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(E) Isolation and International activities of Vlado Franjevic
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  09/6/2004 | Culture And Arts | Unrated
(E) Isolation and International activities of Vlado Franjevic


Isolation and International activities


Shortly came Vlado Franjevic back from Estonia where he took a part on
the international art symposium PostsovkoZ4. The theme of this Symposium
was - the Isolation!
Here You can see the third part of Franjevics Project 'Isolation' as
a Supporting of Mr. Martin Krusche:

In the time when Franjevic worked in Estonia he got an invitation to take
a part on the next symposium. It will be from 7.-14.9.2004 in Medulin,
southern Part of Peninsula Istria in Croatia.

Here the names of all participants:

Eugenie Abeegunde Prevert (F), Brigitte Gauss (A), Heidemarie Laimanee (A),
Dario Pehar (BiH), Mario Sunjic (BiH), Dzeko Hodzic (BiH), Dolores Sverko
(HR), Tea Bicic (HR), Eugen Vodopivec Borkovsky (HR), Mladen Milotic (HR),
Milan Lazaric (D/HR), Vanja Popek (HR), Helena Ramljak (HR), Mato Jurkovic
and Frane Radak (HR)


Vlado Franjevic, a member of a worldwide artists movement - Webism
is one of 20 Artists who exhibits in the Castle of Saint-Auvent
in Franch:


private -
criticism -  (german version)
curator -
memebership -


Once upon a time I came to the ballet school
in a checked skirt and a small jacket
from aunt Lidija from Switzerland.
The Girls in the school in their plush dresses started to laugh at me.
They were beautiful like princesses, and I was like a laundress.
I was ashamed of my too long and bell-shaped skirt.
One wore short and tight.

Fragment from the poem TIGHT AND BELL-SHAPED by Sanja Pilic
Sanja Pilic was born 1954 in Split, Croatia.
Translation: Vlado Franjevic and Markus Krüger, June 2004

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