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Croatians in America - photo collection by Vladimir Novak, part 3 |
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic |
Croatian Language , Sports , History
Croatian Energy, page 3
Unutrašnjost uobičajene čeličane u Pittsburghu za poizvodnju, obradbu i oblikovanje čelika. Tisuće Hrvata radilo je na takvim mjestima po deset i više sati dnevno. Ovo su najteža i najopasnija zanimanja i oni su doista žrtvovali svoje živote, krv i energiju za izgradnju bolje Amerike za buduća pokoljenja. Ovim nepoznatim radnicima trebamo odati trajno priznanje.
| The interior of a typical steel mill in Pittsburgh where steel was made, processed and shaped. Thousands of Croatians worked in such places ten and more hours each day. These were the most difficult and hazardous occupations and they indeed scrificed their lives, blood and energy to build a better America for future generations. To these unknown workers we should pay a long overdue tribute.
| Ured zastupnika Emila Mrkonjića u McKeesport (1986.). On je bio državni zastupnik od 1974. do 1992. Predstavljao je 37. Upravno područje koje je obuhvaćalo McKeesport i okolna područja u Pennsylavniji. Emilovi doseljeni roditelji Mate i Silvija Mrkonjić, usadili su svomu sinu radne navike vrlo rano. Kao državni zastupnik, Mrkonjić nikada nije propustio glasovanje u glavnom gradu Harrisburgu I nikada nije propustio sjednicu u Zastupničkom domu. Rođen je godine 1927., a umro 2002.
| Emil Mrkonic's legislative district office in McKeesport (1986). He was a state representative from 1974 to 1992. He represented the 37th Legislative District which included McKeesport and surrounding areas in Pennsylvania.
Emil's immigrant parents, Mate and Sylvia Mrkonic instilled the work ethic to their son at an early age. As a state representative Mrkonic has never missed a voting session in the state capital of Harrisburg and had perfect attendance on the House floor. He was born in 1927 and died in 2002.
| Many thanks to Katarina Čuvalo, Chicago, for translation into Croatian.
Emil Mrkonjić (u sredini) u svojem uredu u Mckeesport, Pa. Kao državni predstavnik njegov cilj bio je da državnu upravu učini odgovornijom prema poreznim obveznicima u njegovu gospodarski oslabjelom području.
Mrkonjić je bio veteran Drugoga svjetskoga rata i dobitnik nekoliko nagrada, uključujući National Commander's Distinguished Service Award koji dodjeljuje The American Award of the Phi Delta law Fraternity of Duqesne University.
Bio je ponosan na svoje hrvatsko podrijetlo i aktivni član Hrvatske bratske zajednice. Pomogao je sve javne akcije hrvatske zajednice s područja McKeesporta.
| Emil Mrkonic (center) in his office in McKeesport, Pa. As a state representative his goal was to make state government more responsible to the taxpayers of his economically depressed area.
Mrkonic was a veteran of World War II and the recipient of a number of awards, including the National Commander's Distinguished Service Award by the American Award of the Phi Delta law Fraternity of Duqesne University.
He was proud of his Croaitan heritage and an active member of the Croatian Fraternal Union and supported all civic endeavors of the Croatian community in the McKeesport area.
| Uvažena Kay Rendina, gradonačelnica Masontowna, Pa., u svojem uredu godine 1987. Rođena je i odrasla u malom selu u Pa. pored rudnika ugljena od roditelja Ivana i Katarine Pribanić. Sa članovima HBZ (Hrvatske bratske zajednice) posjetila je Rim i Crkvu sv. Jeronima u tom gradu, kao i Međugorje gdje svake godine dolaze milijuni hodočasnika da slave Našu Gospu od Međugorja.
| The Honorable Kay Rendina, Mayor of Masontown, Pa., shown in her office in 1987. She was born and raised in a small coal mining village in Pa. to John and Katherine Pribanich. With members of the CFU (Croatian Fraternal Union) she visited Rome and St. Jerome's Church there as well as Međugorje where millions of pilgrims come every year to honor Our Lady of Međugorje.
| Hrvatski band u Monessenu, Pa., prikazan (1917.) ispred Hrvatskog doma na Schoonmaker aveniji u Monessenu. Ranih 1990tih bilo je veoma važno da svaki veći socijalni klub ili društvo ima vlastiti uniformirani band, premda neki glazbenici nisu mogli čak niti čitati note. Njihova odanost kulturnim tradicijama bila je zapanjujuća, jer su duge sate radili u čeličanama i ipak pronalazili vrijeme za kulturne i društvene djelatnosti.
| The Croatian Band of Monessen, Pa., shown (1917) in front of the Croatian Home on Schoonmaker Avenue in Monessen. In the early 1900's it was very important that every larger social club or society have its own uniformed band, although some musicians couldn't even read music. Their dedication to their cultural traditions was amaying since they worked long hours in the steel mills but still found time for practice and cultural and social activities.
| Novi Hrvatski dom (1974.) na Summit Avenu u Monessenu smješten je na brdu u središtvu hrvatske naseobine. On je udomio Hrvatsko socijalno i obrazovno društvo Sloga i služio mnogim drugim socijalnim, kulturnim, bratskim i obrazovnim skupinama u području Monessena tijekom više od četrdeset pet godina.
| The new Croatian Home (1974) on Summit Avenue in Monessen is located on the hill in the middle of the Croatian settlement. It is the home of the Croatian Social and Educational Society Sloga and has been serving many other social, cultural, fraternal and educational groups in the Monessen area for over eighty-five years.
| Nova Crkva Presvetog Srca na Shaw Avenue u McKeesportu posvećena je 27. svibna 1956. Održane su velike akcije prikupljanja milodara od župljana i vlč. Bonifacija Sorića da bi se izgradila ova velika crkva. Vlč. Sorić postao je župnik 1948. i ostao do 1965.
| The new Sacred Heart Church on Shaw Avenue in McKeesport was dedicated on May 27, 1956. The massive fund-raising activities of the parishioners and Rev. Bonifacije Sorić were held to complete the great church. Rev. Sorić became pastor in 1948 and remaind until 1965.
| Vlč. Gabrijel Badurina postao je duhovni voditelj Crkve Presvetog Srca studenoga 1969.
| Rev. Gabriel Badurina became the spiritual leader of the Sacred Heart Chruch in November 1969.
| Ova fotografija pokazuje veličanstvenost unutrašnjosti nove Crkve Presvetog Srca u McKeesportu, Pa.
| This photograph shows the magnificence of the interior of the new Sacred Heart Church in McKeesport, Pa.
| This is the last page.
Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić Distributed by www.Croatia.org . This message is intended for Croatian Associations/Institutions and their Friends in Croatia and in the World. The opinions/articles expressed on this list do not reflect personal opinions of the moderator. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know!
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Comment #1
(Posted by Janice Foy, Ph.D.)
Hi Vladimir, it is your favorite 'cellist here from Los Angeles!! I have been enjoying your wonderful photographs which tell quite a story and history of Croatian immigrants in the US. Do you have any photos from the state of Montana, where I was born and where my second generation Croatian mother was born as well as my dad (French Canadian ancestry, from Quebec, but we won't hold that against him, hahah!) I would like to get in touch with you via email - what is your email? Please visit my website which has my last Croatian trip on it: http://www.bravo-la.com
I hope I will be able to premiere Boris Papandopulo's solo 'cello piece he wrote for me in 1987 next summer. I would have premiered it sooner but the war kind of messed everything up. I would love to also do some concerts throughout Croatia - if you have any ideas, please let me know.
Also, in what publication did you say you were going to mention me? Just curious. Did you know I finished my dissertation which you can buy through UMI in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I think it is 35. It is called, "The Croatian Sacred Musical Tradition: history, style and meaning", finished in 1990!
Take care and sve najbolje, Dr. Foy
Comment #2
(Posted by Marija Miletic Dail)
Dragi Vlado, hvala sto si spomenuo moje ime u vezi sa vetrajom Sv. Nikole Tavelica. Takodjer, hvala na slici celicane u Pittsburghu, koju sam posjetila pred par godina, a zbog mog zanimanja o legendi Joe Magarca, ciji film kanim snimati - ako Bog da!
Hvala i Tebi, Nenade, na ovom cijelom trudu, koji ulazes u ovaj "site"
Samo dalje! Pozdrav od Marije
Comment #3
(Posted by valette clark)
I worked for Emil during high school and college. I have never known, since, a more dedicated, honest, politician than he was. I have had the misfortune in my life to see the reality of politics and ethics in the world and I can truly appreciate Emil more now than ever.
Comment #4
(Posted by Laura Schneider Covacevich)
Hello Vladimir: Im doing my family tree and my mother tells me about the Novak family. A cousin of my grandfather migrated to the US and she married a Novak who had a fishing company. Her last name was Kovacevic.
Im writing from Argentina and all of my Kovacevic were from Stari Grad. My mom can´t remember her her name but she believed it was Mary or that she and Novak had 2 daughters: Mary and Louise. they lived in San Pedro California.
Most of Maria Kovacevic sisters and brother migrated to Argentina as well, except her.
do you think there is any relationship?
Here is my family tree but I dont have very clear the Novak side: http://gw.geneanet.org/lauraruth
Kovacevic also can be looked with a C, Covacevich.
thank you very much!
Comment #5
(Posted by lovinac)
I believe that the radio broadcaster which you present as Franjo MRSIC was in fact Franjo Masic who was assassinated in Chicago in the 80s?
Comment #6
(Posted by Zvonimir Poviæ)
Tragam za korijenima svoje obitelji,moguèe mi Vi mo¾ete pomoèi. Zainteresiran sam za porijeklo supruga V.V.Poviæ.
Godinama se obraèam na razne adrese ali rezultata je malo. Unaprijed zahvaljujem
Zvonimir Poviæ
Comment #7
(Posted by Robert Petrusa)
I am originally from the Joliet, Illinois area. I had relatives by the name of Novak. I believe their names were Tony and Mary Novak. Do you know of any connections to this family? Zivjle i nazdravjle!!
Comment #8
(Posted by rosemarie plestina duesing)
thank you for the picture of Marin Plestina he was my fathers cousin and Marin sponsored my father when my father came to the U.S. Marin also had a son who was a doctor. also two daughters. I would like to find some info. on my mothers brother His name was Tony Grassi He arrived in Chgo Aug 19, 1905 moved to Calif from Chgo. I have some info on him what I would like to know about is his son whos name is Peter or some of the sons decedents whom I would love to get in touch with.I belive Uncle Tony lived in Los Gotos had a ranch He died in 1947. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.
Comment #9
(Posted by Bob Badovinac)
Thank you for the baseball photo. My Grandfather's brother is in the photo.
Comment #10
(Posted by Anna Rozenich)
The photo with the radio announcer is not properly identified. The late gentelman is Franjo Masic not Mrsic.
Comment #11
(Posted by Stephen Trosley)
My grandfather (Stipan Troselj) came to the U.S. in 1911. His youngest son, my father Joseph, belonged to a tamboritza group called the Royal Tamburitzans. He had a brac that has an engraving" Ivan Hlad, 1951, on the tuning machine plate. Dad learned most of his music from his mother, Maria Bebek. I'm just trying to find out whatever I can about this instrument, which is a masterpiece, and the family name and its journey from Croatia to the U.S.
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