Killed in Action


Petar Hazdovac born on March 7, 1894 in the village of Blato, Island of Mljet, Croatia went to America in 1912. He lived and worked in Monterey and on  September 1, 1919 he married M. Nielsen born in 1897 in Salinas. They had four children: son John Claudius born 1919, Paul Peter born 1921, Peter Harold born 1923 and daughter Dorothy born 1925. The eldest son John Claudius Hazdovac joined the NAVY in 1941. He was a sailor on the warship "U.S.S. Arizona" which the Japanese sank with the entire crew during the battle of Pearl Harbor in Hawai, December 7, 1941. John Claudius died with more than 1000 sailors and officers.

Adam S. Eterovich