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 »  Home  »  Music  »  International conference in Carmelite convent of St. Elijah in Busko Blato in Bosnia and Herzegovina
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 »  Home  »  Religion  »  International conference in Carmelite convent of St. Elijah in Busko Blato in Bosnia and Herzegovina
International conference in Carmelite convent of St. Elijah in Busko Blato in Bosnia and Herzegovina
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  06/18/2011 | Music , Croatian spirituality , Croatians in B&H , Education , Culture And Arts , Religion | Unrated
Croatian national costumes in Bosnia and Herzegovina, part 2

Croatian national costumes from the village of Uzdol

Discussing details with rev. Zvonko Martić. Breathaking view to the lake of Buško blato.

Program of the concert in Carmelite convent of St. Eliah in Buško Blato,
dedicated to traditional church singing of Lenten chants from various parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

A few examples of traditional Croatian church singing in B&H

Pjevačka skupina iz Kreševa [MP3]

Pjevačka skupina iz Luga i Brankovića u okolici Žepča [MP3]

Pjevačka skupina iz Kupresa [MP3]

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