As if the vicious corona pandemic was not enough! In March 22nd 2020, at 6:24 AM, the city of Zagreb was suddenly struck with the earthquake of 5.5 degrees on the Richter scale. This was the strongest earthquake in Croatia's capital since 1880. We mention in passing another earthquake in Zagreb 1909, which was quite important, since it led Croatian scientist Andrija Mohorovičić to the discovery of the MOHO layer, conisdered as the most important discovery in the history of seismology (the science about earthquakes). The 2020 earthquake brought a lots of damage to the city, easpecially to its central part. During the period of one month only, Zagreb has experienced as many as eight hundred additonal smaller earthquakes and tremors. The earthquake damage is estimated at 5.52 billion Euros. |
As if the vicious corona pandemic was not enough! In March 22nd 2020 at 6:24 AM, the city of Zagreb was suddenly struck with the earthquake of 5.5 degrees on the Richter scale. This was the strongest earthquake in Croatia's capital since 1880. We mention in passing another earthquake in Zagreb 1909, which was quite important, since it has led distinguished Croatian scientist Andrija Mohorovičić to the discovery of the MOHO layer, conisdered as the most important discovery in the history of seismology (the science about earthquakes). The 2020 earthquake brought a lots of damage to the city, easpecially to its central part. During the period of one month only, Zagreb has experienced as many as eight hundred additonal smaller earthquakes and tremors. Sredstva se uplaćuju na zasebne račune Ministarstva financija otvorene kod Hrvatske narodne banke, a Ministarstvo financija je zaduženo za praćenje namjenskog trošenja sredstava. Donacije za akciju "Hrvatska protiv koronavirusa" možete uplatiti na: Donacije financijskih sredstava za uplatitelje iz Republike Hrvatske uplaćuju se na sljedeći račun: HR1210010051863000160 Državni proračun Republike Hrvatske s pozivom na broj odobrenja: HR68 5380 - OIB uplatitelja Donacije financijskih sredstava za uplatitelje izvan Republike Hrvatske uplaćuju se na račun Ministarstva financija kod Hrvatske narodne banke (foreign payments instructions): Hrvatska narodna banka/ Croatian National Bank Trg hrvatskih velikana 3/ Trg hrvatskih velikana 3 Zagreb 10000, Hrvatska/ Zagreb 10000, Croatia BIC (SWIFT) CODE BANKE: NBHRHR2XXX Naziv i adresa primatelja plaćanja: Ministarstvo financija Republike Hrvatske/ Ministry of Finance Katančićeva 5/ Katančićeva 5 Zagreb 10000, Hrvatska/ Zagreb 10000, Croatia Broj računa/ Bank account number: IBAN: HR12 1001 0051 8630 0016 0 Refernca plaćanja/ Remittance info - remarks: Croatia's fight against COVID-19 Donacije za akciju "Zajedno za Zagreb" možete uplatiti na: Donacije financijskih sredstava za uplatitelje iz Republike Hrvatske uplaćuju se na sljedeći račun: HR1210010051863000160 Državni proračun Republike Hrvatske s pozivom na broj odobrenja: HR68 5371 - OIB uplatitelja. Donacije financijskih sredstava za uplatitelje izvan Republike Hrvatske uplaćuju se na račun Ministarstva financija kod Hrvatske narodne banke (foreign payments instructions): Hrvatska narodna banka/ Croatian National Bank Trg hrvatskih velikana 3/ Trg hrvatskih velikana 3 Zagreb 10000, Hrvatska/ Zagreb 10000, Croatia BIC (SWIFT) CODE BANKE: NBHRHR2XXX Naziv i adresa primatelja plaćanja: Ministarstvo financija Republike Hrvatske/ Ministry of Finance Katančićeva 5/ Katančićeva 5 Zagreb 10000, Hrvatska/ Zagreb 10000, Croatia Broj računa/ Bank account number: IBAN: HR12 1001 0051 8630 0016 0 Refernca plaćanja/ Remittance info - remarks: Together for Zagreb Source (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia) In 1909, Andrija Mohorovičić, distinguished Croatian scientist working in Croatia's capital Zagreb, discovered the MOHO discontinuity, now universaly known. This is considered as the basic and most important result of seismology, the science about earthquakes. Andrija Mohorovičić (1857-1936), distinguished Croatian scientist in the field of seismology, professor at the University of Zagreb |