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» (E) NATO and ... once we conquer our fears ...Croatian identity!
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 04/1/2002 | Opinions | Unrated
"...once we conquer our fears and open the way for our creative energy to rush out and blossom into life." 
Dear Suzanne and Jean, you're both right and both wrong. I don't think that our patriotism is dead and buried, but, thru enough, it stands on very shaky legs. Considering however our checkered past it is a miracle that we managed even to survive, but survive we did. Right now, we are in the state of limbo, neither here nor there, which is in our case, as it is with most of former colonial subjects, a sort of a passage from boyhood to manhood. There is a story which I heard once from some african fellows whose country had recently attained a freedom, when they came to some conference, they instinctively asked which door were to be used for the colored delegates. Library of books have been written by eminent political scientists about behaviour and doubts of the peoples who having become free had no idea what to do with their freedom. 
    Yes, we managed to get rid ourselves of the Serbs, but are we trully free , trully innerly free from our own colonial hang-ups ? I would argue we're not. The question without doupt will incur a sharp reaction and perhaps some of the people with lofty idea of our past might even ofended. But how is one to explain explain the surrender of our precious freedom to our former oppressors, the communists ? The act of surrender was so shocking to me that the empiric approach is not enough to explain all its consequeces. Only descent, in my view, into the deepest structure of our mental universe can lighten up the labyrinths of our soul in which the frighten little boy from the colonial past is still hiding from the world and the responsibilities of a grown up. 
       Unless he comes out of the closet, the world around will remain hostile and ugly. It will be eternally filled with cantankerous and curmudgeon people, the conspirators, the enemies, the evil and those who were predestined to do us harm. et cetera, et cetera. et cetera...Yes. by God, I forgot the Masons. Yet, there is hope. We can reach our full maturity once we conquer our fears, the frighten child within..., and open the way for our creative energy to rush out and blossom into life. 
              Ivo Tasovac 
(E) NATO and Croatian Identity 
Jean W. Lunt-Marinovic 
April 1, 2002 
According to X.Y, NATO has always been against Croatian interests, Western Nations such as America or Britain make up the axis of evil ("osovina zla"), and Croatia must distance itself from all the above-mentioned. If I didn’t know that I was reading my emails as received through the AMAC distribution, then I would think I was reading from one of those anti-NATO, Russian-backed conspiracy-theory magazines. I studied communist politics at university prior to and during the recent so-called Balkan conflict. As I was studying the creation of Yugoslavia, first and second, Yugoslavia itself was falling apart before our eyes on TV every night. I witnessed the surprised reactions to Serbian aggression, of lecturers or professors, as Serbian bombing increased day by day. Most western academics were not against Croatian people in those early stages. In contrast, it was the approach of the media which was most shocking. (My point being that in the West we do not all think the same, but we (in West) are probably suffering from the same anti-democratic influences which currently hover over Croatia.) Correct me if I am wrong, readers, but NATO did intervene in a way which was in Croatia’s long-term interests over the past few years. Therefore the statement "…kako mi Hrvati mozemo vjerovati da ce nam NATO biti prijatelj, kada oni do sada rade protiv nas…". Yes, of course NATO’s intervention in the former Yugoslavia had many critics, even from within, but that didn’t change their strategic decision-making. Also, if we want to look to the beginning of Yugoslavia as an idea, yes we can look to the Illyrian movement (as cited by Cic) ("Illirskim pismima iz 1877") but we can also look to Strossmeyerism and his National Party politics which included the promotion of Serbian politics against Starcevic—Strossmeyer alleged that Starcevic was poisoning Croatian youth with his ideas about national independence! My professor, Robert Manne in Australia, (a university professor of political department, and well known television and media commentator, and former journal Quadrant-editor) actually ‘laughed’ during his lecture about the creation of Yugoslavia (1989) when he commented that "Croats created Yugoslavia (Yugoslav Committee) and have been trying to get out of it ever since". Serbs have now declared (March 2002) that Yugoslavia does not exist any more. Now, instead of calling the western nations evil, perhaps Croats need to rid their nation of many artificial ‘south slavic’ glorification symbols, scholarships, and street names, etc. so that western leaders and observers etc. can get some clear signals about Croatian national identity!! 
Commentary by 
Jean W. Lunt-Marinovic, Melbourne Australia, 
1 April 2002. 
Distributed by This message is intended for Croatian Associations/Institutions and their Friends in Croatia and in the World. The opinions/articles expressed on this list do not reflect personal opinions of the moderator. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know! 
» (E) New York Apr 16 - Josip Novakovich at Public Library
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 04/1/2002 | Culture And Arts | Unrated
Come and support Croatian talent ! 
                        The New York Public Library 
                     Center for Scholars and Writers 
                 Margaret Liebman Berger Forum, Room 227 
                  Humanities and Social Sciences Library 
                      Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street 
                        New York, New York 10018 
                          presents a reading by 
                            Josip Novakovich 
                      Stories after the Balkan Wars 
                       Tuesday, April 16 at 6 p.m. 
Croatian-born Josip Novakovich moved to the United States at the age of 
twenty. He has published two story collections (Yolk and Salvation and 
Other Disasters), a collection of narrative essays (Apricots from 
Chernobyl), and was anthologized in Best American Poetry, Pushcart Prize, 
and O. Henry Awards. His textbook, Fiction Writer's Workshop, was a Book 
of the Month Club selection. His new collection of essays, Countries 
Without Bridges, will be published this fall. He received the Whiting 
Writer's Award (1997), Guggenheim Fellowship (1999), two National Endowment 
for the Arts Fellowships (1991 and 2002), the Ingram Merrill Award, an 
American Book Award from the Before Columbus Foundation. His work has 
appeared in many journals, including Paris Review, Threepenny, The New York 
Times Magazine, European Magazine, and he contributes regularly to the 
Zagreb Daily, Jutarnji list. Mr. Novakovich teaches in the Master of Fine Aarts 
program at Penn State University. He is currently a Fellow of The New York Public 
Library's Center for Scholars and Writers. 
The Margaret Liebman Berger Forum is located on the second floor of the 
Humanities and Social Sciences Library at Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street. 
This is a free public program. Seating is limited. To register, please 
call 212-930-0084 or send an email to 
The Center for Scholars and Writers sponsors a competitive fellowship 
program open to scholars, non-academic research professionals, scientists 
engaged in the humanities, and creative writers of demonstrated achievement 
whose proposed work will benefit directly from access to the Library's 
Made possible by a generous endowment by Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman in 
honor of Brooke Russell Astor, with major support provided by The Andrew W. 
Mellon Foundation, The Estate of Charles J. Liebman, Sue Ann and John 
Weinberg, The Samuel I. Newhouse Foundation, William W. Karatz, and 
additional gifts from Mel and Lois Tukman and Sandra Payson. 
Distributed by This message is intended for Croatian Associations/Institutions and their Friends in Croatia and in the World. The opinions/articles expressed on this list do not reflect personal opinions of the moderator. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know! 
» (H) "Inter mirifica" Internet i Crkva - Izvezi na pucinu!
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/31/2002 | Religion | Unrated
Glasnik Sv. Ivana Krstitelja, god. IV. broj 1 (10), oľujak 2002.(uskrsni broj) 
Zadaca je laika da medije ozive covjecjim i krscanskim duhom 
Pise: Nenad Piskac 
Jedan od neobicno vaznih dokumenata Drugog vatikanskog koncila (1962. - 
1965.) koji se, nazalost, rijetko spominje, je i Dekret "Inter mirifica", o 
sredstvima drustvenog priopcavanja. Shvacajuci vaznost, kako u afirmativnom 
tako i u negativnom pogledu, Katolicka je crkva u tom Dekretu pristupila 
vrlo ozbiljno sredstvima drustvenog priopcavanja, naglasavajuci da je "prije 
svega zadaca laika da ozive takve instrumente covjecjim i krscanskim duhom, 
da sasvim odgovaraju velikom iscekivanju ljudskoga drustva kao i bozanskom 
planu". Crkva zna sto od medija ocekuje i potice laike da se u svojemu 
apostolatu koriste sredstvima javnoga priopcavanja. Danas u ta sredstva 
ubrajamo i virtualni prostor - internet. Sto o internetu kaze Papa? 
Izvezi na pucinu! 
Svake godine 12. svibnja obiljezavamo Svjetski dan drustvenih obavijesnih 
sredstava. Povodom toga dana Ivan Pavao II ove je godine uputio poruku, koja 
se ponajvise bavi najmodernijim od tih sredstava - internetom. U Hrvatskoj, 
prema nekim istrazivanjima, svega se 5% pucanstva koristi racunalnom 
tehnikom informiranja i komuniciranja, ali vec nam je svima jasno da je 
internet postao i nasom svakodnevicom, koja se neobicno brzo siri. 
Razmisljajuci o temi "Inernet: novi forum za navijestanje evandjelja", Papa 
podsjeca na prethodne povijesne izume na podrucju komunikacija, kojima se 
Crkva prilagodila, kao sto je, primjerice, tisak. Informaticku revoluciju s 
kojom je svijet danas suocen, Papa shvaca afirmativno - kao priliku za novo 
sredstvo i oblik evangelizacije. On upozorava da cyberspace predstavlja 
"novu pustolovinu", koja nije lisena opasnosti, ali naglasava i njegovu 
izazovnu stranu u smislu Kristova naloga - "Izvezi na pucinu!" (Duc in 
altum!) (Lk 5,4). 
Iz virtualnog prostora u stvarnost 
Kako dakle, pristupiti toj novoj stvarnosti? Papa nam sugerira potrebu 
realizma i povjerenja. Naime, ne bismo smjeli upasti u zamku pa nekriticki 
prihvatiti internet kao cilj, a ne sredstvo. Internet ne moze zamijeniti 
liturgijski i sakramentalni zivot Crkve, ali im moze biti izvanrednom 
nadopunom, osobito na podrucju trajne kateheze, jer cyberspace ulazi u sve 
kutke svijeta. "Vazno je, zato, da krscanska zajednica iznadje sto 
prakticnije nacine da onima koji putem Interneta prvi put s njom stupaju u 
kontakt pomogne prijeci iz virtualnog svijeta u stvarni svijet krscanske 
zajednice." (3). 
Jedna od osnovnih znacajki internet komuniciranja jest protok mnostva 
informacija. Brojnost informacija, cesto puta samo kratkotrajnoga karaktera, 
moze nas odvesti u povrsnost. Informacije koje nadogradjuju nase znanje, ne 
predstavljaju same po sebi i sustav vrednota. Papa upozorava da su "javne 
vlasti odgovorne zajamciti da to divno sredstvo sluzi opcem dobru i ne 
postane stetno". Opasnost internet kulture komuniciranja, Papa vidi u 
velikom nagomilavanju cinjenica, sto potice relativisticki stil 
razmisljanja. On pak udaljava covjeka od vremena i prostora, od 
kontemplativnog zivota koji, nasuprot relativistickome, dovodi do 
"razumijevanja i mudrosti". Otuda i imperativ o nuznosti prijelaza iz 
virtualnog svijeta u kojemu se gubi osobna odgovornost, u stvarni svijet za 
koji smo doista suodgovorni. U zajednicu stvarnih ljudi, a ne u beskraj 
nabrajanja cinjenica. 
Jaz izmedju informacije i komunikacije 
Internet, primjecuje Papa, umnaza kontakte medju ljudima. Medjutim, 
elektronski medjuljudski odnosi ne mogu nadomjestiti zivi kontakt izmedju 
osoba. Prava evangelizacija zahtijeva izravan odnos medju osobama, osobno 
svjedocanstvo Radosne vijesti. Praktican je problem kako premostiti jaz 
izmedju informacije, koja dolazi internetom, i izravne komunikacije. Na to 
pitanje, Papa u svojoj poruci ne daje izravan "tehnicki"odgovor, recept ili 
uputstvo za uporabu. On naprosto kaze da ce se receni jaz izmedju 
informacije i komunikacije, prevladati ako u taj virtualni prostor udje 
Krist: "Na kraju, u ovim nemirnim vremenima, dopustite mi da pitam: kako 
mozemo jamciti da ce to divno orudje, koje je prvotno bilo koristeno u vojne 
svrhe, sada moci sluziti miru? Moze li ono promicati kulturu dijaloga, 
sudjelovanja, solidarnosti i pomirenja bez kojeg se mir ne moze razvijati? 
Crkva vjeruje da ono to moze. Da bi se to zajamcilo od presudne je vaznosti 
da, oboruzana Kristovim evandjeljem, omoguci da u taj "forum" udje Knez mira". 
Kad dakle, ukljucimo racunalo da bismo se informirali, ili komunicirali, 
imajmo u svijesti ovu Papinu poruku, koju mozemo shvatiti i kao prilog 
koncilskome Dekretu "Inter mirifica" (Drugi vatikanski koncil - dokumenti, 
Krscanska sadasnjost, Zagreb). 
Distributed by This message is intended for Croatian Associations/Institutions and their Friends in Croatia and in the World. The opinions/articles expressed on this list do not reflect personal opinions of the moderator. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know! 
» (E) Easter Surprise from Margaret Thatcher
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/31/2002 | Politics | Unrated


Happy Easter everyone!

A major event in Croatia's favour has just occured; of course no-one picks up on it.
It is Margaret Thatcher's new book "Statecraft" which hit the headlines here on her EU comments.
She devotes a chapter on the "Balkans". She even apologises for using that term, simply using it for convenience.

She says:
Croatia is more part of Europe than even Britain.
Croatia should have been recognised and armed up immediately - thus preventing Vukovar, on which she devotes many paragraphs. Operation Storm was just; that the majority of Serbs who left did so because their leaders falsely claimed that there would be massacres against them. To compare Operation Storm to what happened previously is a "travesty". Croatia did what the international community refused to do.
She does criticise occassionally; Ahmici for example. But she is clear on who was the aggressor and who was the victim.And she points out that events have been wrongfully revised.

There is much else. 
We should support this book. Many thousands are already being sold. It will end up in libraries, it will be read by political scientists, it will be a historical document for the future. This is a major event which we must publicise and use. All Croatian activists who are serious should obtain this book and quote her.


Amazon details:



» (H) Velika retrospektiva Maksimilijana Vanke
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/30/2002 | Culture And Arts | Unrated

Nena Komarica art contribution.


Srijeda, 27. ožujka 2002.

Kozmopolit i slikarski virtuoz

Velika retrospektiva Maksimilijana Vanke u Galeriji Klovicevi dvori / Djela koja cine postav prikupljena su iz muzeja, galerija i od privatnih vlasnika u Hrvatskoj, SAD i Velikoj Britaniji / Vanka je bio intelektualac kozmopolitskog nastupa i znatiželje, a istodobno covjek snažna osjecaja nacionalne i kulturne pripadnosti korijenima i podneblju iz kojeg je potekao

ZAGREB, 26. ožujka - Prva velika retrospektivna izložba hrvatsko-americkog slikara Maksimilijana Vanke (Zagreb 1989. - Porto Vallarta u Meksiku 1963.) može se od utorka na vecer razgledati u Galeriji Klovicevi dvori. Ta izložba vrhunskog znacaja otvorena je u sklopu programa kojim se obilježava 20 godina djelovanja Galerije Klovicevi dvori. Postav cini cak 286 djela, a od toga je cak 115 slika stiglo iz inozemstva, dok šest izložaka jesu Vankini portreti koje su naslikali drugi slikari.
Velik broj slika koje su stigle iz inozemstva zagrebacka publika može vidjeti prvi put, a medu njima se istice autoportret koji je slikar nacinio netom prije smrti. Djela koja cine postav prikupljena su iz muzeja, galerija i od privatnih vlasnika u Hrvatskoj, SAD i Velikoj Britaniji. Autorica izložbe, koja se može razgledati do 10. lipnja, jest Nevenka Posavec-Komarica, a ona je za ovu priliku okupila Vankine radove iz svih njegovih stvaralackih razdoblja.
Maksimilijan Vanka je u Ameriku emigrirao 1934. godine, a rijec je o hrvatskom umjetniku koji ima jedan od najzanimljivijih životopisa. Roden je kao izvanbracno dijete dvoje plemica, a odgojila ga je Dora Jugova iz Hrvatskoga zagorja. Proputovao je gotovo cijeli svijet, a umro je u nerazjašnjenim okolnostima, odnosno utopio se u Pacifickom oceanu u Meksiku.
Ono što je od posebne važnosti za njegov opus jest stalna mijena. Tako se teme njegovih slike krecu od snažna socijalnog angažmana i kritike, preko snažne nacionalne note i prikazivanja života u seoskim krajevima. Tehnicki je Vanka bio izvanredno virtuozan slikar, a na njegov su stil presudan utjecaj imali stari majstori, ponajviše flamanski. Vanka se nije priklanjao strujama svoga vremena i aktualnim umjetnickim težnjama, te je ustrajno nastavljao raditi u okvirima tradicionalnog slikarskog stila.
Nakon uvida u životopis Maksimilijana Vanke, s pravom se može reci da je on intelektualac kozmopolitskog nastupa i znatiželje, a istodobno covjek snažna osjecaja nacionalne i kulturne pripadnosti korijenima i podneblju iz kojeg je potekao. Prva retrospektivna izložba Maksimilijana Vanke u Hrvatskoj ujedno je i dugo ocekivana prilika susreta naše javnosti s americkim opusom toga velikog umjetnika. Cjelovito predstavljen opus i vremenska distanca omogucit ce vjerodostojno vrednovanje Vankina prinosa hrvatskoj likovnoj umjetnosti prve polovice dvadesetog stoljeca, napominje u predgovoru kataloga Nevenka Posavec-Komarica. Postav Vankine retrospektive u Klovicevim dvorima potpisuje Biserka Rauter-Plancic.
O važnosti ove retrospektive Maksimilijana Vanke zorno svjedoci i opširna najava te izložbe u posebnom dodatku The New York Timesa - »Visit Europe«. U tim je novinama zagrebacka retrospektiva svrstana uz bok svjetski važnih izložaba poput »Misterija mladog Rembrandta« u Amsterdamu, »Revolucija nadrealista« u Parizu i »Sisley i impresionizam« u Madridu.

Goran Jovetic


» (E) Baxter covers settlements in Croatia
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/29/2002 | Miscellaneous | Unrated
Thursday March 28, 11:33 am Eastern Time 
BusinessWeek Online 
Baxter's Harry Kraemer: "I Don't Golf" 
Harry M. Jansen Kraemer Jr. was on his way to another boffo year as chairman and CEO of Baxter Intl. (NYSE:BAX-news) last summer when the reports of deaths started coming in. Virtually overnight, 11 people in Spain died after undergoing kidney dialysis using a blood filter made by Baxter. Then, a few weeks later, 21 kidney-dialysis patients in Croatia died within 48 hours of using the same Baxter device. By the time Baxter yanked its dialyzer from the market in mid-October, the filter had been implicated in more than 50 deaths, including a handful in the U.S. 
Baxter has paid for these mishaps. After tracing the deaths to filters that had been rinsed with an improper fluid during production, the Deerfield [Ill.] medical-products and drug manufacturer took an aftertax charge of $156 million to cover settlements with the victims' families and the shutdown of two factories. The charge helped plunge Baxter into the red in last year's fourth quarter and depress its 2001 net income 17% from a year earlier, to $612 million on sales of $7.66 billion. 
Kraemer has paid, too. The 47-year-old CEO thought it would be wrong to ignore the fatalities and take fat 2001 company bonuses. Despite the bottom-line hit from the faulty filter fiasco, Baxter met its 2001 financial targets, entitling Kraemer and other top executives to annual bonuses of up to 150% of their base pay. For Kraemer, a 22-year veteran of Baxter, that meant as much as $1.3 million, on top of his $880,000 salary. Instead, at his urging, the board cut the bonuses of the other Baxter execs to 80% of their base pay. As for Kraemer, he slashed his own bonus to 60%, effectively taking a 33% pay cut. ``The buck stops somewhere, and in this case, it stops here,'' he says. 
the whole story at: 
Go to to see all of our latest stories. 
Distributed by This message is intended for Croatian Associations/Institutions and their Friends in Croatia and in the World. The opinions/articles expressed on this list do not reflect personal opinions of the moderator. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know! 
» (H,E) Sretan Uskrs Happy Easter
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/29/2002 | Events | Unrated


Franjevacki samostanTrsat ,blagovaonica.
(sredisnji dio)

Sretan Uskrs !

HappyEaster !

Dobrodosli na stranice Sveucilisne knjiznice Rijeka.

» (H) Vodic kroz Glagoljicu
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/29/2002 | Culture And Arts | Unrated

Postovani prijatelju,

Molim Vas da objavite ovaj moj oglas, jer sam uvjeren da je ovu knjigu vrijedno ponuditi nasim prijateljima 
na mrezi. Ne radi se ni o kakvom posebnom biznisu nego o distribuciji vrijedne knjige koja bi mogla ostati u 
spremistu nerasprodana, jer se ova ustanova ne bavi trgovinom, a trgovcima bas nije najprofitabilnija. 

Postovani prijatelji,

U Sveucilisnoj knjiznici Rijeka vec vise od trideset godina djeluje stalna Izlozba Glagoljica, koja je 
postavljena 1968. godine kao spomen na 25. obljetnicu prikljucenja Istre, Rijeke,Zadra i kvarnerskih otoka 
Domovini. Prosle godine u prosincu je ravnatelj ove knjiznice izradio Vodic po toj izlozbi sto je zapravo 
svojevrstan prirucnik o hrvatskoj glagoljskoj pismenosti i glagoljaskoj bastini ne samo sjevernojadranskoga 
podrucja vec citavoga hrvatskoga povijesnoga prostora. Sve informacije o ovoj izlozbi i knjizi, namjenjenoj 
prvenstveno dacima, studentima i svima onima koji zele imati brzu, sazetu i cjelovitu informaciju o toj 
tematici, mozete dobiti na adresi: Knjigu mozete nabaviti, tj. naruciti u Sveucilisnoj 
knjiznici u Rijeci.
Knjiga je dobro ilustrirana i ukusno opremljena svim potrebnim pomagalima (Pojmovnik najvaznijih i 
cesto malo poznatih pojmova, popis najvaznije domace i svjetske literature, tablice i slike pojedinih izlozaka 
i nekih vaznijih glagoljskih domunenata) i posebno je prikladna za darivanje.Strucna javnost je do sada vrlo 
pozitivno ocijenila ovo izdanje i preporucila je i slavistima u inozemstvu kao odlican prirucnik.
Nadam se da ce Vam se svidjeti i da ce Te je htjeti imati, sto ce mi kao autoru biti posebno zadovoljstvo.

S postovanjem.
Juraj Lokmer

» (E) Healed woman
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/28/2002 | Religion | Unrated

Mymother credits him (father. Sudac) with her turnaround in good health from his last visit toNJ

Larry Cirignano, Esq.
448 New Jersey Ave. SE
PO Box 70695
Washington, DC 20024
202-318-0789 fax


Knowing Ms. Cirignano, I know that she wouldn't make up things. She is downto earth person.

Nenad Bach


» (E) Hague Prosecutor: Milosevic Planned Abandonment of 'Krajina' in 1995
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 03/28/2002 | Politics | Unrated's London Columnist, Brian Gallagher 
Hague Prosecutor: Milosevic Planned Abandonment of 'Krajina' in 1995 
by Brian Gallagher 
16 March 2002 
The Gotovina indictment, alleging that General Gotovina 'deported' Serbs from Croatia, has been made a mockery of by Hague Prosecutor Geoffrey Nice at the Milosevic trial. In the Prosecution's opening statement, on 13 February, Nice informed the court that one witness that will appear is a Serbian military intelligence officer who was aware of Milosevic's plan to abandon 'Krajina' in 1995. Not only that, but this witness claims that Milosevic forcibly "funneled" Serbs leaving Croatia to Kosovo. All this to improve Serb demographics in Kosovo. 
The relevant extracts from the Trial are as follows: 
"As a post script and a further link back to Croatia, this small detail: A witness before you will testify that as a member of the military intelligence, he was aware in 1995 of the accused's intention to stop supporting the Krajina and to allow it to fall back into the control of Croatia. Well, whether his measure of control is exactly as substantial as that, something the Prosecution assert, is, of course, for the Tribunal to establish on all the evidence. But the witness can help us further. He and thousands of other Serb refugees crossed into Serbia." 
"They were prevented from leaving the highway by police officers who funneled the fleeing Serbs down to Kosovo* where they could affect the Serb populations in areas in a minority; all part of an overall plan." 
This is amazing stuff; Nice is confirming that Milosevic had indeed planned the Serb evacuation from Croatia. This completely contradicts the Gotovina indictment which alleges that General Gotovina, Franjo Tudjman and others did it. Not only that, but it seems that Mr Nice has an important witness for the Gotovina defence team. What an obliging fellow. 
Of course, Nice is not the only Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) employee who has made such statements. Current OTP spokesperson Florence Hartmann - and possible Gotovina defence witness - in her 1999 book on Milosevic devotes an entire chapter to examining in quite some detail the Milosevic plan. 
Indeed, Nice's comments fit in well with Hartmann's book. Earlier in the opening statement, he mentions how Mile Mrksic - indicted for crimes at Vukovar - was sent by Milosevic to take over the Krajina Serb military. Although he does not say why Milosevic sent him there - to organise the 'Krajina' Serb retreat - it does show the OTP appears to be following much of what Hartmann related in her book. 
Hartmann stated how 'Krajina' Serbs ended up in Serb held areas of Bosnia-Herzegovina. It is well known that Serbs also ended up in Kosovo as well. The Milosevic strategy was clear; remove Serbs from Croatia to shore up the Serb position in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo. 
It appears that the OTP has realised the value of relating how Milosevic cleansed Croatia of many of its Serbs; it demonstrates his control there and thus his responsibility for the horrifying crimes carried out against Croats in Croatia. 
What is disturbing however, is that the evidence of the Milosevic/'Krajina' leadership plan has been around for years. Of course there was Hartmann's book, but there was more. In 1995, the Belgrade daily 'Politika' published Martic's evacuation orders. The Croatian government notified the United Nations of this. A General in the 'Krajina' Serb military, Milisav Sekulic, wrote a book entitled "Knin fell in Belgrade" relating how it all happened. Even the notoriously pro-Serb British Foreign Office tells us on their website that the Serbs were "encouraged" to leave by their leadership. 
And let us not forget another reason why so many 'Krajina' Serbs were keen to leave: The mass slaughter of thousands of Croats during the Serbian invasion and occupation. Over 3,000 corpses of murdered Croats have been exhumed in the formerly occupied areas. 
How was all of this ignored by the OTP when it came to formulating the Gotovina indictment? Serbian propagandists, their sympathisers and anti-Americans have done a good job in in the media of falsely portraying Croatia's 1995 Operation Storm as an ethnic cleansing operation of Serbs to the point where many honest people are taken in. The truth, that Operation Storm recovered occupied territory and that the Serbs left under orders of their leaders, has been obscured. Perhaps the OTP hid behind this propaganda in forming the Gotovina indictment, hoping no one would ask too many questions. If so, it was mistaken assumption - as they have found out. 
As it stands, we now have a situation where a senior OTP Prosecuter has stated in open court that the evacuation of Serbs from Croatia was part of a Milosevic plan, and that he has a witness who will testify to this. This turns the Gotovina indictment on its head. Are there two factions in the OTP? 
And let us not forget the reference the OTP gave to the Serb group 'Veritas' whose head was an official of the 'Krajina' government, and who wishes to restore that product of a joint criminal enterprise as defined in the Milosevic indictment. The Veritas head boasts of his involvement with the OTP in providing evidence of alleged crimes against Serbs by Croats. Fair trial for General Gotovina? Or General Ademi, for that matter? Doubtful. 
An independent inquiry into the Veritas/OTP link is urgently needed. It may provide us with many answers. 
The phrase "you couldn't make it up" could have been invented for all this. 
*In the original transcript Nice erroneously said Croatia rather than Kosovo. He corrected this a few lines on. 
The transcripts of Geoffrey Nice's opening statement to the court on 13 February can be found at the following link. The relevant passages are on pages 133/4. 
(c) Brian Gallagher 
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