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(E,H) Croatian 9-11, Hrvatski 9-11
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  03/9/2004 | Editorials | Unrated
(E,H) Croatian 9-11, Hrvatski 9-11


Perception is stronger than truth. Percepcija je snaznija od istine.

Croatian 9-11, Hrvatski 11 Rujna

Direktan napad na temelje drzave iz Haaga.
Direct attack on the foundation of Croatian State from Hague.


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Manipulation and distortion of history is evident on this page.
10 - 100 million people saw, or will see this page. You decide how important that is for us.

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Dear All,

This is Croatian 9-11. History is being systematically changed. It is the same situation as 1945, when Croatian
partisans defeated fascism and than 20 years of Serbian propaganda distorted and changed the history in the
books, articles, presentations etc. Croatian holocaust Bleiburg was out of reach for world media.

Where is the outcry. Is everybody numbed or desensitized? This MUST stop. We can not control what other people
(Hague, Belgrade, London, Washington, Paris) do, but we can control what we do.

This few photos tell 1000 stories. First photo has a candle and info how Serbian people protested for peace,
lost two lives and were against Milosevic. Yeh, right. In 1991 when 1 million stolen TV sets came from
Croatia, who protested. When they were killing innocent grandmothers, children and patients in Vukovar hospital,
who protested? Under that photo you have photos of two of our generals, being accused of war crimes.  Candles = peacemakers, Generals accused of war crimes (rightfully or wrongfully) = criminals.
THIS is a WAR against our country, against our people, against our soul. OUR WAR WAS WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE, WAR for FREEDOM from Serbian oppression. PERIOD. Nothing more, nothing less. Our generals are not even for discussion, except in the category of WAR HEROES. And here we go, they are sent to trial. Yes, I am against crime of any kind, but in the war when someone raise his hand on you, they lost their rights at that moment.
And what is even more depressing is that those people who committed crimes are screaming against you on the
world stage, creating perception of your guilt. For people who kill children and old ladies, lying is
certainly easy to do. Proof is period from 1945-1965, where Antifascism is transformed into fascism, by the power
of pen.

At the same time, there is a court in Belgrade processing Serbian crimes in Vukovar. At least it could be
Zagreb. You have to be blind not to understand what is going on. (read below)

I rarely brag about my work for my country and people, but those who are informed know how much I dedicated my
time and talent to unearth the truth. My family surely knows about it, not being around as much as I could. I
am sick and tired of it. It took me 14 years to get some ears for the Croatian Cultural product which is
finally on the way (Mr. Biskupic - Croatian Minister of Culture). I will NOT put another 14 years of my life
to prove again and again what needs to be done. I've spoken too many times. Croatian government MUST
understand, diagnose and act upon it. We have no spokesmen around the world ready to call for press
conferences. Why? We do not have our Cultural Centers in the main World cities (New York, Paris, London, to
start with). Why? Decisions are being made in those three centers. It is worthless to spend time and money
preaching to the choir.

CROWN - Croatian World Network (  ) is functioning better than you can imagine. Where is the
(excuse my French) F...ING support? What do I need to do, except bring it on a golden plate, where undecided
decision makers observe. Most of the support came from Honorary Croatians, who care and understand more than
we do. And I thank them so much ! Because, the CROWN message that I send every week is not just about Croatia,
but better world for all. Talent is shy and it needs place of belonging. That is why it is so successful. In
2-3 months we will reach 1,000.000 visitors and the next year or two it will be that much every year. With
almost no advertisement. Just your words of recommendation. But the words are not JUST. They are powerful.

Brenda Brkusic is making a film called "Freedom from Despair". The subject is our history in the last 50 years
through testimonials of people who lived it. She should be swamped with the financial support as well as CROWN
and many other projects that leads are into better future, creating positive environment in the world, for the
way other people see us.

Music and composing and performing is my talent that I enjoy the most. Music only gives and never takes away.
Friend that never leaves you, never questions your kindness and faults.

War caught us all, not allowing us to exhale. If I do not see immediate reaction on this letter from the
government and from the Croatian World community, I am done.

Nenad Bach

Editor in Chief,

Yahoo Page reads:
A Serbian Renewal Movement supporter holds melting candles in Belgrade's Republic square, Tuesday, March 9,
2004, during a rally marking the13th anniversary of the massive protests of more than 100,000 people in 1991,
against then-president Slobodan Milosevic . Two people died as police and the army of the Yugoslav federation
crushed the protests, enabling Milosevic to stay in power and later engage in war campaigns in Croatia, Bosnia
and Kosovo. (AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic)
AP - Mar 09 9:36 AM

Utah Jazz guard Gordan Giricek, of Croatia, celebrates his team taking the lead against the Los Angeles Lakers
during the fourth quarter Monday, March 8, 2004, in Salt Lake City. The Jazz beat the Lakers, 88-83. (AP
Photo/Douglas C. Pizac)
AP - Mar 09 12:41 AM

The UN war crimes court for the former Yugoslavia made public indictments against former officer Ivan Cermak
and ex-police chief Mladen Markac (pictured) who are both charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity
committed during the war in Croatia.(AFP/File/Hrvoje Polan)
AFP/File - Mar 08 4:32 PM

Croatia said March 8, 2004 that two retired generals would surrender to the United Nations war crimes tribunal
this week, in the first act of compliance with the court since a new government took office in December.
Justice Minister Vesna Skare-Ozbolt told a news conference that Generals Mladen Markac and Ivan Cermak would
go to The Hague by the end of this week. Cermak is seen in this Feb. 2004 file photo. (Reuters)
Reuters - Mar 08 8:15 AM

Carla Del Ponte, the chief prosecutor of the war crime tribunal in The Hague . Croatia's justice minister
revealed that two retired Croatian army generals who have been indicted by the UN war crimes court have agreed
to give themselves up for trial.(AFP/File/Antonio Bat)
AFP/File - Mar 08 6:58 AM

Blanka Vlasic of Croatia clears the bar in the high jump qualification of the World Indoor Athletics
Championships in Budapest on March 6, 2004. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
Reuters - Mar 06 8:12 AM


Ovo zadnje iz Haaga je hajka na drzavu Hrvatsku i prelazi svaku mjeru:
... cak se i vodeci politicari slazu ...

De facto, to je i drzavni udar izvana (nakon samo 2 mjeseca!),
te nedvojbeno ociti specijalni rat protiv Hrvatske.

Tko ne vjeruje da se radi i o medijskoj MANIPLUCAIJI neka
svojim ocima pogleda insinuaciju na yahoonews stranici :

Dakle, sustavno se radi opet o tome da se izjednaci krivica za
rat i agresiju na Hrvatsku, te da opet postajemo nekakvi 'fasisti' ...

Sad je zajednistvo nuzno jer ovo nije nista manje nago (specijalni) rat
protiv Hrvatske i svakog Hrvata i naseg nacionalnog samopostovanja.

Davor Pavuna

Vukovar Trial to Test Serb War Crimes Justice
Tue Mar 9, 5:00 AM ET Add World - Reuters to My Yahoo!

By Beti Bilandzic

BELGRADE (Reuters) - Six men were to face a special court Tuesday charged with the 1991 massacre of at least
192 prisoners of war in Vukovar, Croatia, in a landmark trial that will test Serbia's ability to dispense
justice for war crimes.

"This is the first such trial in Yugoslavia because it is a case which The Hague (news - web sites) tribunal
has addressed to domestic courts. This is a test of the local judiciary," said court spokesman Bruno Vekaric
before the trial began.

While the flames of ultra-nationalism which fed the bloody 1990s breakup of Yugoslavia were still hot, the
U.N. war crimes tribunal was unwilling to trust former foes Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia with the task of
judging alleged war criminals, who might be viewed as avenging heroes among their own people.

Eight years have passed since fighting stopped, and Vekaric said the new court's prosecutor would be
exercising "the highest level of professionalism without any political influence."

The tribunal, in its most recent indictments, has focused on those viewed as the instigators of Balkan
genocide and ethnic cleansing, and those at the top of the chain of command.

Local courts in the countries involved in the 1990s wars are now being given responsibility for trying
individual alleged killers, with The Hague's help. Three ex-Yugoslav army officers, the so-called Vukovar
Three, are already awaiting trial at the United Nations (news - web sites) war crimes tribunal in The Hague
for complicity in the same act as those now on trial in Belgrade.


The special court in December indicted eight men "as members of Vukovar territorial defense" for slaughtering
prisoners of war at Ovcara farm near the eastern Croatian town of Vukovar. One of the accused died Monday,
weeks after a suicide bid, and another has turned state's witness. The Croat and other non-Serb victims,
nearly all men, were taken from a hospital and executed after Yugoslav troops captured Vukovar following long
and fierce fighting during the 1991-95 Croatian war of independence.

The 1991 massacre went on "from November 20 till early morning November 21" near the picturesque Danube town
which was reduced to rubble by weeks of shelling, its swimming pool water turned black with blood.

Hundreds of people including families of medical staff and Croat soldiers had packed into the local hospital
with many wounded, seeking refuge from the siege, according to U.N. prosecutors.

In a bid to show its determination to tackle the legacy of Slobodan Milosevic (news - web sites)'s rule,
Serbia in 2002 passed legislation setting up a special prosecutor's office and a court to handle crimes
committed during the Balkan wars of the 1990s.

Newly appointed Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica (news - web sites) has said The Hague tribunal is
biased against Serbs, and he wants all Serbs tried at home.

His conservative-led minority coalition relies on the support of Milosevic's Socialist Party, which has
threatened to withdraw its backing for Kostunica the minute another Serb is extradited to The Hague.

This is one place where we react:


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