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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2014 to all the people of good will
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  12/22/2013 | Bilingual , Music , People , Education , Culture And Arts , Religion | Unrated
Croats have about 500 Christmas carols, more than any other nation in the world

Croatian Christmas, by Zdenka Sertić

Croatian Christmas drawn in 1932 by Zdenka Sertić (1899-1986).

Croatian Homeland, drawn by Zdenka Seršić.
Croatian Homeland, better known as Lijepa Naša - Our Beautiful, is the text of the Croatian national anthem, written by Antun Mihanović.

Zdenka Sertić (1899-1986), Croatian painter; a photo from her youth.
The above photos by the courtesy of Dr. Mladen Ibler, Denmark. Many thanks!

Christmas carols for children.
Croats have about five hundred Christmas carols, more than any other nation in the world.

Marko Tolja and Olja'zz Band: Božić u kazalištu
uz orkestar i zbor opere HNK Ivana pl. Zajca u Rijeci

Božić (Christmas) by Andrija Buvina, 13th century, a detail from the door of the Split Cathedral
Photo from Croatian Encyclopaedia, Zagreb 1941

Merry Christmas and all the best to Mr. Slobodan Praljak and his family. Portrayed by Mr. Ante Gotovina, Croatian general.

Slobodan Praljak
P. O. Box 13888, 2501 EW The Hague,
The Netherlands

Christmas joy and pain.
Mr. Dario Kordić, here with his wife Venera, was unjustly imprisoned in 2001 in Graz, Austria, sentenced to 25 years.

Dario Kordić, G-416
Justizanstalt Karlau
Herrgottwisgasse 50
A – 8020 Graz

...Ali vratimo se istinskim vrijednostima hrvatskog naroda. Vratimo se Dariju Kordiću i sjetimo se kako je upravo on pokazao koliko je iznad onih koji su ga osudili i iznad njihovih slugu. Dariova supruga Venera kaže ("Hrvatski list" od 23. prosinca 2004.):

"Živa je istina da mu je to bilo u istrazi ponuđeno preko odvjetnika: ukoliko optuži Tuđmana i Šuška, doći će do nagodbe sa Sudom! Da je to napravio, bio bi danas vani na slobodi kao i svi drugi optuženici. Zašto nije? Jer je, kako mi kaže, ponosan na te ljude, ponosan što je bio s njima, ponosan što ih je uopće poznavao. Ne može njih optuživati za nešto što u biti nema veze s njima. Dario nije želio nikoga drugoga optužiti jer nije želio izaći iz zatvora na grbači drugih. Rekao mi je da bi to bilo sramotno, da ne bi mogao s tim živjeti, a najbitnije mu je, što je nekoliko puta ponavljao, 'da sljedećih deset godina mogu samog sebe pogledati u zrcalu te da mogu uspravno stajati pred svojom obitelji'."


Akademik Josip Pečarić

... But, let us return to the true values of Croatian people. Let us return to Dario Kordić and let us remember how he in person showed how much higher he is above thosed who sentenced him, and their servants. Dario's wife Venera said the following to "Hrvatski list" on 23rd December 2004:

"It is a living truth that the following has been offered to him by means of his attorney: if he accused Tuđman and Šušak, there would have been a deal with the Court! If he did this, he would have been freed, as had been the case with others accused. But why didn't he do this? Because, as he said, he was proud of these people, proud that he was with them, and proud that he knew them. He could not accuse them for something that had nothing to do with them. Dario did not want to accuse anybody, becuse he did not want to be set free on the backs of others. He told me that it would have been shameful, he could not have lived with this. And most essential for him was, and he repeated this several times, that he could view himself in a mirror, and that he could stand upright in front of his family."


Academician Josip Pečarić

Send greeting cards to Your dearest in Croatian Glagolitic Script.

Na dobro vam došao Božić i sveto porođenje Isusovo!
Ovim starim hrvatskim pozdravom želim vam čestit Božić i obilje božjega blagoslova u Novoj 2014.godini.
Artur Bagdasarov

Kristian Kreković: Virgin Mary with Jesus, surrounded with angels representing all human races.
Kept in the Vatican Library.  Source of the photo:

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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