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» (E) San Francisco Style Cioppino
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/23/2002 | Croatian Cuisine | Unrated
Op-ed at the bottom of the page. 
In February 1929, Sunset Magazine adopted the editorial policy that still 
guides it: a magazine of Western living for people who live in the West. 
Over the years, the recipes that have appeared in its pages have become a history 
of Western tastes. 
Such factors as climate, geography, and ethnic mixtures have shaped its 
regional life style. Informality and a willingness to experiment are a large 
part of everyday experiences in the West. 
They first presented San Francisco's famous Cioppino in 1941, crediting its 
invention to San Francisco fishermen from the Dalmatian Coast (Croatia) 
Dungeness crab is the star of this robust shellfish stew; clams and shrimp 
add their flavors, too. 
It's traditional to sop up the thick tomato and garlic sauce with lots of 
extra-sour sourdough bread. 
San Francisco Style Cioppino 
1/4 cup olive oil or salad oil 
1 large onion, chopped 
2 cloves garlic minced or pressed 
1 large green bell pepper, stemmed,seeded, and chopped 
2/3 cup chopped parsley 
1 can 15oz tomato sauce 
1 can 28oz tomatoes 
1 cup dry red or white wine 
1 bay leaf 
1 teaspoon dry basil 
1/2 teaspoon dry oregano leaves 
12 clams in shell, suitable for steaming, scrubbed 
1 pound large shrimp (about 30 per lb), shelled and deveined 
2 ive or cooked large Dungeness crab (about2lb each) 
    ,cleaned and cracked 
In a 6-8 quart pan over medium heat, combine oil, onion, garlic, bell 
pepper, and parsley; cook, stirring often, until onion is soft. Stir in tomato 
sauce, tomatoes (break up with a spoon) and their liquid, wine, bay leaf, basil, 
and oregano. Cover and simmer until slighly thickened, about 20 minutes. 
To broth, add clams, shrimp, and crab. Cover and simmer gently until clams 
pop open and shrimp turn pink, about 20 minutes longer. 
Ladle hot broth and some of each shellfish into large soup bowls or soup plates. 
Makes 6 servings. 
Please write to Sally and ask her to put Croatian Cuisine as a part of Ethnic Cuisine. First address is a sample 
for the German Cuisine at her site and the second address is an Ethnic Cuisine Page. There are many more sites that need such attention. If there is a site that reflects on Croatian Cuisine, that should be presented as a possibility. People will use the info if it is ready to go. National cuisine is part of a culture's identity. 
There we go, I found it on a That is the third address. Use that as a sample and compliment them. 
On you can find the most comprehensive LINKS library of Croatian lifestyle. 
BRAVO as well as What a magnificent job you have done ! 
Nenad Bach 
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» (E) Easter Orders and Janica Kostelic posters
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/22/2002 | Miscellaneous | Unrated
We Can Ship Easter Orders and Have Them to You by Easter! 
Just a quick note to let you know what we have left in stock for Easter: 
-3 yellow hand-decorated eggs from Zagreb that can be personalized! 
-3 intricately-designed bees’ wax, blown goose eggs! 
-15 Croatian Easter Bunnies! 
-2 yellow, 5 green, and 3 red, hand-painted Kalosca eggs from Hungary! 
To see photographs of these items, visit Heart of Croatia Gifts at and go to the "Easter" category. Don't forget: we can 
ship your order Priority Mail and have it to you by Easter if you place your 
order by March 26th. 
Another reminder that our "Janica Kostelic" posters are now available. They 
are selling very quickly, so order soon! We only have limited stock so don't 
be disappointed. These are keepsake, collectible posters. 
For these and other fine, high quality Croatian products, shop "Heart of 
Croatia" Gifts at, or call us at our toll-free number 
Melissa Pintar Obenauf 
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» (E) Senator Clinton attending "Necessary Targets"
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/22/2002 | Events | Unrated
On Sunday March 24th, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (NY), PBS President Pat Mitchell, and V-Day Founder Eve Ensler will speak and respond to questions on the subject of Women and Peace following the 3:00 PM matinee performance of Eve Ensler's new play "Necessary Targets" at the Variety Arts Theatre located 110 3rd Avenue at 14th Street in New York City. 
This panel discussion is part of a series of NECESSARY TALKS sponsored by V-Day at selected Sunday matinees of "Necessary Targets." 
The play, "Necessary Targets" is based on interviews with numerous people who survived torture, killings and rape during the Serbian attack on Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The "Necessary Targets" provides a timely reminder of the effects of war and the need to arrest war criminals Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic. 
For discount tickets please call (212) 239-6200 and mention promotion code NTVL317 or call (212) 947-8844 with promotion code NTTPL64. 
Distributed by This message is intended for Croatian Associations/Institutions and their Friends in Croatia and in the World. The opinions/articles expressed on this list do not reflect personal opinions of the moderator. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know! 
» (H) Hrvatska cetvrta na svijetu u kuglanju na ledu!
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/21/2002 | Sports | Unrated

Dragi nas Caballero, 

u prilogu saljemo izvjestaj sa zavrsne svecanosti organizirane povodom uspjeha hrvatske reprezentacije na svjetskom prvenstvu u kuglanju na ledu. Puno pozdrava sa europske tromede u Baselu,

Tvoji odani Zarko Dolinar i Edo Kruslin

HASK-Zagreb 1903
Postfach 3464, 
CH-4002 Basel

Basel, 17.ozujka 2002
Hrvatska reprezentacija cetvrta na svijetu!

Veliki uspjeh nase muske i zenske reprezentacije na svijetskom prvenstvu u kuglanju na ledu (njemacki "Eisstock") odrzanom u svicarskom Frauenfeldu od 11-17.3.2002. 

Evo jos jenog dokaza da sportski uspjesi nisu uvijek vezani za velike izdatke. Hrvatska zenska reprezentacja u sastavu Jasmina GASI, Ivana SIMUNEC, Bozena i Ivana BRKLJACIC, i muska reprezentacija u sastavu Karlo KODRNJA, Karlo CERCEK, Dean ZANOSKI, Jasmin HODZIC i Dominik MILIN je postigla od ukupno 19 prijavljenih nacija zavidno cetvrto mjesto. Ovaj puta su nasi reprezentativci dopustili da ih preteknu samo tri nacije, koje se medju nama receno ali ubrajaju u kolijevku ovog egzoticnog i u CH siroj publici nepoznatog sporta. Treba naglasiti da nasu reprezentacija zastupa mladi narastaj godista izmedju 1977-1984 sto pokazuje da je vecina tek na pocetku karijeree ove mlade i perspektivne grane hrvatskog sporta.

Ovdje u CH se za smjestaj pobrinuo HRVATSKI KULTURNI CENTAR u Winterthuru. Posebno treba istaknuti spremnost i organizacioni talent dr. Pave Medveda, koji uz sve svoje dnevne obaveze nasao uvijek vremena da se barem telefonski raspita za stanje na tablici i vodio brigu o smjestaju i prehrani. Gospodina Ivana Lazica domara i njegova sina (smjestili su sve clanove reprezentacije kod sebe), Satjepana Boltizara, Branka Marica i Ljubomira Buncica pretsjednika centra koji su vrata, kuhinju i srce ovog doma sirom otvorili, a tesko je obicnim rijecima pohvale istaknuti i sve ostale clanice i clanove koji su nesebicno pomogli tijekom cijelog boravka nase reprezentacije. 

U nedjelju 18.3.02 je u prostorijama centra organiziran zavrsna svecanost i oprostajni rucak na kojem je bio nazocan hrvatski generalni konzul iz Züricha gospodin Toni Glovacki sa suprugom, gospodin Vjekomir Markovic predsjednik NK Croatie iz Züricha i dr. Edo Kruslin pretsjednik HASK-a Zagreb 1903 iz Basela.

Nazocne je prije nedeljnog objeda pozdravio u ime Udruzbe Hrvatskih Sportskih Klubova u CH dr. Edo Kruslin i obratio se nasim reprezentativcima sa rijecima: Mi koji zivimo u dijaspori, vec smo prije 30 godina sanjali dan klada ce mladi hrvatski narastaj braniti boje nase trobojnice. Danas ste Vi medju nama. Sretni smo da je san postao java. Ponosni smo na Vas, na hrvatsku reprezentaciju. Ponosni smo na Vas veliki uspjeh, jer to je i nas uspjeh. Posebno ga je obradovala vijest da su clanovi reprezentacije nedavno postali i novi clanovi velike HASK-ove obitelji u Zagrebu, cime je nas najstariji hrvatski sportski klub osnovan 1903 (splitski HAJDUK 1911) dobio jos jednu sportsku sekciju. U ime reprezentacije se je na gostoprimstvu i prijateljskoj paznji zahvalio gospodin Dominik MILIN: 

Prisutnima se je obratio i generalni konzul Republike Hrvatske u CH gospodin Toni Glovacki koji je nase reprezentativce i tijekam svjetsdkog prvenstva i u borilackoj areni na ledu u Frauenfeldu pohodio i svojom nazocnoscu bodrio. Treba naglasiti da su clanovi reprezentacije jedno slobodno poslijepodne proveli kao pocasni gosti hrvatskog poslanstva u Zürichu.
Na rastanku je dr. Kruslin zamolio nase mlade reprezentativce da u duhu HASK-a budu ambasadori hrvatske sportske kulture i da grade most razumjevanja i uvazavanja koji ce povezati ove i buduce mlade narastaja DIJASPORE i DOMOVINE. 

U atmosferi slavlja i pokoje suze radosnice zaorila se uz pratnju harmonike nasih domacina hrvatskog kulturnog centra tradicionalna himna dijaspore i hrvatskoga mora i sunca "Marjane Marjane ca barjak ne vijes". - i to uz nas moto "kaj bus, to bum, ali "nista kontra Splita" - - pa onda neka netko kaze da mi Hrvati nismo uspjesni - prvi u skijanju, treci u nogometu i sada cetvrti na svijetu u kuglanju na ledu.

sve Vas srdacno pozdravlja predsjednik HASK-a iz Basela Dr. Edo Kruslin

clanovi upravnog odbora HASK-Zagreb 1903 iz Basela

Edo Kruslin (predsjednik) Prof. Zarko Dolinar (pocasni predsjednik)
Robert Eggmann (tajnik i blagajnik) Dr. med. Katarina Hueter + postm (dopredsjednica)
Safet Saracevic (streljacka sekcija) Prof. Vladimir Prelog + postm (pocasni clan)
Tomislav Leko (odbojkaska sekcija) 
Nino Holub (kosarkaska sekcija)

HASK-Zagreb 1903 Postfach 3464, CH-4002 Basel Fax 004161-69 22 774 Mobitel 079-356 7777
e-mail: CRO portal u CH:

Ako se pitate da li je to THE Zarko Dolinar, prvak svijeta u stolnom tenisu, persona grata u citavom svijetu? 
Odgovor je DA.

Ifyou ask yourself if this is THE Zarko Dolinar, table tennis champion of theworld, persona grata in the whole world? The answer is YES.

» (E) Croatia is 4th in the World in Curling (Ice Bowling)
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/21/2002 | Sports | Unrated
Our dear Caballero, attached is a report from the concluding events 
organized in honor of the success of Croatia’s representation in the ice 
bowling world championship. 
Many regards from the in European tri-border in Basel 
Yours truly, Zarko Dolinar and Edo Kruslin 
HASK – Zagreb 1903 
Postfach 3464 
CH-4002 Basel 
Basel, March 17, 2002 
Croatians are 4th in the world! 
The great success of our men’s and women’s teams in the world championship 
in ice bowling (German: Eisstock) held in the Swiss town of Frauenfeld from 
March 11-17. 
Here is one more example that success in sports is not always tied to great 
expenses. The Croatian women’s team is comprised of: Jasmina GASI, Ivana 
SIMUNEC, Bozena i Ivana BRKLJACIC, while the men’s team is made up of: Karlo 
KODRNJA, Karlo CERCEK, Dean ZANOSKI, Jasmin HODZIC i Dominik MILIN, made an 
excellent 4th place finish out of the 19 nations entered. 
This time our representatives allowed only three nations to surpass them, 
who are known among us, but are counted in the infancy of this exotic sport, 
which is hardly known to the wider public even in Switzerland. 
It must be said that our team is comprised of a younger generation born 
between 1977-1984, which shows that the majority of them are at the start of 
their careers in this nascent and perspective branch of Croatian sports. 
The Croatian Cultural Center in Winterhur, Switzerland handled the 
accommodations. The readiness and organizational talent of Dr. Pavo Medved 
must be especially noted, who along with his daily responsibilities always 
found time to at least call to find out the situation on the leader board 
and handled the accommodations and food. 
Mr. Ivan Lazic, the headmaster and his son accommodated all of the 
representatives by them, Stjepan Boltizar, Branko Maric, and Ljubomir 
Buncic, the president of the center opened their doors, kitchen and hearts 
wide open, and it would be difficult to thank them and the rest of the 
members who unselfishly helped during the stay of our entire team with just 
ordinary words. 
On Sunday March 17, a party and farewell luncheon was held in the Center, 
with the Croatian Consul General from Zurich, Mr. Toni Glovacki with his 
wife, Mr. Vjekomir Markovic the president of NK Croatia from Zurich and Dr. 
Edo Kruslin, the president of HASK Zagreb 1903 in Basel in attendance. 
Before Sunday lunch, Dr. Edo Kruslin greeted everyone present in the name of 
the United Croatian Sports Clubs in Switzerland and stated to our 
representatives the following words: 
“Those of us who have lived in the Diaspora, began to dream of a time some 
30 years ago a day when the younger Croatian generation would defend our 
tricolor. Today you are among them. We are happy that the dream became a 
reality. We are proud of you, the Croatian representation. We are proud of 
your great success, because it is our success. “ 
It especially pleased him that the members of the representation recently 
became members of the large HASK family in Zagreb, in which our oldest 
soccer team was founded in 1903 (Hajduk in Split was founded in 1911) 
received one more athletic section. Mr. Dominik Milin thanked those present 
in the name of the Croatian representation for their hospitality and 
The Consul General of the Republic of Croatia in Switzerland, Mr. Toni 
Glovacki, who was present for the world cup at the Frauenfeld ice arena, 
spoke to those present. 
It must be said that the members of the team, spent one free afternoon as 
honored guests of the Croatian consulate in Zurich. At the party’s end, Dr. 
Kruslin asked our young representatives to in the spirit of HASK, to be 
ambassadors of Croatia’s sports culture and to build a bridge of 
understanding and appreciation, which will tie this generation and future 
ones of the Diaspora and homeland. 
In an atmosphere of celebration and with occasional tears, the party ended 
with an accompaniment of accordions by our hosts at the Croatian Cultural 
Center, played the traditional hymn of both the Diaspora and the Croatia sea 
and sun “Marjane Marjane ca barjak ne vijes” along with our motto “Kaj bus, 
to bum” and “Nista Kontra Splita.” So let somebody say that we Croats are 
not successful, first in skiing, third in soccer, and now fourth in the 
world for ice bowling. 
My sincere greetings 
Dr. Edo Kruslin, President of HASK Basel 
Members of the executive board of HASK-Zagreb 1903, Basel 
Edo Kruslin (President) 
Prof. Zarko Dolinar (Honorary Vice President) 
Robert Eggmann (Secretary and Treasurer) 
Safet Saracevic (Shooting Section) 
Tomislav Leko (Volleyball Section) 
Nino Holub (Basketball Section) 
med. Katarina Hueter, deceased (Vice President) 
Prof. Vladimir Prelog, deceased (Honorary Member) 
HASK-Zagreb 1903 
Postfach 3464 
CH-4002 Basel 
Fax: 004161-69 22 774 
Mobile: 079-356 7777 
CRO portal in Switzerland: 
If anyone is wondering if that is Zarko Dolinar, the world champion in table tennis, 
persona grata in the whole world? 
The answer is YES! 
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» (E) Documentary Concerning Otpor on PBS Tonight
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/21/2002 | Media Watch | Unrated
I heard this evening that PBS will show a documentary on Otpor on March 31, 
2002. Let's keep a watch for inaccuracies. John Kraljic 
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» (E) For Oscar, the accent's on box office
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/21/2002 | Entertainment | Unrated
For Oscar, the accent's on box office 
Wed Mar 20, 4:10 AM ET 
By Adam Dawtrey 
LONDON (Variety) - Forget arthouse: For the past three years, the foreign-language Oscar has been won by a global blockbuster. 
So history would suggest that French romantic comedy "Amelie," with a worldwide gross of $134 million, will follow the path to the podium previously trodden by "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and "Life Is Beautiful." 
From the U.S. perspective, this year's other four contenders -- Argentina's "Son of the Bride," Norway's "Elling," Bosnia's "No Man's Land" and India's "Lagaan" -- look like weaklings by comparison. Yet in the context of their own countries, they're all box office behemoths, too. 
War-ravaged Bosnia, for example, hardly has any cinemas left, so the $215,000 earned there by "No Man's Land" is an extraordinary achievement. 
In Norway, "Elling" is the all-time No. 1 local picture. "Son of the Bride" was Argentina's biggest local movie in 2001. "Lagaan," despite its daunting 223-minute running time, came in at No. 3 in India. 
These four still have some distance to go on their international travels, and therefore much to gain commercially from an Oscar victory. For "Amelie," it's just a matter of pride. 
Writer/director Jean-Pierre Jeunet's movie has already traveled wider than any other French picture. Its boffo figures in Germany and Spain ($14 million and $7 million, respectively) might not have beaten the record for a Gallic pic set by "Asterix and Obelix versus Caesar," but Jeunet's charmer also wowed the crowds in territories where Asterix never managed to get his passport stamped -- the U.S. ($29 million), the U.K. ($7 million) and Japan ($8 million). It also has opened in countries such as Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines, territories where few French pictures ever open. 
"Amelie" achieved its success despite being snubbed by the Cannes Film Festival (news - web sites) last year. It was the French theatrical release in April that set the tone. 
In contrast, Cannes was the making of "No Man's Land," which earned an eight-minute standing ovation and the script prize. "Cannes created this film and this director," said Paris-based producer Cedomir Kolar. 
Nonetheless, it's a tough movie -- an ironic drama about the war in Bosnia -- and its box office beyond home turf reflects that. 
The French-Italian-Belgian-British-Slovenian co-production won a Cesar Award in France for best first film; in Belgium the prize for best Belgian film; and in Italy it has been adopted as the country's Oscar standard-bearer after Nanni Moretti's "The Son's Room" failed to secure a nomination. 
"We say that 'No Man's Land' is really no man's film," laughs Kolar. 
The French release, on Sept. 19, was overshadowed by the events of Sept. 11, but the film still ended up with a healthy $900,000. In Italy two weeks later, however, its thunder was stolen by the remarkable run of Afghan movie "Kandahar," and "Land" bagged $400,000. 
"The Oscar nomination has probably helped us sell the film in smaller territories, such as Portugal, Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan," said Joy Wong of sales agent the Works. "Box office figures have been O.K., not fantastic, for this sort of film." 
Except, of course, in the former Yugoslavia, where the movie is set. It has broken records in Slovenia and Serbia as well as Bosnia itself. 
The only blip -- an ironic legacy of the conflict that is the subject of the film -- was Croatia, where it grossed just $16,000 even though both lead actors are local boys. 
"The distributor was great, but nobody else followed," said Kolar. "I think it was jealousy of the neighbor, the former brother." 
"Elling" has yet to open anywhere beyond Scandinavia, where it has put in the best-ever performance by a Norwegian movie, grossing a combined $5.9 million across those territories. 
After topping the charts in Argentina last year, "Son of the Bride" is now running strongly, with a $4 million gross in Spain, where Latin American movies routinely fail. The picture's Spanish takings surged 60% higher in the weekend after the Oscar nominations. Sony Classics opens the film March 22 Stateside. 
Which just leaves "Lagaan." The Indian picture -- a kind of Bollywood-Merchant Ivory hybrid -- has played strongly both in India and in Bollywood theaters in the U.S. and U.K., but has yet to cross over to a non-ethnic audience. Sony Classics has picked it up for a Stateside re-release, and the studio will roll it out across the rest of Europe in May. 
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» (E) Winner of the men's and the women's slalom World Cup 2002
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/20/2002 | Sports | Unrated


Winner of the men's and the women's slalom World Cup Ivica Kostelic from Croatia and Laure Pequegnot from France, from left, joke during the World Cup ceremony on Sunday, March 10, 2002 in Flachau, Austria. (AP Photo/Rudi Blaha)

» (H) Nogometno Prvenstvo Svijeta 2002 na HTVu
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/20/2002 | Sports | Unrated
Tijekom svibnja ce se, u vecernjim terminima, na Hrvatskoj televiziji svakodnevno reprizirati antologijske utakmice hrvatske reprezentacije i hrvatskih klubova, i to po petnaest reprezentacijskih i petnaest klupskih utakmica. Koje cete susrete ponovno, ili možda prvi put, pogledati, odlucite sami. Zasad vam nudimo popis utakmica hrvatske reprezentacije za koje možete glasovati. Naravno, emitirat ce se susreti s najviše glasova. 
Uskoro cemo vam ponuditi i popis s utakmicama naših klubova. Zasad samo najavljujemo za koje cete susrete moci dati svoj glas: Croatia - Newcastle, Croatia - Celtic, Hajduk - Dudelange, Osijek - Anderlecht, Varteks - Heerenveen, Croatia - Partizan, Hajduk - Malmo. 
U sklopu Projekta Svjetskoga nogometnog prvenstva Hrvatske radiotelevizije, uz prijenose utakmica iz Južne Koreje i Japana, osmišljen je i poseban program s nogometnom tematikom pod radnim nazivom Nogometna televizija. Dio programa radit ce ekipa emisije Svlacionica koja planira snimiti i priloge s hrvatskim navijacima, pa molimo Vaš doprinos i tražimo: 
- najdirljiviju navijacku pricu 
- najnavijaca s najviše gostovanja 
- najnapetiji, najcudniji i bilo kakav drugi najdolazak na tekmu 
- najstarijeg, najdebljeg, najmršavijeg, najljepšeg navijaca, s dokazima, naravno 
- najvecu žrtvu i samoodricanje podneseno za hrvatsku reprezentaciju 
- najbolji navijacki slogan 
- navijacke i nogometne viceve 
- najvecega kolekcionara šalova, dresova. i ostalih nogometnih rekvizita 
- i sva ostala nogometno-navijacka cuda koja Vam padnu na pamet. 
Svoje ideje, radove, slike i viceve šaljite e-mailom ili poštom na adresu: Projekt Svjetskoga nogometnog prvenstva, Prisavlje 3, Zagreb. Najoriginalnije ideje i radove objavit cemo na svojim stranicama, a najbolje medu njima i snimiti. Stoga Vas molimo da obvezno u e-mailu ili pismu napišete svoje puno ime i prezime, adresu i broj telefona. 
HTV je službeni partner HBS-a (Host Broadcast Services) - TV domacina Svjetskog prvenstva i službeni ekskluzivni prenositelj svih utakmica FIFA World Cup 2002. Korea/Japan za Hrvatsku. 
Osim HTV-a, nijedna druga televizija na podrucju Hrvatske nece moci koristiti nijednu sekundu slike s utakmica Svjetskog prvenstva 2002. Veliko je zadovoljstvo što smo usprkos iznimno velikom povecanju cijena za otkup TV prava uspjeli osigurati gledateljima HTV-a pracenje najveceg medijskog dogadaja u 2002. godini. 
Prema svim dosadašnjim pokazateljima, svjetska su nogometna prvenstva najgledaniji TV prijenosi, a finalne utakmice najgledaniji pojedinacni dogadaj. Ocekuje se da ce oko 40 milijardi ljudi gledati utakmice Svjetskog prvenstva 2002. 
U pravilu utakmice u Koreji i Japanu pocinju u 15.30 (po našem vremenu u 8.30), u 18.00 (po našem vremenu u 11.00) i 20.30 (po našem vremenu u 13.30). Od 64 utakmice HTV ce prenositi 56 susreta u izravnim prijenosima, a osam meceva koji se igraju istodobno s drugim utakmicama bit ce prikazano u snimkama neposredno nakon što završe. 
Buduci da mnogi ljudi zbog posla nece moci pratiti izravne prijenose utakmica, HTV priprema središnju vecernju emisiju s pocetkom u 20 sati posvecenu Svjetskom nogometnom prvenstvu. Pod nazivom "Nogometna TV", ta ce emisija trajati, ovisno o broju utakmica tog dana, tri do pet sati. Osnovna je namjera da taj program bude sportsko-zabavnog karaktera kako bi bio zanimljiv najširoj publici. U njemu ce, naravno, biti obradene sve utakmice dana (u sažetim snimkama ) uz analizu uglednih nogometnih strucnjaka, ali i uz sudjelovanje brojnih gostiju koji vole nogomet (glumaca, glazbenika, slikara, pisaca itd). U sklopu emisije bit ce i kviz, nagradne igre za gledatelje, stalna rubrika "Oko sokolovo", svakodnevni ekskluzivni prilozi HTV-ovih ekipa iz Koreje i Japana te niz aktualnosti. 
Za poseban dio vecernjeg programa bit ce zadužen Robert Knjaz i njegov tim u seriji mini reportaža vezanih uz nogomet i Svjetsko prvenstvo ("škola nogometa", turnir poznatih licnosti "1na1", nogometne antireklame, kolekcionari, žene o nogometu, izbor najzgodnijeg nogometaša i slicno) - o cemu možete djelomicno i vi glasati na našim stranicama. 
U ožujku, travnju i lipnju emitirat cemo 11 epizoda serije o povijesti svjetskih prvenstava, a u cetvrtak, 7. 3., pocelo je emitiranje "Povijesti nogometa". Upoznat cemo gledatelje s gradovima domacinima, o putu reprezentacija do Koreje i Japana, te prikazati sve momcadi koje budu sudjelovale u završnici Svjetskog prvenstva. 
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please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know! 
» (E) Novi List Now On Line
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/20/2002 | Media Watch | Unrated
Rijeka's daily newspaper, Novi list, is (finally) on-line. Here's the site: 
John Kraljic 
Distributed by This message is intended for Croatian Associations/Institutions and their Friends in Croatia and in the World. The opinions/articles expressed on this list do not reflect personal opinions of the moderator. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know! 
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