The annual exhbition of Croatian lace in the town of Lepoglava, NW of Zagreb, showed amazing skills of our women in knitting, using subtle patterns of breathtaking beauty. The 10th International Lace Festival - Lepoglava 2006 has been very successfuly organized. Here are just a few photos from the 2006 exhibition, taken by the author.
The tradition of Lepoglava lace is several centuries old. It was especially blossoming in 19th century and in the first half of 20th century. In 1937 the Lepoglava lace won the gold medal in Paris. After 1945, during the ex-Yugoslav communist regime, the tradition has almost died out. Since the 1997 it is blossoming again.
The oldest testimony of lace making in Croatia is from the 15th century, mentioned in the minutes of the Dubrovnik Senat, see [Eckhel].
Lepoglava lace:
Pag lace

Zadar lace, see [Eckhel]
Hvar lace from the island of Hvar is unique in the world to be made of threads of agave leaves!
For more information see
Croatia - its History, Culture and Science
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