Two sisters on the top of Himalayas for the first time in history
Sisters Darija and Iris Bostijančić on the top of Himalayas, 8850 m. Besides them, also Milena Šijan and Ena Vrbek reached the peak. Croatia is the only country in the world that had more female climbers on the top of Mt Everest than male.  A part of Croatian female alpinists, with a famous high-jumper Blanka Vlašić behind them. This successful climbing on Mt Everest was a result of team work of all eleven female alpinists: Lana Đonlagić, Darija Bostjančić, Iris Bostjančić, Tea Đurek, Sanja Đurin, Sunčica Hrašćanec, Josipa Levar, Jana Mijailović, Vedrana Šimičević, Milena Šijan, Ena Vrbek, and their leader Darko Berljak.  Croatian female alpinists on 'Everest 2009' expedition
Eleven Croatian female Alpinists and their guide Darko Berljak started their "Everest 2009" expedition. They reached the summit of Mt. Everest, the highest mountain in the world (8,850 metres).
The Croatian Mountaineering Association has organised the expedition, on the occasion of 135th anniversary of the Association founded in 1874. The women have been preparing for almost two years for this adventure.
In 2007, Croatian women reached the summit of Cho Oyu, the sixth-highest mountain in the world (8,201 metres), 35 kilometres west of Mount Everest on the border between China and Nepal.
Based on
| Croatian Alpine Association (Hrvatski planinarski savez) is among the oldest in the world, founded in 1874, the same year as in France.   Croatian female climbing expedition on Cho Oyu in 2007, 8201 m, just 35 km west of Mt Everest. Two sisters from Rijeka, CROATIA conquer Mount Everest
Two members of the all-female Croatian climbing team, sisters Darija and Iris Bostjancic, on Tuesday conquered Mount Everest, the world's highest mountain.
They displayed a Croatian flag on the world's highest peak at 0940 hrs local time in Nepal. Darija and Iris Bostjancic are the first sisters to scale this height together.
The Bostjancic sisters and Vedrana Simicevic (all from Rijeka) conquered the world's sixth highest peak, Cho Oyu, on 2 October 2007. Cho Oyu is 8,201 metres high, and the three alpinists were the first Croatian women to scale a height of over 8,000 metres. It was the first time two sisters stood on this peak at the same time.
The sisters Bostjancic and Simicevic were members of the first all-female Croatian climbing team. Cho Oyu, whose name in Tibetan means "turquoise goddess", is situated in the Himalayas on the border between Tibet and Nepal, about 35 kilometres west of Mount Everest.
|  The cover page of Croatian Mountaineer (Hrvatski planinar) monthly, June 2009, with the photo of sisters Darija and Iris Bostjančić on the top of Himalayas. The journal has a rich history - it was founded already in 1898 (it had two interruptions in issuing due to two World Wars). Its Croatian name was forbidden in the period of 1949-1991, when it was forcefully renamed to Naše planine (Our mountains). From 1898 until the end of 2008 more than 29,000 pages have been published containing approximately 21,300 articles and reports, and 15,700 photos.  Sisters Darija and Iris Bostijančić, and after them Milena Šijan and Ena Vrbek reached the top of Himalayas, 8850 m.  Back home in Croatia, after conquering Mt Everest in 2009.  Sisters Darija and Iris Bostjančić in their hometown Rijeka after climbing Himalayas. They are the first sisters on the top of Himalayas in history of climbing. VIDEO: Kako su naše alpinistice preživjele lavinu VIDEO: Prve Hrvatice i prve sestre na Mt. Everestu
Hrvatska ženska alpinistička ekspedicija Mt. Everest 2009 Vođa ekspedicije:  | DARKO BERLJAK, 1950., dipl.oec PDS "Velebit", Zagreb, HGSS Vođa ekspedicija Kavkaz i peruanske Ande, 29 puta u Himalaji: Ama Dablam i Ngojumba Kang (prvenstveni usponi), 3 x Mount Everest, Shisha Pangma, 2 x Cho Oyu, Annapurna I (zimski uspon), Annapurna IV i Sechuanu (NR Kina); tehnički vođa na slovenskim ekspedicijama Lhotse i Manaslu Ostalo: alpinistički instruktor Sherpama u Nepalu; član Hrvatskog olimpijskog odbora i Komisije za ekspedicije UIAA, dragovoljac Domovinskog rata 91. – 95. | Liječnica ekspedicije:  | LANA ĐONLAGIĆ, 1982., doktor medicine HPD "Željezničar", Zagreb, HGSS Dufourspitze (4.634 m), Signalkuppe (4.554), Liskamm (4.527 m), Grossglockner (kleine 3.776 m), Mt Blanc du Tacul (do 4.100 m), Y gauche en droit, Ceillac (250 m, II+/3+), Do Sonca, Dolška Škrbina (V+/IV, 300 m) Ostalo: skijanje, ronjenje, jahanje, jedrenje, speleološka škola | Članice ekspedicije:  | DARIJA BOSTJANČIĆ, 1978., medicinska sestra Riječki alpinistički klub, Ad natura, Rijeka Matterhorn (4.478 m), Aconcagua (6.962 m), Alpamayo (5.947 m), Cho Oyu (8.201 m), Mt. Blanc du Tacul; "North couloir", "Northwand", AD, IV, "Mayerlrampe" (Grossglockner) Ostalo: pustolovne i trekking utrke: 4 x 1.mjesto na "Cro challenge Paklenica"(40 km), 2 x 1. mjesto na "Cro challenge" (150 km), 2 x 1. na "Terra Incognita" (450 km), 2 x 1. mjesto "Velebitski trekking" (75 km) 2004, 2007, svjetski kup: 13. mjesto "Ecomotion Pro"(580 km), 9. mjesto "Bimbache Extrem"(500 km, Španjolska), 2. mjesto "The North Face adventure trophy 2007" (450 km, Poljska) |  | IRIS BOSTJANČIĆ, 1980., dipl. ing. geologije HPD "Zagreb-Matica", Zagreb Cho Oyu (8.201 m), Mt. Blanc du Tacul (4.248 m); Velebitaški, VII-, Paklenica; Vinatzer, V+, Dolomiti; (slap) Gamsek; IV+, Maltatal Ostalo: višestruka prvakinja Hrvatske u lednom penjanju i članica reprezentacije lednog penjanja, trekking utrke, speleološka škola |  | TEA ĐUREK, 1974., dip. oec HPD "Željezničar", Zagreb Ostalo: skijanje, trekking i pustolovne utrke |  | SANJA ĐURIN, 1974., socijalni antropolog HPD "Zagreb Matica", Zagreb Durmitor (2.523 m), Tera nova smer, zimski uspon III/3, M, Kamniške Alpe Ostalo: ronjenje – asistent instruktor |  | SUNČICA HRAŠĆANEC, 1972., dipl. ing. tehničko tehnološkog oblikovanja grafičkih proizvoda PDS "Velebit", Zagreb, HGSS Island Peak (6.189 m), Huaina Potosi (6.088 m), Tocllarahu (6.052 m), Ishinka (5.600 m), Uros (5.495 m), Salathe Wall (V.9 C2) i The Nose (V.9 C2), El Capitan (1.000 m), Kalifornija; The Regular Northwest Face (5.9 C1), Half Dome (700 m), Kalifornija; Don Quihot (VI+), Marmolada (950 m), Italija; Jenjavi (VIII+), Anića kuk Ostalo: speleolog instruktor, višestruka pobjednica Big Wall Speed Climbing natjecanja u Paklenici, speleologija, skijanje |  | JOSIPA LEVAR, 1980., dipl. ing. grafičke tehnologije PDS "Velebit", Zagreb Cho Oyu (7.130 m), Ararat (5.135 m), Suphan (4.050 m) Ostalo: brdski biciklizam |  | JANA MIJAILOVIĆ, 1972., odgajateljica AK "Zadar", Zadar, HGSS Cho Oyu (8.201 m), Pik Lenin (7.100 m), Mt. McKinley (6.194 m), Mt. Blanc (4.807 m); Klin, 6c+, Velebitaški, 6a+ (Paklenica) Ostalo: vodič HPS, ronjenje, braniteljica Domovinskog rata 91.- 92. |  | VEDRANA SIMIČEVIĆ, 1977., novinarka Riječki alpinistički klub, Rijeka Cho Oyu (8.201 m), Tocllaraju (6.034 m), Nevado Ishinca (5.530 m), Urus Oeste (5.450 m), Mt. Blanc (4.807 m); Comici Dimai, VI-,A0 (VII), 550 m, Cima Grande di Lavaredo (2990 m), Varijanta Samotove smeri, IV/WI-4, 80°/70°-50°, 500 m, Maselnik, Kathedrale III/WI5, 300 m, Maltatal, Les Naines des Ravines, IV/WI4, 300 m, Fournel, Gabarrou-Albinoni III/AI 4+, 500m, Mont Blanc du Tacul Ostalo: Pročelnica Komisije za alpinizam HPS-a |  | MILENA ŠIJAN, 1969., prof. biologije i kemije; ing. znanosti okoliša HPD "Mosor", Split, HGSS Mont Blanc (4.810 m) dva puta; Cho Oyu (7.300 m) Ostalo: sea kajak, rafting, pustolovne utrke |  | ENA VRBEK, 1985., apsolventica na kineziološkom fakultetu PDS "Velebit", Zagreb, HGSS Čvrsnica (2.228 m), Jalovec (2.645 m), Dome de la Lauze (3.568 m) - zimski usponi, Cho Oyu (6.400 m); smjerovi do ocjene VI+ u Markezinoj gredi, Paklenici i na Kleku Ost |
| Stipe Božić
The most successful Croatian Himalaya climber is Stipe Božić. He climbed Mt Everest twice, in 1979 and 1989, and he was the second European to do so, after Messner. He also climbed K2 and Kangchenjunga in Himalayas.
See his SEVEN SUMMITS presentation of the highest peaks on all 7 continents that he climbed: Mount Everest (Asia), Aconcagua (S. America), Mount McKinley (N. America), Kilimanjaro (Africa), Mount Vinson (Antarctica), Mont Blanc and Elbrus (Europe), Mount Kosciusko (Australia).
Stipe Božić is amazing globetrotter. See also a story about another noteworthy Croatian globetrotter hundred years ago - Josip Mikulec.
For more information about Stipe Božić we invite you to visit .
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