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» CROATIA HAS CHANGED ME! 15 Things I Started Doing After Moving to Zagreb!
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 03/12/2021 | Entertainment , Education , Croatian Life Stories | Unrated
Sarah Cosi: ...I discovered Croatia on one of my trips back in 2007, where I fell in love with the country (and then ended up marrying a local, who is now also my business partner at Royal Croatian Tours). Since we both love exploring and showing people the beauty of Croatia, opening our own agency just came naturally. We think we make an excellent combo, as Ivan is a local Croatian and knows all of the ins and outs of Croatia, w
» PingPongParkinson Virtual Reality Championship April 11, 2021
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 01/18/2021 | Sports , Science , Entertainment , Education | Unrated
PingPongParkinson has announced the launch of PingPongParkinson Virtual Reality World Championships slated for April 11, 2021. This year's tournament is the first-ever virtual reality (VR) parkinson's world table tennis championships, coming after Ping Pong Parkinson, alongside the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) and International Table Tennis Federation Foundation (ITTF Foundation) partnered in 2019
» Miro Gavran's plays BEER and ICECREAM online with English subtitles
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 01/12/2021 | Entertainment , Education | Unrated
Theatre Gavran will put their two hit comedy plays by the Croatian hit playwright Miro Gavran on the digital platform. The plays are ICECREAM and BEER and the recordings will be available on Saturday, March 13th at 8PM, the city of Zagreb local time. BEER is a gentle comedy about a Father and his Son. ICECREAM is a comedy with Mladena Gavran and Ana Vilenica as a mother and her daughter in their most dramatic moments. Humour and emo
» Marina Jurica singing meteorologist lead commentator for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory since 2019
Marina Jurica graduated from UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) with two degrees: one in Meteorology and the other in Opera Performance. She is persuing both of her passions. She worked in Orlando, Florida, before becoming chief meteorologist at CBS47 in 2016. She was the first female chief meteorologist in the USA, and is still one of the few female chiefs. She appeared as professional opera singer in the Canadian tour of "L
» Nenad Bach International Newsletter No. 56: Post COVID?
Submitted By Nenad Bach E-Team | Published 08/25/2020 | Sports , Events , Entertainment , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
"Nenad, Who Plays Ping Pong" is a short film about my passion for ping pong and using it to help those afflicted with Parkinson's. It is an Official Selection of 2020 Mountainfilm Festival, and was chosen Daily Short Pick on, May 27th, 2020. The film is touring and was screened last week in Sao Paulo, Brazil and will be touring August 24-26 in Southampton, New York, US. You can get more information he
» Zoran Orlic world class music photographer: Live From Chicago!
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 07/9/2020 | Music , Entertainment , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
The Croatian-born photographer relocated to Chicago at an early age and began photographing bands in college. As a young musician might, he took his mantra seriously: practice, practice, practice. It wasn't until he chanced upon the work of one of the greatest rock photographers of all time that lightning struck, and he realized what he wanted to do with his life. "I shot Jeff," Orlic says of his first photo shoot with Wilco's founder,
» Zeljko Zuanovic Croatian priest and his wonderful world of sea shells
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 06/25/2020 | Science , Entertainment , Education | Unrated
Željko Zuanović is a Croatian catholic priest, with an interesting hobby: he collects see shells throughout the world. His collection of about 2500 shells is since 2020 exhibited in the village of Marijanci, a few kilometers of Valpovo the NE of Croatia. We recommend you to pay a visit to his collection of shells. Surprisingly, rev. Zuanović was born in continental part of Croatia, and his other hobbies include diving, sin
» Franka Miriam Brueckler author of three math books published by Springer
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 06/6/2020 | Science , History , Entertainment , Education | Unrated
Franka Miriam Brueckler, employed at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Zagreb, has published already three mathematical books with Springer Verlag, all of them in German langague. The first two deal with the History of Mathematics, while the third one, which appeared in 2019, is dedicated to mathematical foundations of chrystallography (for both mathematicians and natural scientists): Mathematische Grundlagen der Krist
» Nenad, Who Plays Ping Pong
Submitted By Darko Žubrinić | Published 06/3/2020 | Music , Entertainment , Education | Unrated
Nenad Bach is a world-class musician that decided to stop performing publicly after being diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 2010. In the wake of his diagnosis he discovered that playing ping pong helped to alleviate his symptoms. Now he's attempting to help millions of others do the same. Official Selection of 2020 Mountainfilm Festival. Featured on Directors Library, May 28th, 2020. Daily Short Pick on FilmShortage.c

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