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(H) Odlikovanje 'Nikola Tesla' Prof. Dr. Davoru Pavuna
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  07/4/2006 | Awards | Unrated
(H) Odlikovanje 'Nikola Tesla' Prof. Dr. Davoru Pavuna

Odlikovanje 'Nikola Tesla' Prof. Dr. Davoru Pavuna



Sutra u srijedu 5. srpnja u 11h Predsjednik Republike Hrvatske ce uruciti odlikovanje 'Red Danice Hrvatske s likom Nikole Tesle' Prof. Dr. sc. Davoru Pavuna :za brojne inovacije i radove u podrucju ultrabrzo-kaljenih
slitina i tankih elektronskih filmova, te za doprinose hrvatskoj medjunarodnoj znanstveno-tehnoloskoj suradnji.

Davor Pavuna je profesor fizike i ravnatelj Laboratorija za fiziku funckionalne materije na Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne u Svicarskoj :


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  • Comment #1 (Posted by ANDJELKO)

    Could be achieved by getting rid of the pollution nature with the new technical machine when the use the new technology, wich was discovered the new formula.
    Tfe new formula smashed gravitational force and not subject to laws of thermodynamics, and can replace all renewable and non-renewable energy sources.
    Formula is (<><>M= o) in all four space against resistance in their COMPLEXITY.
    Yours sincerely
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