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» Bokeljska trilogija Vicka Tripkovića Podnopljskog / uredio Vinicije B. Lupis
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 11/25/2023 | Croatian Language , People , History , Education | Unrated
Izdavačka kuća Gospa od Škrpjela - Perast u Crnoj Gori, objavila je 2023. knjigu Bokeljska trilogija Vicka Tripkovića Podnopoljskog, koju je dr. sc. Vinicije B. Lupis (na slici) uredio, opremio i popratio uvodnom studijom "Vicko Tripković Podnopoljski (Dobrota, 1870. Zagreb, 1938.), zaboravljeni hrvatski književnik, autor svojevrsne bokeljske trilogije". Pripovijetke koje čine ovu trilogiju tiskane su u dubrovačkom književnom časopisu Sr
» Vukovar road to recovery
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 11/11/2023 | Human Rights , In Memoriam , History , Education | Unrated
We provide an audio presentation "Vukovar road to recovery" by Thomas Burns. We also provide a description of the drama in the Vukovar Hospital by the end of 1991, when its director was late Dr. Vesna Bosanac (on the photo). Dr. Vesna Bosanac sent numerous messages during several months of Serbian attacks on the city, asking for help. We also add a video-film "Operation Storm" produced by Nikola Knez. Another video contains a song Croatia
» Ivana Marija Vidovic presided the "Ariano International Piano Competition" in Italy 2023
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 10/28/2023 | Music , Education | Unrated
Respected Dubrovnik pianist, Ivana Marija Vidović, returned from Italy full of impressions after chairing the international piano competition 'Ariano International Piano Competition.' Being the head of the jury, she emphasized that it came as a pleasant surprise, and the entire experience enriched her. She mentioned that once again, she had the opportunity to represent her hometown Dubrovnik.
» PingPongParkinson World Championship 2023 Wels Austria
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 10/27/2023 | Sports , Entertainment , Education | Unrated
The PingPongParkinson World Championship 2023 has come to an end. What a tournament it was! New world champions emerged and former champions re-positioned. This was so far the most competitive world championship and with plenty of surprises. We would like to celebrate all players for their determination and congratulate the medalists who took the podium. Global PingPongParkinson movement was initiated by Nenad Bach, on the photo.
» Epidaurus Festival in Cavtat 2023, Croatia, will take place on Sunday, August 27th
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 08/27/2023 | Music , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Right from the first day of the 17th Epidaurus Cavtat Festival, visitors of this renowned event will be welcomed with a true delight - an evening that equally celebrates art and the importance of peace in the world. Cavtat is a lovely small town near the city of Dubrovnik. The 2023 Epidaurus Cavtat Festival officially opens on August 27th at 8 PM with the prelude programme Together for world peace along with the opening of the exhibition T
» Mexican Mariachi music is very popular in Croatia
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 08/14/2023 | Music , Entertainment , Education | Unrated
According to Fulanito Viajero (Mexico), the best ten Mariachi ensembles in the world (after Mexico) arrive from the following countries: Croatia!!!, Japan, USA, Spain, Slovakia, Colombia, USA, Cuba, UK, Poland. Top 10 Mejores Mariachis Extranjeros del Mundo! The best Croatian Mariachi ensemble is Los Caballeros, founded in 1998 in Croatia's capital Zagreb. They were often accompanied by distinguished Mexican harpist from Ciudad de Mex
» Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) the father of Radio Technology and Wireless Communication since 1893
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 07/21/2023 | Science , People , History , Events , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
The principles of Radio Communication and Wireless Communication were layed down by Nikola Tesla, distinguished Croatian - American inventor, in 1893, during his spectacular public lecture in the St Louis concert hall, in front of 5000 people. The event was described in detail by Margaret Chaney in her monograph Tesla / Man Out of Time, in Chapter 6 entitled Radio. We provide an important testimony by William Gundry Broughton, son of
» Ana Vidovic incredible classical guitar perfomer and teacher
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 06/28/2023 | Music , Entertainment , Education | Unrated
Ana Vidović, residing in the USA, was born in Karlovac near Croatia's capital Zagreb, and started playing guitar at the age of 5. At age 7, she gave her first public performance and at the age of 11 she was performing internationally.  She became the youngest student at age 13 to attend the prestigious National Musical Academy in Zagreb. In the second half of 2023 she will have solo concerts in Cordoba Spain, Ventura Ca, Girona Spain, Seat
» Zoran Filipovic Zoro distinguished Croatian photographer
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 05/30/2023 | Croatian Heroes , People , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Professional photographer and writer, born in 1959 in Brčko (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Zoran Filipović has lived in Croatia's capital Zagreb since 1978 where, in the last few years, he's been turning more and more towards graphic and product design. As photographer, he has worked and seen his work published in a number of distinguished world magazines, such as Paris Match, Life, Photo, Le Figaro Magazine, Die Zeit, Frankfurter Allgemei

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