(E) Macan family can be found...
Macan family can be found around... Dear Nemesio,
Macan family can be found around Dubrovnik (Gruda, Cibaca, Dubrovnik), Zagreb, Pula, Sinj (and in Hercegovina) and around Osijek in Slavonija. If your parents are from Dubrovnik area, try to give me more detalis (you can write in Spanish too) because I belong to this branch of Macan family.
Kresimir Macan
izvrsni direktor
executive director
m: 385 99 2083 003
kresimir.macan@madison.hr w:
www.madison.hr Madison Consulting d.o.o.
Mreznicka 2, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
t: 385 1 6102 200, 6102 203
f: 385 1 6102 201