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Vjekoslav Sutej 1951-2009 distinguished Croatian conductor
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  12/13/2009 | Bilingual , Music , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Conducted the first four concerts "Christmas in Vienna"

Maestro Vjekoslav Šutej, July 31,1951 - December 2, 2009
Vjekoslav Šutej was born in the city of Rijeka, Croatia. He has conducted concerts with famous opera stars: José Carreras, Montserrat Caballé, Diana Ross, Placido Domingo, Roman Vargas, Mario Guleghin, etc. He also directed the first four concerts Christmas in Vienna with Placido Domingo and José Carreras. So far, more than a million copies of compact disks from these concerts have been sold. He founded the Royal Syphonic Orchestra in Sevilla, Spain.

U Zagrebu je nakon duge i teške bolesti preminuo šef-dirigent zagrebačke filharmonije Vjekoslav Šutej.

Vjekoslav Šutej rođen je u Rijeci 31. srpnja 1951., u glazbeničkoj obitelji: otac, tenor Josip Šutej i majka, sopranistica Alemka Štefanini Šutej bili su članovi Opere Hrvatskoga narodnog kazališta u Rijeci.

Dirigiranje je studirao kod Igora Gjadrova na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu, a usavršavao se je kod Franca Ferrare u Rimu. Od godine 1979. do 1989. bio je prvim dirigentom HNK-a u Splitu. Od 1986. do 1990. bio je umjetničkim ravnateljem Hollybush Festivala u New Jerseyu, a od 1990. do 1993., s porastom svoje međunarodne karijere, bio je glazbenim ravnateljem Gran Teatro Fenice u Veneciji, gdje se je istaknuo u novim postavama Jevgenija Onjegina i Rigoletta.

Godine 1990. utemeljio je Real Orquestra Simfonica de Sevilla, kojemu je ostao ravnateljem i šef-dirigentom do 1996.

Godine 1992. postao je i glazbenim ravnateljem Houston Grand Opera gdje je (do 1997.) ravnao izvedbama 19 opera s ukupno 133 izvedbe od kojih su naročito uspjele La Bohčme, André Chénier, Arijadna na Naxosu, Lucia di Lammermoor, Hoffmannove priče, Attila, Aida, La Traviata, Faust, Boris Godunov, Florenzia en el Amazonas itd.

Godine 1994. debitirao je u Bečkoj državnoj operi gdje se je istaknuo u više od 100 izvedbi opera kao što su Pikova dama, La Bohčme, Don Carlos, Cavalleria rusticana, I Pagliacci, Aida, Židovka, Tosca i Carmen. Godine 2001. otvorio je sezonu iste operne kuće s Don Carlosom u kojemu su naslovne uloge pjevali Neil Shicoff, Ferruccio Furlaneto i Maria Mescheriakova. Izvedba je bila uživo prenošena na glavnim trgovima u Beču i Grazu.

Ravnao je novim postavama Carmen u San Franciscu, Trubadur na Verdijevu festivalu u Parmi, Čedo Zapada i Trubadur u Teatro Reggio di Torino, Carmen, Rigoletto i Aida u Veronskoj areni, Triptih i I Pagliacci (koji je zabilježen i na DVD-u u veronskome Teatro Filarmonico), Triptih, Carmen i Tosca u Teatro Bellini u Cataniji, Faust, Manon Lescaut, Madama Butterfly u Tokiju, Cavalleria rusticana u napuljskome San Carlu, Manon u madridskome Teatro Real, Florenzia en el Amazonas i Madama Butterfly u Seattleu, a u berlinskoj Njemačkoj operi ravnao je svečanom izvedbom Tosce i izvedbama Madama Butterfly.

U travnju godine 2002. imenovan je ravnateljem glazbenoga programa Dubrovačkih ljetnih igara, u kojemu su, među ostalima, nastupili i tako slavni umjetnici kao što su Ramón Vargas, Denyce Graves, Leo Nucci, Cristina Gallardo Domâs.

Osim značajnih klasičnih koncerata dirigirao je i popularne koncerte s opernim zvijezdama današnjice (Novogodišnji koncert s Carrerasom u Frankfurtu 1991., koncert na Crvenome trgu u Moskvi 1992., koncerti s Carrerasom u Beču, Berlinu i u Veronskoj areni, koncert s Montserrat Caballé u Rimu, koncert s Carrerasom i Montserrat Caballé u Orangeu i Epidaurusu, gala koncert s Dianom Ross, Plácidom Domingom i Joséom Carrerasom, Ramónom Vargasom i Andreom Rost u Monte Carlu, s Ramónom Vargasom u Mexico Cityju i Münchenu te s Marijom Guleghinom u Tokiju i Nagoyi).

Također je ravnao s prva četiri koncerta Božić u Beču s Plácidom Domingom i Joséom Carrerasom; dosad je prodano više od milijun primjeraka kompaktnih ploča sa snimkama s tih koncerata.

U razdoblju od godine 2004. do 2005. realizirao je još niz nastupa u Bečkoj državnoj operi (La Bohčme, Tosca, Don Carlos, Nabucco, La Favorite, André Chénier, Židovka, Carmen i Rigoletto), Madame Butterfly, Čedo Zapada, Cavalleria rusticana i I Pagliacci u berlinskoj Njemačkoj operi, te Madame Butterfly, Florenzia en el Amazonas, La Bohéme i La Traviata u Operi u Seattleu, Rigoletto u Veronskoj areni te niz simfonijskih koncerata u Cataniji, Mexico Cityju, Valenciji i drugdje.

Dobitnikom je mnogobrojnih priznanja (Orden grada Beča, Nagrada grada Zagreba itd.), počasnim članom Real Academia de Belles Artes i počasnim građaninom Sevilje.

U njegovu bogatom diskografskom opusu ističu se snimke opere I Pagliacci (u kojoj su u glavnim ulogama Roberto Alagna i Svetla Vassileva), Mercadanteove opere La Vestale (Bongiovanni) te CD-ovi i DVD-ovi pod naslovom A Tenor Christmas, Carreras Golden Years, The Domingo Collection, Greatst Hits of Christmas, José Carreras Memories, Christmas with Stars Christmas in Vienna za tvrtke Philips i Sony.

Bio je redovni profesor dirigiranja na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu. Dužnost šefa dirigenta Zagrebačke filharmonije obnašao je od  2003. do svoje smrti.

Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra chief conductor Vjekoslav Šutej died on 2 December 2009 after a long illness. 

Vjekoslav Šutej was born on 31 July 1951 in Rijeka into a musical family - his father, the tenor Josip Šutej and his mother, the soprano Alemka Štefanini Šutej, were both members of the Croatian National Theatre Opera.

Šutej studied conducting under Igor Gjadrov in the Zagreb Music Academy in Zagreb, and did further studies with Franco Ferrare in Rome. From 1979 to 1989 he was the first director of the Croatian National Theatre in Split. From 1986 to 1990 he was artistic director of the Hollybush Festival in New Jersey, and from 1990 to 1993, as his international career developed, was musical director of the Gran Teatro Fenice in Venice, where he made a name for his new stagings of Eugene Onegin and Rigoletto.

In 1990 he founded the Real Orquestra Simfonica de Sevilla, of which he remained director and chief conductor until 1996.

In 1992 he became the musical director of the Houston Grand Opera, where, until 1997, he conducted performances of 19 operas, in a total of 133 performances, of which particular successes were achieved by La Boheme, André Chénier, Ariadne auf Naxos, Lucia di Lammermor, Tales from Hoffmann, Attila, Aida, La Traviata, Faust, Boris Godunov and Florenzia en el Amazonas.

In 1994 he made his debut with the Vienna State Opera, where he has excelled in 94 performances of operas so far, including Queen of Spades, La Boheme, Don Carlos, Cavalleria rusticana, I Pagliacci, La Juive, Tosca and Carmen. In 2001 he opened the season of the same opera house with Don Carlos, in which the leading roles were played by Neil Shicoff, Ferruccio Furlaneto and Maria Mescheriakova. The performance was transmitted live on the main squares in Vienna and Graz.

He conducted new versions of Carmen in San Francisco, Il trovatore in the Verdi Festival in Parma, La fanciulla del west and The Troubadour in Teatro Reggio di Torion, Carmen, Rigoletto and Aida in Verona arena, Triptych and I Pagliacci (recorded on DVD in Verona's Teatro Filarmonico), Triptych, Carmen and Tosca in Teatro Bellini in Catania, Faust, Manon Lescaut, Madame Butterfly in Tokyo, Cavalleria
rusticana in San Carlo Naples, Manon in Madrid’s Teatro Real, Florenzia en el Amazonas and Madame Butterfly in Seattle, while in Berlin's Germany Opera he conducted the grand performance of Tosca and performances of Madame Butterfly.

Since April 2002 untill November 2004 he was director of the music programme of the Dubrovnik Summer Festival, in which, among other things, such famed performing artists as Ramon Vargas, Denyce Graves, Leo Nucci, Cristina Gallardo Domas took part.

Apart from classical concerts, he has also conducted popular concerts with opera stars of today (New Year's Concert with Carreras in Frankfurt, 1991; a concert in Red Square in 1992; a concert with Carreras in Vienna, Berlin and Verona arena; a concert with Montserrat Caballé in Rome; with Carreras and Caballé in Orange and Epidaurus; a gala concert with Diana Ross, Placido Domingo and José Carreras, Ramon Vargas and Andre Rost in Monte Carlo; with Roman Vargas in Mexico City and Munich, and with Mario Guleghin in Tokyo and Nagoya.

He also directed the first four concerts Christmas in Vienna with Placido Domingo and José Carreras; so far, more than a million copies of compact disks from these concerts have been sold.

For the 2003-2005 period, 43 appearances by Šutej have been contracted for in the Vienna State Opera (La Boheme, Tosca, Don Carlos, Nabucco, La Favorite, André Chénier, La Juive, Carmen and Rigoletto); of Madame Butterfly, Fanciulla del west, Cavalleria rusticana and I pagliacci in Berlin's German Opera, and Madame Butterfly, Florenzia en el Amazonas, La Bohéme and La Traviata in the Seattle Opera, Rigoletto in the Verona arena, and a series of symphonic concerts in Catania, Mexico City, Valencia and elsewhere.

He has won many awards and recognitions (Order of the City of Vienna, Prize of the City of Zagreb and so on), is an honorary member of the Real Academia de Belles Artes and an honorary citizen of Seville.

His many recordings include compact discs of I Pagliacci (with Roberto Alagna and Svetla Vassileva in the leading roles), Mercadante’s opera La Vestale (Biongiovanni) and CDs and DVDs with titles like A Tenor Christmas, Carreras Golden Years, The Domingo Collection, Greatest Hits of Christmas, José Carreras Memories, Christmas with the Stars, Christmas in Vienna for Philips and Sony.

He also did teaching work, and was a full professor of conducting at the Music Academy in Zagreb.
He was a full professor of conducting at the Music Academy in Zagreb since 2003 until his death.

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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