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(E) Denver: Croatian Genealogy Seminar
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  02/24/2004 | Jobs | Unrated
(E) Denver: Croatian Genealogy Seminar


Croatian genealogy seminar comes to Denver

Have you ever wondered about your Croatian roots? Why did your
family leave Croatia? Why did they choose to come to America? How
did they live in Stari Kraj? Who were their parents and
grandparents? Did they have any brothers or sisters? Are their any
relatives in Europe? Was your name changed at Ellis Island? These
are the kinds of topics we will be discussing in the genealogy
seminar and showing you how to go about getting answers to the
questions above.

Some folks from the Denver, Colorado area have requested a seminar.
These seminars are always fun and informative with nearly everyone
going away with new information about their Croatian genealogy and
how to find their personal family information. Some even go away
with specific information about their family!

Our next seminar is planned for Saturday, March 20th, from 8:30 AM to
4: 30 PM. We will be covering the following topics.

History of Croatia and origins of Croatians
How our ancestors lived in the "old country"
Croatian immigration to America and the journey to America,
How to get started with your family tree
The do's and don'ts of genealogy
How to translating Croatian records
How to locate records such as birth records, marriage records, death
records, census records in the US and in Croatia
Translation of given names (with Croatian, English, Italian and
Latin), Meaning
Meaning of surnames and categories of surnames
Figuring Family relationships

During the seminar we will demonstrate the value of the internet in
doing family research online.

Also included in the seminar is my Croatian genealogy handbook for
you to take with you.

Seating is limited and registration is required. To register please
call Bob Jerin at 216-991-2310 or email me at

The seminar will be held at Stanley British Primary School located at
350 Quebec Ct on the old Lowrey Air Force Base.

Driving Directions

From the north
Take I 70 to Quebec St. take Quebec St south past 6th Ave 2and ½
blocks, stanley british primary school will be on your left

From the South
Take Leetsdale Rd. to Quebec go north past Aemeda into what
was the old lorey air force base, stay on Quebec and look for the
on your right.

To reserve your place please call Bob Jerin at 216.991.2310 or John
Bud at 303.520.5256

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