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» (F) L'Europe et terrorisme intellectuel
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 05/22/2003 | Published Articles | Unrated


Grande Europe et terrorisme intellectuel 

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RIVAROL (le 16 août, 2003) 
Grande Europe et terrorisme intellectuel


Tomislav Sunic

C'est le 16 avril, après le oui triomphal (83,8 %) des Hongrois à l'Union, qu'a été "couronnée" à Athènes l'Europe de 25, sanctionnée par un traité de 5 000 pages qu'ont signé pour la France Jean-Pierre Raffarin et Dominique de Villepin avec la bénédiction de Kofi Annan, secrétaire général de l’ONU, sous l'égide de laquelle s'inscrit donc la "Nouvelle Europe". Un parrainage assez inquiétant, notamment en ce qui concerne la liberté d'expression.

La police de la pensée est difficile à repérer car elle se cache souvent sous les concepts rassurants de "démocratie" et "droits de l'homme." Si les Quinze exhibent volontiers les beautés de leurs paragraphes constitutionnels, ils admettent rarement les ambiguïtés de leur Code pénal. Et c'est dans une grande discrétion que l'an dernier, la Commission européenne avait tenu a Bruxelles, et à Strasbourg des réunions d'une importance historique sur l’avenir de la libre parole.
Sujet de discussion? La promulgation de la nouvelle législation européenne instituant le "crime de haine" et appelée à se substituer aux législations nationales pour devenir automatiquement la loi dans tous les Etats européens, de la Grèce à la Belgique, du Danemark au Portugal. Si bien que toute personne poursuivie pour "crime de haine" dans tel pays de l'Union pourra être jugée et condamnée dans tel autre.
Rétrospectivement, cette loi supranationale apparaît inspirée du code criminel communiste de la défunte Union . En Amérique et en Angleterre, la pratique légale présuppose que ce qui n'est pas spécifiquement interdit est permis. C’est la raison pour laquelle l'Allemagne a adopté des lois rigoureuses contre le « négationnisme ». En 2002, lors de sa visite en Allemagne, l’historien américain d’origine juive, Norman Finkelstein a suggéré à la classe politique allemande de cesser d'être la «victime délibérée » des groupes de pression "de l'industrie de l’holocauste" ( titre de son essai tant controversé). Il a également fait remarqué que l’attitude servile des Allemands pourrait être totalement contre-productive en favorisant un antisémitisme aujourd’hui bien caché. Mais personne n’a su réagir positivement aux avertissements de Finkelstein, de peur d'être dénoncé comme antisémite. A l’inverse, le gouvernement allemand a accepté pour la énième fois de verser 5 milliards d'euros supplémentaires aux 800 000 survivants de la Shoah.

Quand on interdit la discussion de matières taboues, le climat de lâcheté intellectuelle s’alourdit. Une nation empêchant la libre parole et l'expression libre de vues politiques diverses – même si ces vues peuvent paraître aberrantes – peut-elle être encore appelée démocratique ? Bien que les Etats-Unis se targuent de leur «First Amendement », le discours libre dans les média et dans les universités y est pratiquement impossible. L’autocensure didactique l’emporte. Souvent les professeurs américains évitent les expressions ou avis politiquement incorrects, redoutant de compromettre leur carrière. Une pratique croissante en Amérique veut que les professeurs donnent de bonnes notes à des médiocres étudiants de souche non européenne, afin d'éviter des ennuis judiciaires, ou pis, de perdre leur travail.
En France, depuis la loi Fabius-Gayssot, proposée par un député communiste et adoptée en juillet 1990 (puis aggravée à l’initiative du député chiraquien Pierre Lellouche en décembre 2002), toute personne exprimant en public un doute au sujet de l’historiographie contemporaine risque de sérieuses amendes et même l'emprisonnement. Un certain nombre d'auteurs et de journalistes français, allemands et autrichiens sont persécutés, pourchassés, emprisonnés, d’autres ont demandé l'asile politique en Syrie, en Suède ou en Amérique. Quelques-uns se sont même installés dans les pays de l’Est. Des mesures répressives semblables ont été récemment décrétées en Australie, au Canada et en Belgique multiculturelle. Plusieurs dirigeants nationalistes est-européens, en particulier croates, souhaitant rendre visite à leurs compatriotes expatriés au Canada ou en Australie n’ont pas obtenu le visa pour ces pays en raison de leurs prétendues vues «extrémistes ». 
Pour l'instant la Russie et d'autres pays ex-post-communistes ne pratiquent pas la même répression de la pensée libre et l’on voit dans les libraires croates des traductions d’ouvrages français ou allemands impubliables en France ou en Allemagne. Mais en raison de la pression croissante de Bruxelles et de Washington, cela va changer. L’adhésion à l’Union européenne des anciens satellites requiert de ces derniers un alignement sur la pensée unique et l’apprentissage d’une nouvelle langue de bois aussi redoutable que celle de l’époque communiste. 

Croire que la terreur d'Etat, c’est-à-dire le totalitarisme, ne peut qu’être le produit d’une idéologie violente véhiculée par une poignée de bandits, est fort répandu et l’on a beaucoup entendu cet argument récemment à propos de l’Irak . Mais cette idée est fausse. La démocratie triomphante aussi, qui pousse à l’abdication intellectuelle dans le grand consensus mou, constitue une tentation totalitaire. Le terrorisme intellectuel grandit et se propage grâce à la croyance généralisée que, d’une façon ou d’une autre, les choses finiront par s’améliorer toutes seules. Or, l'apathie sociale croissante et l’autocensure galopante parmi un nombre croissant d’intellectuels européens apportent de l’eau au moulin de la police de la pensée. Au fond, comme l’écrit Claude Polin, l'esprit totalitaire est l'absence de tout esprit.


» (H,E) Meri Cetinic sings for Marija
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 05/22/2003 | Culture And Arts | Unrated


Meri Cetinic sings for Marija 

Na svecanosti povodom beatifikacije Marije Propetog Isusa Petkovic, 06.06.2003. u jutro pred dolazak Svetog Oca, u prigodnom programu medju ostalima ce nastupiti i Meri Cetinic. Otpjevat ce vlastitu skladbu posvecenu Mariji Propetog. 

In the morning of June 6 2003. prior to the arrival of John Paul II. and beatification of Marija Propetog Isusa Petkovic, Meri Cetinic is one of the performers ina musical program performing her owne song dedicated to Marija Propetog.

Pjesma se zove ''Pitanje''.

glazba: Meri Cetinic
stihovi: Jela Protic i Meri Cetinic

The song is called "Question"
Music: Meri Cetinic
Lyrics Jela Protic 

» (E) Tanja Simic - Recital in New York City
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 05/22/2003 | Culture And Arts | Unrated


Tanja Simic in Concert

My dear friends! 

You are all invited on my recital at Vivaldi cafe, on 32 Jones st. betw. Off Bleecker and West 4 st. 
Close to subway station 1& 9 train. New York City.
Recital will happen this comming Sunday 25.May.03 at 8:30 pm. 

Martina Cukrov will play piano while I sing.

Hope to see you!

Love you all! 


» (H) informaticka udruga u Kastelima
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 05/22/2003 | Culture And Arts | Unrated


Informaticka udruga u Kastelima 
Poziv na suradnju


Zovem se Dragan Kovac,zivim u gradu Kastela pokraj Splita i na moju inicijativu osnovana je prva informaticka udruga u Kastelima ciji sam ja predsjednik.Cilj udruge je prenositi znanje iz informatike meðu mladima a i starijima, a nas moto je :Ako ne znas doði i naucit cemo te a ako znas doði i nauci nas.Udruga je neprofitna organizacija.
Tako smo animirali mlade ljude i veæ imamo nekoliko projekata:
CD NAS GRAD KASTELA-multimedijalni cd gdje rijecju, slikom i muzikom opisujemo povijest i sadasnjost grada,

KANON - kastelanske novine online gdje pisemo o gradu,izlaze svaki utorak na internetu
GLAZBENI STUDIO-izdali smo cd naseg sumjestanina gosp.Mira Bariæa
FILMSKI STUDIO-gdje skupina djece snima i prvi kastelanski film

a u pripremi su i jos neki projekti.
Pisem vam da vas pozovem na suradnju da nam pisete o zivotu nasih ljudi a vase tekstove i fotografije bi objavili u nasim novinama KANON.Ako smatrate da bi smo mogli suraðivati molim vas slobodno nas kontaktirajte.
Vise informacija odnosno sve sto radimo stavili smo na internet:

Srdacan pozdrav!!

Dragan Kovac
Predsjednik IK-7KASTELA

» (E) Photographing your family history in Croatia
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 05/22/2003 | Culture And Arts | Unrated


Zoran Orlic: Photographer

Photographing your family history in Croatia

Zero Studio Presents: 
“Croatia in Photographs”   

Please visit the new website for:

- Photo Gallery and Store
- An ALL-NEW - first time - Photo Service – see website for the exciting new service description.
- Personalized - Custom Photo Books plus Limited Edition Photo Books
- Custom Limited Edition Photo Series
All photographs are custom printed by hand, matted, signed and numbered.

Zoran Orlic: Photographer

Born in Trogir, Croatia, in 1967, Zoran Orlic is a fine arts photographer with a flair for capturing the many spirits of Croatia. From an aging baka in all her glory of wrinkles and black dress to the sparkling calm of the Jadransko more and from the jubilant children in national Croatian costumes to the lively rock bands, Zoran puts into pictures what many have committed into memory only.
...Go to  for complete bio… and complete information.

Thank you so much,

Zoran Orlic
Zero Studio Presents:
Croatia in Photographs/Gallery and Store
+ Croatia Photo Service     
630. 452. 2663

Please email me for pricing.
Pricing will be available on the website soon after the first beta test run.

Photographing your families history in Croatia. 

Special Croatia Photo Service
Photographing your families history in Croatia.
A Great Gift - Book Now for this summer !

For Croatian expatriates who want to preserve the memory of their childhood home, favorite vacation spot or other places they hold dear to their hearts, the following service is available from Zoran:

A detailed personal photo documentary of your village, city, town or island. Zoran will travel to the designated location and photograph sites that are meaningful to you, such as your childhood home, church where you were married or other symbolic place.

Photos will be then be uploaded onto the Internet for you to view on your personal and private web page.Customers as well as friends and family members will be able to purchase prints from their personal web page.

A complimentary Black Canvas Coffee-Table Book of selected photos will be shipped 3 to 4 weeks after, Zoran has returned and the film has been processed then scanned. A select 15 to 25 photographs that symbolize the location shoot will become your personal coffee-table book to keep forever.

Croatian Roots Photo Journal @ CroPhoto

» (E) Bach, Oppenheimer & Belic @ Dubrovnik Film Festival
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 05/22/2003 | Culture And Arts | Unrated


Nenad Bach, Adrian Belic & Evan Oppenheimer 
Dubrovnik Film Festival

Subj:Hello from Adrian Belic 
Date:5/21/2003 2:24:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Hello Nenad,

I hope this email finds you well.

I just thought you'd like to know about the first Dubrovnik International Film Festival May 29th to June 1  I am heading over there next week. I will be on the jury and there will be a special screening of Genghis Blues.



I am glad to inform you that the film Justice that I scored (wrote music for)and Even directed, will be shown at the festival and both of us will attend the screening.Looking forward.

My best,


To Friends of DIFF: The idea behind the Dubrovnik International Film Festival (DIFF) is to bring independently produced international films to a Croatian and worldwide audience in the beautiful city of Dubrovnik, Croatia. Film festivals come in all differentshapes and sizes, but for the most part they all have one thing in common: they are successful because of the enormous dedication and commitment of the festival staff working as a team. Remarkably, a majority of the DIFF staff are unpaid volunteers who have donated their time and energy to this worthy endeavor - and for that we are extremely grateful!

There are film festivals all over the world that are very successful and perhaps evenbacked by governments, but most often they rely on corporate sponsors who see the enormous marketing potential to reach a niche audience. Unfortunately, the current state of the global economy has diminished the ability for corporations to provide sponsorship and participate in their communities. For the past two years, and even the last twelve years for Croatia, we have witnessed some extraordinary events that have affected us emotionally, physically and financially. These events have had such an unprecedented impact on our lives that, at one point or another, we all stopped still in our tracks for moments at a time. Despite all of this, we must strive to do the best we can, no matter what happens. Hence, the old Hollywood saying "the show must go on" come to mind.

For our first year, DIFF has been able to assemble a world-class selection offilms due to the desire of the international film community to exhibit their works in Dubrovnik and the enormous dedication of our staff and friends. We are very thankful to the City of Dubrovnik for all of their assistance, understanding and generosity in connection with DIFF 2003. We hope that the people of Dubrovnik and Croatia will enjoy our program and we sincerely appreciate the temporary "loan"of their city to us so that others may enjoy this very special location and learn about Croatia and her remarkable history.

With continued hard work, dedication and determination, DIFF will evolve into a world-class annual event that provides culture and entertainment to Dubrovnik for many years to come. We hope you join us on this worthwhile journey! 

Dir.Evan Oppenheimer,82 min,USA,2003 
Cast:Erik Palladino,Catherine Kellner,Daphne Rubin- Vegas,Ajay Naidu,Marisa Ryan 

Three very different yet intimately connected New York stories are told in JUSTICE.Drew is a comic book writer who has been greatly affected by the death of a friend in the World Trade Centerattack. As a tribute and attempt to do something constructive, he creates a new comic book hero based on a real New Yorker.Mohammed,a streetvendor, is justly proud of his “Breakfast Time ” cart.But one day Mohammed fi nds himself without any bagels and a breakfast vendor in New York needs his bagels.Roberta,a Latina activist,has got a lot on her plate in the days leading up to September 11.The Giuliani Administration is threatening her advocacy group with budget cuts,and her husband is pressuring her to start havingkids. Gradually the relationships between these characters become evident and we see how fate sometimes hangs on the most tenuous of coincidences. The question isasked: How do we learn to live in a world in which everything is so uncertain? PLUS SHORT QIK2JDG Dir.Nick Spano,5 min,35mm,USA,2002 A successful judge experiences an epiphany that reveals the depth of his own humanity and conscience in the most unlikely ofplaces: a dingy gas station restroom.

Dir.Roko Belic,90 min,USA,2000 
Paul Pena played blues with the greats T-Bone Walker, B.B.King,and Bonnie Raitt.In 1995,the blind bluesman became the first American ever to compete in an unusual contest of multi-harmonic “throat singing.” Pena discovered Tuvan throat singing on a short-wave program of Radio Moscow twelve yearsago. In 1993,Pena discovered that Tuvan throat singers were on their first concert tour of the U.S.After theirperformance, the deep-voiced bluesman broke into his own self-taught style of throat singing and serenaded themusicians! The throat singers were amazed by Pena ’s mastery of the Tuvan art form and likened his rich voice to the sounds of tremors in theearth. GENGHIS BLUES is a film about exploration and friendship. It is the story of a man whose struggle in life is not defined by conformity and rules but by an unquenchablecuriosity, and love of music. Pena ’s story is truly an inspiration to all. This majesticfilm, made in 1999,was nominated for the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature at the 2000 Academy Awards and won the Audience Award at the Sundance Film Festival,(1999).The music in the film is literally incredible and it has to be seen and heard to be believed. 

» (E) NYC Benefit Party for American-Croatian exchange
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 05/22/2003 | Culture And Arts | Unrated


Benefit Party for American-Croatian exchange! Saturday May 31!


Benefit Party for American-Croatian exchange! Saturday May 31!

BrokenOpenHeart Productions is having a benefit party on Saturday May 31
hosted by Artistic Director gNatalie Rodic
in association with chashama

@ chashama Theatre
135 W.42nd Street (b/w Broadway and 6th Ave.) NYC
8pm -late nite $10 donation at the door

Free Snacks, Cheap Drinks, plenty of entertainment
Live Music! Bands including: Artanker's Convoy, Katie Down & Co. will play 
songs from Croatia and other parts of Eastern Europe, and many more
Live Performances by: Timothy Speed Levitch, Khemali Murray, and Ambrose 
Martos (Hopeful to have some live folk dance and music of Croatia. This is still 
undetermined at the moment, this was the original concept of the party.)

This party is to raise funds for BrokenOpenHeart's latest project:
Building Bridges


Not confirmed, but Klapa Astoria might be performing. Call or email Nataliefor details.


Current Project: Building Bridges
European Tour 2003 & Documentary Film
**Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, and Kosovo**
The purpose of this project is to shed light on the American predicament 
while working with artists from the former Yugoslavia to make connections 
based on their experiences of war, life, love, and the rebuilding process.

Workshop Goals:
Aid artists in building new works of theatre and dance by 
presenting a construct and a floor plan in which to develop
Present a platform for their own creative uniqueness and draw 
comparisons and likeness between different cultures
Expand theatre into public venues, creating site-specific and 
spontaneous work
Encourage the involvement of the audience into the piece in order 
to reveal each human’s creative potential

1. The workshops will focus on the theme of:
Exploring one’s identity in association with place: from our 
birthplace to our current home. And furthermore, how we relate to our ancestry.
Exploring the concept of home and wanderlust.
Exploring our own personal history along with our collective 
national history and how that contributes to how we identify ourselves in a 
global sense.

2. In addition to the workshops, BOHP will be seeking venues for performing 
a new theatre piece developed by and based on the same theme and technique 
as the workshop. This show will be developed and performed by members of 
BOHP, and will be open to evolve as

3. The workshops, travel adventures, and cultural reflections will culminate 
into a professional high-quality documentary film aimed at wide audiences on 
the festival circuit in America and Europe.


..........more about our company..............
As a fresh young artist’s collective based in New York City we are 
seeking to create fresh new works of theatres, mixing media, and exploring 
new avenues of creative expression. We know performance is a medium in 
which evolution may occur, and understanding can spread like wildfire.

The basis of BrokenOpenHeart Production’s work is storytelling through 
the physical life of the character. Character development is based on 
pre-existing aspects of the performer, which are uncovered through breath 
work, physical exploration, and various techniques based on play and 
structured improvisation. For each performer to access his or her very own 
unique virtuosity, to shed light on pertinent issues, and to expand the 
boundaries and definition of experimental theatre is our goal for creating 
new works of theatre and dance.

Deep-sea diving into our selves, we discover unique traits which we can lend 
to a universal theme, inspiring others to create freely and spontaneously. 
We transform the definition of audience from spectator to participant by 
inviting them to join in the spontaneity of performance. Through this we 
give everyone an opportunity to discover his or her own human potential.
Currently artists-in-residence at chashama, Inc., an experimental theatre in 
Times Square, in the heart of New York City, we have produced various new 
works of theatre, dance, and video projects.

If you are interested in the project, want to help, contribute, join our 
network of artists striving for peace and cross-cultural understanding:
Please email: 


gNatalieRodic (Artistic/ManagingDirector,BrokenOpenHeartProductions) bills herself as a Renaissance woman, spending her time as a producer/ arts administrator, actor, dancer, singer, clown, commedienne, writer, teacher, student, and director. She calls New York City and Croatia home at this point in her life. Born and raised in Texas and abroad, she graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting from the University of Texas st Austin in 1999. In Austin she performed in several regional theatres. She was a founding member of Shirk Workers Union, appearing bi-weekly from 1997-1999 in the Maple Surple Variety Show in bars, clubs, and various public venues and various non-conventional theatre spaces. She became renowned for her burlesque/ vaudeville numbers including The Butterfly Girls with Aimee McCormick. She produced, directed, wrote, and starred in various one-woman and ensemble shows, including Another Evening with Dottie P. which one Austin Chronicle’s Top 9 Shows of 1999. She also won Frontera Fest Best of the Fest 1998 for her one-woman show based on Henry Miller’s writings. 
Since moving to New York in 2000, she has studied with and worked with the SITI Company and Ann Bogart at Skidmore College on The War of the Worlds. She has performed at Columbia University’s Miller Theatre & Horace Mann including Power of the Dog directed by Jay Scheib. She has collaborated with Barbara Vann (Founder of the Open Theatre and Medicine Show) on Shakespeare/ Porter in 2001. She is currently performing with Ms.Vann in The Devil with Boobs, a newly translated Dario Fo play. 
gNatalie is AIR [Performing Artist in Residence] @ Chashama Theatre in NYC. She co-curated, assistant-produced and performed in the immense Oasis Festival on 42nd Street in 2002. BOHP in association with Chashama produced the Soapbox Syndrome in 2001, and In & Out in 2002. In & Out was performed in Belgium, Slovenia, and Croatia in Summer 2002. gNatalie has also appeared at Chashama main space with Happy Hour Productions’ smash hit: Shakespeare’s Macbeth as Clown/Witch #2. She has appeared @ Chashama (and in the DUMBO Dance Festival) as a company member of Robideaux/ Plessus Dnace Co.’s: I Forgot to Breathe.
gNatalie currently teaches Creative Movement to children, & Modern Dance, Acting and Clowning, and Hatha Yoga to adults. 

KATIE DOWN, born in New York and raised in Berkeley, California, is a composer, performer, and sound artist who has created and performed numerous sound scores for theatre, dance, multi-media events and installations. Katie uses unusual and homemade instruments and found sounds she collects throughout her travels to create and compose original sound collages, sound scores and compositions. She is a multi-instrumentalist (flute, percussion, guitar, didgeridoo, recorder, pennywhistle, voice, and ukulele). She also works with children on improvisation and artistic exploration of body, voice and other instruments and has co-produced a CD with composer Dave Soldier of free improvisation with kids ages 2–9 titled “Aliens Took My Mom!” on Mulatta Records. Her work with children continues to influence her playing and composing. 
a cunning composer producing a remarkable array of sounds.”
-Back Stage. 
“The impact of the words and deeds was heightened by a score by Katie Down.”
- NY Times. 
“the degree to which the images and sounds mirrored each other and were integrated were equally remarkable – their collaboration succeeded splendidly, pointing the way for further explorations of the innate relationship between color and form, rhythm and sound” 
– Gallery and Studio
Original music and sound for theatre, dance and installation includes: HENRY VI, pts. I,II,III (Judith Shakespeare Co. Jose Quintero Theatre); THE TROJAN WOMEN (Fordham, University); VISION WHISPER (chashama gallery, NY); THE CAUCASIAN CHALK CIRCLE: (NYU Graduate Acting Program); WITHOUT SENTIENCE (commission - Kansas State Dept. of Dance); THE HOLY MOTHER OF HADLEY, NY (Ohio Theatre, NY); THE SECRET OF STEEP RAVINES (PS 122, Ohio Theatre, Clark Studio Theatre, Lincoln Center, NY); DUSK (HERE, NY); SHEVA B’RAHOT with Tap Fusion (Duke on 42nd, WAX, University Settlement, NY); THE HOUSE NOT TOUCHED (Ko Festival Works; Boston Center for the Arts); LYSISTRATA (Artist in Residence at Mt. Holyoke College, MA); THE TIBETAN BOOK OF THE DEAD by Jean-Claude van Itallie (Pilgrim Theatre, Boston Center for the Arts); CNTRL. ALT. DEL. (Joyce SoHo, NY); OUTSIDER (Danspace at St. Mark’s, NY); OASIS (chashama, NY); A GIRL JOAN (HERE, DTW, New York Theatre Workshop, Present Company Theatorium, Miranda Theatre, NY); LETTERS FROM SARAJEVO with Pilgrim Theatre (Boston Center for the Arts); THE MIRACLE WORKER (Chappaqua Playhouse); THE THREE SISTERS (Equity Library Theatre, NY); HEDDA GABLER (King's Head Theatre, London). Katie performs throughout the Northeast in a wide variety of musical genres including jazz, classical, Irish, Balkan, and Sephardic music and with “Liquid Ensemble”, a free improvisation quintet based in NYC. E-mail:

Film and Professional Bio
Kim Jackson began her production career in 1988. From TV and film work in LA to web and corporate entertainment in Boston, Kim has brought her conceptual and producing talents to many projects. While at Disney, Kim worked on ABC’s "Once and Again", where she facilitated relationships and contracts with 
nationally known talent. Her work with Comedy Central star Jonathan Katz began last year, producing a 1/2 - hour sitcom pilot and a feature film project for his production company Albion. Other producing work includes corporate stage shows for Emmy Award winning talent, and consulting and producing events ranging from golf tournaments to charitable functions and Independent Film premieres. Her recent film credits include Sidewalk, winner of the Avid Post-Production Award, currently considering it's distribution options and Black and Blue currently in post-production. She is the former Director Education at the Boston Film and Video Foundation and taught an undergraduate Film Industry course at Boston University this past 
year. Kim is currently the Director of Programs for Writers Boot Camp in New York City. You can reach Kim via her website at,

Dance Biography
Kim has been studying dance and performing since the age of 5. Her training includes studying with Mary Lou Gramacke and Gary Weeks with whom she won several national awards in Modern, Jazz, Tap and Partner Dance. She's danced with several troupes in Chicago, studying with Bonnie Lindholm and Gus Girodano performing in several regional competitions. Kim's choreography work includes several performances and showcases in Chicago, Boston and LA. 
Kim has studied and performed Butoh with Jennifer Hicks in Cambridge 
Massachusetts and is currently pursuing a diverse repertoire of classes in New York. Kim has also been practicing and teaching Hatha yoga for 5 years, studying in LA and teaching in Boston at the Rhowes Wharf Health and Spa and YMCA. 

Anita Durst is a founding member and President of Chashama, Inc., with whom she has produced, co-produced and presented over 20 productions since 1995. In 1988 she co-produced Krapp’s Last Tape and Crowbar with Anne Hamburger and En Garde Arts. She then assisted Peter Askin with the production of Mambo Mouth and the restoration of the West Side Theatre. She was a founding member of Reza Abdoh’s Dar A Luz company, with whom she co-produced Tight Right White and Law of Remains and acted in numerous plays. In 2000 Anita acted in and produced her first Off-Broadway show The Bitter Tears of Petra Van Kant at Henry Miller’s Theater. She received a Drama Desk nomination for her role in this show. Anita’s passion lies in teaching Children’s Theater. She has conducted workshops with Saint Mary’s After School Program and P.S. 211 as well as ones with at-risk youth groups at Spofford Juvenile Detention Center, Convent Family Living Center and Safe Space.

Rick Kariolic is originally from Chicago and is now working in New York City as a model, actor, clown, photographer and film-maker. He is an AIR @ Chashama Theatre and a co-founder of The Sillies.

*To create an original piece of performance art based on the themes of community, identity and geography. 
*WARM UP-30 minutes Interactive Yoga designed and led by gNatalie Rodic (Certified Instructor)
*Center and relax the body
*Develop mind/body coordination
*Generate an awareness of breath
*Develop greater sensory and kinesthetic awareness
*Vocal Warm-up and improvisation led by Katie Down 
BRAINSTORMING/ WRITING-60 minutes designed and led by Company
*Generate original written material thematically related to social identity, ethnicity, community and geography
*To distinguish which elements are unique to the
group from those that are universal
*Develop a storyboard
STORY PHYSICALIZATION- 150 minutes designed and led by Anita Durst, gNatalie Rodic, Rick Kariolic & Katie Down (music)
*Physical Theatre games, improvisation sessions, & Viewpointing sessions along w/music
*Introduce and teach the principals of ensemble through contact 
*Integrate the principals of ensemble with the storyboard generated through the brainstorming/writing session 
*Divide students into groups
*Aid and encourage students to choose one or several forms or mediums for performance, or to create their own, based on various structures & rules
*Direct and aid in the dramatization of the written material to produce an original piece
*Students perform their three to seven minute work (each day, adding on, including music) 
*Group discussion of work and showing 
Workshop sessions, travel experiences, and individual artist interviews to culminate into a professional, high-quality document

» (E) CROATIAmonthly
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 05/22/2003 | Companies | Unrated


A Window To The Republic of Croatia


From as far back as the 1830’s the first wave of mass emigrations to the countries of the New World occurred, which mainly saw the Croatian population fit into the context of European migration flows of the time. There were many reasons why Croatians emigrated to foreign countries: economic underdevelopment, political reasons and for reasons of adventure and exploration. But for the majority of people who left their homes at the time the main reason was the economic situation. The most striking example of this was the so-called “Wine Clause,” stipulated in an 1891 trade agreement between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Italy, which was particularly unfavorable to Dalmatian viticulture. The Wine Clause allowed the import of cheap Italian wines under very favorable conditions. The Dalmatian wine industry was heavily affected by this resolution by the Viennese authorities, which reduced its market in Croatia itself. The agreement lasted decades and was not revised for some time.
Political conditions as the main motive of emigration was the result of the First World War and became much more significant immediately after World War II, when hundreds of thousands emigrated for fear of retaliation and the suppression of democracy by the Yugoslav authorities. The emigrants were mostly men from rural areas, young and without professional qualifications. In general it is safe to say that they performed the hardest and the most dangerous physicallabor in the countries they moved to. So-called chain emigration results in compact groups of emigrants, often related by family connections, place of emigration, region, etc. Thus, many emigrants from Dubrovnik have large communities in California, Peru, emigrants from the island of Hvar in Argentina, emigrants from Korcula in Brazil, emigrants from the Lika region in the American Midwest, emigrants from Makarska in New Zealand and Dalmatians in Australia.
The most recent research conducted can’t conclusively reveal how many Croatians have left their country and how many currently live abroad. It is estimated, from a combination of sources, that there are over 1.5 million Croatians who have emigrated and taken up permanent residence in one of the destination countries. Together with descendents, the number of Croatians that live in overseas countries can be estimated at 2.5 million. 
It should be noted that after the Homeland War of the last decade, large migrations from the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina have changed the ethnic aspect of that country. Today within Bosnia and Herzegovina there are an estimated 450,000 Croatians who are registered in BiH out of a totalpopulation of 2.5 million.

Croatians in Africa
With the exception of the Republic of South Africa there are no Croatian communities on the African continent. Over 13,000 Croatians live in South Africa today. The largest wave of emigrants which found its way to this region was the result of the Second World War.

Croatians in Australia
The Croatian community in Australia is very vivid and is supported through the multicultural attachment of the country. Australia has very large Italian and Greek populations and, according to some studies, the third largest group of descendents residing in Australia are from Croatia. It is estimated that 350,000 Croatian immigrants and descendants live in this country.

Croatians in Argentina
The new generation of Croatians in Argentina is constantly decreasing, and the wave of emigrants post second world war generation is estimated at 130,000.

Croatians in Austria
The Croatian minority in Austria (Gradisce-Burgenland) has an estimated 60,000 inhabitants, where over 15,000 live in Vienna. They have a highly developed ethnic consciousness, especially in the cultural aspect, and they strongly resist a loss of ethnic identity.

Croatians in Belgium
An estimated 12,000 Croatians live in Belgium. In addition to the older generation of emigrants (and today their descendents) who arrived in Belgium before and between the two world wars, the new, post-war emigrants make up most of the Croatian minority.

Croatians in Bolivia
About 1,200 Croatians live in this country which is today unfavorable to potential immigration due to poor standards. The majority of Croatians in Bolivia come from the Dalmatian region of Croatia.

Croatians in Bosnia and Herzegovina
782,068 Croatians used to live in Bosnia and Herzegovina, making up 17.4% of the total population. The decrease in this number is very distinctive and can be classified in the category of ethnic cleansing of the territory. Today the majority of Croatians in Bosnia and Herzegovina live in Western Herzegovina, Posavina and Central Bosnia. Last year official estimates revealed that 450,000 Croatians are registered inBiH.

Croatians in Brazil
It is estimated that 80,000 Croatians live in Brazil. Unlike other Southern American countries in which the number of Croatians has stagnated or dropped after the war, Brazil is one of the few countries where the number of Croatian immigrants is constantly on the rise.

Croatians in Canada
There are about 400,000 Croatians in Canada today. The largest number of Croatians live in the province of Ontario. There are three waves of Croatianemigrants in this country; the first wave started arriving from the late 1800’s. The second group came after the Second World War and the most recent emigration wave was the direct result of the Homeland War.

Croatians in Chile
Due to the global economic crisis and a shortage of profitable reserves of saltpeter, Chile has had difficulties in keeping up with the economic trends of the developed western world. This has caused a decrease of Croatians living in Chile and it has had a direct effect of the dynamics of their immigration. There are 25,000 Croatians living in Chile today.

Croatians in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
The Croatian communities in these countries are scattered among seven villages in Bohemia (Moravia) and seven villages in Slovakia (around Bratislava). Most of them live in Slovakia(Devinsko Selo, Hrvatski Grob, etc.). The number of indigenous Croatians in these countries is constantly decreasing. It is estimated that 6,000 Croatians reside in these countries today.

Croatians in Denmark
Until the conclusion of World War II, it was recorded that no Croatians lived in this country. Today, over 2,000 Croatians live in Denmark, half of whom reside in Copenhagen.

Croatians in France
About 40,000 Croatians live in France today. Most came to France after the 1960’s, when the Communist regime opened the borders.

Croatians in Germany
Germany is home to the largest Croatian community in western Europe. There are 193,000 permanent emigrants and another 230,000 working status Croatian emigrants.

Croatians in Holland
About 40,000 Croatians live in the Netherlands today. Most arrived after the 1960’s, when the Communist regime opened the borders.

Croatians in Hungary
Hungary and Croatia have a rich tradition and this can be seen mostly in the communities around Pecs and in Budapest. Over 73,000 Croatians live in Hungary today.

Croatians in Italy
At least, 33,000 Croatians live in Italy. The Croatian community in Abruzzi (Molise Croatians), in the village Acquaviva (the living water) and its surroundings maintains Croatian traditions, and the older residents even preserve their local dialect.

Croatians in Latin America
There are about 30,000 Croatians who found there way to this part of the world. Most were economic and political post-war emigrants.

Croatians in Luxembourg
There are currently 1,200 Croatian emigrants registered in Luxembourg.

Croatians in Macedonia
Estimates reveal a Croatian population of 3,400 currently living in Macedonia.

Croatians in New Zealand
About 19,000 Croatians live in New Zealand. In addition to a limited number of post-war immigrants, the number primarily refers to thedescendants of previous immigrants from the Makarska littoral area and the Zagora region that gravitates towards it(Vrgovac), together with natives of Korcula and Peljesac who began to immigrate to this country in the second half of the 19th century.

Croatians in Romania
A portion of the Croatians who emigrated to the Banat long ago found themselves within the borders of Romania after World War I. In the Caras-Severin district around Rasice(Resita), there are about a dozen Croatian villages where the majority of Croatians live. It is estimated that 12,000 Croatians live in Romania.

Croatians in Slovenia
About 55,000 inhabitants of Croatian nationality live in the Republic of Slovenia, making up about 3% of the total Slovenian population.

Croatians in Serbia
Croatians in Vojvodina are a part of the indigenous population that has lived there for 300 or more years. There are 83,000 Croatians inVojvodina, making up 3.8%, 22,000 Bunjevci Croatians making up 1.1% and another 1,865 Sokci Croatians, making up 0.9% of the totalpopulation inVojvodina. Some estimates indicate that there are 110,000 Croatians in Vojvodina, but this still means that their number is in continuous decline. Another 8,178 Croatians lived inKosovo, but their number has drastically decreased over the last decade.

Croatians in Sweden
Besides Germany, this is one of the traditional destinations of Croatian labor migration. Today, most people belong to the category of permanent emigrants. A significant number of Croatians live inMalmo, Goteborg and Stockholm. It is estimated that 35,000 Croatians live in Sweden.

Croatians in Switzerland
The majority of Croatians live in the German-speaking cantons of Switzerland. It is estimated that over 41,000 Croatians live in Switzerland.

Croatians in the United States of America
The United States is the leading immigration destination for Croatian immigrants. It is estimated that over 600,000 Croatians moved to this country and an additional 250,000 Croatians moved to this country after the Homeland War. The USA is home to more than 1.5 million Croatian descendents.

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Jure Antunovic, direktor
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CroNetwork: The Croatian-American Organization for Young Professionals.

» (S,E) Studia Croatica - 19 May 2003
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 05/22/2003 | Community | Unrated



Este Boletínes publicado por la revista Studia Croatica, editada en BuenosAires desde 1960 – This Newsletter is produced by Studia Croatica, a journalpublished in Buenos Aires since 1960.


Desdeahora la Agenda se encuentra en

From now on, the Agenda will be found at activities in Argentina)



Stovani g.Vrljicak, dugujem Vamzahvalnost za obavijesti Studie Croaticekoje mi redovito saljete e-mailom, a koje uvijek sa zadovoljstvom pogledam. VasaStudia Croatica zaista je na diku iponos ne samo hrvatskoj dijaspori, nego i hrvatskoj kulturi u cjelini.

Vidim da ove obavijesti saljete na 1300 adrese, a to mi je dalo ideju daVas nesto zamolim. Naime, prikupljam gradju za studiju o Matiji Botteriju (Hvar,7. 12. 1808. - Orizaba, Mexico, 3. 6. 1877.) koji je kao samouk postao svjetskipoznati botanicar. Botterija je Britansko kraljevsko hortikulturno drustvoposlalo u Mexico da za njih radi, pa je tako i ostao u Mexicu do kraja zivota. UHrvatskoj se malo zna o tom meksickom razdoblju njegova zivota i rada. Stoga sampreko interneta pokusao stupiti u kontakt sa SociedadBotanica de Mexico i sa Sveucilistem u Orizabi, ali nisam dobio odgovor. Uzostalo, zamolio sam ih da mi posalju kopiju clanka Ide K. Langman "ApuntesBiograficos del Sr. Mateo Botteri", objavljenog u Boletinu No. 14 (1952),koji izdaje Sociedad Botánica de México.Vidjevsi popis primatelja Vasih obavijesti, pomislio sam - mozda bi netko mogaopomoci. Unaprijed Vam zahvaljujem na susretljivosti, uz najbolje zelje Vama iVasoj reviji Studia Croatica.

Sa stovanjem, Vas Nenad Goll

ElSr. Nenad Goll fue durante varios años director de la revista Matica, de la FundaciónCroata para la Emigración – Hrvatska Matica Iseljenika. Con sus saludos yconsideración para la revista StudiaCroatica, nos pide si podemos conseguir un artículo aparecido en 1952 en elBoletín de la Sociedad Botánica de México(Boletín No. 14). El artículo es de Ida K.Langman: "Apuntes Biográficosdel Sr. Mateo Botteri". Matija Botteri (Hvar, 7. 12. 1808. - Orizaba,Mexico, 3. 6. 1877.). Botteri, siendo autodidacta, llegó a ser un botánicomundialmente conocido. Fue enviado a México por la Real SociedadBritánica de Horticultura para que trabajara para ellos, y se quedó allíhasta el fin de sus dias. En Croacia se sabe poco de su vida y de su trabajo enMéxico. Por eso mediante Internet trató de ponerse en contacto con la SociedadBotánica de México y con la Universidad de Orizabi, pero no obtuvorespuesta. Entre otras cosas, les pidió le envien copia del artículo referido.Rogamos a quienes tengan acceso a esa revista en alguna biblioteca, que noshagan llegar copia del artículo, a esta redacción, o a Nenad Goll

If somebody can find and send the articlementioned, we will be appreciate it very much






Ovim putem veleposlanstvo RHobavijestava zajednicu Hrvatskih iseljenika u Argentini i Urugvaju daMinistarstvo vanjskih poslova RH sukladno vazecim propisima, ima odredjenumogucnost davanja stipendije i placanja skolarine hrvatskim iseljenicima. Radise o stipendiranju studenata, ucenika te polaznika Pripremne godine studija. MVPplaca skolarinu u iznosu od 1100 USD za dva semestra i osigurava bonove ("ixice")za prehranu u studentskom restoranu. Dok smjestaj u studentskom domu osiguravaHMI.

U tom smislu zainteresirane osobemogu se putem ovog veleposlanstva ili direktno obratiti Ministarstvu vanjskihposlova RH, Odjel za hrvatske manjine, iseljenistvo i useljenistvo, Petricevabr.5, Zagreb, fax:00385 1 4896-337, te dostaviti:




Studenti se upisuju u I. i II.semestar nakon odgovarajuceg pisanog i usmenog testiranja koje ih kvalificira uodgovarajuci stupanj. Nakon zavrsenog I semestra studenti dobivaju potvrdu, anakon zavrsetka II. semesatra i polozenog zavrsnog ispita dobivaju Svjedodzbu opolozenom ispitu i stupnju (pocetni, napredni ili zavrsni).

UPISI: su moguci svaki semestarakademske godine.

I. semestar traje od 15. listopada do 31. sijecnja

II. semestar traje od 1. ozujka do 15.lipnja.

Skolarina po semestru iznosi 600 EUR-a

Adresa : FILOZOFSKI FAKULTET SVEUCILISTA U ZAGREBU, I. Lucica br.3, 10000Zagreb, tel. 00385 1 6120-067 e-mail.:

U zelji da se ovdasnjoj zajednici uspjesno ostvari pravo na stipendiranjeputem MVP-a, ovo veleposlanstvo stoji na raspolaganju.

S postovanjem,

Renée Ivin,




Hrvatska Matica Iseljenikaorganizira SEMINAR ZA VODITELJE AMATERSKIH DRAMSKIH SKUPINA izvan Hrvatske.

Seminar ce se odrzavati na otoku Galovcu (kraj Zadra) od 21. do 29.lipnja 2003. godine. Odnosi se na pocetnike i napredne "kazalistarce".Troskove boravka snosi HMI. Osoba za kontakt u HMI je voditeljica projekta:gospodja Nives Antoljak rok za prijavu je 30. svibnja 2003. godine. fax.:00385 1 6111-522; tel. 00385 1 6115-116



A partir del domingo 27 de abril, La Voz de Croacia,la emision de onda corta de la HRT, comenzó a transmitirse al mundo 24 horas aldía. Hay programas en croata, en inglés, y en español.

Lasfrecuencias son:

9.925 kHzpara Sudamérica, y América del Norte (costa este y oeste).

9.470 kHzpara Nueva Zelandia.

13.820 kHzpara Australia.


STUDIA CROATICA- Nuevo material en la Web – New Material

- Časopis Studia Croatica, br.2., 2002., posvećen Marku Maruliću, i knjiga Los Croatas y Croacia en el Tiempo y Espacio, prof. AnđelkaMijatovića predstavljeni u Madridu, Madrid,13. svibnja, 2003.


- Presentación en Madrid de la revista StudiaCroatica, número 2, 2002, dedicada a Marko Marulić, y del libro LosCroatas y Croacia en el Tiempo y Espacio, del prof. Anđelko Mijatović,Madrid, 13 de mayo de 2003.


- Nadie del Gobierno asistió alsepelio de Bobetko, temiendo enfrentar al pueblo y a su propia conciencia, artículode Josip Jovic aparecido en Slobodna Dalmacija. Versióncastellada del Centro Informativo Croata, de Zagreb.


- Venezuela – Caracas - Enocasión del Día de la Madre, se llevó a cabo un Acto el sábado 11 de mayo enlas instalaciones del Hogar Croata en Caracas. El grupo de bailes folklóricos Juventud Croata de Venezuela bailó su repertorio de bailes típicos.Fotos en

Celebrating Mother´s Day, the CroatianYouth of Venezuela folk group danced its repertoire.




Nenad Bach produce el excelentesite material en inglés y croata



La Cámara Venezolano Croata de Industria y Comercio (CAVECRO)- The Venezuela-Croatia Chamber of Commerce tiene su site en - has its site at:


El escritor peruano-croata José SpojaCortijo (nacidoen 1968) es autor de Unión de Pueblos; Los Caminos de San Blas; LosCroatas en Huánuco; El Espíritu Croata y Recuerdos Inolvidables.Actualmente, está escribiendo acerca de la Ruta Real del Vidonol y un pequeñoensayo sobre Croacia y la Unión Europea.

About the Peruvian-Croatianwriter José Spoja Cortijo, his work and his web site



His Web site is

Below are 2 links to his mostrecent articles:

The Gotovina Indictment: Prosecuting the United States by Stealth?by Brian Gallagher

Viewpoint from London: The Croats of Londonby Brian Gallagher, The Croatian Herald, Australia, 18 April 2003

Brian Gallagher informs us of a newbook to appear soon:

Dubrovnik: A History

Dear All

An important new book is coming outin a few weeks time. It is entitled Dubrovnik:A History, and is by Robin Harris, a top adviser to Margaret Thatcher.

Prominent Croat linguist andhistorian Dr Branko Franolic who helped Mr Harris on the book, praises it mosthighly. It is important this book does well, and should be purchased foryourselves, friends, family, libraries, etc.

Order now from your bookstores. Inote it is available for pre-order already at Amazon UK. They take overseasorders.

Details: Saqi Books, London. ISBN:0863563325, 550 pages

Amazon UK link at:



La prof. Iva Belaj estuvo en laArgentina enseñando idioma croata en Santa Fe/Paraná. Nos escribe:

"Como propietaria de laagencia de viajes “Via”, situada en el centro de Zagreb estoy interesada enla promoción de Croacia a través de programas turísticos.

"Despues de enamorarme enArgentina y su gente al regresar a Croacia abrí mi propia agencia y les estoyescribiendo para ofrecer nuestros servicios.

"En Noviembre se da FiT (FeriaInternacional de Turismo) en Buenos Aires y nuestra agencia se va a presentarallí para hacer contactos.

"Como para los descendientescroatas que desean viajar en Croacia no es fácil organizar todo (buscar algunaacomodación en Croacia en hoteles o en casas particulares así como organizarel itinerario personal, buscar los parientes y organizar reuniones con losmismos) nuestra agencía les puede ayudar.


Iva Belaj, directora deoficina

Via Travel Agency, Ineltimd.o.o.

Tkalciceva 22, 10 000 Zagreb– Croatia

códigode identificación: HR-AB-01-080209941

tel: +385 1 4813645. fax:+3851 4813646,



Paraobtener información sobre el libro Croacia, 2000 años de Historia, deGaspar Glavic, seguir el link:

Abook on the history of Croatia, by Gaspar Glavic



Lovre Chagalj ili Cagalj

Se buscan datos de Lovre Chagaljili Cagalj, quien vivió en Berisso, aparentemente hasta 1990, es oriundo deLovrec, Imotski y nació en 1909, llegó a la Argentina en 1925. No sabemosdonde ni cuando falleció. Si alguien conoció a esta persona puede brindar másdatos, en particular lugar y fecha de defuncion, estaremos muy agradecidos.

Nikola - Nicolás Tomas

Se buscan datos de Nikola - NicolásTomas, nacido en 1906 en Trogir y que falleció aparentemente entre 1956 y 1958.El padre de Nikola Tomas se llamaba Mate y su madre Antica, tenían un hijollamado Radoslav. Tuvo una hermana llamada Maria Tomas de Lucic, quienaparentemente vivió en Lomas de Zamora. Necesitamos más datos de estaspersonas, en particular lugar y la fecha de defunción.

Informaciónsobre otras personas y familiares buscadas está en

Dataon persons and their families being sought by relatives

» (E) Looking for afordable accomodations in the USA
By Nenad N. Bach | Published 05/22/2003 | Classifieds | Unrated


U potrazi za prihvatljivim smjestajem 
Looking for affordable accommodations in the USA

(English version at the end)

Postovana gospodo,

lijepo Vas molim za nekoliko informacija. Zovem se Zlatko Greguric, student
sam financija i informatike na Sveucilistu u Zagrebu. Ovo ljeto provest cu u

SADu, radeci i putujuci vecinom po zapadnoj obali. Imam studentsku J-1 vizu
koja mi dozvoljava legalan rad, a najprije cu raditi u Montani gdje vec imam
posao. Medutim, svakako zelim proputovati i ostale drzave, a to ovisi o tome
hocu li naci odgovarajuci smjestaj. Buduci da ce smjestaj biti ipak najveci
trosak, odlucio sam unaprijed potraziti neki pristojan i jeftin smjestaj, a
nakon toga i posao u tom podrucju. 

Lijepo Vas molim za pomoc - informacije ili savjet: kako bih mogao pronaci
neki jeftini smjestaj za dvije osobe (sa mnom putuje i moja djevojka, takoder
student) u bilo kojoj drzavi tijekom ovog ljeta? Dakle, trazim smjestaj za 20-60
dana (ne znam jos tocno) tijekom kolovoza (August) i rujna (September).

Svaki savjet je vise no dobrodosao. Velika hvala unaprijed! Lijep pozdrav iz


S osobitim stovanjem,
Zlatko Greguric 

Dear Sir or Madam

I kindly ask you for a few information. My name is Zlatko Greguric, I am a
student of finance and computer science on University of Zagreb. I will
spend this summer in the USA, by working and traveling mostly on the west
coast. I have a student J-1 visa that allows me to work legally, and for start
I will work in Montana where I already got a job. But, I definitely want to
see and travel through other states as well, but that depends on finding appropriate
accommodation. Considering that housing is the greatest cost, I decided to look
for some decent and cheap accommodation in advance,
and afterwards to find a job in that area 

I kindly ask you for help information or advice: where/how could I find

some cheap accommodation for two persons (my girlfriend is traveling with
me, she's also a student) in any state this summer? So, I'm looking for
an accommodation for 20-60 days (I'm not sure yet) in August and September.

And advice is more than welcomed. Thank you very much! Nice greetings from

Yours faithfully,
Zlatko Greguric 

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