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Zvonimir Ranogajec preserves the story of the Croatian diaspora on film
By Marko Puljić | Published  10/13/2010 | Bilingual , Culture And Arts , Croatian Life Stories , Community | Unrated
We are Croatian and we work for our people

Croatians demonstrating for Croatian independence at the U.S. Capitol in 1991

"Mi smo Hrvati i radimo za svoje"
S vjerom u Boga, našeg Spasitelja, Sina Božjeg, Gospodina Isusa Krista i sa ljubavi prema svome narodu, a bez novčanih naknada, sponozora ili nekih većih priznanja, moja supruga Jagica i ja proizveli smo poslijednjih 30 godina  više od 250 dokumentarno -povijesnih filmova, televizijskih emisija, priloga i TV intervjua na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku u hrvatskim zajednicama diljem Sjedinjenih Američkih Država i Kanade.

Svojom mrljivošću, kršćanski orijentiranim programima koji su hrvatski i obiteljski usmjereni, moja supruga Jagica nudili smo zajednici ono što na drugim programima nisu mogli vidjeti. I oni ostaju za povijest! Ostaju video zapisani. Vrijedno ih je vidjeti, spomenuti i sjećati se tih događaja i to su jedini događaji koji su profesionalno i veoma kvalitetno zabilježeni filmskom i TV kamerom u riječi i slici u iseljenoj Hrvatskoj o iseljenim Hrvatima! Mi smo Hrvati i radimo za svoje. Da smo bilo koje nacionalnosti radili bi istu stvar za tu nacionalnost. To je Božja ljubav!
Iskreno se molimo i nadamo od sveg srca da će domovinski i iseljeni Hrvati pokazati više zanimanja, pozornosti saznanja o ovim dokumentarno-povijesnim filmovima, TV emisijama, prilozima i TV intervjima, jer oni govore o nama iseljenim Hrvatima. Kako smo živjeli, zašto tako puno volimo Hrvatsku, zašto smo tako nesebično radili, nesebično od sebe davali, nikada nismo tražili ništa za uzvrat. Stvarali smo za domovinu, ostavljali tragove, prenosili generacijama koje dolaze iza nas. Znali smo vjerovati da takve stvarnosti zaista nikada ne mogu propasti, one možda mogu kasniti, ali ne mogu propasti, jer stvarnosti u kojima snaga duha i snaga ljubavi koja nije sebična, jesu zajedno, one zaista ostaju zauvijek!
"We are Croatian and we work for our people"

With faith in God, our Savior, the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ and love for our people, and no monetary compensation, sponsors or major awards, my wife Jagica and I, for the last 30 years have produced more than 250 documentary and historical films, TV shows and TV interviews in English and Croatian about the Croatian communities throughout the United States and Canada.

With our dedicated, Christian-oriented programs that are Croatian and family oriented, my wife Jagica and I offered our community what they could not see on other programs. And they remain for history! They are preserved in video. It is worth seeing, and to remember and mention those events and these are the only events that have been professionally recorded by film and TV cameras in words and pictures about émigré Croatia and the Croatian Diaspora! We are Croatian and we work for our people. If we were some other nationality we would do the same for that nationality. It is God's love!

I sincerely pray and hope with all my heart that the homeland and the Croatian Diaspora show more interest, attention, knowledge about these documentaries and historical films, TV shows, TV interviews and contributions, because they talk about us in the Croatian community. How we live, why love Croatia so much, why we have so selflessly worked, gave generously of ourselves, and never asked for anything in return. We created are for our homeland, leaving traces, carried the generations that come after us. We know and believe that such a reality can never fail, they may be delayed, but cannot fail, because the reality in which the power of spirit and power of love are not selfish, are together, and they truly remain forever!

Povijesni pohod Hrvata iz Amerike i Kanade u Washington, DC
Historical campaign of American and Canadian Croatians in Washington DC

Dio/Part 1

Dio/Part 2

Dio/Part  3

Additional videos can be seen on Zvonimir's YouTube channel.

Formatted for CROWN by   Marko Puljić
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