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World famous Russian Tsar's ballet performed Swan lake in Osijek, Croatia Dec 8, 2006
By Goran Nikolašević | Published  12/9/2006 | Events , Culture And Arts | Unrated
World famous Russian Tsar's ballet performed Swan lake in Osijek, Croatia

Osijek, Croatia, Dec. 08. 2006. Photo by Goran Nikolasevic, CROWN

Members of the Russian Tsar's ballet and solists of the Bolyshoi teater from Moscow, Ana Ivanova and Kiril Radiv performed one of the most famous ballet shows, Swan lake of Peter Ilyitch Tchaikovski, in Osijek, Croatia. This performance was organized by Gradski radio, Osijek, Mediaset Osijek and Lupa promotion Zagreb, in close cooperation with City of Osijek and with the major of Osijek, Mr. Anto Djapich. General sponsor of this event was Novocommerce d.o.o. Osijek, a general representative and distributor of John Deere for Croatia, with general manager Mrs. Snjezana Brzica. Please, visit them at . All tickets for this extraordinary event were sold very fast and sport hall Jug (South) in Osijek was full.


However, after all too successful staging of Swan lake and appearance of the famous Tsar's Ballet from Russia, it is obvious that nothing is impossible any more and that we can finally enjoy the whitest of all the white ballets.


Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake was composed in 1875 as a commission by Vladimir Petrovich Begichev, the intendant of the Russian Imperial Theatres in Moscow. Like The Nutcracker, Swan Lake was unsuccessful after its first year of performance. Conductors, dancers and audiences alike thought Tchaikovsky's music was too complicated and hard to dance too. The production's original choreography by German ballet master, Julius Reisinger, was uninspiring and unoriginal. Much is unknown about the original production of Swan Lake  no notes, techniques or instruction concerning the ballet was written down. Only little can be found in letters and memos. It wasn't until after Tchaikovsky's death that Swan Lake was revived. Much of the Swan Lake we know of today was a revision by the famous choreographers Petipa and Ivanov.

Swan Lake is known for its demanding technical skills all because of one extremely gifted ballerina, Pierina Legnani. She performed with such grace and discipline, the audience and everyone else who saw her claimed she set the bar. Every girl to dance the part of Odette/Odile after her was compared to Legnani's performance. Legnani performed 32 fouettes (a fast whipping turn on one foot) in a row  a move many ballerinas resent because of its extreme difficulty. However, Swan Lake remains a favorite for many girls because of it's extreme difficulty; technically and emotionally. The prestige that comes with performing Swan Lake flawlessly is invaluable. Ana Ivanova and Kiril Radiv, members of Bolyshoi Teater from Moscow, were tonight in Osijek young representatives of the new generation of talented ballet dancers who can perform such a demanding ballet.

With their gracious dance Ivanova and Radiv told us this love story: Prince Siegfried arrives at his 21st birthday celebration on the palace courtyards to find all of the royal families and townspeople dancing and celebrating, while the young girls are anxiously seeking his attention. During the exquisite celebration, his mother gives him crossbow and informs him that because he is of age now, his marriage will be quickly arranged. Hit with the sudden realization of his future responsibilities, he takes his crossbow and makes haste to the woods with his hunting buddies.

Getting ahead of the group, Prince Siegfried finds himself a peaceful spot by an enchanted lake where swans gently float across its surface. While Siegfried watches, he spots the most beautiful swan with a crown on its head. His buddies soon catch up, but he orders them to leave so he can be by himself.

As dusk falls, the swan with the crown turns into the most beautiful young woman he has ever seen. Her name is Odette, the Swan Queen. She informs the young prince that an evil sorcerer, Von Rothbart, who so happens to be disguised as Prince Siegfried's mentor, has turned her and the other girls into swans and that the lake was formed by the tears of their parents' weeping. She tells him that the only way the spell could be broken is if a man, pure in heart, pledges his love to her. The Prince, about to confess his love for her, is quickly interrupted by the evil sorcerer. He takes Odette from Prince Siegfried's embrace and commands all of the swan maidens to dance upon the lake and its shore so that the prince cannot chase them. Prince Siegfried is left all alone on the shore of Swan Lake.


The next day at the formal celebration in the Royal Hall, Prince Siegfried is presented with many prospective princesses. Although the princesses are worthy of his attention, he cannot stop thinking about Odette. His mother commands him to choose a bride, but he cannot. For the mean time, he satisfies his mother's request by at least dancing with them. While the prince is dancing, trumpets announce the arrival of Von Rothbart. He brings his daughter, Odile, on whom he has cast a spell to appear as Odette. The prince is captivated by her beauty as he dances with the imposter. Unbeknownst to Prince Siegfried, the true Odette is watching him from a window. The prince soon confesses his love to Odile, thinking that she is Odette. To Odette's horror, she flees into the night.


Prince Siegfried sees the real Odette fleeing from the window and realizes his mistake. Upon his realization, Von Rothbart reveals to the prince the true appearance of his daughter Odile. Prince Siegfried quickly leaves the party and chases after Odette.


Odette has fled back to the lake and joined the rest of the girls in sadness. Prince Siegfried finds them gathered at the shore consoling each other. He explains to Odette the trickery of Von Rothbart and she grants him her forgiveness. It isn't long before when Von Rothbart and Odile appear in their evil, un-human, somewhat bird like forms. Von Rothbart tells the prince that he must stick to his word and marry his daughter. A fight quickly follows. Prince Siegfried tells Von Rothbart that he would rather die with Odette than to marry Odile. He then takes Odette's hand and together they jump into the lake. The spell is broken and the remaining swans turn back into humans. They quickly drive Von Rothbart and Odile into the water where they, too, drown. The girls watch the spirits of Prince Siegfried and Odette ascend into the heavens above Swan Lake.



Formated for CROWN by Goran Nikolašević 
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