Croatians from the Dalmatian coast and islands and Istria were free Venetian citizens from 1400-1800 while Dalmatia and Istria was part of the Republic of Venice. They attended Italian universities, spoke Italian and considered themselves as part of the Italian states for four hundered years. They preferred Venetian rule over Austrian, Turkish, Hungarian or Serbian domination if it had to exist at all. In San Francisco they participated in Italian societies, newspapers, fishermens associations, bocci ball games as their culture was quite similiar to the Italian and were buried in Italian cemeteries.


Italian Mutual Benevolent Society of 1858

Augustus D. Splivalo as attorney born in Viganj, Dalmatia was an officer and president of the Italian Mutual Benevolent Society of San Francisco. He served as president from 1871 to 1875. Enrico Chevesich was a director in 1864 and Caesar Splivalo was a director in 1874. Velimiro Chielovich was a charter member of 1858.


L’eco Della Patria Italian newspaper of 1859

In 1859 Velimiro Chielovich came to San Francisco and established the Italian paper, still popular amongst his countrymen, L’eco Della Patria, and was a constant and favorite contributor to its columns as long as he lived.  He was no ordinary man. Born in Dalmatia about the year 1838, he was of course of Slavonic origin, but at an early age his parents moved to the city of Trieste. 


La Parola Italian Newspaper of 1863

Augustus D. Splivalo was editor of the La Parola Italian newspaper in San Francisco from 1863-1865. His people were from Viganj, Dalmatia.


Italian Fishing Society of 1878

The newspaper La Scintilla Italiana reported on December 24, 1878: At the meeting that was held on Sunday the 22nd this month, the Italian Fishing Society has appointed its Administrative Counsel for the coming 1879 year. The following members have been elected: President, D. Mengola; Vice President, Frau, Tomasso; Secretary, Sturlese, Nicola; Treasury, Maggio Fortunato; Collector, Maricich, Prospero. Advisors: Ponelli, Salvatore, Sbissa, Giacomo, Pisani Giovanni, Vodanovich Matteo, Pisani, Camillo, Bosiscovich, Andrea, Caccacia, Francesco, Mondaini, Eugenio, Zaro, Ernesto, Cardillo Giuseppe. Of fourteen officers, six were Croatians.


Bocci Ball Champion of 1975

Jerry Cepernich was proclaimed Bocci Ball Champion of San Francisco.