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 »  Home  »  Culture And Arts  »  Listen to a famous Croatian song O MARIJANA in Japanese
Listen to a famous Croatian song O MARIJANA in Japanese
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  02/5/2009 | Culture And Arts | Unrated
Vlaho Paljetak's tune sung by the Japanese singer Seiji Tanaka in 1976

O Marijana, issued in Japan in 1976, sung by Seiji Tanaka, Japanese pop singer born in 1947.


We invite you to listen to Vlaho Paljetak's tune O, MARIJANA, sung by Seiji Tanaka in Japanese and Croatian, recorded in 1976:

O MARIJANA [mp3] 3.6 MB

By the courtesy of Dr. Drago Štambuk, Croatian ambassador in Tokyo.

Source: Croatia - Japan

Vlaho Paljetak (1893-1944), born in Dubrovnik

Another Croatian song which is well known in Japan is U BOJ from the opera Nikola Šubić Zrinski by Ivan Zajc.

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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  • Comment #1 (Posted by Emil)

    This is funny at first, but when you think about it, totally awesome. For a song to make its way from our little country into mainstream music in Japan is really cool. I have been told there are groups there that dance croatian kolos as well.

  • Comment #2 (Posted by jozo suste)

  • Comment #3 (Posted by Damir)

    HRVATSKA DO TOKIJA heheheheh.
    Hvala na japanskoj Marijani :)
    Malo nas je al nas ima.......
    Pozz iz Stuttgarta.
  • Comment #4 (Posted by PJH)

    Outstanding Very enjoyable! It's a compliment to a wonderful croation song. Great voice too!
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