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Srdjan Bulat to perform in Yerevan, Armenia July 2016
By Marko Puljić | Published  06/23/2016 | Bilingual , Music , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Srdjan Bulat visits Armenia

The young guitarist from the city of Split and graduate from the Royal Academy in London, Srdjan Bulat,will hold a cycle of chamber recitals in the capital city of Armenia, Yerevan. As part of the guitar festival, he will hold a solo recital on July 5th 2016, in which he will perform works from Spanish, Armenian and Croatian composers.

As part of the festival of contemporary chamber music HASS - (Hearing Art Seeing Sound), Srdjan Bulat will, as part of several chamber ensembles premiere four compositions by young Armenian, American, British and Chinese composers (7 and 8 July 2016), and thus contribute to this first joint festival of music and visual art which will be attended by numerous young artists from 15 countries worldwide.

For more information about the festival, visit: and

Mladi splitski gitarist Srđan Bulat s prestižne Kraljevske akademije u Londonu, u srpnju ove godine održat će ciklus solističkih i komornih recitala u glavnom armenskom gradu, Yerevanu. U sklopu festivala gitare, 5. srpnja 2016. godine će održati solistički recital na kojem će izvesti djela španjolskih, armenskih i hrvatskih skladatelja.

Kao dio festivala suvremene komorne glazbe HASS - (Hearing Art Seeing Sound), Srđan Bulat će u raznim komornim sastavima praizvesti četiri nove skladbe mladih armenskih, američkih, britanskih i kineskih skladatelja (7. i 8 srpnja 2016. godine), te na taj način dati doprinos ovom prvom zajedničkom festivalu glazbenih i vizualnih umjetnosti na kojem će sudjelovati brojni mladi umjetnici iz 15 svjetskih zemalja.

Za više informacija o festivalu HASS posjetite web stranice - i

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Formatted for CROWN by Marko Puljic
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