'Dva igraca s klupe' scenariste i redatelja Dejana Sorka
prvi Hrvatski film na Tribeca Festivalu
zadovoljstvo nam je priopciti Vam da je hrvatski film 'Dva igraca s
klupe' scenariste i redatelja Dejana Sorka, iz nacionalnoga filmskoga
projekta Ministarstva kulture RH snimljen u produkciji Interfilma i
Hrvatske televizije, uvrsten u sluzbeni natjecateljski program
ovogodisnjega petoga po redu Tribeca Film Festivala u New Yorku koji ce
se odrzati od 25. travnja do 7. svibnja 2006.
Tribeca Film Festival osnovan je 2002. godine i u samo pet godina postao
je prvorazredan svjetski dogadjaj filmske umjetnosti kojega prate svi
znacajniji americki i svjetski mediji, a najvece holivudske produkcije
nastoje na tom festivalu osigurati svjetske premijere svojih filmova. Ove
godine na Tribeca Film Festival apliciralo je 1950 igranih filmova iz
cijeloga svijeta, a u natjecateljski program Narative Feature Competition
odabrano je 17 filmova, od cega 6 europskih, medju kojima je i hrvatski
film 'Dva igraca s klupe' (Two Players from the Bench). Vise podataka o
filmovima i programu moze se pronaci na web stranici
Film 'Dva igraca s klup' prikazan je na proslogodisnjem filmskom
festivalu u Puli i dobitnik je triju Zlatnih arena - za scenarij, kameru
i sporednu zensku ulogu.
Izbor u sluzbeni natjecateljski program Tribeca Film Festivala je znacajan
dogadjaj za promociju hrvatskoga filma i hrvatske kulture u svijetu, te
Vas pozivamo da pogledate jednu od projekcija filma 'Dva igraca s
klupe" ¨u New Yorku, u kino dvoranama prema sljedecem rasporedu:
- AMC Loews Lincoln Sq 6, subota 29. travnja, 8:15pm
- Tribeca Cinemas 1, ponedjeljak 1. svibnja, 6:30pm
- Regal Cinemas Battery Park 11, srijeda 3. svibnja, 1:00pm
- AMC Loews Village VII 2, cetvrtak 4. svibnja, 10:30am
- AMC Loews 34th Street 12, petak 5. svibnja, 7:30pm
S postovanjem,
Petar Ljubicic
generalni konzul
Film Trailer:
Interethnic tensions and the bitter legacy of war crimes in the former Yugoslavia provide the black comic grist for Two Players from the Bench, one of the first films from the troubled region that openly addresses these explosive topics. Ante and Dusko, a Croat and a Serb, find themselves dragooned by a mysterious government functionary and held captive in a deserted military base on the outskirts of Zagreb. There the two former volleyball players are briefed on their roles in a convoluted plan to exonerate a Croat military officer, Colonel Skoko, from his war crimes indictment. Offered 20,000 Euros to impersonate two of Skoko's ex-officers and supply exculpatory testimony in The Hague, the two reluctantly agree. But their captor/employer isn't being totally honest with them, and a host of complications soon ensue: a Ukrainian sex slave enters the picture, Ante and Dusko have trouble keeping their cover stories straight, and Ante's lack of an identifying scar forces him to come up with ever more elaborate explanations in front of the International War Crimes Tribunal. By turns darkly comic and disturbingly Kafkaesque, Two Players from the Bench eschews the easy path of making the two ancient enemies become fast friends while in captivity. The performances are uniformly stellar, especially Goran Navojec as Ante, the burlier of the two men. With his antic mannerisms and arched eyebrows, he seems at times to be channeling the spirit of John Belushi, and could probably find a lucrative career in U.S. comedy if Croatian cinema proves insufficiently remunerative.
- Robert Schnakenberg
Dejan Sorak
Ivan Maloca
Vjekoslav Vrdoljak, HFS
Mate Matisic
Art Director:
Mario Ivezic
First Assistant Director:
Branka Turkalj
Goran Navojec, Borko Peric, Tarik Filipovic, Dora Lipovcan, Rene Gjoni
Dejan Sorak |
Rodjen je 29. ozujka 1954. Diplomirao je reziju na Akademiji dramskih umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Scenarist i redatelj je cjelovečernjih igranih filmova Mala pljačka vlaka, Oficir s ruzom, Krvopijci, Vrijeme ratnika, Garcia. Dobio je mnoge nagrade i priznanja kao sto su Zlatna arena za scenarij, Zlatna vrata za najgledaniji film, nagradu Vladimir Nazor za najbolji film, nagradu za Najbolji film HDFD te Jadran filma. Sudjelovao je na festivalima u Valenciji, Montrealu, Kairu, Munchenu, Indiji. Oficir s ruzom prodan je za prikazivanje u desetke zemalja sirom svijeta. zorak je takodjer autor i redatelj TV te kazalisnih i radijskih drama. Dobio je nagradu Marko Marulić za najbolji radio tekst i najbolju reziju, nagradu Zlatni smijeh za najbolju kazalisnu dramu te je pobijedio na anonimnim natječajima Hrvatskog radija za najbolju radijsku dramu. |
Zagreb |
Born in Croatia in 1954, Dejan Sorak has been writing and directing films since his graduation from the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb in 1978. A playwright, theater director, novelist, and recipient of numerous prizes, he has also made Little Train Robbery (1984)
and An Officer with a Rose (1987), which was distributed in over 40 countries. Sorak went on to make The Bloodsuckers (1989), The Time of the Warriors (1991), and Garcia (1999). His work has screened at film festivals around the world, including the Montreal, Cairo,
Valencia, Munich, Alexandria, and New Delhi Festivals.