. The price is more valuable with the fact that klapa had three new members for three months only. Female klapa "Dispet" from Zagreb under leadership of maestro Jurica Bošković was a real surprise, they earned the incredible 95 points out of 100, and with that outmatched all the previous klapas. Way to go, klapa! Way to go, Jurica. I have to notice that these two klapas were supposed to come in 2006 as well, but in accordance with the president of commune and co financing, they were waiting for an extra performance in Ala theatre in Trentino. However, that concert, even with a strong Mayor Giuliana's promise went down the drain dew to the budget cut (and the culture takes it first - sounds familiar?). The level and quality of the Festival in last two or three years increased greatly. The quality of numerous American choirs is at a very high level being as many of them attend majestic music schools. It was very touching when last year an African American maestro got the award as the best Festival maestro conducting a Caucasian choir, and the festival's president asked him to conduct two well-known compositions to the whole theatre with 1500 participants. Nevertheless, he, humble, barely accepted, and succeeded greatly. I could say a lot about financial problems with realisation of guest performance, but that is another story. In fact, as many other ones in other countries, the Verona festival finances itself. Mostly I managed to arrange the expenses covered to our participants, which are three or four times smaller then other European's, and much cheaper from the prices in Croatia, too. Another part of my project of cultural exchange consists in presenting the Italian choirs to Croatian audience. 2000. In year 2000 for the holiday of St. Duje, together with our klapas was supposed to perform choir "Coro Scagliero delle Alpi" with maestro Piero Zamboni, at the theatre of Split. However, the fax of confirmation was late, even though Mrs. Vesna Podlipec - mayor's deputy and the president of celebration of St. Duje, sent it and this arrangement went down the drain. The invitation and arrangement was now for the next year. The Italians were supposed to sing not only two of their songs but also one of our Dalmatian songs - "Sutra ce te ponit" - "Tomorrow they'll carry you" in Croatian language. There were supposed to be other two full concerts in the city. ("Zvizde mi kazu" - "The stars tell me" was performed twelve years ago in public in Milano, and in Verona and Biela quite a few choirs are learning some of our songs in original). The beginning of guest performances of the Italians was for St. Roko, 16.08.2000. in St. Filip i Jakov near Biograd and the first was choir "Vestenanova" from Verona. Because of the bureaucracy, Split lost the primacy (and I come from Split so I strongly wished it for my hometown). 2001. Guest performance was already arranged with the choir "Coro Scagliero delle Alpi" from Verona for St. Duje. This time, with a new mayor's deputy, Veljko Radojkovic. The last minute turned up their guest performance in Pula. Because of them being amphitheatre cities friends (Verona, Pula and one French city are connected) and the city leaders were behind that arrangement, they had to give Split up. Being as, the "field" organizer, very capable and enthusiastic, got a little angry, I offered as an alternative another Verona's choir, "Monti Lessini" with maestro Dante Savoia. Now had to be saved what could be saved (the phones were "hot" from calling) so I came up with an alternative program for the First of May. In short: Saturday afternoon they held a concert on Pjaca in Split (The Square) together with "Stari Pučki Pjevači". The audience was thrilled when in the end of the concert they performed, first on their own and then together with the host, our Dalmatian song "U poju se mala" with a correct pronunciation, which is not at all easy for the Italians. The same evening they had another concert at the church of Vela Luka on the island of Korcula with the local klapas "Vela Luka" and "Lanterna". The mayor was at the concert too. When it came to "U poju se mala" people in church stood up on their feet from the enchantment. On Sunday morning, they sang the mass with the local church choir, and in front of the church they gave an appropriate song to a couple that was getting married. The same evening there was another concert, at the church of Blato with the local klapas "Kumpanji" and "Blajke". The reception that was a little cold at the beginning, melted down so the audience stood up thrilled here as well. The mayor greeted them, and the dinner and party went on until the late hour of the night. This choir never before experienced the audience standing up from the enchantment so they appreciated it strongly. That happened to them again, the same year in November in Germany. On Monday, "Monti Lessini" came to the island of Brac where a bus for the island tour met them. Under the mount of Vidova Gora, they were given three lambs on the roasting spit and traditional lamb "vitalac", with all that goes with that – prosciutto, cheese, stone leek and lots of wine. At 3.30 P.M, they had a concert with the local klapa "Kaduje" at "Kavanjinovi Dvori" in Sutivan. After the concert, the villagers offered them home - made cakes and wine. 2002. From 20 - 24th of September another Italian choir came as guests to the local klapa "Subrenum" to Dubrovnik and Mline, choir "El Castel" from Sanguinetto near Verona with maestro Moretti. On Friday, 20th of September, they held a passing by concert on Split Pjaca in the afternoon. They presented themselves to Split audience, now as the second Italian choir, in the organisation of Mate Barić and his klapa "Stari pucki pjevaci" from Kamen. Together with their popular folk songs, they sang one of our Dalmatian songs, "Ribar plete mrižu svoju" in original. They were supposed to have a concert in Dominican monastery in Dubrovnik, but because of a very loud music coming from the see port, it was moved near the Fontana on Stradun, a historical monument of Dubrovnik. They had another concert in a hotel in Mlini (it was raining so it could not be kept by the outdoor swimming pool). The concert after the mass in Mlini church was especially touching, when one of the villagers from the audience sang with them, and another one cried from emotion while they sang the Dalmatian "Ribar", which especially moved their maestro Moretti. |
2004. Jubilarna godina 1700-te obljetnice mučeništva Sv. Duje -patrona Splita dovela je nove talijanske goste. U organizaciji Mate Barića od 30.4.-2.5. u Split je opet došao zbor s pretežno duhovnim repertoarom "Santa Cecilia" iz Ca di Davide, predgrađa Verone, s maestrom Giuseppeom Manziniem. Prvi koncert svjetovnih pjesama su, na sveopće zadovoljstvo, zajedno sa "Starim pučkim pjevačima" iz Stobreča i Kamena održali 30.-tog u školi u Stobreču. Kiša je omela veći posjet. I oni su se, na veselje publike, iskazali s jednom dalmatinskom pismom '' Lipo ti je živit u Morkanu''. Kao prvi stranci 1.5. su na Međunarodni praznik rada na Marjanu, uz druge brojne izvođače sudjelovali na uspješnom koncertu kojem su nazočili i gradonačelnik g. Buličić i župan g. Peronja. I ovaj put kiša je omela veći posjet publike. Uživo, za radio Split ekskluzivan intervju dali smo predsjednik zbora g. Massimo i ja, kasnije sam doznao zapaženo i cijenjeno. U sklopu proslave Sv. Duje, navečer, uz nazočnost nekoliko biskupa održali su koncert u prepunoj katedrali Sv. Duje, što je bio i glavni cilj dolaska. Radi zdravstvenih tegoba i čestih nastupa nisu dali onu kvalitetu kojim se diče. Svejedno, koncert je uspio dobro, a iskazali su se jednom našom crkvenom pjesmom "Zdravo Marijo" od Krešimira Magdića. 2.5. su išli u obilazak Trogira. Tu su u katedrali zajedno sa lokalnim crkvenim zborom pratili misu. 2005. Za Sv. Duju 2005. svoj dolazak u Split i pivanje s našim klapama u kazalištu najavio je zbor "Tre torri" iz Tregnaga kod Verone. Iako su imali želju za dolaskom, jer znaju da je to jubilarna godina, 1700 godina osnivanja grada Splita, ranije dogovorene obaveze (odlazak u svibnju u Njemačku) u tome su ih spriječile. Predsjednik veronskog festivala Lino Passetto mi je čvrsto obećao da će ih 2006.g. osobno dovesti. A on je čovjek od riječi. E, ali ovaj zbor nije nastupio ni 2006. jer su radije pristali na nastup u Njemačkoj gdje su im sve troškove platili, a kod nas gdje bi si sve morali sami platiti uz eventualno ponuđenu večeru poslije nastupa - jer općina i Split nemaju novaca. A kultura je uvijek ona koja prva strada. Zvuči poznato? Evo, ovaj je moj tekst posvećen našim klapama koje su uz nemale financijske i ine nedaće željele imati legitimitet i međunarodnu afirmaciju jer to i zaslužuju. Posebno još jednom ističem klapu "Sinj" koja je imala odvažnosti i "nosa" da s povjerenjem u mene prva krene u sve to. S njima sam u ožujku 1998.g. bio na Međunarodnom festivalu u Rimu-Vatikanu, a u listopadu-studenom iste godine i u Pragu, gdje su također odlično prošli. Oni su rizik prvog kontakta hrabro podnijeli i tako drugima trasirali put na sigurno. Posebno priznanje zaslužuje maestro Ljubo Stipišić koji je zajedno sa Draženom Mladinom organizirao snimanje CD-a posvećenog pobjednicima Verone 1997.-1999. godine (devet klapa). Sve je rađeno na hrvatskom talijanskom i engleskom jeziku, krasan libreto. Na naš ponos! Po veronskim i talijanskim zborovima već ih je prodano stotinjak, a to je još jedna naša afirmacija u vidu kulturne razmjene. Sudjelovanje naših klapa na Veronskom festivalu bilo je i medijski pokriveno. Cijenim članak Jakše Fiamenga i Miljenka Grgića objavljene u "Slobodnoj Dalmaciji". Završetak Festivala se održava u Veronskoj Areni gdje svih 25 - 40 zborova iz svih 8 - 10 naroda, sa 1500 - 2000 učesnika zajednički, udruženim glasovima pjevaju "Va Pensiero" iz Verdievog "Nabucca", a pod dirigentskom palicom maestra Crocia. Uz obavezne "Ola", to je krasna ideja jer zajedničkim glasovima i sa svom pridruženom simbolikom zajedno pjeva cijela Europa i šire. Osim na Veronskom festivalu naše klape sudjelovale su i na brojnim drugim festivalima. 30.10.-2.11.2000.g. tri su naše klape bile i na međunarodnom festivalu u Pragu: ženska klape "Dalmatinke" iz Splita koja je osvojila zlato, ženska klapa "Blajke" iz Blata na Korčuli koja je osvojila srebro i muška klapa "Lucius" iz Tučepa koja je osvojila srebro, a da su htjeli naučiti obavezni češki "Veno" od Smetane, dobili bi i oni zlato. O tome su izvještavali Fiamengo i Brešan. 2001.g. krajem rujna, u mojoj organizaciji, tri su naše klape išle na međunarodni festival u Barceloni u Španjolskoj: muška klapa "Vokalisti Salone" ženska klapa "Dalmatinke" iz Splita i ženska klapa "Blajke" iz Blata na Korčuli. Sve klape su imale zapaženi uspjeh o čemu je izvještavao Jakša Fiamengo. 2002. godine od 29.5.-1.6. u Camerinu pokraj Ancone u Italiji održan je još jedan međunarodni festival. U vrlo jakoj konkurenciji od 28 zborova iz 14 zemalja (Brazilci, Portugalci, Bugari, Bosanci…), a u mojoj organizaciji sudjelovale su i tri naše klape iz Blata na Korčuli: muška klapa "Kumpanji", ženska klapa "Blajke" i mješovita klapa "Petar Milat". U jakoj kategoriji polifoničarki zapažen nastup imao je "Splitski ženski zbor" iz Splita. O tome je izvještavao Siniša Vuković. U listopadu 1997. pomogao sam oko dolaska "Mandolinskog kvarteta Split", a 1999. njih i orkestar "Sanktus Dominio" doveo sam na međunarodni festival u Ali (Trento, Italija) gdje su izvrsno prošli 2001. su opet bili i izvrsno su prošli. 2003. je mandolinski kvartet "Split" sa "vođom" Ivanom Kenk osvojio prvo mjesto. Prilikom dogovaranja dolazaka bilo je puno lijepih i zanimljivih zgoda. Jednu sam "bazu" ispričao i na konferansi u talijanskoj crkvi prigodom jednog subotnjeg koncerta klape "Luka" iz Ploča. Rekao sam: Znate, malo sam bio u tjeskobi kada sam s prvim tenorom klape, a koji je šef policije u Pločama, telefonski dogovarao veronsku turneju. Znate, policija, zatvor i tome slično. Pa, da se umirim, kažem mu na telefon onu staru "tko piva zlo ne misli", a on mi u istom dahu dovrši rečenicu "uvik je tako bilo".Taj mi se njegov dodatak, kao i publici u crkvi, jako svidio. Proglašenje pobjednika Festivala je subotom u kazalištu. Službeni govori Predsjednika festivala Lina Pasetta i pročelnika za kulturu općine Verona sa talijanskog se prevode na engleski, njemački i francuski jezik. Prije osam godina uspio sam uvrstiti i naš hrvatski jezik kao peti službeni jezik Festivala. Bez prevoditelja sam sedam godina govorio u kazalištu i hrvatski, a od 2004.g. organizator ima i službenog prevoditelja za hrvatski jezik. I tako, 2004.g. po prvi put, ceremoniju nagrađivanja sam pratio iz publike. Na moje veliko iznenađenje tada me je na pozornicu pozvao predsjednik festivala g. Lino Pasetta da mi uruči Plaketu za 10-godišnji rad i suradnju. Dodjelu je obrazložio time (da ga i prisutni Hrvati čuju) kako sam postigao da Talijani upoznaju jedan krasan narod s izvanrednim pjesmama. Posebno je istaknuo naša 3 člana u svom žiriju: Sunka, Pogrmilovića i Kraljevića koji su bili vrlo kompetentni i koji su sposobni surađivati s ostalim članovima žirija. Mislim da je ovo vrijedno i značajno. Svake godine, po 2 predstavnika pojedinog zbora idu na prijem u općinu kod gradonačelnika Verone. Kao organizator pozvan sam i ja. Uz razmjenu prigodnih darova, tu se svaki zbor fotografira, a poslije se svi zajedno fotografiraju okupljeni pred vijećnicom. | 2004. The jubilant year of 1700th anniversary of martyrdom of St Duje - the Split patron, brought new Italian guests. In the organisation of Mate Baric, from April 30 - May 2 another choir with mostly spiritual repertoire, "Santa Cecilia" from Ca di Davide - outskirts of Verona with maestro Giuseppe Manzini, came to Split. They held the first concert with profane songs together with "Stari pucki pjevaci" from Stobrec and Kamen, with a great pleasure of everyone, on April 30, at the Stobreč School. The rain impeded a bigger attendance. They, as well, distinguished themselves with one Dalmatian song, "Lipo ti je živit na Morkanu", to a great joy of the audience. They participated in a very successful concert in occasion of May 1, the International Labor Day, on the hill of Marjan, as the first foreigners, together with many other performers. The Mayor, Mr. Bulicic and the district prefect, Mr. Peronja attended the concert too. This time the rain impeded a bigger turnout of the audience. The president of the choir, Mr. Massimo and I gave an exclusive live interview on Radio Split, as I learned later, noted and appreciated. As a part of the celebration of St. Duje, they held an evening concert in the full cathedral of St. Duje, which was the main objective of their arrival, and a few bishops attended it as well. Due to some health problems and many performances in a small amount of time, they didn't manage to give as much quality as they are usually proud of, but all the same, the concert obtained a good success, and they won credit with one of our church songs, Ave Maria by Krešimir Magdić. May 2nd they visited Trogir and accompanied the mass at the cathedral together with the local church choir. 2005. The choir "Tre Torri" from Tregnago near Verona announced the arrival to Split and singing with our klapas at the theatre for the St. Duje in 2005. Even though they really wished to come, and they knew it was a jubilant year, 1700 years of Split foundation, an earlier agreed upon engagement impeded them from coming (going to Germany in May). The president of Verona festival, Lino Pasetto strongly promised me he would personally bring them in 2006. And he is a man of his word. But this choir didn't come even in 2006, they rather agreed on a performance in Germany, where all their expenses were paid for, while they would have to cover all the expenses themselves if they would come to Split, they would possibly be given dinner before the concert - because the borough and Split doesn't have money. Unfortunately, the cultural things are the first to suffer. Does that sound familiar? There, this text of mine is dedicated to our klapas which whished to have some legitimacy and international affirmation, with not little financial and other difficulties, and they deserve it. I especially accentuate, ones more, klapa "Sinj" which had the courage and "nose" to be the first to start with all that with the trust in myself. I went to the International festival in Rome - Vatican with them in March of 1998, and in October - November of the same year to Prague, where they got off excellently as well. They bravely endured the risk of the first contact and doing so laid out a safe way for the others. Maestro Ljubo Stipišić, who organised recording of a CD dedicated to the winners of Verona festival from 1997 - 1999 (nine klapas) with Dražen Mladin, deserves a special acknowledgement. It was produced in Croatian, Italian and English language, a gorgeous libretto. We can be proud of it! About a hundred of them have been sold to Verona and Italian choirs already, and that's another confirmation for us in aspect of cultural exchange. The media covered involvement of our klapas at the Verona festival. I highly appreciate the newspaper article by Jaksa Fiamengo and Miljenko Grgić published in "Slobodna Dalmacija". The finish of the Festival takes place at the Verona Amphitheatre where all the 25 - 40 choirs from all the 8 - 10 nations, with 1500 - 2000 participants together, with associated voices sing "Va Pensiero" from Verdi's "Nabuco", and under baton of maestro Croce. With the inevitable "Ola" it is a fabulous idea, because with the united voices and all the associated symbolism the whole Europe and wider sings together. Besides the Verona festival, our klapas participated on many other festivals. From October 30 until November 02 2000, three of our klapas were on the International festival in Prague: female klapa "Dalmatinke" from Split which won the gold, female klapa "Blajke" from Blato on the island of Korcula which won the silver price, and male klapa "Lucius" from Tučepi that won the silver price, but if they have learned the obligated Czech "Veno" from Smetana, they would have gotten the gold as well. Fiamengo and Brešan reported about that. At the end of September 2001, I organised for three our klapas to go to the international festival in Barcelona, Spain: male klapa "Vokalisti Salone" from Solin, female klapa "Dalmatinke" from Split and female klapa "Blajke" from Blato, island of Korčula. All the three klapas had a noted success, which was reported by Jakša Fiamengo. In 2002 from May 29 to June 1, in Camerino near Ancona, Italy, took place another international festival. The competition was very strong, 28 choirs from 14 countries (Brazil, Portugal, Bulgaria, Bosnia…), and in my organisation participated three of ours klapas from Blato on island of Korčula: male klapa "Kumpanji", female klapa "Blajke" and mixed klapa "Petar Milat". In a very strong category of polyphony, "Splitski zenski zbor" from Split had a noted performance. Siniša Vuković covered it in the media. In October of 1997 I helped "Mandolinski kvartet Split" to come and in 1999, I brought them and the orchestra "Sanktus Dominio" to the international festival in Ala (Trento, Italy), where they had an excellent success, in 2001, they had a great success again. In 2003, "Mandolinski kvartet Split" with their "leader" Ivan Kenk won the first place. While arranging their comings there were many nice and interesting occasions. I told about one of those gimmicks at a conference in an Italian church in occasion of a Saturday concert of klapa "Luka" from Ploce. I said: "You know, I was a little anxious when I was arranging Verona tour with the first tenor of the klapa, which is the chief of Police in Ploce. You know - prison and so… So to calm myself I said to him: "who sings means no harm" (an old Croatian proverb), and he replies in the same breath: "it was always like that". I really liked that addition of his and the audience at the church liked it too. The proclamation of the winner of the festival takes place on Saturdays at the theatre. The official speeches of the President of festival and the manager for the cultural questions of Verona commune are translated from Italian to English, German and French. Eight years ago, I succeeded in including Croatian as a fifth official language of the festival. Without a translator, I translated to Croatian at the theatre for seven years, and from 2004, the organizer has an official translator for Croatian. Therefore, in 2004 for the first time I watched the awarding ceremony from the audience. To my big surprise the president of the festival, Mr. Lino Pasetto then called me to the stage to hand me a Plaque for ten years of work and collaboration. He explained the reward (so the present Croatians could hear) that I accomplished for the Italians get to know a great nation with extraordinary songs. He especially underlined three members in his jury: Sunko, Pogrmilovic and Kraljevic, which were very competent and capable to cooperate with other members of the jury. I believe this was valuable and significant. Every year two representatives of different choirs go to a reception to the commune with the mayor of Verona. As the organizer, I was invited too. With an exchange of the apposite gifts, every choir takes a picture here, and later all together take a picture grouped in front of the Town Hall. |
Ovaj tekst, ponavljam, posvećujem našim klapama koje su željele imati legitimitet i međunarodnu afirmaciju jer svojom kvalitetom to i zaslužuju. Još jedna stvar. Početkom 2006.g. u Bolu na Braču u hotelu "Elaphusa" održan je veliki sastanak mnogo klapaša, klapa, maestara i organizatora, uključujući i oba direktora Omiškog festivala. Bilo je predavanja, simpozija, radionica, koncerata. Bio je to pravi doživljaj - u organizaciji Jurice Boškovića i Omiškog festivala, a ja sam bio službeno pozvan kao gost. U jednoj od rasprava sam inzistirao na staroj ideji da se treba osnovati udruženje klapaša koje će klape službeno zastupati kod nas i u inozemstvu. Tako bi i delegirali naše maestre u žiri u Veroni i dalje, da iza njih stoji neko tijelo, a ne samo ja koji promoviram to na neka osobna prijateljstva. Mladin, organizacijski direktor Omiškog festivala me "poklopio", ali ja sam replicirao i onda je više njih stalo u obranu ideje… Rezultat: krajem travnja 2007. g. održan je Osnivački kongres udruženja klapaša, u Bolu na Braču, s preko 350 najavljenih sudionika. Čast, opet, Jurici Boškoviću i ostalima koji su ideju realizirali. Mislim da sam u svom malom svijetu u ostvarivanju svoje ideje, uz puno truda, rada i odricanja, prilično uspio i to me ispunjava zadovoljstvom i ponosom. Zapaženi nastupi naših klapa, sva osvojena zlatna i srebrna odličja dokaz su vrijednosti našeg klapskog pivanja i drago mi je da smo tu ljepotu podijelili sa onima koji to bogatstvo znaju cijeniti. Za sve nove ideje, prijedloge i suradnju ostajem u iščekivanju, Josip Ganza Josip Ganza e-mail: iremlanik@gmail.com telefon: 0039 0464 672 957 fax: 0039 0464 919 100 (iz usluge) | This text, I repeat, I'm dedicating to our klapas which wished to have a legitimacy and an international afirmation because, with their quality, they do deserve it. One other thing. In the beginning of year 2006 there was a big assembly of many klapa members, klapas, maestros and organizers including both the directors of Omis festival. There were lectures, symposiums, work shops, concerts. It was a great experience - organized by Jurica Boskovic and Omis festival, and I was officially invited as a guest. I insisted in one of discussions on an old idea that there should be established an association of klapas which would officially represent them in Croatia and abroad. This way it would delegate our maestros to the jury in Verona and elsewhere, so that there is an authority behind them, and not only myself who promotes the matter to some personal fellowships. Mr. Mladin, organisational director of Omis festival declined the idea, but I replicated and then there was more people defending the idea… The result: by the end of April 2007, a Fouding convention of klapas association was held in Bol, island of Brač, with over 350 announced participants. Cap off to Jurica Bošković and others who realised the idea. I think that, in my little world of realization of my idea, with a lot of effort, work and renunciations, I pretty much succedeed and that fills me up with pleasure and pride. Noted performances of our klapas, all the gold and siver prices won, are the proof of our klapa singing value and I'm so glad that we shared that beauty with all those who appreciate that treasure. I await any new ideas, suggestions and cooperation, sincerely, Josip Ganza Josip Ganza e-mail: iremlanik@gmail.com telephone: 0039 0464 672 957 fax: 0039 0464 919 100 (out of a favour) |
ŽIVOTOPIS JOSIP GANZA Rođen sam 18.5.1945. g. u Splitu od oca Bartula i majke Franke rođene Zanella. Poslije završene gimnazije upisao sam se na Elektrotehnički fakultet u Splitu, ali željan veće praktičnosti poslije treće godine nastavljam Višu tehničku školu u Subotici gdje sam i diplomirao 1973.g. Te 1973.g. sam se zaposlio u zagrebačkoj Tvornici za telekomunikacije "Nikola Tesla" u kojoj sam ostao 16 godina. Bio je to stručno zanimljiv posao ispitivanja montiranih telefonskih centrala po poštama u gradovima cijele bivše Jugoslavije. No, moj nemirni duh me je 1989.g. odveo u Italiju, u rodni grad moje majke i kako sam na nagovor prijatelja položio vozački ispit C i E kategorije zaposlio sam se kao vozač kamiona, a 1990 g. sam dobio i Soggiorno (trajnu dozvolu boravka). Taj lijep, zanimljiv i naporan posao mi je omogućio da proputujem i upoznam cijelu Italiju, Francusku, Englesku i Njemačku. Brojni prijeđeni kilometri i odvojenost od obitelji su me "prizemljili" i opet sam, promijenivši nekoliko poslova tražio "onaj pravi". Najduže, 4 godine, sam se zadržao na poslovima održavanja kao električar u jednoj tiskari. Posao sam dobio na nagovor gazde koji je sa mnom pjevao u zboru "La chiusa". Mislio sam sa je to posao mog života jer sam se s gazdom dobro slagao, a imao sam veliku slobodu u radu. Promjenom vlasnika, uz zaštitu sindikata, sporazumno sam raskinuo radni odnos i dobio specijalni status "mobilita" koji mi je davao prednost pri zapošljavanju. S 55 godina "upao" sam u odličan program Autonomne provincije Trento dobivši posao na socijalno korisnim poslovima, što radim već 6 godina i nadam se da ću do penzije. Posao na svježem planinskom zraku primjeren "starčićima", uz održavanje dobrog zdravlja, za mene ima i prednost u 2-3 mjeseca zimskog odmora. To mi omogućuje da više vremena putujem ili provodim u kući na Braču. Roditelji su mi uz more i pismu usadili i ljubav prema planinama. Od malih nogu sam s njima planinario. Sa 17 g. s Planinarskim društvom "Mosor" krenuo sam u alpinizam. To je za mene bio novi svijet pun entuzijazma i užitaka sa snažnim emocijama. Tako sam 1973. g. bio član prve splitske alpinističke ekspedicije na Spitzbergen (Svalbard) blizu Sjevernog Pola. Član sam i druge splitske ekspedicije 1975. g. na Hindukuš – gorje koje je zapadni nastavak Himalaje u Afganistanu s vrhom Nošak na 7492 m je na granici tadašnjeg Sovjetskog saveza, Kine i Pakistana. Bivakirali smo na 7360 m, a pošto mi partner ujutro nije bio u stanju nastaviti, prvi sam izbio na predvrh na 7370 m s pogledom na sve tri države . Dalje nisam smio sam. Rekao sam finalnom dvojcu Božiću i Siriščeviću: imate 3 km tj. 3 sata po ravnom do osvajanja vrha . I tako je i bilo. Svoju ljubav prema planinama okrunio sam pređenim brojnim transverzalama i osvojenim vrhovima u bivšoj Jugoslaviji i Europi, a posebno me zanimaju Dolomiti. Alpinizam sam zaključio u 34. godini, ali ga u funkciji kakvog interesantnog vrha još i sada prakticiram. Planinarim još uvijek, a sada kao jedan od starijih služim i kao maskota mladim planinarima u Italiji gdje stanujem. Od Planinarskog saveza Hrvatske dobio sam i počasni naslov "Alpinist" sa značkom broj 104. S ove dvije ekspedicije održao sam, uz dijapozitive, brojna predavanja u ex Jugoslaviji, Mađarskoj i Italiji. Brač, Sutivan na Braču, poslije preseljenja iz Splita, moje polazište i mjesto na koje ću se vratiti kada odem u mirovinu. Topli obiteljski dom kojeg smo kao naslijeđe dobili od moje bake. To je stara dalmatinska kuća koju smo s ljubavlju sami preuredili. Obitelj je ona kojoj se uvijek s radošću vraćaš. Sve ove moje životne putove, moj nemirni duh radoznalosti i istraživanja živjele su i potporu mi davale supruga Ana i kći Irena. Sada imam i unuke Leona i Matea. Možda dio svojih ljubavi uspijem, tradicije radi, prenijeti i na njih. O klapama i aktivnostima u Italiji i drugdje opširno sam pisao u drugom elaboratu, neću se ponavljati. | BIOGRAPHY JOSIP GANZA I was born on May 18, 1945 in Split, by father Bartul and mother Franka Zanella. After I finished gymnasium I entered The Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Split, but wishing more practical knowledge after the third year I'm continuing at Higher Technical School in Subotica where I graduated in 1973. The same year I took employment in Telecommunications plant "Nikola Tesla" in Zagreb, where I stayed for sixteen years. It was a professionally interesting job of examining the assembled telephone exchange in post offices in towns all over the former Yugoslavia. But my restless spirit drove me to Italy in 1989, to my mother's birthplace and as my friends persuaded me to take C and D categories of driving licence (for driving 18 meter trucks), I took the job as a truck driver, and in 1990 I obtained the permanent residence permit. That nice, interesting and hard job enabled me to travel and get to know the whole Italy, France, England and Germany. Numerous kilometers traveled and being separated from my family alighted me and ones more, changing a few, I was looking for the right job. The longest I did, for four years, was maintenance as an electrician in a printing house. I got the job persuaded by the manager who sang with me in the choir "La chiusa". I thought it was a job of my life because I was getting along with the manager and had a great freedom in work. After the owner changed, with help of the trede union, I quit by agreement and obtained a special status called "mobilita" which gave me priority in getting another job. When I was fifty five years old I got in a great program of Autonomous Province of Trento, getting a socially beneficial job where I work for six years now and hope to stay there until retirement. It's working on a fresh mountain air, suitable to gaffers like myself, keeps me healthy and has a vantage of two to three months of winter brake. That gives me the opportunity to travel more or spend time in my house on the island of Brač. Besides the love towards the sea and singing, my parents gave me love for the mountains. I used to go mountaneering with them since I was just a little boy. By the age of seventeen I started rock climbing with the mountaneering club "Mosor" from Split. That was a whole new world for me, filled with enthusiasm and pleasures with very strong emotions. Therefore, in 1973 I was a part of the first expedition from Split to Spitzbergen (Svalbard) near the North Pole. I was a member of the second expedition in 1975 from Split to Hindukush – mountain-range which is the west extension of the Himalayas in Afganistan with the peak Nosak at 7492 meters and is situated on the borders of former USSR, China and Pakistan. We stayed in bivouacs at 7360 m, but because my partner wasn't in grade to continue in the morning, I was the first to get to the prepeak at 7370 m with the view on all the three countries. I wasn't supposed to continue by myself. I told the final pair Bozic and Siriscevic: you have three kilometers i.e. three hours upright until conquering the peak. And so it was. I crowned my love toward the mountains with many transended transversals and conquering peaks in former Yugoslavia and Europe, having a special interest in Dolomites. I stoped rock-climbing by the age of 34, but I still practice it if it's neaded for some interesting peak. So, I still practice mountaneering, and being among the older ones I'm sort of a mascot to the young mountaineers in Italy where I live. I obtained an honorary title of "Alpinist" with the badge number 104 from the Mountaneering union in Croatia. I held numerous lectures with slides about those two expeditions in former Yugoslavia, Hungary and Italy. Island of Brač, Sutivan on the island, after mooving from Split, my starting point and a place where I will return when I retire, the worm family home we inherited from my grandmother. It's an old Dalmatian house which we renovated with love, with our own hands. Your family is the one you always return to with joy. All the paths of my life, my unquiet spirit of curiosity and exploration, lived and supported my wife Ana and daughter Irena. Now I have two grandsons, Leon and Mateo. Maybe I'll be able to consign some part of my loves to them, for tradition's sake. I wrote in details about klapas and activities in Italy and elsewhere in the other elaborate, so I won't repeat myself. |