The musical instrument familiar to the Croatian people for their singing and dancing pleasure is the tamburitza. Without doubt, today, there are more tamburitza orchestras in America, most organized by the Croatian Fraternal Union, than in Croatia. A great deal of credit must be given to Mr. Walter Kolar, Director of the Internationally Famous Duquesne University Tamburitzans. His foresight into the preservation of the Croatian culture in music, song, and dance through junior tamburitza groups, will long be remembered. Prior to his coming on the scene at Duquesne, Mr. Matt Gouze was a leader in this field.

Folk songs usually resulted from an eventful happening in a village. Today, there have been many changes in the words which were handed down from the early generation though the melodies still remain. Festive occasions were known to be times when songs were sung at weddings, christenings, during the harvest seasons, stage performances, or for special days of the year such as Christmas or New Year. Religious songs have left a deep imprint on the Croatian people and hymns for every Church season are still found today all over the world.

Throughout the United States and Canada, many choral, dance, theater and musical troupes have been organized to keep alive the spirit of the Croatian people in the arts. In Croatia today, opera, concerts, and stage plays, are in great demand with the artists held in high esteem.