Robert is currently a sophomore student at Northeastern University studying International Affairs with a minor in Economics and Law. Through Northeastern's co-op program, he is working for six months at an online business called CSN Stores in the Prudential Building. He is involved with multiple groups on campus, including Uganda CAN (Conflict Action Network), FORGE (Facilitatiing Opportunities for Refugee Growth and Empowerment and Global PACT (Global Partnership for Activism and Cross-Cultural Training). Through the Global PACT program, last summer he spent a month in South Africa and was part of an NGO called The Masabaleni Project that was created during the program that attempted to develop and implement creative writing programs within local Xhosa schools. This summer he is going to be a trainer on the Global PACT trip to Croatia. His father is from Slavonski Brod, Croatia, but moved to the United States twenty-five years ago. He has been to Croatia multiple times and enjoys it more everytime. He is very interested in studying international politics, sustainable development in third-world countries and grassroots activism. In his spare time, he likes to play soccer and is a huge fan of the Croatian and American National Teams.
Contact: Uvanovic.r@neu.edu