Croats win 6 medals at European Taekwondo Championships, among them 3 gold
Ana Zaninović, Croatia, European taekwondo champion for 2014 (under 53 kg)
Croats win 6 medals at European Taekwondo Championships in Baku
Croatia's Ana Zaninovic won the European title in the women's -53 kg taekwondo final in Baku on Sunday, beating Kim Ekaterina of Russia 10-8. This was the sixth medal for Croatia on the last day of the European Taekwondo Championships in Azerbaijan. On Friday, Ana's sister, Lucija Zaninovic, won her third consecutive European title in the women's -49 kg taekwondo final, beating Yasmine Aziez of France 5-4. Also, Iva Rados of Croatia bagged a gold at this championship in the women's -73 kg. The remaining three medals for Croatia are two silvers and a bronze.
| Ana and Lucija Zaninović, twin sisters, European Taekwondo Champions in 2014  The list of a few of the most successful teams at the 2014 European Taekwondo Championship in Baku, Azerbaijan. Croatia was the most successful country at the 2014 European Taekwondo Championship, organized in Baku in Azerbaijan.
World Taekwondo Championships 2011 Gyeongju Croatian national team video Ana Zaninović won silver medal instead of gold in the finals at the World Championship in Mexico in 2013.
Croatia, Champion of the European Senior Taekwondo Championships 2014
Croatia, with the astonishing performance of twins Lucija and Ana Zaninovic, became Champion of the European Senior Taekwondo Championships, obtaining six medals (3 Golds, 2 Silvers, and 1 Bronze).
On May 2nd 2014, Lucija Zaninovic got her third European title and we mentioned that while her sister Ana was World Champion, she had never won the European title (See: Lucija Zaninovic became European Champion for the third time). That seems to have been left in the past, since last Sunday, Ana (under 53 kg) won the Gold Medal in Baku and along with her twin Lucija (under 49 kg) and Iva Rados (under 73 kg ) led their country to become Champion in the overall medal standings.
Additional to the three Gold medals obtained by these three outstanding female athletes, we must add the Silvers got by Marina Sumic (under 62 kg) and Vedran Golec (+87 kg) and the Bronze by Mateja Kunovic (under 46 kg). This shows that Croatia is in the top, thanks to its female team, as out of these six medals, five were won by the girls.
In second place of the overall medal standings is Russia, with 2 gold , 3 silver and 2 bronze , followed by France with 1 gold , 4 silver and 4 bronze; Great Britain, with 1 gold, 2 silver and 4 bronze. The locals, Azerbaijan with 1 gold and 4 bronze.
Forty-six countries participate in the European Senior Taekwondo Championships in Baku 2014: Croatia, Russia, France, Britain, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Spain, Moldova, Portugal, Belarus, Belgium, Isle of Man, Switzerland, Germany, Serbia, Greece, Slovenia, Ukraine, Cyprus, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Sweden, Albania, Andorra, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Georgia, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, San Marino, Scotland and Slovakia.
The standings for the Female Division is the following:
Female (36 countries)
- CRO – 25 points (3 1 1)
- FRA – 15 points (1 2 2)
- RUS – 14 points (1 2 1)
- GBR – 11 points (1 1 1)
- ESP – 8 points (1 0 1)
- SUI – 7 points (1 0 0)
- SBR – 4 points (0 1 1)
- UKR – 3 points (0 1 0)
- AZE – 2 points (0 0 2)
- TUR – 2 points (0 0 2)
- FIN – 1 points (0 0 1)
- GER – 1 points (0 0 1)
- HUN – 1 points (0 0 1)
- POL – 1 points (0 0 1)
- SWE – 1 points (0 0 1)
- ...
| Two Gold medals for Croatia from the World Junior Taekwondo Championship in Taiwan 2014
Hrvatska se vraća sa svjetskog juniorskog prvenstva u taekwondou iz Tajvana s dvije zlatne medalje! Matea Jelić (17), članica taekwondo kluba Knin, osvojila je zlato u kategoriji do 63 kilograma, a Ivana Babić članica splitskog Marjana, slavila je u kategoriji do 55 kilograma.
Mlada Kninjanka Matea Jelić nastavila je čudesan niz u kojem dvije godine nije izgubila borbu. Prvo je osvojila zlatnu medalju na olimpijskim kvalifikacijama mladih te izborila odlazak na Olimpijske igre mladih koje će se održati od 17. do 21. kolovoza.
Dominaciju je nastavila na Tajvanu gdje je i proglašena najboljom juniorkom svijeta.
Ivana Babić također je pomela svoje protivnice na putu do juniorskog zlata. Članica splitskog Marjana nanizala je šest pobjeda i slavila uz bodovnu razliku 84-16.
Hrvatska ženska juniorska reprezentacija osvojila je drugo mjesto u ukupnom poretku. Bolje su samo Britanke koje uz dva zlata imaju i dvije brončane medalje...
| Ivana Babić, junior world taekwondo champion 2014 in Taiwan In the junior female -55kg weight category, Croatia's Ivana Babić defeated Korea's Geum-byeol Lim 11-4 for the gold medal. The best male athlete honors of the championships went to host Chinese Taipei's Chen Yu Wang, the gold medalist in the junior male -48kg division, while Croatia's Matea Jelić, the gold winner in the junior female -63kg division, was chosen as the female MVP. Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić Distributed by . This message is intended for Croatian Associations/Institutions and their Friends in Croatia and in the World. The opinions/articles expressed on this list do not reflect personal opinions of the moderator. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know!