Nikola Bašić is the author of probably the most beautiful monument dedicated to the Sun that exists on the Earth: Monument to The Sunor in Croatian, Spomenik suncu. The monument is placed in the city of Zadar, on the Croatian coast, along with equaly famous Zadar Sea Organ. This is one of greatest achievements of contemporary Croatian Art and Architecutre.

Photo by Aleksandar Gospić, March 2008, source Spomenik suncu Simbolička urbana instalacija koja, posredstvom fotonaponskih ćelija ugrađenih u obalnu šetnicu, sunčevu energiju pretvara u svjetlosni spektakl.
| Monument to the Sun
Symbolic urban installation which, by means of photovoltaic cells built-in sea walkway, changes solar energy into lighting spectacle.

Photo by Aleksandar Gospić, source, go to the next page below.