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» (H) Zahvaljujuci tvojim info dat svoj glas u Konzulatu
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 11/22/2003 | Opinions | Unrated
 CROWN i Izbori 2003Bog Nenad, zahvaljujuci tvojim info idem danas dat svoj glas u Konzulat, jer sutra nisam tu. Upravo sam se vratio iz Zagreba, HTR radi dokumentarni film o meni tj. mojoj fotografiji, kojeg smo zapoceli u Zg a finalno snimanje je ovdje u New Yorku 2-8.12. , Cujemo se. Bog Lori.
» (H) Kuda ide Hrvatska?
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 10/27/2003 | Opinions | Unrated
 Kakva se mogucnost predvidja za buducnost ?Sinovima  emigranata, narocito onima koji su rodjeni i koji su uvijek zivjeli u inozemstvu, sigurno  nije ni lako ni jednostavno govoriti i analizirati dogadjanja u roditeljskoj domovini. Postoji uvijek mogucnost utjecaja sentimentalnosti, sto sprijecava objektivno  procjenjivanje onoga sto se u doticnoj zemlji dogadja.Nadajmo se da ne upadnemo u misolovku ovoga tipa.Koncem 90-tih go
» (E) We absolutely loved the hospitality of the Croatians
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 07/28/2003 | Opinions | Unrated
 We absolutely loved the hospitality of theCroatiansLast year I had posted to the Croatian World Network asking for helpful travel trips and options on places to visit for my husband and I as we planned our first trip to Croatia. The response from the readers was wonderful, and it was such a treat to read all of your letters! Now that we are back from our trip, I wanted to thank everyone who responded. Your assistance was invaluable!! Simply
» (E) Welcome To Europe, Croatia!
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 07/6/2003 | Opinions | Unrated
 Welcome To Europe, Croatia! And what is Croatia doing these days? I have stayed away, shied away from the topic, subject of, for reasons that clogged up decades of my life. As long as I can remember it was Croatia this and that and everything else. Maybe, just maybe, I was tired of being Croatian. There are other corners of the world to inhale.Croatia was interesting when the bad Yugoslavs were trying to absorb Croatians into a Sou
» (E) Film "Harrison's flowers" in Croatia?
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 07/3/2003 | Opinions | Unrated
 "Harrison's Flowers" still not in CroatiaI wrote a letter on June 23 to the Croatian government and the Mediaregarding the film not having played in Croatia. Here is my translationfrom the Croatian:Gentlemen:I read in the April edition of the Matica, the magazine for the CroatianDiaspora, with great disbelief and anger that the French/American film"Harrison's Flowers" has never been shown and is unknown in Croatia. Thefilm was already show
» (E) For CROWN supporters -CROWNWORKS
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 07/3/2003 | Opinions | Unrated
 CrownWorksDragi Nenade,Puno hvala za podrsku radu Hrvatske zajednice u Washington, D.C u vasem danasenjem pismu. Ja sam si uzela slobodu da ga u cijelosti stavim na Croatian House News Letter koji prima preko 500 ljudi u Washington/Baltimore metropolitan area. Takoder, na ovaj nacin sam htjela omoguciti onima koji vec nisu da postanu vasi pretplatnici. Sto se tice Croatian house web site imali smo do sada oko 61,000hitova u mjesec dana
» (H) Azil u Engleskoj, ljetovanje u Hrvatskoj?
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 05/11/2003 | Opinions | Unrated
 Azil uEngleskoj, ljetovanje u Hrvatskoj?I sent the following letter to Croatia's President Mesic, Prime Minister Racan, Sabor President Tomcic and Foreign Minister Picula in March 2003 when I first read about it. Postovani gospodine Predsjednice!Sa zgrazanjem citamo medju vijestima iz Engleske, da ta zemlja zeli da Hrvatska primi u neki privremeni logor osobe koje traze azil u Engleskoj, dok Engleska ne odluci, kojima ce pruziti azil.
» (E) CNN Why do people love to wear fatigues?
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 05/4/2003 | Opinions | Unrated
 Why do people love to wear fatigues? This must really hurt - to make so obvious how irrelevant the biggest news network may become if it looses its independence.Saddam was never in army, but his entire tenure as president he wore military garb. GW Bush was dodging his military duty as much as he could, yet know he hails us from front pages of American dailies in an air force suit, modern day's Ceasar's choice o
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/16/2003 | Opinions | Unrated
 POLITIKA, BUSINESS, SPORT I IZOLIRANA DIJASPORAOvim clankom zelim zbuniti gospodina urednika pri odredivanju rubrike ovog clanka.U danasnjoj "ponudi" tema na CROWNu su 3 iz businessa, 13 iz politike, 30- tak iz sporta. To bi znacilo da imamo najmanje problema s i oko gospodarstva, politika i politicari su na tragovima projekcija, koje su dali, pa je stanje drzave i u njoj sve bolje. Mozemo se onda amimirati sportom, mahati zastavama i slavi

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