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Learn Croatian – in person or over Skype!
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  08/21/2012 | Education , Entertainment , Croatian Language | Unrated
The Cosmis language agency was established to fill the increasing demand for quality Croatian instruction

Panoramic view to Croatia's capital Zagreb

Hrvatski jezik za strance - satovi hrvatskog jezika i preko Skypea!

Iz godine u godinu Hrvatska postaje sve privlačnija turistička destinacija, ali i sve privlačnije mjesto za život i rad sve većem broju stranaca, a i mnogim mladim ljudima druge ili treće generacije hrvatskih iseljenika. Uz tradicionalnu orijentiranost domaćih i stranih turista prema Jadranskoj obali svake je godine osjetno veći broj stranih turista i u Zagrebu.

I izvan ljetne sezone na našim se ulicama sve češće mogu čuti egleski, njemački, španjolski, talijanski i mnogi drugi jezici. Stranci redovito potvrđuju da je u Hrvatskoj prilično jednostavno snaći se na engleskom jeziku s obzirom na to da se u Hrvatskoj engleski jezik uči od prvog razreda osnovne škole, a mnogi Hrvati govore i drugi strani jezik. Ipak, stranci koji dođu živjeti u Hrvatsku prije ili kasnije požele naučiti i hrvatski jezik.

S obzirom na sve veću potrebu za kvalitetnim mjestom gdje bi stranci mogli naučiti hrvatski jezik uz pomoć iskusnih profesora hrvatskog jezika, zagrebačka agencija Cosmis odlučila je specijalizirati se  upravo za tu uslugu - za satove hrvatskog jezika za strance. S obzirom na to da su njihovi klijenti vrlo često ljudi s prilično popunjenim rasporedima u koje je teško uklopiti  klasičnu formu predavanja prema zadanom rasporedu određeni broj dana u tjednu u točno određeno vrijeme, odlučili su osmisliti program koji će biti maksimalno prilagođen željama i potrebama svojih klijenata.

Uz grupne satove i poslovni hrvatski, najfleksibilnija varijanta su individualna predavanja gdje polaznik sam odlučuje koliko često želi imati predavanja i u koje vrijeme. Također postoji i nekoliko opcija u vezi s mjestom održavanja predavanja - to može biti u Cosmisovim učionicama, a također i u poslovnim ili privatnim prostorima klijenata. Za zainteresirane učenike izvan Hrvatske nude i mogućnost e-learninga, odnosno učenja jezika preko Skypea, koji omogućuje audiovizualnu komunikaciju na daljinu. Do sad se ovaj način učenja pokazao vrlo uspješnim, a za one klijente koji nisu sigurni je li to pravi način učenja za njih nude 90 besplatnih minuta poduke bez ikakve obaveze.

Evo što su o ovoj školi rekli neki od polaznika: 

Učim hrvatski jezik  u agenciji Cosmis kod profesorice Mateje malo više od godine dana i naučila sam jako puno! Ona vas vodi kroz vrlo individualizirane lekcije prilagođene vašem načinu učenja, razini znanja i uvijek se potrudi da i vama bude zabavno. Naučila sam ne samo jezik već i povijest, kulturu... Toplo preporučujem Cosmis. Vrlo profesionalno, vrlo dobro objašnjeno, prilagođeno učeniku i željenom stupnju znanja. Zaista ne bih bila gdje jesam u vezi sa znanjem hrvatskog jezika bez te škole i Mateje! Evo, jučer sam koristila svoj hrvatski...

Katlyn Bosnich, SAD

Učim hrvatski kod Mateje iz agencije Cosmis posljednjih 9 mjeseci. Bez oklijevanja je mogu preporučiti s obzirom na to da je kvaliteta predavanja prvoklasna i prilagođena potrebama konkretnog učenika.

Omar Choudhury, Velika Britanija, Jones Lang LaSalle Company

(Napomena: komentari učenika originalno su napisani na engleskom jeziku.)

Za sve dodatne informacije možete pogledati internetsku stranicu


Learn Croatian – in person or over Skype!

Every year, Croatia is attracting an increasing number of visitors from around the world, including those who stay a while for business or pleasure. Walk the streets of Zagreb, the beaches of Dalmatia and Istria, or the hilltop towns further inland and you hear English, German, Spanish, Italian and many other languages mixed in among the native Croatian.

For short-term visitors, those here for a week or so to enjoy the waters and the wine, Croatia is easy to manage. Many Croats speak English, German, or other languages well enough to make guests feel comfortable, even if they don't speak the national language. But for those wanting a closer connection to the country - travelers, rather than tourists; professionals with business in the country; second- or third-generation overseas Croats with family ties; or new residents, for example - learning Croatian is the key to feeling at home.

The Cosmis language agency was established to fill the increasing demand from foreigners in the country for quality Croatian instruction given by professional, experienced teachers. Cosmis offers a flexible learning environment that can accommodate the busy and sometime erratic schedules of our non-Croatian clientele. Traditional courses with rigid schedules and immovable classrooms don’t match the crowded lifestyles of today’s business professionals, travelers, and others exploring this diverse country. Cosmis addresses these challenges by offering our clients much desired flexibility.

Along with group lessons with a strong focus on business Croatian, Cosmis also provides individual lessons that are tailored to personal skills and needs. The frequency and timing of lessons can be quickly adjusted to conform to changing schedules, and lessons can be held in Cosmis classrooms, business premises, private homes, or any other suitable location. In addition, an e-learning program is available using Skype video conferencing, which allows personal interaction with maximum flexibility.

New students are invited to witness the benefits of our e-learning courses via Skype by testing the program with a free 90-miniute lesson. Participants are under no obligation to continue the program.

Here’s what some of our students are saying:

I have been taught by Mateja at Cosmis for a little over a year now both in person lessons and skype lessons and have learned SO much! She takes you through very tailored lessons for your learning abilities, skill levels and always makes sure it is fun for you too. I have learned not only the language but history, culture etc... I highly recommend Cosmis. Very professional, and well taught lessons, tailor made for you, and your desired level of learning. Seriously wouldn't be where I am with the language without this school and Mateja! Just went used my skills yesterday...

Katlyn Bosnich, USA

I have been taught Croatian by Mateja from Cosmis for the past 9 months. I would have no hesitation in recommending her as the quality of teaching is first class and it is specifically tailored for the needs of the student. Cheers!

Omar Choudhury, UK, Jones Lang LaSalle company

For additional information, please visit


Gajeva bb
10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Remetinečkih žrtava 12
10020 Zagreb, Croatia

Tel.: 00385 91 55 161 77


Mateja Horvat mag kro / soc

Clases de Idioma Croata – tambien por Skype

Con el correr de los ańos Croacia  se esta convirtiendo en un destino turistico mas y mas importante y un lugar muy atractivo para poder vivir, tanto como para personas extranjeros como para  jovenes de la segunda o tercera generacion de inmigrantes croatas que desean regresar a sus raices. Croacia cuenta con muchos destinos turisticos para poder complacer a todos los turistas que deciden conocerla.

Tradicionalmente la mayor concentracion de estos se encuentra en la costa Croata, aunque recientemente se ha visto un incremento de turistas en las zonas menos visitadas en los ańos anteriores como lo es  la capital Zagreb y otros destinos dentro de Croatia. En nuestras calles, cada vez mas se puede escuchar diversos idiomas como el ingles, aleman, espanol, italiano y muchas otras lenguas confirmando asi, que Croacia se esta convirtiendo en un destino turisitico muy visitado.

Una de las ventajas que los extranjeros regularmente confirman es que en Croacia un gran parte de la poblacion habla ingles fluido y por lo tanto es facil de comprender, lo cual se debe a que los Croatas aprenden ingles desde la primaria. La mayoria de los extranjeros que vienen a vivir a nuestro pais, tarde o temprano deciden aprender la lengua croata como parte de su acoplamiento cultural y cotidiano en Croacia.

Teniendo en cuenta la creciente demanda y necidad de un lugar donde los extranjeros puedan aprender el idioma croata con ayuda de profesores capacitados y que cuenten con la experiencia en lengua croata y en este tipo de enseńanza, la agencia Cosmis de Zagreb, dedicada y especializada en la lengua croata,  ha decidido expandir sus clases para todas aquellas personas interesadas en este idioma. Sus clientes usualmente son gente profesional con agendas apretadas, donde muchas veces es bastante complicado encajar sus horarios habituales con los horarios de clases y por lo tanto en Cosmis han decidido formar una programa integral que se ajuste a las nececidades y los deseos de los clientes, ofreciendo asi las clases de manera grupal o de manera individual. De igual forma, ofrecen el aprendizaje del idioma croata adecuandonos a las diversas necesidades que el alumno desee  de manera  flexible donde este mismo decida la frecuencia con la que quiera las clases y en el horario que mejor se le adecue. Ademas contan con diversas  opciones en relacion con el lugar en donde el alumno quisiera recibir las clases las cuales pueden ser en las salones de clases de Cosmis y tambien en las empresas o espacios privados de los clientes.

Para los clientes interesados en aprender lengua croata y que vivan fuera de Croacia contan con clases por internet, especificamente por Skype, que es una manera que permite comunicacion audiovisual de excelente calidad a la distancia. Para aquellos que no esten seguros si dicho metodo es el mejor y deseen conocer mas sobre este tema ofrecen los primeros 90 minutos de aprendizaje de manera gratuita y sin ningun recargo.

Estos son algunos de los  testimonios de los alumnos sobre la escuela y su enseńanza:

Hace mas de un ańo recibo clases de croata en la Agencia Cosmis, por medio de Skype y tambien en vivo con Mateja que es mi profesora y puedo decir que en este tiempo he aprendido mucho. Las lecciones se realizan de forma individual, adaptadas al modo de aprendizaje de cada persona y a su nivel de conocimiento del idioma croata, haciendo divertida la clase. Ademas de la lengua me ha permitido aprender sobre la cultura e historia de Croacia. Recomiendo Cosmis, son profesionales y excelente su forma de enseńar, pues es individual el nivel de aprendizaje que deseas tener. Sin Mateja y la agencia no tendría en la actualidad el estado avanzado de el idioma. He puesto en practica lo aprendido ayer!
Katlyn Bosnich, Estados Unidos

En los últimos 9 meses he aprendido croata en la escuela Cosmis, con la profesora Mateja. No dudo en recomendarla por su calidad de enseńanza, especialmente hecha para las necesidades de cada persona.
Omar Choudhury, Gran Bretana, Jones Lang LaSalle Company

Para mayor informacion puede visitar el siguiente link


Did you know... that the tie comes from Croats?
The tie is originally a Croatian product which was spread throughout Europe in the 17th century through mediation of Croatian soldiers, visually recognisable by this distinct fashionable detail. The French were, in fact among the first to accept this part of clothing. The name for it – tie or cravat comes from the French word Croate which means Croat. In his book “The great history of the tie“, by French author Francois Chaille, he writes: „...Somewhere close to the year 1635 some six thousand soldiers and knights came to Paris as support to the French King Louis XIII. Among them were a large number of Croatian hirelings which stayed in service of the French king. Their traditional robe with embroidered and painted “scarves“ aroused the attention of the French court. Those “scarves“ were made of different materials including resistant fabrics, usually worn by soldiers, to silk, made of fine cotton worn by officers. That “elegant Croatian style“ which, at the time, was completely unknown in Europe, was accepted in French court around the year 1650 and became fashionable among the bourgeoisie of the time as a symbol of culture and elegance. Among the beauty, those scarves were a lot more practical than rigid lace collars on French soldiers and officers. Karlo II brought the tie to England on his return from exile. The tie, as a fashion item, soon conquered the whole of Europe...“. The day of the tie is celebrated on 18th of October.


Did you know... that the smallest town in the world is in Croatia?
Hum, a city nestled in the Croatian region of Istria is actually the smallest city in the world, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. The last census states there were only 17 inhabitants. Within the well preserved city walls there are two little streets, the Romanesque church of Saint Jerome from the 12th century and the church of Maria's assumption built in1802. Hum is well known for its cuisine and for its healing rakija (Author’s Comment: the national alcohol drink) made of mistletoe called Biska which is made according to a centuries old recipe.


Did you know... that Europe's oldest public theatre is on the island of Hvar in Croatia?
Hvar's theatre was opened in1612 and from the very beginning it has been public theatre, which was almost unthinkable at the time. In the chronology of Europe's oldest theatres it lands in third place, after Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza from 1585 and Teatro all'antica in Sabobioneta from the year 1588. Scene life was the most intensive during the 19th century, especially during the carnivals. In one season on that stage it became the venue to more than 30 plays.


Did you know... that inventor of the mechanical pencil is Croat Slavoljub Penkala?
The first mechanical pencil was patented on 24th of January 1906 and the following year saw the introduction of the first solid-ink fountain pen. His patents are registered in more than 35 countries, and sold in more than 70 countries. Because of increased demands his little pen company became one of the largest factories of stationery in the world. It is less known that Penkala patented other inventions such as the rotating tooth brush, laundry detergent, pocket battery, hot water bottle, and even a model of an airplane. He also constructed the first airport in Croatia, in its capital, Zagreb.


Did you know... that Arena in Pula is one of the largest and most preserved arenas in the world?
The arena in Pula was built in the 1st century, almost during the same period as Rome's Collosseum. Based on size, it's the 6th largest among Roman amphitheatres in the world, and the only one to feature all three architectonic lines completely preserved. There is no conclusively evidence that Christians were killed there, but gladiator games took place here until 681, when they became forbidden. After the fall of the West Roman Empire and during medieval times the arena was usually used for grazing cattle and occasionally for fairs and knife tournaments. During history people often used its stone blocks to reconstruct their houses which were a clear threat to its destruction. Today the arena is one of the most significant tourist attractions in Croatia.


Did you know... that the smallest street in the world is in Croatia?
According to the Guinness Book of Records, the smallest street in the world, Grškovićeva street, is in Croatia, within the city of Vrbnik on the island of Krk. The street is ten metres long, with houses on both sides and its width usually doesn't exceed the width of a grown man’s shoulders.


Did you know... that Croatia has more than 1000 islands?
More than 90% of the islands, cliffs and reefs found in the Adriatic Sea are in Croatia. According to latest data which amounts to 1244 islands, 66 are inhabited. In scientific terminology, the term Dalmatian type of coast refers to the Croatian region of Dalmatia and is used for a type of coast which has similar identities to the Croatian coast.


Did you know... that the Diocletian's Palace is one of the biggest and well preserved late antique palaces in the world?
The city of Split, where Diocletian's Palace is found, actually is a city which was created from the palace. The beginning of its construction was around the year 295, placed on an ideal strategic position in between the Eastern and Western Roman Empire. Following the death of emperor Diocletian in the 6th century and after the destruction of the nearby city of Salona, the local population started to move into the huge palace of 30 000 m˛ (36 000 yards˛). During the centuries they were constructing houses inside of the palace and on its vast squares, which is how the city of Split became to form, first inside of the palace and later externally. Diocletian's Palace is maybe the only cultural monument in the world where people still actually live. The palace is included on UNESCO list of world heritage and it's one of the most well preserved monuments of Roman construction in the world.


Did you know...  that Dalmatian dogs are originally from the Croatian region of Dalmatia?
The lovely dogs which became famous with the Disney cartoon “101 Dalmatians” are originally from Dalmatia. The oldest pictures of the spotted dogs as Dalmatian dogs stretch back to more than 4000 years. There are a few names given to these dogs, however, they are most commonly known as Dalmatian. Today, they are pets, but once they were used as hunters, for birds or pests, sometimes for guarding the herd, or even used as a military dog and companion of horse soldiers. With its specific look, it will simply always attract attention.


Did you know... that you can find sea organs in Croatia?
Sea organs are different from classical organs by the fact that the energy for creating sound is given by the sea or more precisely, sea waves. You can find those organs on the seafront of the town of Zadar. On that part of the seafront it has cascaded levels 75 metres long (90 yards) with the tones and chords made on the matrix of Dalmatian song. Sea organs were opened in 2005 and their creator, engineer Nikola Bašić, won the European award for urban public space for that project..



Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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  • Comment #1 (Posted by HARRY C. LAURIE)

    What a pleasent suprise my travels around Croatia were. I found the people very friendly, helpful and importantly happy.
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