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 »  Home  »  Awards  »  Croatian writer Miro Gavran nominated for the 2016 Hans Christian Andersen Award
Croatian writer Miro Gavran nominated for the 2016 Hans Christian Andersen Award
By Miro Gavran | Published  01/11/2016 | Croatian Language , Education , Culture And Arts , Awards | Unrated
Works by Miro Gavran have been translated into 38 languages

Miro Gavran's plays have been translated from Croatian into 38 languages,
including Chinese and Japanese.

Hrvatski književnik Miro Gavran nominiran je za ANDERSENOVU NAGRADU 2016., najznačajniju nagradu za dječju književnost na svijetu.  Vijest o tome će prezentirati javnosti Hrvatski centar za dječju knjigu na konfereciji za medije 12.siječnja u 11 sati. IBBY (International board on books for young people ) sa sjedištem u Baselu u Švicarskoj, držeći se strogih pravila i procedure, za ovu godinu je prihvatio nominaciju 28 autora i 29 ilustratora  iz cijelog svijeta.

O Gavranovoj nominaciji govorit će Davorka Bastić, Ranka Javor, Diana Zalar, te sam autor. Ova nagrada dodjeljuje se autorima svake druge godine  počev od 1956.godine, a ilustratorima počev od 1966.godine.

Djela Mire Gavrana  prevedena su na 38 jezika  Za djecu i tinejdžere   Gavran je objavio deset knjiga koje rado čitaju i mladi i odrasli: “ Kako je tata osvojio mamu”, “Pokušaj zaboraviti” “Svašta u mojoj glavi”, “Zaljubljen do ušiju”,”Sretni dani”, “Profesorica iz snova”, “Ljeto za pamćenje”...

Croatian writer Miro Gavran has been nominated for the 2016 Hans Christian Andersen Award, the most significant prize for children's literature in the world. The Croatian Centre for Children's Books will hold a press conference on January 12th at 11am, to present the news to the public. This year, the IBBY (International Board on Books for Young People), based in Basel, Switzerland, and adhering to strict rules and procedures, accepted nominations from around the world for 28 authors and 29 illustrators.

Davorka Bastić, Ranka Javor, Diana Zalar, and the author himself, will speak about his nomination. This prize has been awarded every two years to authors since 1956, and to illustrators since 1966. Works by Miro Gavran have been translated into 38 languages.

Gavran has published ten books for children and teenagers, eagerly read by young and old alike: "How Dad Won Mum", "Try to Forget", "All Sorts Of Things In My Head", "Head Over Heels", "Happy Days", "The Teacher Of My Dreams", "A Summer To Remember" ...

Translated from Croatian by Ana Bach.

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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