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» FORUM G2-2 synergy initiative between Croatian diaspora and homeland
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 10/15/2016 | Education , Companies , Business | Unrated
Josip Hrgetić and his wife Mara Vitols are the founders of the FORM Centre in Zagreb, which organized an important  very successful G2-2 Meeting between Croatian diaspora and homeland in October 2016. Among distinguished guests were Mark Begich, representative of Alaska at the US Senat, Ivan Hrvoić, Croatian scientist and enterpreneur in Canada, and many other. The Meeting discussed various possibilities of improving
» Robert Schenk founder and director of the Accord Case company in the city of Pula in Croatia
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 10/5/2016 | Companies , Education , Music | Unrated
» MEETING G2.2 10-12 October 2016 in Zagreb invitation to Croatia and its diaspora for new business opportunities
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 08/11/2016 | Education , Companies , Business | Unrated
  The aim is to connect Croatians abroad with people and business opportunities in Croatia via practical online and offline knowledge-sharing, matchmaking and networking forums. The vision is to secure a future where possibilities, opportunities and dreams of doing business with or in the homeland will drive a new era of Croatian economic development, growth and productivity. On the photo Josip Hrgetić, director of the Forum Center in Zagr
» Air-Pannonia Croatian aircraft company directed by Miroslav and Jasna Vlasic
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 07/22/2016 | Companies , Business | Unrated
  The Air Pannonia company is a result of the long-standing experience in aviation. The Osijek airport LDOS in Croatia is the base airport for training. The Vlašić family has spent their entire lives in aviation industry, and they founded their first company, Air Tractor d.o.o. in 1993. They own the EASA ATO certificate. Aside from ATO, they also have certificate for the pilots’ English language proficiency,
» Ivan Mrvos of Croatia designed the best smart street bench in the world
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 07/16/2016 | Tourism , Science , People , Ideas , Education , Companies , Business | Unrated
Steora is the world's best street bench, and its designer is Ivan Mrvos from the town of Solin, Croatia. It provides phone charging and internet to users and beautifies the street. All powered by green solar energy. Steora is more than a bench. Steora is the future of cities. The benches are equipped with an independently developed wireless device charger and two smart USB connectors, providing fast charging for mobile de
» FRODDO international Croatian shoemaker superbrand for toddlers and preschoolers
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 06/4/2016 | Companies , Business | Unrated
Best friends since childhood, Iva and Doris started Zagy Shoe Shop (Zagy being derived from the name of Zagreb) with the mission of offering Canadian toddlers and preschoolers the highest quality shoe for the development of healthy and happy feet. The two got together with the manufacturer in Croatia who has been producing quality kids shoes for the last 70 years. The first order arrived to Canada in March 2015. The
» Andrija Colak & Denis Polic founded Surf'n'Fries franchise in Rijeka Croatia awarded in Las Vegas
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 05/17/2016 | People , Ideas , Entertainment , Education , Companies , Business | Unrated
Andrija Čolak and Denis Polić, two young Croatians from the city of Rijeka, founded Surfnfries franchise company in their native city in 2010. Since then, in only six years, their franchise network has grown to 40 franchise companies. Their attached companies are blossoming not only in Croatia, but also in Germany, Hungary, Austria, Ireland, Norway, Turkey, Iran, Vietnam, Thailand, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, et
» MEETING G2.2 Conference in Zagreb 10-12 October 2016 aiming at revitalisation of Croatian economy
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 04/30/2016 | Companies , Business | Unrated
It is very important that Croats living outside the Republic of Croatia be connected with each other, not only with the Croats in the homeland. We wish to strenghten our impact on the Office for Croats outside Republic of Croatia and on Matica Iseljenika around the world, and to connect more strongly with the emmigration Congress and Croatian World Congress, in order to achieve synergy through the cultural, ethnolog
» Branka Cubelic and her Dreamtime Events Croatia
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 03/18/2016 | People , Education , Companies , Business | Unrated
Branka Čubelić is CEO of Dreamtime Events Croatia, which is an international  team of professional creative event planners. Their diverse staff, having lived and worked in Australia, Canada, and Croatia, has over 30 years of experience in creating stylish, memorable, and of course, fun weddings and events. First class event planning experience from their native countries coupled with all of the amazing possibil

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