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Hungary, Croatia sign power line deal
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  07/25/2007 | Business | Unrated
Neighbors build power network
Hungary, Croatia sign power line deal

24 Jul 2007

The system director of electrical-grid operator Mavir, Gábor Tari, and his counterpart at Hrvatska Elektroprivreda, Dubravko Sabolic, signed a contract in Osijek, Croatia, to build a 400 kV power line between Pécs, Hungary, and Ernestinovo, Croatia, Croatia Post reported.

Also present at the contract signing were Croatia's Minister of Economy, Employment and Enterprises Branko Vukelic, Hungary's Minister of Economy János Kóka and the economic attaché of the Hungarian Embassy in Zagrab, Péter Závoczky. The two 400 kilowatt lines are scheduled to be completed by March 2010, it was reported. According to the contract, Hungary will build 42.2 kilometers of the cable at a cost of approximately ¬20 million ($27.6 million), while Croatia will build 44.1 kilometers of cable at a cost of approximately ¬21 million by March 2010. Hungary's ¬20 million will include the cost of expanding the Pécs substation. (


Formatted for CROWN by   Marko Puljiæ
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