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BusyBasket™ designed by Diana Pečkaj Vuković
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  12/26/2011 | People , Ideas , Entertainment , Culture And Arts , Companies , Awards , Business | Unrated
The serial production was launched in Croatia – pilot 1.000 pieces

Renaissance woman, Diana Pečkaj Vuković

Diana Pečkaj Vuković diplomirana je novinarka, povjesničarka umjetnosti i germanistica, spisateljica, scenaristica i nagrađivana inovatorica te vlasnica Jupiteriane, poduzeća za inoviranje novih proizvoda. Voli smišljati nove stvari na različitim područjima stvaralaštva. Napisala je knjigu Dan koji će vam promijeniti život – prestati pušiti je moguće, zbirku eseja Ljubim tvoje usne tisuću puta, scenarije za serije: Ljubav u zaleđu, Sve će biti dobro, Dolina sunca i Pod sretnom zvijezdom. Društveno je angažirana u promicanju liberalizma, ženskog poduzetništva, prava životinja i očuvanja prirode.  Rođena je i živi u Zagrebu, gradu kojeg obožava. Ponosna je majka kćeri Gabriele i sina Izidora, udana za Sašu, svoju srodnu dušu.

Diana Pečkaj Vuković is a professional journalist, art historian, germanist, book writer, script and screenplay writer, award-winning innovator and the owner of the Jupiteriana, company for inventing of new products. She likes to think up new things in various areas of creativity. She wrote a book "The Day That Will Change Your Life - Quitting Smoking is Possible", the collection of the essays "I kiss your lips a thousand times", screenplays for the TV series "Love in the Offside", "It Will All End Well", "The Sunshine Valley" and “Under the Lucky Star”. Socially engaged in the promotion of liberalism,  female entrepreneurship, animal rights and environmental protection. She was born and lives in Zagreb, a city that she loves the most. Is a proud mother of daughter Gabriela and son Izidor, married to her soul mate Sasha.

BusyBasket™ - presentation and proposal

BusyBasket™ is an innovative basket for carrying a laptop or briefcase on a bicycle. It is protected as an industrial design (EU Industrial Design Protection NR.001677071-0001) on the Croatian territory and EU as a trademark (name and logo) for the same area.

It was awarded a gold medal at the BIS (British Invention Show) in London in 2009 and also gold medal at the INOVA (Croatian Salon of Innovations) in Zagreb in 2009. BusyBasket™ is a product that currently has no real competition in the world. Although millions of people daily transport their laptops and / or briefcases on a bicycle, till the appearance of BB there were no carrier / basket on the market adapted to this, rectangular shaped bags.

Solutions for the transport of laptops have been till now:
- backpacks - which is quite annoying in the heat and for businessmen
- rear saddlebags - risky due to theft possibility, but it also requests  a rear load carrier which many bicycles do not have the existing baskets of round shape - awkward and insecure, and unaesthetic. In addition, bags of other types (pictures attached) can be transported on the BB carrier bags as well.

BusyBasket™ suits men's and women's bikes and is adaptable to most standard models.


The serial production was launched in Croatia – pilot 1.000 pieces.

Product components are manufactured in three factories and assembled in one of them into a finished product and packed.

It was found out that production in Croatia cannot be competitive or suitable for the world market due to:
- high production costs
- small production capacity
- manufacturer’s unreliability

      -     production in large quantities in the Far East sale of production license  to a manufacturer who already has a similar range


Branding of BusyBasket ™ products is planned:
1.The basic model will be redesigned in order to simplify production.
2.From the basic model, a palette of three or four models of different styles (eg. sports, art, retro, futuristic ...) and materials (plastic, inox stainless steel, carbon fibers ...), with retained recognizable visuals of the basic model will be developed.
The entire range will be supported and completed with the unique design of the brand that was created by the studio Bruketa and Žinic (attached).
Such a brand development wants to take a strong market position that BusyBasket ™ will preserve even in the competition case- the goal is to forestall competition and cover in advance all forms of competition that could be developed from the idea BB.


BusyBasket ™ is intended for the following markets:
- market of cycling equipment
- market of equipment for portable computers (computer chains)
- lifestyle market
- consumer goods

Currently, the following markets are being processed.
Croatian - a small amount sold to company MSAN and several cycling retailers.
German – intensive work of the German representative, the processing of large distributors and effort to enter their product range and catalogues. The German ask for a lower price and a perfect finish. They also demand a range of at least three models.
France - negotiations with Decatlon
Northern Europe - contacts with distributors of cycling equipment

BusyBasket ™ is a product for the world market because it satisfies a universal need.
It refers to two large (and growing) groups - cyclists and users of portable computers.
The product is compatible with several emerging global trends: it is economical, environmentally-friendly and promotes a healthy lifestyle. It corresponds to the promotion trend of bicycle as a means of transport in congested cities, and in the less developed world (East) corresponds to a bicycle as a traditional means of transportation.
The Netherlands is the most interesting country for sales in Europe (In Holland more than 1 million bicycles are sold per year, the total number of bicycles in Holland now amounts to about 16 million).
As such, BusyBasket ™ is suitable for global market success.
Planned development of the brand and its appearance on the world market must be intense and fast so as to forestall possible competition and ensure a strong position on the market.
For the realization of these plans  company Jupiteriana Ltd. is interested in the following:
- strategic mergers in different forms and variations
- sale of license or part of the license for BusyBasket ™
- financial investments
Jupiteriana Ltd.
Diana Pečkaj Vuković

Zelengaj 17,
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
tel. +385 1 48 24 176
      +385 98 1760 761

BusyBasket™ - prezentacija i ponuda

BusyBasket™ je inovativni nosač za laptop i poslovnu torbu na biciklu. Zaštićen je kao industrijski dizajn (EU Industrial Design Protection NR.001677071-0001) na području Hrvatske i EU, i kao žig (ime i logo) za isto područje.

Nagrađen je zlatnom medaljom na BIS-u (British Invention Show) u Londonu 2009. i zlatnom medaljom na INOVI (Hrvatski salon inovacija) u Zagrebu 2009. godine
BusyBasket™ je proizvod koji trenutno nema prave konkurencije u svijetu.
Iako milijuni ljudi dnevno voze svoje laptope i/ili poslovne torbe na biciklu, do pojave BB na tržištu nije bilo nosača/košarice koja bi bila prilagođena tom, četvrtastom, obliku torbe.

Dosadašnja rješenja za prijevoz laptopa su:
- u ruksaku na leđima – što je nezgodno po vrućini i za ljude u odijelima
- na stražnjim bisagama – riskantno zbog krađe, ali zahtjeva i stražnji nosač tereta kojeg mnogi bicikli nemaju
- u postojećim košaricama oblog oblika – nespretno i nesigurno, a i neestetski

Uz to, na BB se mogu prevoziti i torbe drugih oblika (slike u prilogu)
BusyBasket™ odgovara i muškim i ženskim biciklima i prilagodljiv je za većinu standardnih modela.


Pokrenuta je serijska proizvodnja u HR – probnih 1000 kom
Komponente proizvoda se proizvode u tri tvornice i sklapaju u jednoj od njih u gotov proizvod, te pakiraju.
Ustanovljeno je da proizvodnja u Hrvatskoj ne može biti konkurentna niti podobna za svjetsko tržište zbog:
visoke proizvodne cijene
malih proizvodnih kapaciteta
nepouzdanosti proizvođača

Rješenja: - proizvodnja u velikim količinama na Dalekom istoku
                - prodaja licence za proizvodnju proizvođaču koji već ima srodan asortiman


Planira se brendiranje BusyBasket™ proizvoda;
1.Osnovni model redizajnirat će se u svrhu pojednostavljenja proizvodnje
2.Od osnovnog razvit će se još i paleta tri ili četiri modela različitih stilova (npr. sportski, art, retro, futuristički...) i materijala (plastika, inox, karbonsko vlakno...), sa zadržanim prepoznatljivim vizualom osnovnog modela.

Cijela paleta bit će podržana i zaokružena  jedinstvenim dizajnom brenda koji je izradio studio Bruketa i Žinić (u prilogu) Takvim razvojem brenda želi se zauzeti jaka tržišna pozicija koju će BusyBasket™ sačuvati čak i u slučaju kad se pojavi konkurencija – cilj je preduhitriti konkurenciju i unaprijed pokriti sve oblike koje bi konkurencija mogla razviti iz ideje BB.


BusyBasket™ se obraća slijedećim tržištima:
- tržište biciklističke opreme
- tržište opreme za prijenosna računala (kompjuterski lanci)
- lifestyle tržište
- široka potrošnja

Trenutno su u obradi slijedeća tržišta:
Hrvatsko – prodana manja količina MSanu i nekolicini biciklističkih ritejlera
Njemačko – intenzivan rad njemačke zastupnice, obrada velikih distributera i nastojanje da se uđe u njihove asortimane i kataloge. Nijemci traže nižu cijenu i savršeniju izradu. Također traže paletu od barem tri modela.
Francuska – pregovori s Decatlonom
Sjeverna Evropa – kontakti s distributerima biciklističke opreme

BusyBasket™ je proizvod za svjetsko tržište jer zadovoljava univerzalnu potrebu.
Odnosi se na dvije velike (i rastuće) skupine – biciklisti i korisnici prijenosnih računala
Proizvod je u skladu s nekoliko rastućih globalnih trendova: ekonomičan je, ekološki i promovira zdrav životni stil. Odgovara trendu promoviranja bicikla kao prijevoznog sredstva u gradovima zagušenim prometom, a u slabije razvijenom svijetu (Istok) korespondira s biciklom kao već tradicionalnim prijevoznim sredstvom.
Nizozemska je najzanimljivija zemlja u Evropi za plasman (U Nizozemskoj se proda više od milion bicikla godišnje. Sveukupni broj je 16 miliona)
Kao takav BusyBasket™ je pogodan za svjetski tržišni uspjeh.
Planirani razvoj brenda i nastup na svjetsko tržište mora biti intenzivan i brz, kako bi se preduhitrila moguća konkurencija i osigurala jaka pozicija na tržištu.
Za realizaciju ovih planova društvo Jupiteriana d.o.o. je zainteresirano za:
strateško udruživanja u različitim oblicima i varijantama
prodaju licence ili dijela licence za BusyBasket™
financijsko ulaganje

Diana Pečkaj Vuković
direktorica i nositeljica prava na BusyBasket™

Zelengaj 17,
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
tel. +385 1 48 24 176
      +385 98 1760 761

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