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Elizabeth Kera recipient of Croatian Women's Network Award
Members of the Croatian Women's Network are successful women from around the world, who share Croatian heritage and ancestry and come together to celebrate achievements, to inspire, champion and mentor younger generations. The aim is to connect like-minded members around the world. The Croatian Women's Network was founded by Caroline Spivak in Canada in 2015. One of the recipients of the Croatian Women's Network Award for
Joginder Singh Nijjar recipient of an Indian state recognition for streghtening links with Croatia
Mr Joginder Singh Nijjar, Croatian citizen of Indian origin, received the presitigious Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award 2023 in recognition of his contribution in the field of Art & Culture/Education. Mr. Singh was awarded during the Valedictory Session of the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Convention 2023 on 10 January 2023 by the President of India Mrs. Droupadi Murmu, also in the presence of Mr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, serving as the Minister o
Carmen Verlichak postala je redovitom clanicom Argentinske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti 2019
Spisateljica i novinarka Carmen Vrlhicak Verlichak, MSc, postala je redovitom članicom Argentinske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, u razredu za komunikacije. Vrljicak je jedina Hrvatica u Argentini koja je član te Akademije. Ceremoniji je u centru grada Buenos Airesa nazočila i veleposlanica Republike Hrvatske u Argentini, gospođa Duška Paravić. CROWN čestita gospođi Carmen Verlichak na članstvu u Argentinskoj akademiji znanosti i umjetno
Drago Stambuk odlikovan japanskim Ordenom izlazeceg sunca 2019. g.
Dne 21. svibnja 2019. Vlada Japana je objavila da će odlikovati dr. Dragu Štambuka, bivšeg veleposlanika Republike Hrvatske u Japanu, Ordenom izlazećeg sunca sa zlatnom i srebrnom zvijezdom, a radi njegovog doprinosa jačanju veza i prijateljskih odnosa između Japana i Republike Hrvatske. Kao veleposlanik Republike Hrvatske u Japanu, osim napora uloženih u jačanje veza između dvije zemlje, dr. Štambuk je radio na razmj
Michael J. Novosel of Croatian origin recipient of the Medal of Honor for saving 5589 wounded people
During the Vietnam war, Novosel flew 2,543 missions and extracted 5,589 wounded personnel, among them his own son Michael J. Novosel Jr. The following week, Michael Jr. returned the favor by extracting his father after he was shot down. On the morning of October 2, 1969, Novosel set out to evacuate a group of South Vietnamese soldiers who were surrounded by several thousand North Vietnamese light infantry near the Cambodian border. Radio com
Peter Tomich 1893-1941 recipient of the Medal of Honor for his courage at Pearl Harbour in 1941
Peter Tomich, Croatian-American hero born in Bosnia and Herzegovina (town of Prolog), one of 15 men to receive the Medal of Honor for his actions at Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941. Named for him were a destroyer escort ship in 1943, the USS Tomich, and Tomich Hall in 1989, where the Navy's Senior Enlisted Academy in Newport, R.I., is housed. Medal of Honor is a film about double heroism. One hero, Peter Tomich, made an inst
Max Emanuel Cencic distinguished countertenor recipent of the Diapason d'Or prize in France 2018
The French opera magazine Diapason has awarded the newly released CD Germanico in Germania (opera by Nicola Porpora) with their prestigious Diapason d'or in their March issue. The CD honored in this way has been performed by Max Emanuel Cencic (Germanico), Julia Lezhneva (Ersinda), Dilyara Idrisova (Rosmonda), Mary-Ellen Nesi (Arminio), Juan Sancho (Segeste), Hasnaa Bennani (Cecina), with Capella Cracoviensis (orchest
Miro Gavran the greatest contemporary Croatian writer received ''Dr. Alois Mock Europapreis 2017'' award
The greatest contemporary Croatian writer Miro Gavran is the winner of this year's prestigious international 'Dr Alois MockEuropapreis 2017' award. As soon as it arrived, the announcement of this year's selection was signed by Michael Spindelleger, the president of the 'Dr Alois Mock' Foundation and former Austrian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, on behalf of the Foundation. The plays of Miro G
Sandra Perkovic wins gold in London
Sandra Perkovic (left) has won gold at the IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations) World Championships on Sunday, August 13, 2017. This is her second gold medal at the IAAF World Championships. She is also a two time Olympic gold medal winner, having won gold at the 2012 and 2016 Olympic games.
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