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Academician Josip Pecaric reading a letter to the United Nations Security Council
Following the racist judgement passed in The Hague on 15 April 2011
We do not ask you to bury our dead.
We do not ask you to defend us from aggression and terrorism.
We do not ask you to protect our towns from excessive shelling.
We do not ask you to prevent the shelling of Croatia's capital, Zagreb.
We do not ask you to prevent the barbaric destruction of the city of Dubrovnik, a world heritage monument.
We do not ask you to prevent the shelling of Šibenik and the destruction of the St. Jacob’s cathedral, another world heritage monument.
We do not ask you to prevent the shelling of Zadar, Slavonski Brod, Osijek…
We do not ask you to prevent snipers from shooting at our citizens as they return home from work.
We do not ask you to prevent machine-guns and tanks from the 'Marshall Tito' barracks firing on the residents of the suburbs on the outskirts of Zagreb.
We do not ask you to save the Croatian village of Ćelije together with its church, which were both razed to the ground.
We do not ask you to prevent the massacre of twelve Croatian policemen in the town of Borovo.
We do not ask you to prevent the excessive and barbaric shelling of the city of Vukovar, including its hospital full of patients.
We do not ask you to allow us unarmed and defenceless to arm and defend ourselves.
We do not ask you to prevent the mass murder of three hundred people wounded at Ovčara.
We do not ask you to prevent the organised transport of thousands of Croatians into concentration camps in Serbia, or to prevent their mistreatment, rape and murder.
We do not ask you to prevent the massacre of eighty-four civilians and soldiers at Škabrnja.
We do not ask you to prevent placement of thirty tons of explosives on the Peruča hydroelectric dam.
We do not ask you to prevent the destruction of Croatian bridges and burning and destruction of croatian homes, or to bring back hundreds of thousands of deported Croats.
We do not ask you to prevent the destruction of more than one thousand of our Catholic churches.
We do not ask you to clear our mine-fields.
We do not ask you to prevent genocide, culturicide and urbicide.
We do not ask you to prevent the deportation of our livestock and our wheat harvests to Serbia.
We do not ask you to prevent the plunder of Croatian works of art and the destruction of Croatia's cultural heritage, nor the devastation of our pristine national parks and reserves.
We do not ask you to resurrect our 402 children who died during the war.
We do not ask you to re-attach the missing limbs of 1,044 of our maimed children.
We do not ask you to bring back to life the parents of 5,497 of our children, who were killed during the war.
All of this we do NOT ask you as it is now too late. Our soldiers have already defended us and, in contrast to you, succeeded to bring us lasting peace. For this, you have imprisoned them in your Den Hague! You imprisoned them also because it was them, not you, who saved one hundred thousand Muslims in your allegedly protected zone of Bihać, and after the slaughter in your protected zone of Srebrenica.
All of this we do NOT ask you, as we know that for you our defending of our Homeland, our People and our Nation is just a PLANNED CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY!
We do not ask you to resurrect our victims of genocide, as you are not gods.
We do NOT even ask you to locate our missing, as death in your society comes of natural causes in a dignified and civilised manner.
However, we DO ask you to release our living soldiers, whom you have imprisoned and sentenced, without proving them guilty. In this way, you will defend your collective honour and that of each of you individually. And that is how history will judge you!
That is ALL that we, Croatians, ask of you ... Following the racist judgement passed in The Hague on 15 April 2011
Academician Ivan Aralica
Academician Smiljko Ašperger
Academician Hrvoje Babić
Academician Stjepan Babić
Academician Slaven Barišić
Mons. DSc. Mile Bogović, Bishop of Gospić-Senj
Academician Boris Bučan
Academician Marin Hraste
DSc. Zvonimir Janko, Prof. Emeritus of the University of Heidelberg, corresponding member of HAZU (Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti - Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts)
Academician Dubravko Jelčić
Mons. Ante Jurić, retired archbishop, Split
Academician Andrija Kaštelan
Academician Ivica Kostović
Academician Slavko Matić
Academician Slobodan Novak
Academician Josip Pečarić
Academician Stanko Popović
Professor Valentin Pozaić, DSc., Auxiliary Bishop of Zagreb
Academician Franjo Šanjek
Academician Nenad Trinajstić
Followed by 2200 signatures, among them about 220 university professors and doctors of sciences. Others are writers, masters of sciences, physicians, school teachers, etc.
Professor Josip Pečarić, member of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, reading the letter for the UN Security Council
Ne tražimo od vas da pokapate naše mrtve.
Ne tražimo od vas da nas branite od agresije i od terorizma.
Ne tražimo od vas da zaštitite naše gradove od prekomjernoga granatiranja.
Ne tražimo od vas da spriječite granatiranje glavnoga grada Hrvatske - Zagreba.
Ne tražimo od vas da spriječite barbarsko uništavanje grada Dubrovnika, spomenika svjetske baštine.
Ne tražimo od vas da spriječite granatiranje grada Šibenika i uništavanje katedrale sv. Jakova, spomenika svjetske baštine.
Ne tražimo od vas da spriječite granatiranje gradova Zadra, Slavonskog Broda, Osijeka…
Ne tražimo od vas da spriječite snajperiste da gađaju naše građane dok se vraćaju s posla.
Ne tražimo od vas da spriječite strojnice i topove iz vojarne ''Maršal Tito'' da pucaju po stanovnicima zagrebačkih naselja Utrina, Travno i Dugave.
Ne tražimo od vas da spasite hrvatsko selo Ćelije, spaljeno i zajedno s crkvom sravnjeno sa zemljom.
Ne tražimo od vas da spriječite pokolj dvanaest hrvatskih redarstvenika u Borovu Selu.
Ne tražimo od vas da spriječite prekomjerno barbarsko granatiranje grada Vukovara, Vukovarske bolnice i ranjenika.
Ne tražimo od vas da nama golorukima dozvolite da se naoružamo i branimo.
Ne tražimo od vas da spriječite masovni pokolj tri stotine ranjenika na Ovčari. Ne tražimo od vas da spriječite organizirani transport više tisuća Hrvata u koncentracijske logore u Srbiji, ni ubijanja, psihološka maltretiranja i silovanja.
Ne tražimo od vas da spriječite pokolj osamdeset i četiri civila i branitelja u Škabrnji.
Ne tražimo od vas da spriječite miniranje brane hidroelektrane 'Peruča' s trideset tona eksploziva.
Ne tražimo od vas da spriječite rušenje hrvatskih mostova, paljenje i rušenje hrvatskih kuća i da vratite stotine tisuća prognanih Hrvata.
Ne tražimo od vas da spriječite rušenje više od tisuću naših katoličkih crkava.
Ne tražimo od vas da čistite minska polja.
Ne tražimo od vas da spriječite genocid, kulturocid i urbocid.
Ne tražimo od vas da spriječite odvoz stoke i žita u Srbiju.
Ne tražimo od vas da spriječite pljačku hrvatskih umjetnina i uništavanje hrvatske kulturne baštine, ni uništavanje naših netaknutih nacionalnih parkova i parkova prirode.
Ne tražimo od vas da vratite u život naše 402 poginule djece u ratu.
Ne tražimo od vas da vratite dijelove ruku, nogu i tijela naših ranjenih 1044 djece.
Ne tražimo od vas da oživite roditelje za naših 5497 djece, koji su bez njih ostali u ratu.
Mi sve to ne tražimo od vas, jer je za to i onako već odavno kasno, ali i zato jer su sve to već ionako branili naši Branitelji, koji su umjesto vas konačno donijeli mir, a koje ste vi zatočili u vašemu Den Haagu! Zatočili ste ih i zato što su umjesto vas spasili sto tisuća muslimana u vašoj navodno zaštićenoj zoni Bihać, a poslije pokolja u također vašoj zaštićenoj zoni Srebrenica.
Mi sve to ne tražimo od vas, jer znamo da je za vas braniti svoj Dom, svoj Narod i svoju Državu samo PLANIRANI UROTNIČKI ZLOČIN!
Mi ne tražimo od vas da oživite naše mrtve stradale u genocidu, jer vi niste bogovi.
Mi čak ne tražimo od vas ni da pronađete naše nestale, jer kod vas se umire lijepo, civilizirano i prirodno.
Mi tražimo od vas: Vratite nam naše žive, naše branitelje, koje ste vi zatočili i osudili bez dokazane krivnje! Tako ćete spasiti svoju čast, zajedničku čast svih vas i svakoga pojedinačno. A po njoj će vas suditi povijest.
Mi, Hrvati, samo to od vas tražimo...
Povodom rasističkih Haaških presuda od 15. travnja 2011.
akademik Ivan Aralica
akademik Smiljko Ašperger
akademik Hrvoje Babić
akademik Stjepan Babić
akademik Slaven Barišić
mons. dr. sc. Mile Bogović, biskup gospićko-senjski
akademik Boris Bučan
akademik Marin Hraste
dr. sc. Zvonimir Janko, Prof. Emeritus der Universitaet Heidelberg, dopisni član HAZU
akademik Dubravko Jelčić
mons. Ante Jurić, nadbiskup u miru, Split
akademik Andrija Kaštelan
akademik Ivica Kostović
akademik Slavko Matić
akademik Slobodan Novak
akademik Josip Pečarić
akademik Stanko Popović
prof. dr. Valentin Pozaić, pomoćni biskup zagrebački
akademik Franjo Šanjek
akademik Nenad Trinajstić
Slijedi 2200 potpisa, među njima oko 220 sveučilišnih profesora i doktora znanosti. Ostali su književnici, magistri znanosti, liječnici, učitelji itd.