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Votive chapel of gifts at Mary's Trsat sanctuary near Rijeka
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  11/4/2009 | Croatian spirituality , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Gifts from Croatian seamen Mary's Trsat, part 2

The statue of cardinal Alojzije Stepinac at Trsat

Pope John Paul II in Rijeka during his Apostolic visit to Croatia in 2003. On that occasion he visited the Trsat sanctuary. On his right is Dr. Ivan Devčić, Archbishop of Rijeka. On the far right of the photo Dr. Mile Bogović, bishop of Gospić-Senj.

Votive candle of the Salopek family, 3m high, weighing almost one ton, placed in honour of the Apostolic visit of Pope Paul II to the Trsat Sanctuary.

Stepping stones built in 1531 by Petar Kružić (16th century), a famous defender of the Klis fortress near Split. After the fall of Klis in 1537 Kruzic was decapitated by the Turks. His sister Jelena had to pay 100 gold coins for his head, which was buried in the Franciscan Monastery of Trsat, Rijeka. We know these details from a manuscript preserved from that time, written in the Croatian Glagolitic Script.


Cloister open from 7:00 - 20:00
Store with paintings, candles and souvenirs open from 8:00-12:00 and from 15:00-19:00
Publications on the sanctuary: a range of numerous and valuable publications, we highly recommend the authors:
Father Bonaventura Duda, Father Emanuel Hošak, Radmila Matejčić, Vanja Vinković, Marijan Bradanović...
CD of the sanctuary: author Vanja Vinković
Bulletin: Mary’s Trsat (four times a year- in May, August, September and December)

The Church is open daily from 6:30 - 19:30
Mass is held Monday to Friday at 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 and 19:00;
Sundays and holidays at 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:30 and 19:00
Confession is held from 7:00-12:00 and from 15:00-19:30
Visits and sightseeing of the treasury by appointment

Franciscan monastery
tel. 051/452 900

City of Rijeka Tourism Association
tel. 051/335 882,


Each Saturday from May to late fall there are organized pilgrimages:

Franciscan youth (FRAMA)
10 May - Day of Our Lady of Trsat, Mother’s Day
Karlovac pilgrimage
Seamen’s pilgrimage (second half of May)

the votive pilgrimage of Grobnišćica

pilgrimage of Novi Zagreb

14 August, night pilgrimage
15 August - Feast of the Assumption, there is also a large fair at Trsat
pilgrimage of Bistrica
Pilgrimage of the faithful from the Bakar Bay inland

September 8 September-Nativity of the Virgin Mary
pilgrimage of the Poreč-Pula diocese
pilgrimage of the Zagreb Diocese

pilgrimage of the Krk Diocese

Rijeka pilgrimage - Thanksgiving

How to get to the sanctuary: Trsat stairs, bus, city bus routes 1 and 1A, automobile from centre of Rijeka or from Rijeka bypass

On the Feast of the Assumption, 15 August, Trsat is closed to automobiles.


Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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  • Comment #1 (Posted by Charles R. Butler Jr., Msgt, USAF, (Ret.))

    I find this information to be very informative; and the older I become 75years now, the more I am interested in learning more about the people in our Catholic faith who sacrificed much to pave the way for us.

    May the Peace of Christ and the love of His Most Blessed Mother reign within your hearts and soul for all eternity. Amen.
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