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(E) PR Web i European Languages
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  08/8/2003 | Data | Unrated
(E) PR Web i European Languages


Access to the Media

PR Web:

Our Mission
Our mission is to ensure that every organization has access to the media, regardless of size. We accomplish this through our free, member supported, online press release distribution service. We insist that the quality of this service rivals that of similar fee-based services, delivering quality press releases to members of the press and to our subscribers-at-large through the efficient use of technology.


Create an Internet resource ofCroatian Language

Mozda netko koji se bavi s hrvatskom jezikom bi mogao nesta koordinirati sa ovom website-om...

EURO LANGUAGES NET is designed to create an Internet resource of less widely used European languages for general public. Because of the global nature of Internet, users of this network will be accessible to the world.
The site will provide information about where in Europe general public can learn less widely used European languages. High quality best practices, language learning and teaching resources as well as new language learning possibilities will be provided. It will also raise awareness of the advantages of learning other languages in terms of employability, mental stimulation and social interaction.

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