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» (E) Letter to Wall Street Journal
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/19/2002 | Letters to the Editors | Unrated
Re: "Anti-Terrorism Requires Nation Building," by Matthew Kaminski, Op-Ed, 
March 15, 2002 
To the Editor: 
Matthew Kaminski makes a compelling argument concerning the US military's 
role in stemming Islamic fundamentalism in Bosnia-Herzegovina. However, he 
fails to address what is necessary for the successful conclusion of America's 
mission in that country. 
The primary problem remains an unwieldy administration which provides often 
contradictory rights to the three constituent nations in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 
the Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks. The current government structure 
specifically fails to properly assure equal rights to political and cultural 
development for all three of its peoples. 
The Croats in this regard have been the big losers. The majority of Croats 
in the country have concluded that they have no stake in the country, 
something that is necessary for the stability of Bosnia-Herzegovina. 
As pointed out by a senior Bosnian-Herzegovine diplomat in WSJE on October 
12 (V.M. Raguz, "Now There Another Reason to Seek Peace in the Balkans"), a 
new plan for long term stability is what NATO now needs -- a plan that would 
craft uniform collective rights to the still unhappy groups in the region, 
such as the Croats. 
Mr. Kaminski rightly notes that Bosnia- Herzegovina's unity is a 
prerequisite to stability. However, such unity cannot occur without uniform 
institutions equally protecting and promoting the interests of Croats as 
well as Serbs and Bosniaks. 
Very truly yours, 
John Peter Kraljic 
President, National Federation of Croatian Americans 
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» (D) In memoriam Hans-Georg Gadamer
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/19/2002 | In Memoriam | Unrated
Anmerkung. Hans-Georg Gadamer hat den kroatishen Philosphen Mathias Flacius 
Illyricus / Matija Vlacic Ilirik (1520-1575) als einen Klassiker der 
Hermeneutik anerkannt. Im zweiten Band seines Hauptwerks "Wahrheit und 
Methode", behandelt Gadamer Vlacics Hermeneutik sehr umfaenglich. Vlacics 
Begriff "scopus" ist einer der Grundbegriffe der Hermaneutik bei Gadamer (die Lehre 
vom Auslegen und Verstehen). Vlacic war einer der einflussreichsten Denker 
der propestantischen Bewegung, er hat ueber 250 Baende verfasst, und sein 
Hauptwerk ist "Catalogus testium veritas" (1556). Vlacic stammte aus 
Istrien. Gadamer hat auch an den Universitaeten in den Vereinigten Staaten 
Vortraegen / Vorlesungen gehalten. (ra) 
Der letzte deutsche Denker in großer Tradition 
Hans-Georg Gadamer begründete die philosophische Hermeneutik und war in 
seinen letzten Lebensjahrzehnten der "Nestor" der deutschen Gegenwartsphilosophie. 
Hans-Georg Gadamer war nicht nur der älteste, sondern auch imposanteste 
Repräsentant der Geisteswissenschaftler Deutschlands. Der Philosoph starb 
einen Monat nach seinem 102. Geburtstag in Heidelberg. 
Der am 11. Februar 1900 in Marburg geborene Sohn eines Chemieprofessors 
durchlebte das gesamte vergangene Jahrhundert, das er mit seinem 
umfangreichen Werk bereichert und mitgeprägt hat. Bis zu seinem Tod war 
Gadamer ein hellwacher Kopf, dazu ein so kritischer wie souveränder 
Beobachter des Zeitgeschehens. Noch als Greis konnte der Schüler Martin 
Heideggers aus dem Stand und ohne jedes Konzept druckreif in freier Rede 
formulieren. In den letzten Jahren drängten sich geradezu die Nachgeborenen, um ein 
Interview oder einfach nur ein Gespräch mit dem auch äußerlich 
beeindruckenden weißhaarigen Herrn mit besten Manieren zu bekommen. Denn 
allen war klar, dass ein Denker dieser Rangstufe, mit diesem 
enzyklopädischen Wissen und sich wie selbstverständlich in der großen 
Tradition der deutschen Philosophiegeschichte bewegend, keinen Nachfolger 
haben würde. Dabei ist der Ruhm erst spät in das lange Leben des schon 1968 von seinem 
Heidelberger Lehrstuhl abgetretenen Mannes gekommen: 1960 hatte Gadamer mit 
seinem Hauptwerk "Wahrheit und Methode" Weltgeltung erlangt. Fortan galt er 
als Begründer der zeitgenössischen "philosophischen Hermeneutik", der Lehre 
vom Auslegen und Verstehen. Gadamer verstand den Menschen als ein auf Verstehen 
angelegtes Wesen, der die Erfahrung von Geschichte in Sinn umzuwandeln genötigt ist. 
Wer je diesen lebhaften Denker bei einer Vorlesung oder einem Vortrag beobachten konnte, 
sah einen Mann, der das Gespräch und das Wort über alles liebte. 
Dialogfähigkeit als Überlebensfrage der Menschheit 
Für den späten Gadamer war die Dialogverpflichtung des Menschen die 
Überlebensfrage der Menschheit überhaupt: "Die Hermeneutik kann ja besonders 
dies leisten: den Respekt vor dem anderen wieder zu begründen durch die 
Tatsache, dass man niemals für sich alleine alles sagen kann." 
Als der bis zuletzt seine tägliche Weinration genießende Mann diese 
Erkenntnis eines langen Gelehrtendaseins formulierte, war er übrigens 
bereits 99 Jahre alt. "Zeuge des Jahrhunderts zu sein, ist eine große Last", meinte er 
damals im Blick auf jenes 20. Jahrhundert, dessen Irrungen und Wirrungen auch Gadamer 
nicht entkommen konnte. 1939 hatte der Philosoph einen Lehrstuhl in Leipzig erhalten, 
den er bis 1947 behielt. Im Hitler-Reich konzentrierte er sich auf sein Fachgebiet, in 
dem er mit einer von Heidegger abgenommenen Arbeit über die Ethik in der 
griechischen Antike seine Professur begründet hatte. 
Unter dem Motto "Auch das geht vorüber" überstand er die Diktatur ohne 
nachweisbare Verstrickung oder Widerstand. Gadamer sah sich selbst so 
bewusst wie bescheiden als deutschen Professor traditionellen Stils. 
In späten Jahren zum Nestor seiner Disziplin, ja zur geistigen Instanz zu 
werden - das dürfte den persönlich bescheidenen, höchst unspektakulär in 
einem Einfamilienhaus oberhalb von Heidelberg wohnenden Denker selbst 
verwundert haben. Doch er war ja nicht nur ein Philosoph, der kluge Bücher geschrieben 
hatte, sondern ein Meister deutscher Sprache, der nach dem Tod Ernst Jüngers nicht 
mehr seinesgleichen hatte. Die Muttersprache, sagte er, "prägt unsere Identität und ist 
durch nichts zu ersetzen." Auch Hans-Georg Gadamer ist nicht zu ersetzen. 
Seine Werke werden bleiben, aber mehr noch die Erinnerung all derer, die ihn 
persönlich hören und sehen konnten. Mit seinem Tod geht eine ganze Epoche deutscher 
Geistesgeschichte zu Ende. (ap/kas) 
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please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know! 
» (E) Cast Your Vote by Socrates
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/19/2002 | Humor And Wisdom | Unrated
Socrates. That seems very strange to me, when I consider the principle which 
you say governs your politics. But there is another class, so very numerous 
and important, that I am sure your legislators must have found a means of 
counting their votes, although there may be some material difficulty in 
doing so : I mean the dead. For who can have a greater stake in a country 
than its founders, whose whole soul and single hope was devoted to 
establishing it, that it might last and be true to their thought for ever ; 
or than the soldiers who in many wars have successively given their lives to 
preserve it ? Surely at every meeting of your assembly their votes are 
counted first, which they once cast so solemnly and sincerely, and at so 
great a sacrifice to themselves for your sake ; and their veto is interposed 
beforehand against any rash measures that might undo their labours, stultify 
their hopes, and banish their spirit from the house which they built and 
The Stranger. No ; the dead have no vote among us. On the contrary, we think 
they have too much influence as it is without voting, because they have 
bequeathed institutions to us which encumber our playground and are not to 
our liking ; and the inertia which these institutions oppose to our fresh 
desires seems to us a hateful force, which we call the dead hand. 
Socrates. Do you mean that every young rascal, who knows nothing of the 
origin and laws of his country, and has never done anything in it but be 
born, may cast a vote, or that foreigners fleeing from famine or seeking by 
trade to enrich themselves privately, although in their hearts they may be 
sworn enemies to the land that receives them, may cast a vote also, but that 
the founders and defenders of it are not suffered to make their voices 
heard, because they happen to be dead ? I, who am dead myself, see a great 
injustice in that... 
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By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/18/2002 | In Memoriam | Unrated
ZAGREB 18.ozujka 2002. 
U zagrebackoj bolnici Sveti Duh jucer poslijepodne umrla je, nakon kratke i 
teske bolesti, hrvatska povjesnicarka Ljubica Stefan. 
napisala je desetak knjiga, baveci se uglavnom genezom velikosrpske ideje, 
prikupljajuci po beogradskim arhivima i knjiznicama nepoznate dokumente o 
ulozi Srbije u Drugom svjetskom ratu, Srpskoj pravoslavnoj crkvi (SPC), 
srpskom antisemitizmu i nasiljem nad Albancima. 
Takodjer je objavila i niz clanaka i podlistaka u tjedniku za kulturu 
Hrvatsko slovo, u Vjesniku te Hrvatskom obzoru. 
Sinoc je u Zagrebu sastavljen i odbor za pripremu pokopa povjesnicarke 
Ljubice Stefan, a o danu pokopa javnost ce biti naknadno obavjestena. (H) 
Prof. Ljubica Stefan (r. 1921.g. u Prilepu) 
Dom umirovljenika 
Klaiceva ul. 10 / soba 137 ; 10000Zagreb 
otac u I. svij. ratu kao pricuvni austrijski casnik zarobljen i preko 
Albanije odveden u logor u Italiju, odbio biti dobrovoljac srpske vojske 
zato nakon povratka u Karlovacu nije mogao dobiti posao kao profesor na 
Gimnaziji, pa po dekretu tadasnjeg Ministarstva prosvjete rasporedjen u 
Prilep, kasnije se vraca u Karlovac, a zatim ponovno seli u Beograd 
Ljubica rodjena 1921.g. u Prilepu od roditelja Hrvata iz Karlovca, majka joj rano umire 
za vrijeme II. svij. rata boravi u Karlovcu kod strica, koji pomaze i zbrinjava zidovske obitelji 
zapocinje studij slavistike u Zagrebu i zavrsava 1949.g. studij u Beogradu 
gdje seli kod oca svucilisni je profesor na Saobracajnom fakultetu u Beogradu, gdje je 
predavala rusku terminologiju do mirovine u mirovini pise knjige kojima zeli posvjedociti povijesne istine 1989.g. izlazi joj prva knjiga u Sloveniji, ali ne pod njezinim imenom jer zivi u Beogradu 
1991.g. izlazi MOZAIK IZDAJE ( izdanje pod imenom Tomislav Vukovic) 
1992.g. izlazi PREGLED SRPSKOG ANTISEMITIZMA (pod pseudonimom Edo Bojevic, 
izdanje PEGAZ, Zgb, Ilica 26) 
1992.g. radi sigurnosti hitno napusta Beograd, gdje ostavlja stan i svu 
imovinu, te dolazi bez icega 4.7.1992.g. u Zagreb 
1992.g. pise Zidovskim organizacijama o pomoci njenog strica Zidovima, te 
dobiva izraelsku Povelju i medalju pravednika medju narodima, za strica Lujo 
Stefana i sebe osobno; posjecuje Izrael gdje osobno prima Povelju 
1996.g. izdaje pod svojim imenom na temelju prikupljene povijesne gradje 
1998.g. STEPINAC I ZIDOVI (Croatiaprojekt) 
1999.g. ISTINOM I CINJENICAMA ZA HRVATSKU (Zaklada Hrvatskog slova) 
1999.g. MITOVI I ZATAJENA POVIJEST (Kresimir-SlovoM) 
u domoljubnoj namjeri podijelila je sve knjige koje je umjesto novca 
dobivala kao kompenzaciju za autorske honorare 
dobila je mnogostruka obecanja od prosle vlasti za rjesavanje njezinog 
stambenog pitanja i socijalnog stanja, ali nista nije realizirano 
zivjela u Zagrebu u Domu umirovljenika s mirovinom ( 1.300 kn), nedostatnom 
za pokrivanje troskova doma ( 2.300 kn) 
do smrti pisala clanke u interesu hrvatske istine 
Prema zabiljeskama iz razgovora 12.rujna 2000.g. 
Damir Borovcak 
From Vjesnik. John Kraljic 
Umrla Ljubica Stefan, dobitnica priznanja »Pravednik medu narodima« 
ZAGREB, 18. ozujka - Nakon krace i teske bolesti u nedjelju popodne u 
zagrebackoj bolnici Sveti Duh umrla je hrvatska povjesnicarka i dobitnica 
priznanja izraelske drzave »Pravednik medu narodima« Ljubica Stefan. Cijeli 
njen plodni rad mozda se najbolje moze ilustrirati naslovom njene knjige 
objavljene 1999. godine »Istinom i cinjenicama za Hrvatsku«. 
Pisanom rijecju, knjigama i clancima, od kojih je mnoge objavila u Vjesniku, 
ustrajno se borila protiv predrasuda i krivih interpretacija stvorenih u 
dijelu medunarodne javnosti o Hrvatima i njihovu pravu na samostalnu drzavu. 
Tako je ustrajno radila na otkrivanju cinjenica vezanih uz kardinala 
Stepinca i njegovu djelatnost u spasavanju Zidova uoci i tijekom Drugog 
svjetskog rata sto se objavila u knjizi »Stepinac i Zidovi«. Na svijetlo 
dana iznijela je i dokumente o susretu predstavnika Srpske pravoslavne crkve 
s njemackim vojnim vlastima kada su im iskazali lojalnost, a objavila je i 
dokument o apelu 500 najznacajnijih predstavnika srpskog naroda u kojem se 
Srbe poziva na suradnju s nacistima i borbu protiv komunista i Zidova. 
Ljubica Stefan rodena je 1921. u Prilepu, 1939. upisuje latinski i 
talijanski na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu no studij prekida tijekom 
Drugog svjetskog rata. Diplomirala je 1949. slavistiku na Filozofskom 
fakultetu u Beogradu. Prve knjige objavila je bez imena (»Srbija i 
Albanci«), a po dolasku u Zagreb 1992. objavljuje publikaciju o srpskom 
antisemitizmu i genocidu nad Zidovima. Godine 1998. pak objavljuje svog 
rad »Poslijeratni Titov logor Jasenovac 1945., 1947. i 1948. godina«. 
Bila je clanica saborske Komisije za utvrdivanje ratnih i poratnih zrtava te 
Odbora za ljudska prava povjerenstva za UNESCO Ministarstva vanjskih poslova 
RH. Prilikom dodjele priznanja »Pravednik medu narodima« njoj i njenom ocu 
Luji Stefanu u Yad Vashemu u Jeruzalemu, na njen izricit zahtjev, prvi put 
bilo upisano ime Hrvatska umjesto dotadasnje Jugoslavije. Zbog osobitog 
doprinosa razvitku i ugledu RH i dobrobiti njezinih gradana, tadasnji predsjednik 
Tudman odlikovao ju je za Dan drzavnosti 1998. Redom hrvatskog pletera. 
Marko Barisic 
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please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know! 
» (E) Boka Kotorska - forgotten history
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/18/2002 | History | Unrated
Boka Kotorska coastal region-What every Croatian must know ! 
Danny Dabo 
Taken from Dubrovnik, Konavle, Boka kotorska 
Boka kotorska 
The region of Boka kotorska is situated on the south-east of Dubrovnik and Konavle, along the Adriatic coast from Herceg Novi to very near the town of Bar. It was named after the town of Kotor, which is placed in a fascinating fjord. 
Boka kotorska was annexed to Montenegro in 1945. At that time it was populated mostly by Croatian Catholics (Bokelji). Now the ethnic situation in this region is entirely different, especially after 1991. 
The Bokelj's had a very strong fleet, which counted as many as 300 ships in the 18th century. Boka was a rival to Dubrovnik and Venice. It is worth mentioning that one of the Bokeljs - Matej Zmajevic - was the admiral of Baltic navy and the ship-builder of the famous Russian tsar Peter I the Great, and for whom he built a fleet in Voronez. 
Boka kotorska region is under protection of UNESCO, due to its very rich Croatian cultural heritage. The region around the town of Kotor is situated in probably the most beautiful fjord in Europe. In 1979 there was an earthquake that destroyed or seriously damaged numerous cultural monuments. 
Very important historical source for early Croatian history is Libellus Gothorum, a chronicle from 12th century known in Croatia as Ljetopis popa Dukljanina. It was written by Archbishop Grgur of Bar, born in Zadar, and Bar is a coastal town in Boka kotorska. The chronicle represents the oldest historiographic work of Croatian Middle Ages. 
It is interesting that Tripun Kotoran, a Kotor goldsmith, worked on the court of Ivan Grozny in Moscow in 1476. One of the earliest Croatian typographers was Andrija Paltasic (~1450-1500), born in the town of Kotor. He was one of the best Venetian typographers around 1480, who printed more than 40 incunabula, among them the Bible in Italian language. We also mention by the way that a very old missal from 12th century - the Kotor missal, is held in St. Petersburg, Russia. 
Nikola Modruski, born in Boka kotorska, was bishop of Modrus in Lika, Pope's representative at the court of Stjepan Tomasevic in Bosnia, and on the court of the Hungarian king Matijas Corvin in Budim, his huge library is in the Vatican. He wrote a treatise in defense of the Glagolitic Script in Modrus bishopric. It is regarded to be the first polemic treatise in the history of Croatian literature. 
Captain Petar Zelalic (Zhelalich), 18th century, born in Boka kotorska, was a member of Order of Maltese Knights. He became famous after his ship defeated a huge Turkish ship called "The Ottoman Crown." 
In 1782 Krsto Mazarevic from the city of Kotor (in today's Montenegro) performed a flight in two balloons. 
Another outstanding Croat is captain Ivan Visin born in Prcanj in Boka. His travel around the world started in Antwerpen in 1852 (his ship "Splendido" was 30m long, 311 metric tons of cargo) and ended successfully in Trieste in 1859. He was only the sixth after Magellan to do a similar exploit. For his brave undertaking, which was of the historical importance, he had been decorated by a flag of honour Merito navali by the Austrian Emperor (in fact, Visin was the only one who ever obtained such a honour). The trophy is held in Prcanj. Visin also became the honorary citizen of Trieste. 
Antun Lukovic, descendant of an old Croatian family from Boka kotorska, was the chief engineer in the project of building the Suez Canal (1859-1869). 
The Bokelj Marine 809 (Bokeljska mornarica 809) is a confraternity whose aim is to preserve more than a thousand year's Croatian maritime tradition. In 809 the remains of St Tripun were brought by Croatian mariners from Asia Minor to Kotor. The Cathedral of St Tripun in Kotor is the oldest Croatian cathedral, built in 1166. 
It is worth mentioning that New Yugoslavia participated at the international maritime exhibition EXPO'98 in Lisabon, Portugal, with Croatian cultural and maritime heritage of Boka kotorska. This very old and rich heritage was presented as Yugoslav without even mentioning that it belongs to the Croats in Boka kotorska. One can say that the Croats had in fact two pavilions in Lisabon: one belonging to Republic of Croatia (generally considered as one of the most original pavillions on the exhibition), and the other hidden under the name of Yugoslavia. 
Yugoslav press (and even some Croatian!) used to add an innocent number 1 to 809, to obtain 1809, thus reducing the rich history of Croatian mariners in Boka kotorska for no less than 1000 years! 
A delegation of the Bokelj mariners from Boka kotorska participated with their traditional uniforms at the funeral of Stjepan Radic in Zagreb, after his assassination in the Yugoslav Parliament in Belgrade in 1929. 
Boka kotorska is also known as the Bay of Croatian saints. Out of six Croatian saints and blessed, three of them are from Boka kotorska: 
St Leopold Bogdan Mandic, 
blessed Ozana Kotorka, 
blessed Gracija from Mul. 
Also the famous Pope Sixto V has Croatian roots from Boka kotorska on his father's side. 
Out of 38 churches existing in the Kotor region (annexed to Montenegro in 1945) 36 are Catholic and only 2 are Orthodox (one of them was a gift of the Croats in Boka kotorska). On the photo you can see two beautiful churches on islets in the Boka bay, belonging to the Croatian Catholic community in Montenegro, built in the first half of the 17th century (Sveti Juraj and Gospa od Skrpjela). It is interesting that the Church of Gospa od Skrpjela (on the photo) is built on an artificial island! Each year a procession of Croatian Catholics encircles in numerous fishing boats the island of Gospa od Skrpjela and pilgrims throw pebbles around it. An important monument, showing uninterrupted presence of the Croats in Montenegro during many centuries, is the cathedral of St Tripun in the town of Kotor, built as early as 1166. As we have said, it represents the oldest known Croatian cathedral. Its ciborium is decorated with a beutiful wattle pattern which is even older than the church itself, and of the same type as numerous exotic wattle patterns found in many pre-Romanesque churches along the Croatian littoral. The town of Kotor has a surrounding wall which is about 5km long. 
The benedictine order is present in the region of Boka kotorska since the 9th century. Today this region has about a hundred of Catholic churches and chapels. 
One of Croatian churches, given as a gift to Serbian Pravoslav Church in Kotor already in 1657 (during Venetian rule), was the church of St Luka in Kotor. The church itself is much older, and dates from 1195. Above the main entrance to the Church we can now read the following inscription "Serbian Pravoslav Church - 1195." This falsification that appeared in 1990's aims to "prove" that the Serbs built this church already in 1195. In 1995 the Serbs in Montenegro even "celebrated" 800th anniversary of this church which was Catholic until 1657, when it was given as a gift to Serbian Pravoslavs. 
One of the greatest Croatian Baroque painters is Tripo Kokolja (1661-1713), born in the town of Perast in Boka kotorska, whose works of art are held in the Church of Gospa od Skrpjela, and also in the Dominican church in Bol on the island of Brac, in Hvar on the island of Hvar, in Korcula on the island of Korcula (where he died), and in Dubrovnik. 
When a Russian travel-writer P.A. Tolstoy visited Boka in 1698, he noted that the local hills are also inhabited by the Croats. 
In the Boka kotorska churches there are important works of art of many outstanding Croatian artists, like Ivan Mestrovic, Antun Augustincic, Celestin Medovic, and other. 
According to official Montenegrin sources, 40% of real monumental property and 66% of movable monumental property of this republic is in the Boka kotorska region. This means that at least 50% of the entire monumental cultural heritage of Montenegro belongs to the Catholic church in Boka, i.e. to the Croats. And now Montenegro has less than 1% of Catholics. 
A result of the assimilation and systematic persecutions from the Serbs and Montenegrins in the Boka kotorska region was that the population of the Croats began to diminish rapidly since Yugoslavia was created in 1918, and especially after the aggression against Croatia in 1991. Let us illustrate only the "silent" ethnical cleansing in the ex-Yugoslav period (1918-1991). Namely, while in the period from 1910 (when the last Austro-Hungarian recension was held) to 1991 (the last ex-YU recension) the overall population in Boka kotorska doubled, on the other hand the number of Croats dropped in the same area three times. 
The towns of Kotor, Perast, Tivat, Dobrota, Prcanj, Herceg Novi and Budva had a Croatian majority in 1910. A large Catholic majority in 1910 had peninsula Vrmac and southern part of Spich (from Sutomore to the border between Boka kotorska and Montenegro near the town of Bar). For example, 
The number of Croats in Kotor dropped from 69% in 1910 to 7% in 1991; 
in Herceg Novi from 70% to 2%; 
in Tivat from 95% to 23%. 
In 1991 there were only 8% of Croats in Boka kotorska region, and today (after 1991-1995 Serbian and Montenegrin agression on Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina) even less. For example, 350 Croatian families had to leave their native Tivat in the period of 1991-1998. 
In June 1996 msgr. Ivo Gugic, bishop of Kotor, was cruelly killed (strangled by a wire). 
The name of the town of Dobrota in Kotor bay has interesting meaning: Goodness. In fact, the French bonté is even closer to the meaning of Croatian dobrota. And there is a family name - Dobrota, that can be found also among the Croats in Konvle region south of Dubrovnik. 
Vjenceslav Cizek (Gjenovici, Boka kotorska, 1928-2000) has passed away in Dortmund. He was born in a peasant-working class family, educated in Kumbor and Herceg-Novi, and studied philosophy in Sarajevo. For his political beliefs he was sentenced twice to a total of 17 years imprisonment, and due to savage prison tortures he became blind. After his release he lived in Germany. He became internationally known as the "captive of conscience." Vjenceslav Cizek was an exceptional lyricist and satirist of dictatorship. Unfortunately, his literary activity was interrupted by prison. Due to his blindness, he memorised poems while he was in prison using a special mnemonic technique. In his poems he writes about places of his youth - Boka and Konavle. 
In 1998 a new mosaic was exhibited in a Catholic chapel in the town of Budva in Boka kotorska, on the initiative of the Pravoslav Church in the city. This was done without knowledge of the Catholic Church. On the other hand, it is known that the Votive Icon of Our Lady existed on the same place from 1333 to 1949, when local yugoslav communists threw it out into the sea. Fortunately, the old Catholic icon was saved (though damaged), but it was not allowed to be placed where it had been for centuries. 
It is little known that until 1949 Bosnia - Herzegovina had another entrance to the Adriatic sea in the region of Sutorine (between Prevlaka peninsula nad Herceg Novi), which is today in Montenegro. Today quite unjustly the New Yugoslav state claims the right to Croatian Prevlaka. See [Macan] 
As confirmed by all partisan documents related to Boka kotorska and Montenegro during WW2, both regions are mentioned with clear distinction: Boka kotorska (which is defined as a coastal region from Herceg Novi to very near the town of Bar) and Montenegro. Since 1945 the name of Boka kotorska was simply erased. The name of Montenegrins (or Yugoslavs) was imposed to the Croats. Even today many Croats in Boka kotorska are hidden under the name of Yugoslavs (of Catholic faith). 
An outstanding Croatian intellectual born in 1919 in Boka kotorska was Luka Brajnovic, professor of Ethics of the University of Navarra, a former director of the Institute of Artes Liberales, a well known Spanish intellectual. Premio Brajnovic a la communication is a prestigeous Spanish award (500,000 pesets) established in his honor during his lifetime upon the initiative of newspapermen and lecturers from the University of Pamplon. 
For the reader who thinks that these claims are not sufficiently well grounded, I can offer a personal experience from the city of Zagreb, Croatia's capital. In 1971 a recension was held in the whole ex-Yugoslavia. At that time I was a 15 years old secondary school pupil. My math teacher "suggested" to everybody, in front of the whole class, to fill in the form as follows: "If I were on your place, I would fill in Yugoslav in the nationality section, and underline it three times." She was a daughter of a Serbian colonel in Zagreb. It was only many years later that I realized the meaning of this "suggestion." 
Trpimir Macan: Rt Ostra u povijesti i politici, Matica hrvatska, Zagreb 1998, ISBN 953-150-168-8 
Dominik Mandic: Crvena Hrvatska, ZIRAL (Zajednica Izdanja Ranjeni Labud), Chicago-Rim, 1973 (see other Mandic's references related to history of Bosnia and Herzegovina) 
The history of Boka kotorska from Antiquity until 1918, Based on the text "Boka kotorska od najstarijih vremena do 1918" by Ankica and Josip Pecaric. Summarized and translated by Ivica Kresic, University of Chicago. 
Josip Pecaric: Kako su komunisti prodali Boku kotorsku 
Josip Pecaric: Borba za Boku kotorsku (basic reference) 
Agneza Szabo: Hrvati Boke kotorske u doba preporoda i bana Jelacica 
Thank you Darko Zubrinic ! 
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» (E) Fellowship Program Social Sciences - Croatia / B-H
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/18/2002 | Education | Unrated

The John J. and Nancy Lee Roberts Fellowship Program

Primary Sponsor: International Research and Exchange Board
Deadline: 4/15/2002

Includes Croatia & Bosnia-Hercegovina

This new program supports cutting-edge research in the social sciences on Eastern Europe, the New Independent States (NIS), the Near
East, and Asia. A single grant will be awarded each year for up to 18 months in length. 

Proposal deadline: April 15, 2002 

The Fellow will be notified by May 15, 2002, and research may begin as early as June 1. 

Eligibility: The principal investigator must be a US citizen or permanent resident. A PhD or equivalent terminal degree is required.
Collaborative research programs involving international colleagues are strongly encouraged. 

Maximum Award: $50,000 

Eligible Expenses: Travel and associated expenses; stipends; honoraria; materials; meeting and conference expenses; and publication expenses. Limited equipment may also be authorized if needed to conduct research. 

To Apply: Submit a completed application form; a research proposal (including goal, purpose, and methodology); budget; timeline, and curriculum vitae by the deadline listed above. 

For more information, please contact 

To Download the application materials go to

» (E,H) Rules for submitting letters to be published on CROWN
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/18/2002 | Editorials | Unrated
Now, you'll have it here on the web. I will appreciate that you keep exact form. Thank you. 
Sada imate na web stranici format u kojem bih Vas molio da mi saljete pisma koja zelite 
publicirati na CROWNu. Hvala. 
Dear ALL, 
Your letters NEED to be in a FORMAT, so if we choose to publish them it will be immediate. 
I would ask people who send their letters to follow a simple rule that will 
allow me as an editor in chief to focus more on the subject then editing 50 
pages of incoherent fonts, trying to find some meaning on the page that has 
interesting title. So, these is the form that I need you to follow. 
(E) I leaned forward 
Nenad Bach 
Feb 15, 2002 

1. First row, on the top of the page, looks like this: 
EXAMPLE: (E) I leaned forward 
EXPLANATION: In parentheses language mark (E) for English, (H) for Croatian, 
(S) for Spanish, (D) for German. The title should have less then 57 spaces. 
2. Second row is a category. Use categories that exist. Be sure to spell it 
properly, because automation will create another category for that reason and 
then Webmaster needs to go into database and change database. (more work). If 
you feel that we need more categories, please suggest that by creating one 
(just write it in the second row). 
EXAMPLE: Sports 
3. Sign your name as a person that is submitting the article or opinion or suggestion. 
EXAMPLE: Nenad Bach 
4. Put the date in this format. 
EXAMPLE: Feb 15, 2002 (first three letters of the month, space, date, coma, year) 
5. Write letter "N" which means no HTML. If there is HTML that I want to put 
  in the letter then I'll change it into "Y" which stands for "yes". I am progressing slowly but surely 
Sample should look EXACTLY like this: 
(E) I leaned forward 
Nenad Bach 
Feb 15, 2002 

this is where text starts 
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» (E) Blessed Augustin Kazotic is tying us to the world
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/17/2002 | Miscellaneous | Unrated
Translated (with generosity, op-ed) by Marko Puljic. 
Blessed Augustin Kazotic Kazotic is connecting us to the world 
The Croatian Post Office has issued a commemorative stamp with the likeness of Blessed 
Augustin Kazotic in its philatelic series of famous Croatians. The stamp's designer is 
Orsat Frankovic 
Zagreb, March 5 - postage stamp with the image of Blessed Augustin Kazotic, Bishop of 
Zagreb and the first beatified Croatian was introduced Tuesday at the city of Zagreb 
grandstand. The stamp is being issued for the 300th anniversary of the proclamation of 
the beatification of Augustin Kazotic in a year dedicated to this great Dominican from 
Trogir, elightener and protector of the poor. The Croatian Post Office has issued the 
stamp as part of its philatelic series of famous Croatians. The author of this and five 
other stamps is Orsat Frankovic from Dubrovnik, and the stamp's value will be 3.50 Kunas. 
"The first beatified Croatian, after centuries of waiting has gotten his first parish in 
Zagreb's Volovica neighborhood and with this stamp are again sending him on his way. In 
this way Blessed Augustin Kazotic will again tie us to the world," stated Fr. Frano Prcela, 
Provincial of the Croatian Dominican Province in his introduction. Msgr. Vlado Kosic, 
assistant Bishop of Zagreb and president of the Board commemorating the anniversary of 
Blessed Augustin Kazotic, thanked the Croatian Post Office for including Blessed Augustin 
Kazotic in their series of famous Croatians and the Croatian Dominican Province, and stated 
that 2003 will mark the 700th anniversary of Kazotic's ordination as Bishop of Zagreb. 
Fr. Nedjeljko Dominik Sliskovic, a great admirer of Blessed Augustin Kazotic spoke of the 
European aspect of the first beatified Croatian, stressed and that Kazotic is a great man 
in Croatian history who lives with us even today. Academician Josip Bratulic spoke about 
the ideological decision of the postage stamp. 
Sandra V. Antic, Vjesnik, Wednesday March 6, 2002. 
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please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know! 
» (E) The Philately Oscar to Croatian Stamp
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/17/2002 | Miscellaneous | Unrated


The Flowering of Croatian Philately

The Croatian stamp "One Hundred Years of Croatian Writers' Association" wasawarded this year (2001) the Philately Oscar as the best stamp in the worldfor the year 2000. The competition was carried out by the PhilatelyAssociation of the seven Venetian communities of Asiago (Italy). Thanks tothe young stamp designer, Orsat Frankoviæ, the Croatian stamp has won threeplaquettes within the International Award for Philatelic Art.The exhibition "Croatiaphila '01 - Ten Years of Postal Stamps in theRepublic of Croatia," held at the Kloviæevi dvori gallery in Zagreb, has, inaddition to the above mentioned award, highlighted the flowering of Croatianphilatelic art, in the hands of outstanding artists. The first postal stampin our country was in use since June 1, 1850. In the twentieth century thepostal authorities of various state systems which included Croatia'sterritory, went on issuing postal stamps bearing the names of the issuingstates until January 15, 1992. The stamp, namely, accompanied the birth ofthe Republic of Croatia, stressing its fundamental values, key dates,events, and insignia. In addition to being an attribute of statehood, thestamp is a source of information on the past and the present, on history andgeography, on art, culture and sport, and on flora and fauna... It is aCroatian link to the world, be it through editions on common themes, orthrough shared editions with other countries (Austria, the Vatican,Slovakia, Belgium...). The stamp, in spite of its small size, plays animportant role in everyday life and its rituals. It is in itself a carrierof good wishes and of pleasant thought directed at the addressee. So far,the stamp has helped us celebrate many a holyday, ten Christmases included.



La estampilla croata "100 Aniversario de la Sociedad de Escritores Croatas"ganó este ano (2001) el Oscar de la filatelia a la mejor estampilla delmundo del ano 2000, en el concurso organizado por la Asociación de Filateliade siete municipios venecianos de Asiaga (Italia). Gracias al jovendisenador Orsat Frankoviæ, la estampilla croata recibió tres plaquetas entrelos premios internacionales para el arte de la filatelia.

Junto a este éxito, la exposición "Croatiaphilia'01 - 10 Anos de laEstampilla Postal de la República de Croacia" realizada en los palaciosKloviæ en Zagreb, mostró el florecimiento de la filatelia croata que.lograron calificados artistas plásticos. En realidad, en nuestro país laprimera estampilla postal entró en circulación a partir del 1. de junio de1850, y en el siglo XX, las casas de correos de los sistemas de variosestados que actuaron en territorio croata, continuaron con la edición deestampillas postales que estuvieron en uso con los nombres de esos estadoshasta el 15 de enero de 1992. De modo que la estampilla postal acompanó elnacimiento de la República de Croacia, mostró sus valores básicos, lasfechas importantes, los hechos y las insignias. Además de ser atributoestatal, la estampilla postal es fuente de información del presente y delpasado, de la historia y la geografía, el arte y la ciencia, la cultura y eldeporte, la flora y la fauna ... Es el elemento dela comunión croata con elmundo, tanto en las impresiones de temas comunes, como en las impresionesconjuntas con otros países (Austria, el Vaticano, Eslovaquia, Bélgica..).La pequena estampilla actúa íntimamente en nuestra vida diaria y sus actos.Ella sóla se convierte en tarjeta de felicitación y lindo pensamiento haciaaquél a quien le eviamos una carta. La estampilla postal celebró connosotros numerosas fiestas, entre ellas y diez Navidades.

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» (E) LINKS - check them out
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/17/2002 | Media Watch | Unrated
Dear All,

Please view these links and let me know, through your eyes, what is their value. Especially one before the last one.


Postage Stamps of the Republic of Croatia
Postage Stamps of the Republic of Croatia. Home:
(Croatia). The Republic of Croatia ...
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Internet resources on Croatia
... Internet resources on Croatia. ... British Library - Croatian Collections; Croatian
National and University Library; Libraries in Croatia. Language and literature: ...

Carinska uprava Republike Hrvatske!
... Carinska uprava Republike Hrvatske! Carinska tarifa za 2002. godinu
( - Word format). Oznake jedinica mjere. ...
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Political Resources on the Net - Croatia (Parties)
Croatia (1:3 Parties) Last updated: croatia part 3 croatia part 4, ... Elections Croatia
2000. Zvonimir Separovic Candidate to Presidential Elections 2000. ...
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USAID: Croatia
Skip redundant navigation ... Croatia. >> E&E Home Page >> Croatia. FY 2001 Budget
Justification; Economic Growth Resources; Environment Resources. ...
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Internet Radio Stations in Croatia -  NetRadioSearch - huge listing of Internet radio ...

Wine Searcher -  Find Croatia wine by searching over 200 wine merchants lists in a single ...
Flags of Croatia -Click Here! -  Beautiful flags of Croatia in polyester or nylon, various ...

Croatia (Library of Congress)
Portals to the World: Links to electronic resources selected by LC subject

National and University library of Zagreb, is one of the central cultural institutions in Croatia. Its mission is to promote Croatian culture, research and ...

Colleges and Universities - Croatia
[Blue Ribbon] Colleges and Universities - Croatia. (C)Copyright
1995,1996 Christina DeMello. Reproduction ...

HRS - Hrvatski Radioamaterski Savez
... Contest Club 9A-DIPLOME Croatian IOTA Reference Award Croatian Lighthouse Award
Islands of Croatia Award Diplome 9A-QRP kluba Vinko Bek W 9A-CW-G Members ...

About Croatia
Croatia. Croatia Economy. Croatia Defense. Croatia Geography. Croatia Government.
Croatia People. Related Links. Home. Discuss World Issues! Shop our Online Store! ...

Ethnologue report for Croatia
... Languages of Croatia. National or official languages:
Croatian, Italian. 4,481,000 (1998 UN). Part ...
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Croatia Subject Index
... Map of Croatia - Large; Map of Croatia; Welcome to Croatia! CircleWeb's Croatia Information;
Internet resources on Croatia; Crolinks; Various Reports and Documents; ...

The Republic of Croatia
..., ... The Republic of Croatia. ... The Embassy of Croatia is located on "Embassy
Row," on Massachusetts Avenue. This page last updated 12/16/2001. ...

ONLY-CROATIA.COM, The #1 International Yellow Pages. Search
by Name: and/or Keyword: and/or Trade: categories. ...

OLYMPUS - The visible difference, Homepage UK

Milosevic - Initial Indictment
... population from the approximately one-third of the territory of the Republic of
Croatia that he planned to become part of a new Serb-dominated state through ...
More Results From: International: Croatia
... CIA World Factbook A detailed list of facts and figures for Croatia. • US State
Department Notes This document describes the history, government, politics ...
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The Croatia Genealogy HOMEPAGE
[Croatia ... Index] The Croatia Genealogy HOMEPAGE. © copyright
1996-1999 by FEEFHS, all rights reserved. ...
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The homepage of the Republic of Croatia provides useful information about the country - general info, tourist info, geography, history, culture, nature... ...

ARCHAEOLOGY NET/CROATIA NET: Prehistoric Archaeology in Croatia
... Brief Introduction. Although the title is Prehistoric Archaeology in Croatia, the
region covered on this web site is composed of what are today the countries ...
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Genealogy in Croatia - croatian ancestors, croatian descendants, ...
,  . .Genealogy in Croatia - Where to begin. Could
any of these be YOUR ancestors? ...
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Home Page of AIESEC in Croatia / Po?etna stranica AIESEC-au ...
Welcome This is home page of AIESEC in Croatia Here you can choose between two languages
English and Croatian Dobrodo?li Ovo je po?etna stranica AIESEC-au ...

Croatia: Myth and reality
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Permanent Mission of Croatia
This page has moved. You will automatically go there in 5 seconds. ... Please update
your favorites / bookmarks. You are going to

Deutsche Version Croatia National anthem. ... Historical Overview links to detailed
information. Croatia - Historical and Cultural Overview well-made pages. ...
... an independent communist state under the strong hand of Marshal TITO. Although Croatia
declared its independence from Yugoslavia in 1991, it took four years of ...

ProDiving Croatia - Tourist Diving Association. How to dive in ...
Complete guide about dive in Croatia. Interactive map for destination of diving centers, school, wrecks.

Croatia Visa Application - Tourist Visas, Business Visas, ...
... Click on the continent above for a map of Croatia. Please Select the Topic for
which you need detailed information. Entry and Visa Requirements: Entry ...

March 1999, Vol. 11, No. 3 (D). CROATIA SECOND CLASS CITIZENS:
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Study Abroad Programs in Croatia
... Nations Development Program UNDP Resident Representative Kumska 2 HR-10000 Zagreb
Croatia Phone: 011+385-1-6129 537 Where: Zagreb Internship Programme: The ...

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