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Articles relating to human rights issues affecting Croatians and Croatia.
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Dr. Kathleen V. Wilkes 1946-2003 devoted her life to the victory of Croatia
Submitted By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic
| Published 02/11/2011
| Croatian Heroes , Učimo od drugih - We learn from others , Human Rights , Science , Politics , People , Media Watch , In Memoriam , History , Friends In Action , Environment , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Dr. Kathleen Vaughan Wilkes was a distinguished British humanist, professor of philosophy at the University of Oxford, and also taught at the Inter-University Centre in Dubrovnik, Croatia. During the Serbian siege of the City in 1991 and 1992, she was spreading the truth about its merciless destruction. Dr. Wilkes wrote on Dec 26, 1991: "Dubrovnik... there is still no water or electricity, scant food, no glass in the windows, temperature
Dr. Hrvoje Kacic's book Serving My Country translated into several languages
Prof. dr. Hrvoje Kačić is a distinguished Croatian specialist in maritime law. Since 1990 he was an independent M.P. of the Croatian Parliament, elected chairman of the Committee for Foreign Affairs during the first mandate. From 1994 to 2001 he was president of the State Commission for Borders of the Republic of Croatia. His book Serving My Country has been published in Croatian, English (three printings), Spanish and German. It will soon
Dr. Slobodan Lang and his concept of the Challenge of Goodness
Dr. Slobodan Lang, professor of medical ethics at the University of Zagreb and at Harvard, is best known for his tireless work on humanitarian issues, without precedent in contemporary history. He initiated the concept of „Challenge of Goodness“ and proposed and presented prevention of hate and genocide, protection of hospitals, prisoners of war and refugees, as well as responsibility for goodness by human beings during conflict
Mime Cuvalo's FireFTP downloaded almost 18 million times by the end of 2010!
Mime Čuvalo's FireFPT was downloaded 17,845,269 times by the end of 2010! To see the trend, the number of downloads until September 2004 was 4.5 million. Just in the course of the last month and a half the number of downolads was more than half a million. Half of all proceeds go towards helping various orphanages in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina and in Vukovar, Croatia.
Violi Calvert: Nenad Bach in China to be interviewed by China Radio International
Violi Calvert, collaborator of the CROWN from Sydney: Hi, I wish to advise that Nenad will be interviewed by Croatian radio in Beijing, which could be streamed through the website: http://croatian.cri.cn on Monday, 18 October at 4-5pm Beijing time [10-11am Zagreb time; 4-5 am New York time; 7-8pm Sydney time].
Sir Iain Chalmers medical scientist interviewed at the University of Split Croatia
In 2010 Sir Iain Chalmers, distinguished medical expert from UK, was a guest of the School of Medicine of the University of Split, Croatia. On this occasion he gave an interesting interview dealing with his contacts with Croatian scientists, Croatian Medical Journal, and his rich medical experience. He practised as a clinician for seven years in the UK and the Gaza Strip, and then became a full time health services researcher.
Dr. Edward L. Miloslavich Croatian investigator of the Katyn Forest tragedy
Dr. Edward Lucas Miloslavich (Eduard Luka Miloslavić), professor at the University of Zagreb, Croatia, was one among 12 medical experts who investigated the Katyn Forest tragedy in 1943. In 1951 and 1952 he gave an official report also to the Congress of the USA. We express our deep condolances to the Polish people on the occasion of the airplane tragedy of April 10 2010.
Croatians in the Banja Luka bishopric in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dr. Franjo Komarica, bishop of Banja Luka on the left, warmly accepted a group of visitors from Zagreb. He described the life of Croatians from that part of BiH, now scattered throughout the world, as very difficult. Those rare who returned have problems from existential to unsecured basic human rights, as witnessed by the bishop.
Konvoj Libertas plovi prema hrvatsko-slovenskoj granici 7. studenog 2009.
Znameniti Konvoj Libertas plovi prema hrvatsko-slovenskoj granici 7. studenog 2009. Priključite se! Kontakt: Zvonimir Šeparović, na e-mail adresu zvonimir.separovic@zg.t-com.hr (u zaglavlje staviti Konvoj Libertas). Ugroženi su hrvatski nacionalni interesi. A famous convoy Libertas sails to the Croatian-Slovenian border on November 7th, 2009. Join! Croatian national interests are in danger.
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