Adam S. Eterovich


The Caribbean and the central and south American coast were the first areas discovered in the New World. Ragusa and Saint Vlaho did appear in commentary, sea charts and maps.

In Sebastian Cabot's voyage to the Rio De La Plata in 1526-30, his map has a bay, Mime Ragoso, or "Just like Ragusa". Some of the mariners and officers in this voyage were Bozo de Araguz, Stephan de Lezna-Lesina or the Island of Hvar, an Esclavon, Stephen de Arva-Arbe or the Island of Rab and Matias Mafrolo-Esclavon. 45


Panama became the transfer point of silver and gold to Spain. On various maps of Panama of that period are San Blas Point, Bay, Mountains and Islands.


In the same general area are Otoque Island, Otok In Croatian is island; Punta Mala in Croatian is small point although mal in Spanish means bad; Golfo de Vraba is mentioned in The First Three English Books on America, It also comments as a place of many birds; Vrabac-Vraba means sparrow in Croatian; I can find no meaning to Vraba or Otoque in Spanish, Italian or French. Saboga Island could mean S Boga or "'with God" in Croatian,