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 »  Home  »  Music  »  Ivana Marija Vidovic Croatian pianist and Koji Miura Japanese clarinettist playing in Italy
 »  Home  »  Culture And Arts  »  Ivana Marija Vidovic Croatian pianist and Koji Miura Japanese clarinettist playing in Italy
Ivana Marija Vidovic Croatian pianist and Koji Miura Japanese clarinettist playing in Italy
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  10/5/2018 | Music , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Concert in Bari, Italy, on 6th, 7th and 8th October 2018

Parva Mundi Duo composed of Ivana Marija Vidović and Koji Miura is a Croatian-Japanese classical music duo which will have a concert on October 6th, 7th and 8th 2018, in Bari, Italy. Their program consists of the pieces of Debussy, Liszt, Faure, Piazola, as well as of Croatian and Japanese authors. Both musicians have recently participated with great success at the Epidaurus Festival in Cavtat (near Dubrovnik) in Croatia, of which Ivana Marija Vidovic is the founder and director.

TURNEJA U ITALIJI ~ kulturna suradnja Hrvatske i Japana

Dubrovačka pijanistica međunarodnog priznanja, Ivana Marija Vidović nastupit će s japanskim klarinetistom u duu Parva Mundi u sklopu tri prestižna talijanska festivala. Riječ je o koncertima u Bariju u Apuliji i to u Salonu Mozart i eminentnom Teatru Forma u Bariju, te u sklopu jesenskog festivala Autunno Musicale u gradu Caserti.

Na repertoaru su djela ponajviše Debussyija i to album za clarinet i klavir Claude Debussyija čime duo obilježava 100.godišnjicu smrti velikog skladatelja impresionizma.

Vidović nije izostavila ni Doru Pejačević čije će minijature biti ukrašene recitacijom vlastitih stihova posvećenih hrvatskoj skladateljici.

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