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» (E) Installing Love
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 12/15/2004 | Humor And Wisdom | Unrated
 FEATURE: Installing LoveTech Support: Yes?... How can I help you?Customer: Well, after much consideration, I've decided to install Love.Can you guide me through the process?Tech Support: Yes. I can help you. Are you ready to proceed?Customer: Well, I'm not very technical, but I think I'm ready. What doI do first?Tech Support: The first step is to open your Heart. Have you locatedyour Heart?Customer: Yes, but there are several other programs
» (E) Home Computer prediction 50 years ago
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 12/7/2004 | Humor And Wisdom | Unrated
  Home Computer prediction 50 years ago  
» (E) Deer wishing
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 11/26/2004 | Humor And Wisdom | Unrated
 Deer wishing  Turn your speakers on. Ukljucite zvucnike. 
» (E) Laughter is best defense against bungling robber
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 11/3/2004 | Humor And Wisdom | Unrated
 Laughter is best defense against bungling robber ZAGREB,Croatia (AP) -- A bank clerk didn't need a weapon to ward off a would-be robber. When the masked man pulled out a gun, she just laughed in his face. The suspect was so humiliated he ran away. The bungled holdup occurred Thursday at a small bank on Zagreb's main square, police said. The 31-year-old clerk, identified only as Martina S., "laughed aloud" at the threat from t
» (E) Love at first sight
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 10/13/2004 | Humor And Wisdom | Unrated
 Love at first sight A South African businessman is refusing to leave Croatia until he finds a girl who he spotted across a crowded bar.Keith Van Der Spuy has never even spoken to the girl but says she was the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. He has cancelled his flight home and taken out adverts in local newspapers in the port town of Split.Mr Van Der Spuy says he lost sight of the pretty young woman shortly after she smiled at him ac
» (E) Opportunity is missed by most people because
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 10/7/2004 | Humor And Wisdom | Unrated
 "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work"- Thomas Edison 
» (E) Nothing worse could happen to one
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 10/7/2004 | Humor And Wisdom | Unrated
 Nothing worse could happen to one than to be completely understood - Psychologist Carl Jung, 1875 - 1961  
» (E) All truth passes through three stages
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 08/12/2004 | Humor And Wisdom | Unrated
 "All truth passes through three stages,"  said the German philosopher Schopenhauer. "First, it is ridiculed.Second, it is violently opposed.Third, it is accepted as self-evident." 
» (E) Klapa Fivethreenal is exquisite
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 08/9/2004 | Humor And Wisdom | Unrated
 The Victor Borge Website InflaterVictor Borge invented the inflationary language - you know, the one where numbers hidden in the language (like wonderful) become inflated (twoderful).You can use this page to "inflate" almost any website or text, just by filling out one of the fields below.URL:  Text:  Position for output watermark: Top   Right   Floating  Klapa Fivethreenal is exquisiteKlapa Five

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