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Ruggero Cattaneo, a scholar devoted to Croatian language and literature
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  07/1/2007 | Friends , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Ruggero Cattaneo, our dear friend from Milan, Italy

Ruggero Cattaneo, a scholar devoted to

Croatian language and literature

Ruggero Cattaneo inside of Castello Sforzesco, Milan

Ruggero Cattaneo (born in 1975) is an Italian scholar, an expert in Croatian language, culture and literature. He is a teacher of ancient Greek and Latin language and literature at the high school major in humanities (Liceo Classico) "Cesare Beccaria" in Milan and a pianist. His thesis, defended in 2000 at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart (Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) in Milan, is entitled "Latin and slavo-bosanski: the Testimonium Bilabium by Filip Lastrić, XVIII century Bosnian Franciscan" [see the summary of the thesis in Italian and in Croatian]. He also completed the study of piano playing at the Music Academy in Alessandria in 2003.

He started to be interested in Croatian language back in 1989, when he discovered in Hoepli bookshop, in the center of Milan, a small "Grammar of jugo-slav (Croatian or Serbian) language" written by Ivan Andrović (Skradin 1876 - Zagreb 1954) and printed in Italy in 1934 by Hoepli publisher.

Cattaneo translated "History of Croatian Literature", a monograph by academician Dubravko Jelčić (Povijest hrvatske književnosti, Zagreb 1997, 2004), from Croatian to Italian (Storia della letteratura croata). The first Italian edition of the book was published in Milan in 2005 and obtained the prestigeous prize Davidias from Croatian Writers Society (Društvo hrvatskih književnika) in Split, Croatia, in 2006. An enthusiastic review of the book (entitled "Finally!") by academician Mirko Tomasović appeared the same year on literary magazine Vijenac

In August 2023 Cattaneo self-published the second, entirely revised Italian edition of the book through distribution platform StreetLib. The book is available on Streetlib store, where everyone, worldwide, can directly order his own printed copy. The monograph has a nice Preface written by academician Ante Stamać, and two additions: a short overview on Croatian Glagolitic Script history by Darko Žubrinić, given as an online material, and an essential outline on the history of Croatian literary language by academician Radoslav Katičić. The book ends with an inspiring Cattaneo's essay on the European dimension of Croatian literature (Le lettere croate nel contesto europeo). [Those interested in the book can write for further information to Ruggero Cattaneo by e-mail at]

From 2000, Cattaneo published several scientific contributions, both in Croatian and Italian languages, especially on humanist Marko Marulić (1450-1524), traditionally known as the father of Croatian literature, and Bosnian Franciscan Filip Lastrić (1700-1783), as seen in the list below:

2021 "Hrvatska iliti glagoljska slova" - Glagoljica u slovenskoj slovnici Adama Bohoriča iz 1584. godine ("Croatian or glagolitic letters" - Glagolitic script in the Slovenian grammar by Adam Bohorič, published in 1584), in "Bašćina" n. 22, Zagreb, pp. 63-66

2019 O transkripciji Lastrićevih homiletičkih tekstova ("About transcription of the homiletical texts by Filip Lastrić"), in "Colloquia Franciscana" I, Sarajevo, pp. 179-201

2015 La base senecana della dottrina sui benefici nell'Evangelistarium di Marko Marulić ("The Senecan basis of the teaching about benefits in Evangelistarium by Marko Marulić"), in "Colloquia Maruliana XXIV, Split, pp. 115-138

2013 L'Epistola a Papa Adriano VI di Marko Marulić in italiano: versione e nota traduttologica ("The epistle to Pope Adrian VI by Marko Marulić in Italian: translation and traductological note"), in "Colloquia Maruliana" XXII, Split, pp. 145-160

2012 Uvodna riječ na otvaranju znanstvenoga, književnog i izdavačkog programa Marulićevih dana 2012. ("Introductory speech at the opening of scientific, literary and editorial program of Marko Marulić days 2012"), in "Mogućnosti" 4/6, Split, pp. 52-54

2012 Lastrićevi prevoditeljski postupci u Testimonium bilabium na primjeru XVII. homilije ("Translation procedures in Testimonium bilabium by Filip Lastrić through the example of the XVII homily"), in Bosanskohercegovački slavistički kongres I ("The first slavistic congress of Bosnia-Herzegovina"), vol. I, Sarajevo, pp. 71-86

2008 O stilu i kulturnom značenju Marulićeve Poslanice papi Adrijanu VI. ("About the style and cultural meaning of Epistle to Pope Adrian VI by Marko Marulić"), in "Colloquia Maruliana" XVII, Split, pp. 91-124

2007 Napomene o stilu Marulićeve Institucije ("Notes about the style of Institutio by Marko Marulić"), in "Colloquia Maruliana" XVI, Split, pp. 49-64

2004 Balsamo soave, unguento di speranza. Profilo della produzione poetica croata femminile da Cvijeta Zuzorić a Dora Pfanova ("Soft balm, hope ointment. An outline of female Croatian poetry from Cvijeta Zuzorić to Dora Pfanova"), in Marina Lipovac (edited by), Antologia della poesia femminile croata contemporanea ("An antology of female Croatian contemporary poetry"), Lint Edizioni, Trieste, pp. 381-394

2002 Hrvatski standard u Lastrićevim Svidočanstvima ("The Croatian standard in the Svidočanstva by Filip Lastrić"), in Hrvatski jezik u Bosni i Hercegovini - jučer i danas ("The Croatian language in Bosnia-Herzegovina - yesterday and today"), Mostar, pp. 31-38

2000 Turcizmi u Lastrićevu Testimonium bilabium ("Turcisms in Testimonium bilabium by Filip Lastrić"), in Zbornik o fra Filipu Lastriću Oćevcu u povodu 300. obljetnice rođenja ("Miscellany about friar Filip Lastrić from Oćevja in the 300th anniversary of birth"), Mostar, pp. 55-66

Cattaneo is now working on the critical edition of the homiletic works by Filip Lastrić, and on translation of classical or contemporary Croatian authors.

Contact: Ruggero Cattaneo,


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