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Tomislav Tom Gabric 1933-2019 distinguished Croatian architect in California, USA
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  05/29/2020 | People , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Completed as many as 1600 professional projects of various buildings throughout California

Tomislav Gabrić and his aunt Ljuba Gabrić Jeramaz (sister of Tomislav's father Paviša)
Note the Croatian red-white-blue flag on his car, with Croatian Coat of Arms.

Tomislav Gabrić, autoportrait from 1989, source Vladimir Novak (Croatians in America, 2018, p. 231)
An old barn tells its story, conveyed through words and the author's charming pen-and-ink drawings. Author/artist Tomislav Gabric
was born in Croatia in 1933, studied architecture in France and moved to southertn California in 1962, where he established
a successful architecture practice. He was a capable artist, known for his pen and ink drawings of historic Corona (a town
near Los Angeles) homes, his Croatian homeland, European monuments and buildings, and the California Missions.

Tomislav Gabric was born in the town of Metković in Croatia in 1933. After completing his secondary school in Zagreb and studying civil Civil Engineering in Sarajevo (capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina), Mr. Gabric worked in construction in Italy before moving to France to study architecture. He then moved to the United States in 1962 to start his career in Los Angeles, California.

Tomislav Gabric and his wife Lea from El Salvador married in 1964. They have one daughter Carole (Gabric-Lewis). Mr. Gabric moved his architectural firm Gabric & Associates to Corona (a town near Los Angeles) around 1997. The firm is located at 903 South Ramona Ave in Corona. He completed as many as 1600 professional projects of various buildings throughout California.

In addition to the firm, Mr. Gabric created pen and ink drawings of historic Corona homes, his Croatian homeland, European monuments & buildings, and the California Missions.The sketches of Corona houses have included structures that exist only in photographs. His work was exhibited at the Corona Public Library in 2002 and Corona Heritage Parkin 2004

His close relative, also born in Metković, was a famous Ante Gabrić (of the Society of Jesus), who served during many years as a missionary in Bengal, India. Humanitarian activities of Ante Gabrić were closely related to those of St. Mother Teresa.

He is the author of numerous texts and beautiful drawings dedicated to the hisotry and life of Croatian emmigrants in California. He also wrote a book about Ferdinand Konšćak, important Croatian missionary in California in the 18th century. His parents in Metković were Paviša and Klara (information by Mrs. Vanja Gabrić).

Based on and other sources

Remark. Tomislav Gabrić died in 2019. His nephew Tomislav Gabrić died in 2006.

Tomislav Gabrić, arhitekt, rođen je 1933. u Metkoviću. U rodnom mjestu pohađao je osnovnu školu, a srednju tehničku školu završio je u Zagrebu. Studirao na Građevinskom fakultetu u Sarajevu. Primoran napustiti domovinu 1958., nastavio je studij arhitekture u Parizu. Od 1962. živi u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, gdje vodi svoj arhitektonski ured. Za svoj tridesetogodišnji rad dobio je mnoga priznanja. Više od 1600 zgrada projektiranih u njegovu uredu doprinos su razvoju Kalifornije.

Uz svoju struku, autor je brojnih tekstova i crteža posvećenih povijesti i životu hrvatskog iseljeništva u Kaliforniji.

  • Tomislav Gabric: One Heart for Two Homelands | The Stories of Croatian Immigrants | Brief Croatian History by Prof. Dr. George Prpic, Gabric Art Studios, Corona 2007 (185 pp.)
  • Tomislav Gabric: My Own Story / The Life of One Barn, Gabric Publishing, 1993
  • Tomislav Gabric: Impressions / Sketches from the road, Gabric Pub, CA USA 2013
  • Tomislav Gabric: Corona's Lost History / Structures That Stand No More, Published by Gabric Art Studios, CA USA 2013
  • Tomislav Gabric: Picnic, Printed in the USA by Peter Radielovic 1983.
  • Tomislav Gabric: Svečevim stopama - Ilustrirane crtice iz života svetog Leoploda Bogdana Mandića, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A., 1993.
  • Tomislav Gabrić: Ferdinand Konšćak, DI (1703-1759) Misionar i istraživač, Verbum, Zagreb 1994.

Tomislav Gabrić: Ferdinand Konšćak, DI (1703-1759), painting exhibited in 2004 at Galerija A - Hrvatska kulturna zaklada, Zagreb.
Ferdinand Konšćak, Croatian missionary to California, discovered that California is peninsula, and not an island.
The map of Ferdinand Konscak, correctly representing California as a peninsula for the first time.
CALIFORNIA per P. Ferdinandum Consak S.I. et alias /
CALIFORNIA according to Father Ferdinand Konscak, S.J. (Society of Jesus), etc.

Impressions, 2013, Foreword written by Carol, daughter of Mr. Gabrić

Tomislav Gabrić: Impressions, 2013, p. 84

Tomislav Gabrić: Impressions, 2013, p. 85

Tomislav Gabrić: Impressions, p. 64

Tomislav Gabrić: Corona's Lost History / Structures That Stand No More, 2013

Tomislav Gabric: Picnic, 1983

Tomislav Gabric: Picnic, 1983

A pictorial remembrance of Croatian picnics held on seven acres, halfway between San Pedro and Los Angeles, California, where the Croatian Recreation Center was once located. The Center was dedicated in October 1949 with the gathering of some 4,000 from the large area Croatian community, and blessed by Bishop Timothy Manning, the Center was used for the next 40 years as a gathering place for thousands of Croatian-Americans and their friends at celebrations prepared by Croatian clubs and St. Anthony's Croatian Church. The Center was moved in 1983 to make room for a new highway. Artist Tomislav Gabric (1933-2019) was born in Croatia and worked in construction in Italy before moving to France to study architecture. He moved to the United States in 1962 to start his architectural career in Los Angeles, and later Corona, California.

Printed in the USA by Peter Radielovic 1983.


Tomislav Gabric: Picnic, 1983

Tomislav Gabric: Picnic, 1983

Tomislav Gabric: Picnic, 1983

Tomislav Gabric: Picnic, 1983

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